I've already lost hope for Season 2. With this Minecraft announcement, it seems unlikely we will ever get one. I know how you feel, I would have greatly preferred TWAU S2 over Minecraft.
Atleast you guys know you're getting a season 3. Us TWAU fans are in the dark if their is even going to be a season 2 and it's starting to seem more and more less likely now that TTG is working on 4 games.
Oh you, guys...
I just met Sonia in the Russian-Ukrainian social network. I found her on the avatar and immediately knew that this is sh… moree. That's all
And love has no boundaries. Let Gared 20-25, 15-16, and Talia, they can be together :Р
And it was not a hint of some things ;_; sweats
Oh you, guys...
I just met Sonia in the Russian-Ukrainian social network. I found her on the avatar and immediately knew that this is sh… moree. That's all
And love has no boundaries. Let Gared 20-25, 15-16, and Talia, they can be together :Р
And it was not a hint of some things ;_; sweats
No, my name - Jessica and the CIA sent me to keep an eye on this girl-spy. She writes damn good fanfiction and prevents this government.
Да, это реально
Shut up, small son.
My Government has said that I should tempt you to learn the secret of your fanfic and destroy yours and then Sony, but I refused so I need only Sonya. It will be destroyed and her fanfic eliminated.
Coming Perm on this forum. But Sonia should be eliminated.
Shut up, small son.
My Government has said that I should tempt you to learn the secret of your fanfic and destroy yours and then Sony, but … moreI refused so I need only Sonya. It will be destroyed and her fanfic eliminated.
Coming Perm on this forum. But Sonia should be eliminated.
Not cutting our plan, rabbit. They do not need to know what will happen to all soon. they are ours and I will make them eat my oud. It happens Evil smile
Not cutting our plan, rabbit. They do not need to know what will happen to all soon. they are ours and I will make them eat my oud. It happens Evil smile
Not cutting our plan, rabbit. They do not need to know what will happen to all soon. they are ours and I will make them eat my oud. It happens Evil smile
Well, it will probably take few years. I was learning English very long to get to this point, so I believe the same will be with Russian ;P
And whew, I really thought I made a mistake, but you were kidding :P
Well, it will probably take few years. I was learning English very long to get to this point, so I believe the same will be with Russian ;P
And whew, I really thought I made a mistake, but you were kidding :P
Something to help you wait.
Maybe if we watch it 2000093002990382084038990020 times, season 3 will be here by then.
At least now we kind of have a confirmation that season 3 will most likely be released in 2015 and not 2016 since the Minecraft game will also be released in 2015. They're most likely going to release the two games at the same time like they are doing with Borderlands and GoT.
At least now we kind of have a confirmation that season 3 will most likely be released in 2015 and not 2016 since the Minecraft game will al… moreso be released in 2015. They're most likely going to release the two games at the same time like they are doing with Borderlands and GoT.
If they did do more than 3 seasons for TWD, subsequent seasons would have to involve a new storyline and characters. In other words, Season 3 is the end of Clementine's story (not saying she'll die, just we'll stop focusing on her story).
Sure but still it doesn't mean that they'll always make 3 seasons for 1 game. Eventually they can make 4 or maybe even 5 seasons. I'm not saying that TWD will have 5-6 seasons, no. It's possible but It's also too soon to predict anything. :P
Ooooh, so it's Dima.
I so much forgot
Isn't Sonya like 12 and Karnedg like 18?
Oh maybe we'll recreate game of thrones lol
How the hell was I supposed to know? O_o
I feel like shit neow. v_v
Oh you, guys...
I just met Sonia in the Russian-Ukrainian social network. I found her on the avatar and immediately knew that this is she. That's all
And love has no boundaries. Let Gared 20-25, 15-16, and Talia, they can be together :Р
And it was not a hint of some things ;_; sweats
We... We just friends :_: sweats
I've already lost hope for Season 2. With this Minecraft announcement, it seems unlikely we will ever get one. I know how you feel, I would have greatly preferred TWAU S2 over Minecraft.
Disappointed, disgusted, upset, anger..these are things I felt when I heard this.
Did you forget my name-pseudonym? О_о
Yes, but now I remembered
Sawry. :c
Crips speak Russian?
The world has gone mad now.
What's next - Kijara speak Japanese, and Tobi-Joker captures forum?
No, my name - Jessica and the CIA sent me to keep an eye on this girl-spy. She writes damn good fanfiction and prevents this government.
Да, это реально
да, but I don't know it that much
You will never be forgiven for the mistake.
Агент Джессика? Sounds...awesome.
But anyway, hi Jessica XD
Oh wouldn't you like to know what I'm truly capable of.
OMG. Please make that happen.
You don't need an apology, my friend rabbit
Don't lick him o.O
Shut up, small son.
My Government has said that I should tempt you to learn the secret of your fanfic and destroy yours and then Sony, but I refused so I need only Sonya. It will be destroyed and her fanfic eliminated.
Coming Perm on this forum. But Sonia should be eliminated.
Eh, I wouldn't bother. I wouldn't accomplish anything other than thousands of people wanting to shoot me in the face. I'd rather keep my face.
Alright then, Jessica.
Lol, I am calling you Jessica now since it's your real name
Sounds like Telltale after annoucing Story Mode to minecraft
Not cutting our plan, rabbit. They do not need to know what will happen to all soon. they are ours and I will make them eat my oud. It happens
Evil smile
Hi, Jessica. Don't yell.
OOOH, SO IT'S YOUR FACE, JESSICA? You're kinda pretty XD
Oops. It seems now @Crips will ship us :_:
SHUT YOUR UP, sunny !
It's ME!
Actually I'm 17* :Р
Dark throuds
Yourer rusiane sou baed :Р
Я шучу - она удивительна ^^
A little more and Crips will speak in Russian. How soon?
Well, it will probably take few years. I was learning English very long to get to this point, so I believe the same will be with Russian ;P
And whew, I really thought I made a mistake, but you were kidding :P
I hope I will be able to learn English before you level up to the end of 2015 :э
And by the way you are my teacher NOW :Р
ahhhhhhhhhh what the hell?? xD
At least now we kind of have a confirmation that season 3 will most likely be released in 2015 and not 2016 since the Minecraft game will also be released in 2015. They're most likely going to release the two games at the same time like they are doing with Borderlands and GoT.
I think so too. But I also think Minecraft will be released quicker. It may be obvious as heck, but whatever
If they did do more than 3 seasons for TWD, subsequent seasons would have to involve a new storyline and characters. In other words, Season 3 is the end of Clementine's story (not saying she'll die, just we'll stop focusing on her story).