Diplomacy or Defiance

Who did you choose as your Sentinel?

Royland or Duncan.



  • ..the choice isn't between Diplomacy or Defiance; one can be Diplomatically Defiant or Defiantly Diplomatic quite easily.

    It's more about intentional antagonism or not.

    Anyway, I chose Duncan.

  • edited December 2014

    Duncan, even though Maester seemed like he would've been better choice.

  • Duncan master race of course.

  • Duncan. I didn't like the way Sir Royland treated the thief.

  • Sir Royland, I just don't think that you deal with Ramsey from Weakness.
    I cut off the fingers myself, Deserting Thieves need to be taught a lesson, and everyone has to know the new lord is tough.

  • I chose Sir Royland because he seemed to be at odds with how I wanted to approach the situation. I'd rather have someone who disagreed with my personal preferences than someone who was in complete alignment with them.

  • Duncan. He seemed like he might have had a chance to reason with Ramsay. I should've known better....

  • Duncan if Lord Gregor trusted in him something like the North Grove he must be a wise man

  • Duncan, but if we play as Ryon in a episode and he need to choose a new sentinel, I would pick Royland this time.

  • I chose Duncan. I chose him because I was afraid that Royland would make things even more complicated that they're already are. House Forrester is in deep trouble and I wasn't willing to take risks by pissing off Ramsey. Unfortunately, that didn't help me at all.

  • It annoys me that no matter who you pick as sentinel, the other will be too insulted to attend the meeting with Bolton. Very out of character for Duncan and arguably for Royland as well, no matter how much you try to please the one you don't choose. Made me think less of Duncan when I did a couple playthroughs choosing Royland. Duncan can be a big baby.

  • Royland. I thought Duncan was gonna be too soft and not act when we needed to. I wanted the Maester over both of them tbh, he was the perfect blend of both men.

  • The thing with Ramsey, is that you Can't deal with him at all.

    He be crazy!

  • edited December 2014

    I agree. With Duncan and Royland being such polar opposites, I didn't really think either one of them was an ideal fit. That said, I felt like Royland had something to offer with the respect of his men, his willingness to not get rolled over, ect. He was very willing to take action, though that did need some counteraction on Ethan's part. I didn't feel like Duncan gave me anything that I didn't already have on my own... plus I personally value the Maester's wisdom to his own anyway.

    Royland. I thought Duncan was gonna be too soft and not act when we needed to. I wanted the Maester over both of them tbh, he was the perfect blend of both men.

  • I felt the same way. I thought that i placated them both enough that they would at least support Me, if not each other.

    Like really guys, im a 13 year old lord and you are making me scold you? Really?

    It would have been nice if my advisors could be a little less self serving and a little more helpful. I chose Duncan though, for the sole reason that the last lord trusted him more than his own family (apparently), and i really want all the info about the North Grove i can get.

  • i disagree, personally i tried to be a stern lord and agreed with Sir Royland most of the time. Unfortunately it was all for not, but i stand by what i chose.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Duncan. I didn't like the way Sir Royland treated the thief.

  • Lets be honest, with Ramsay it wouldn't have mattered who you chose.

    I chose Duncan. I chose him because I was afraid that Royland would make things even more complicated that they're already are. House Forres

  • Royland because I agreed with what Uncle Malcolm said when you talk to him.

  • I almost wish we couldve chosen malcom. Then the other 2 could just shove their whinging!

    ToriJ posted: »

    Royland because I agreed with what Uncle Malcolm said when you talk to him.

  • Nah Malcom needs to go to Essos. I wanted the Maester more than anyone.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I almost wish we couldve chosen malcom. Then the other 2 could just shove their whinging!

  • It's possible to deal with him, you only have to stay in his good side. (or make him like you somehow)

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    The thing with Ramsey, is that you Can't deal with him at all. He be crazy!

  • I chose Duncan because I didn't care for the way Royland talked down to me when I discussed the subject of Sentinel with him; I need someone who is going to respect my position, not treat me like the young figurehead he can march his soldiers over.

  • I dont really have a lot of trust in the Maesters, and this one in particular was fishing for info from Gared when he first got to Ironrath.

    Nah Malcom needs to go to Essos. I wanted the Maester more than anyone.

  • No, not really. Look what happened to Theon when he tried to make a Deal with Ramsey.
    There is no way you will come out on the winning end with Ramsay Snow. Hes a frikkin psycho.

    Someone should lop his ugly head off.

    It's possible to deal with him, you only have to stay in his good side. (or make him like you somehow)

  • I felt bad for the thief. It's not right what he's done, but people do crazy things when they are desperate.

    monkeyman69 posted: »

    i disagree, personally i tried to be a stern lord and agreed with Sir Royland most of the time. Unfortunately it was all for not, but i stand by what i chose.

  • i went with ser royland because duncan's style resembled too much my own style, so i figured i would have both sides of the coin with me being more diplomatic and him more military.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Duncan. I didn't like the way Sir Royland treated the thief.

  • I haven't played the game myself, but it's a tough decision: I'd want to be defiant and hold my ground, but at the same time Royland is too rash and headstrong, and whether he would obey my commands is questionable (as he does say that he's too young to lead House Forrester). So I'd probably have to go with Duncan and, to avoid contradicting myself, take a middle path between defiance and diplomacy; trying to use diplomacy, but sticking firm to my guns and not being afraid to cause confrontation.

  • Actually ignore this answer. Just realised that I actually missed the final part of the GOT playthrough I was watching and now I'd choose Royland.

    I haven't played the game myself, but it's a tough decision: I'd want to be defiant and hold my ground, but at the same time Royland is too

  • Royland - I went off my knowledge of Ramsey Snow... diplomacy is wasted upon him, and like Malcolm said, we're at war. From Royland's description he was vital for the Siege at Pyke which ended the Greyjoy Rebellion. Someone like that should be by a Lord's side. Especially a Boy Lord who needs all the protection he can get.

  • Kinda off topic, but I'd recommend buying the game yourself. I get it if money is an issue but its really good and you will probably enjoy it more if you play it yourself :P

    Actually ignore this answer. Just realised that I actually missed the final part of the GOT playthrough I was watching and now I'd choose Royland.

  • I probably will get it. I just wanted to watch the first episode to see if its any good.

    Kinda off topic, but I'd recommend buying the game yourself. I get it if money is an issue but its really good and you will probably enjoy it more if you play it yourself :P

  • My sentiments exactly, chose Royland also

    eniac0 posted: »

    i went with ser royland because duncan's style resembled too much my own style, so i figured i would have both sides of the coin with me being more diplomatic and him more military.

  • And the thing is I don't even think his father would mind much if Ramsey was killed, he might react out of formality to get something out of it but I doubt he'd hold any emotional grudge about it.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    No, not really. Look what happened to Theon when he tried to make a Deal with Ramsey. There is no way you will come out on the winning end with Ramsay Snow. Hes a frikkin psycho. Someone should lop his ugly head off.

  • well, they DID grow up together and have most likely known each other longer than anyone else. Royland is some soldier with a tortured and unfair past, yet despite that past chose to serve the Forrestors loyally.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Duncan if Lord Gregor trusted in him something like the North Grove he must be a wise man

  • Lets be really honest, with TellTale Games it doesn't matter who you choose.

    monkeyman69 posted: »

    Lets be honest, with Ramsay it wouldn't have mattered who you chose.

  • Yes! Afterall, Joffrey HATES people questioning him too and hes a king so obviously that logic is sound!

    I chose Duncan because I didn't care for the way Royland talked down to me when I discussed the subject of Sentinel with him; I need someone who is going to respect my position, not treat me like the young figurehead he can march his soldiers over.

  • edited December 2014

    I chose Duncan, although this being a Telltale game I had to return from the start later and choose Royland instead just to witness the consequences.

    And this time I do mean just to witness the consequences. Rarely in such a game had I felt a choice to be so one-sided. I am actually suspecting Royland to be on the service of Ramsay Snow. He is doing everything he can to force a disastrous confrontation.

  • It is interesting how mistrusted the Maesters are. That has serious consequences in the fourth book, with more to come ahead doubtless.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I dont really have a lot of trust in the Maesters, and this one in particular was fishing for info from Gared when he first got to Ironrath.

  • edited December 2014

    Spoiler, don't read if you have not played!!

    When Ramsey said that he is going to take your sister, I chose to protect her, and was killed.
    My question is, for the people who have chosen other choices, were you killed, too? Did the game end there for you?
    I want to know if I should create another save to chose another option, or to not bother.

  • edited December 2014

    Nope, you die anyway and thats where the episode ends. Only thing that changes apparently is what you get called "Ethan the Brave" or "Ethan the Bold" or "Ethan the Wise"

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