_____ shouldn't have been determinant
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed season two extensively. But personally, I believed that there was a ton of missed potential for the cabin group, and Nick specifically. I just finished Season Two, and I was beyond disappointed when I saw Nick's reanimated corpse in Episode 4. The way he died "searching for help" seemed like just a cop-out from TellTale's writers to add shock value. I would be less upset if he died doing something more true to his character, like saving somebody or something. Nick was probably my favorite character in the entirety of Season Two and his death was so lame. He could've at least died in the shootout by protecting Clementine or one of the other group members or something. Even if he is saved in the 2rd Episode he's basically absent from the 3rd Episode. Nick was pretty well developed as a character, and I'm sure that many other people were as disappointed as I am with his determinant status. Anyway, does anyone else have any ideas that would've made Nick's death meaningful, or how he could've contributed to the rest of the season's story?
The shootout would have been better, even if he died first and protected no one it would do more justice than dying a lame death.
I don't mind him becoming determinant, I do mind how he was handled in subsequent episodes. And I would have preferred him to die in the shootout. It could have been when Buricko was about to shoot Luke, Instead of Kenny shooting Buricko in the head, Nick could have tried to to stop him, but Buricko ends up killing Nick, and then Kenny kills him.
I agree completely. It's purposeless to develop a character so deeply just to kill them off in such an effortless way.
Had Nick (or anyone else) died in the shootout then I would have said that Kenny had a pretty good reason to hurt Arvo (I still wouldn't have agreed with it, but that's just me) but as it stands it was really unnecessary for Kenny and his behavior, especially considering that no one died, and everyone on Arvo's side besides Buricko was trying to resolve the situation as peacefully as possible, but it got out of hand when Kenny or Clem shot the zombi find Rebecca and the Russians panicked.
It's still pretty stupid that no one but Arvo's group and sister died. Someone dying would have made it better so Kenny's actions could be seen a bit more reasonable, at least to me.
I don't have a problem with him becoming determinant, it's how he was handled afterwards. I think he should have been able to survive the entire season, die saving Luke, or leave the group. If the writers needed him out of the way so they could focus on the Jane/Kenny fight, they could have done this. If Nick survived, he would try leaving with Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo. When you walk out, you hear him trying to convince them to at least leave some supplies. After Arvo shoots Clementine, you see Nick turn around and kill Arvo. He runs over to Clementine before Kenny comes out and he Is forced to run.
I don't think Nick would have left with Mike and Bonnie. I think he would have been harder on Arvo then Kenny was, he did almost kill Clementine just because she had a bite, a bite that was clearly not from a zombie. Carlos wasn't a very good doctor if he couldn't discern that.
If Nick still Alive/Determinant, He would take the rest of the food with Bonnie and leave with Mike, Bonnie and Arvo.
And kill Arvo for shooting Clem :P
DUDE, i cant agree with this post any more. this may in fact be my fav post on these forums. Nick was a major character, and that determinant status of his probably killed a lot of s2 for me. Like in many videos, he could have replaced mike in a lot of situations (they ARE the same model too, tho i doubt he would have stolen the truck), Nick should have died and/or been determinant in episode FIVE. And he shouldve been the one cabin member to actually survive the story. I love Nick to death, i constantly contemplate if hes my fav char, tho i think i like Kenny a LITTLE bit more, Nick remains one of my favorite aspects of s2 and i wish telltale didnt go with the decision they made with him in the end.
I want Carver to be determinant instead of Nick.
I completely disagree Nick would have left with Mike and Bonnie. Nick's attitude towards Bonnie in episode 3 implies he didn't like her, but he felt very loyal to Clementine. One of Nick's strengths was his unwavering loyalty. I doubt he would have left her and a baby like that, even if he did grow to lose faith in Kenny and Jane.
Personally I think it would have made more sense for him to try and go after Luke on the ice than for Bonnie to have done so, and then died that way.
Here is the question, would Luke leave with Bonnie/Mike if he was still alive? I could see him leaving, because could you imagine the betrayal feels.
I agree...I used to like the idea of Nick trying to leave with Mike and Bonnie, but the flaw in it is that I just couldn't see him up and leaving without taking Clementine and AJ with him. I'd think he'd be especially attached to AJ, Rebecca cared for Nick a lot and I'm sure he cared for her and her family too so maybe he'd try to take care of AJ if he was still alive.
Luke wouldn't try to leave without taking Clem and AJ either, I don't think. I would have liked for Luke to survive so we could just abandon Kenny and Jane and go off with him, the baby, and Bikevo, that would have been a swell as hell finale, maybe.
In episode 5 Luke and Kenny seemed to actually start getting along.
While I do agree Luke can be kind of flakey, he has too much of a hero's streak in him to leave children like that. Like... yeah, he might drop Clem, and ask some obnoxious things of her, but up and leaving a child and baby is too much for him. Also he seemed pretty attached to Jane, so I don't entirely see him running off without her--and we KNOW Jane wouldn't leave without Clementine by that point.
Oh i agree with you that he wouldn't normally act this way. There are a lot of good reasons that you listed, that shows him as the golden boy. Here is what i am saying,
Instead of him dying in the ice , he runs off with the others, throw that unpredictability element in there, he gets scared, honestly i don't blame anyone for wanting to escape Kenny, i think that is a pretty sane thing to want to do. Could you imagine the feels people would have, seeing our golden boy run off with the TWDG's most hated people currently.
I was thinking this as well. Maybe Luke wants Clem to come with him, but Arvo decides to shoot, Luke runs in fear of Kenny's wrath.
I don't think Arvo would have got a chance to shoot Clementine unless Luke decided right on the spot when Clem came out the door that she should come with him, which he wouldn't. If Luke had a plan to leave, I'm sure he would tell Clementine right from the beginning instead of hiding it from her and only deciding to take her if she caught them in the act of escape. And assuming Arvo would also be in on this plan, and know Clementine is coming from the beginning, he'd either end up making amends provided he finds out Natasha had turned, or he wouldn't bother screwing up the entire plan and not shoot her, and then he'd later find out his hatred towards her is misguided because they'd be in a group together and it would have to have come up eventually. Arvo's shooting of her didn't feel planned to me, more like a knee-jerk sort of thing so if she was in on it all along, I think he'd just suck it up so he could get away from Kenny instead of planning revenge on someone who wanted the same thing he does, which is to stay away from Kenny.
I want to write a fanfiction about all of them escaping now.
...Do you think Luke would try and convince Jane to come because I bet he would. Then Kenny would be the only one not invited. 3: I'd leave him a note at least, "Hey you were too violent and obnoxious so screw this, we're all getting outta here. See ya l8r maybe."
something i don't understand is why didn't they just ask Jane (who, could also take clem with her) to join them and leave? No one really disliked Jane but kenny (cant personally understand why they didnt but still) it'd make sense for EVERYONE to leave kenny if they were all scared/disliking towards him
Eh... it would've been overkill, honestly. I'm very pleased with the effect Luke's death had on me. It was horrific and I loved it. The only better way I could have imagined him going out was getting bitten but trying to hide it.
But then that wouldn't have been convenient for the plot.
This is basically the S2 mantra.
And Arvo and Mike
Dude, if Luke was still alive, Kenny wouldn't have beaten Arvo and no one would've left.
Eh, Kenny was looking for any excuse, he would've done it sooner or later.
Maybe, but we can't know for sure.
I agree, Nick should have got such a more meaningful death than the one he was given in Season 2. I think he could have died in the shootout protecting AJ, Clementine, or Luke. Something meaningful, and something quite heroic.
I can see what you mean there, I think Kenny WANTED a reason to take Arvo out, and rightfully so. I don't think Luke would have left Clementine, Aj, Jane, or Kenny behind. My Clem and Luke were bros, Luke seemed to take a liking to Jane, It isn't in Lukes style to leave a baby behind, and by the time they left Kenny and Luke seemed to be on the same page- or getting there. I guess we'll never know for sure but it's always good to speculate! I miss Luke tons, though.
If nick still determinant he would left and become unknown in ep 4, and in ep 5 nick found AJ after Jane abandoned him. #SaveNick
The ONLY slightly logical explanation behind Nick's death is this:
After going to look for help in his weakened state, Nick is bitten by a walker after being unable to see it/fend it off. In his last moments of life, he wedges himself on the fence in order to prevent himself from hurting any of his friends.
I can't even begin to get into how stupidly his determinant status was handled.
That would've been a nice way for Nick to go out
saving Clemmy by taking a bullet/bullets for her. I get too he died trying to get help, but to have seen him die doing somehing heroic after his alternate death in Episode 2 [caused by him chickening out of confessing the truth to Walter] it would've been nice to see that for Nick in the end, instead of us having to chop up his face, and then Jane popping out a screwdriver seconds afterwards for giggles, like 'hey, you could've used but I'm just gonna give it to you now bwaha!' T_T plus that was Luke's buddy, it would've been more meaningful and sad if Luke was there to see him [I mean Jesus, you saw how he was in Episode 2 on the zombie fake out with Nick in the cellar, that would've screwed with Luke head a second time and it being for real] but like I said, poor death.
But I agree by what you said with that the cabin group had wasted potential and I still don't think all of them had to die. But with Nick, yes, there's more they could've done with him and he was a pretty well developed character. Nick shouldn't have been determinant.
I would have replaced Nick's storyline with Mike tbh. There would be more room for him to develop in Episodes 3 and 4, and then when Luke dies he feels he has no purpose with the group so he heads off with Bonnie in Episode 5. Would have been much better than the shitty death he had.