***** must die?
Hello dudes, I have a question.
Ethan must die? Or if I make a bla bla choise he die.
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Hello dudes, I have a question.
Ethan must die? Or if I make a bla bla choise he die.
Ramsay is a prick, so yes, Ethan always dies.
DUDE! Change the bloddy title there are Spoilers in the post but there shouldnt be any in the Title change it to something like ..... must die?
I'm pretty sure Ethan is going down no matter what... Definitely wasn't expecting that though. They're really GRRMing us.
Hopefully the exiled brother lasts a bit longer.
Spoilers in the title, you should change it.
I needed to change the title slightly as it hasn't released on every platform yet and it would spoil the game for some people.
I'm glad to know Ethan dies no matter what, I thought I screwed up in saving his twin. lol Kind of expected from Ramsay. Tho I'm curious to see if the deal I made with him (half of the Ironwood not all of them) is seen through to the end.
Thx :}
But I can't understand who is Cercey, or Ramsay.
I'm curious too. But I think the end is similary.
Fortunely, the moderator chenge it :}
All men must die.
How profound.
Ethan allways die, sadly. I like him.
His dead was a total surprise for me, just like Eddard. Naw I hate Ramsay even more.
George R.R. Martin seems to think so.
Valar morghulis!
my dear ethan must die
no matter what you did 
I thought Ethan's end depends on what i say so i have replayed this game 4 times and realized that he will die no matter what i tried
Yes Ethan will die, but his title (what people think of you) can change depending on how you acted in the final chapter.
Oh. Who you choose Santinel?
Oh cool!
Should'nt be surprized by anything tellTale does to end a episode. But I was sure the "Will the boy live?" Find out next time was coming, then they ZOMBIED him TWD style and hats off TT Somehow did not see it coming Even though we just saw Lord Crazy skin a guy. ( Golf Clap)
I choose royland then i creat another save and choos dukun
Cool! I choose Royland too. :}
I seriously thought I got a game over at first, but then it kept going.
I wanted to share this funny joke about the game that my brother shared with me, and I think it falls under the category of the tittle "***** must die"
Hope you enjoy it :-)
If you're new to the show, Cersei is the Queen of the Lannisters and she is an Incest.
She basically fucks her Brother Jaime Lannister.
Aham, thx!
I guess, technically. She is a Lannister who is Queen would be more accurate. Until her son, the king, comes of age, she rules in his stead since her husband died.
If you die during the game, you get that message.
The only thing that changes is Ramsay will call you brave, wise etc. after stabbing you. I believe your title changes too, but I can't remember.
During my first play through, I called him Lord Snow (for those who don't know, he HATES being referred to as a bastard in any form, and Snow is the surname given to bastards in the north) in order to draw his attention back to me. I figured he would freak out, but I still didn't expect a playable character to die.
Awesome! And how you can be brave?
You either grab your sister away from Ramsay, or basically tell him to fuck off. Then he says you're brave and he has no use for brave little lords.
I watch the show, but haven't read the books. Dose anyone know if Jon Snow is related to Ramsay Snow? The truth of the matter is I don't think know anything about Jon's mother. we know only know some rumors right.