Margery's Dress

When Margery returned from asking Joeffry to favor the Forrester, her dress was ripped/torn. She mentioned to Mira that it needed to be repaired. Do you think Joeffry got physically violent with Margery? I would think that given her family's wealth, having a dress get torn around the collar would not occur. However Joeffry being violent towards Margery would cast a new interpretation of Margery's attitude when she returned. At first I simply thought that Margery was upset because she made an unsuccessful attempt to infuence Joeffry. However if he got physical, that really shows some big repurcussions.



  • edited December 2014

    I found it really interesting because in the show atleast, they never showed or mentioned Joffery being violent to Margery atleast I don't think. In fact Margery was one of the few that could(somewhat) control

  • edited December 2014

    What @JamesDalton1995 said.

  • edited December 2014

    I think it's safe to say he was rough with her.

    (As an aside, I take it you don't have to ask for Margaery's help? I might try not doing so to see what happens)

  • I didnt ask for her help in my first playthrough. You wont get the opportunity to steal the seal or key. In fact the cut scene leaves you in the hall where the coal boy speaks with you. You dont go into margerys room at all at that time.

    Rob_K posted: »

    I think it's safe to say he was rough with her. (As an aside, I take it you don't have to ask for Margaery's help? I might try not doing so to see what happens)

  • edited December 2014

    Thanks for the answer.

    So, just a few options that disappear and a shortened scene then. Of course, I imagine the relationship might be different too with Margaery if you didn't ask for help (given the implication that Joffrey was rough with her because you asked for help, though I did note she appreciates you saying sorry). Or at least there's the possibility there for the relationship to differ anyway.

    Myself, I tried asking both Tyrion and Margaery for help.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I didnt ask for her help in my first playthrough. You wont get the opportunity to steal the seal or key. In fact the cut scene leaves you in the hall where the coal boy speaks with you. You dont go into margerys room at all at that time.

  • Joffrey is arrogant and sadistic, but he wouldn't hurt Margaery before the wedding day, he was playing an ideal king and wanted to deceive her like he did to Sansa.

  • I think Joffrey might have lost his temper and tore her dress in an attempt to make a point, but I don't think he was trying to physically hurt Margaery.

  • Is it worth going into Margaery's room?

    It didn't feel right to steal from her :/

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I didnt ask for her help in my first playthrough. You wont get the opportunity to steal the seal or key. In fact the cut scene leaves you in the hall where the coal boy speaks with you. You dont go into margerys room at all at that time.

  • Joffrey is a little shit...Glad he's getting married soon.

  • I dunno, I can't help but think she might have done it herself... Like, when you leave her room, she seems a bit conflicted and, considering how she manipulates Sansa in her time of need, there is a chance that she tricked Mira...

  • If that turns out to be true I'm going to regret not stealing from her.

    That1Guy posted: »

    I dunno, I can't help but think she might have done it herself... Like, when you leave her room, she seems a bit conflicted and, considering how she manipulates Sansa in her time of need, there is a chance that she tricked Mira...

  • It could be possible that she tore it out herself. She is very manipulating, i think that's her best description.

  • Me too, i hope the wedding day will be in the next episode :D

    Joffrey is a little shit...Glad he's getting married soon.

  • I am wondering, did Margery really ask the King for help? Now I am thinking, she herself said to Mira that there is a limit to what she can do in King's Landing. Would she really risk what influences and power base she has to help her handmaiden?

    As you said, she could have easily have tore it out herself and trick Mira by lying to her that she has asked the King.

    Majda posted: »

    It could be possible that she tore it out herself. She is very manipulating, i think that's her best description.

  • Yes, i think you are right plus it could change the game completely IF she did ask for help. I mean Jesus Jofrey would fire Mira and i think Margery knows how to threat Jofrey and asking help for someone who works for Starks? I don't think she would've done it even if they were married. He threated every single Stark the worst he could, not to mention Ned and Sansa.

    I am wondering, did Margery really ask the King for help? Now I am thinking, she herself said to Mira that there is a limit to what she can

  • I think you give Joffrey too much credit. There is little/no evidence to suggest that the thinks about how to manipulate people.

    fallandir posted: »

    Joffrey is arrogant and sadistic, but he wouldn't hurt Margaery before the wedding day, he was playing an ideal king and wanted to deceive her like he did to Sansa.

  • He manipulated Sansa, didn't he.

    bluebart posted: »

    I think you give Joffrey too much credit. There is little/no evidence to suggest that the thinks about how to manipulate people.

  • More likely the third or fourth episode. The slide for one of them is Cersei with a quote. I forget which.

    Majda posted: »

    Me too, i hope the wedding day will be in the next episode

  • edited December 2014

    That Joffrey makes me so mad I could just....get purple in the face, see what I did there?

  • I think it was the 5h or 4th one.

    Episode 3 is the ice walkers I think.

    More likely the third or fourth episode. The slide for one of them is Cersei with a quote. I forget which.

  • She was turning back into reptile alien and tore the dress. Don't blame king Joffrey.

  • I never noticed her dress was torn when I played. Can anyone tell me where exactly it is torn?

  • Im not sure yet. In my canon playthrough i didnt ask for help, and im ok with that. I dont really trust margery, look what she did to sansa, and i think the stuff she left out was to test miras loyalty after she asked margery to intervene.

    But i dont think we will know if it was worth it to steal for some time...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Is it worth going into Margaery's room? It didn't feel right to steal from her

  • Not really. He acted like his no good self the whole time. Sure he rubbed it in her face when certain characters died, and he did what he could to rub salt in each of her wounds (figuratively of course) but he's never manipulated anyone in any way that wasn't immediately evident.

    fallandir posted: »

    He manipulated Sansa, didn't he.

  • On the front of her right shoulder i believe

    Batomys2731 posted: »

    I never noticed her dress was torn when I played. Can anyone tell me where exactly it is torn?

  • Joffery was wearing the dress and fell over trying to walk in heals and ripped the dress that's all,

  • bluebart posted: »

    Not really. He acted like his no good self the whole time. Sure he rubbed it in her face when certain characters died, and he did what he co

  • ice walkers

    Luke confirmed.

    I think it was the 5h or 4th one. Episode 3 is the ice walkers I think.

  • YES! Joffrey is a cross-dresser!

    Mareko posted: »

    Joffery was wearing the dress and fell over trying to walk in heals and ripped the dress that's all,

  • Her dress was ripped? I never noticed that.

  • RIP Luke you were awesome ;(

    fallandir posted: »

    ice walkers Luke confirmed.

  • This is a really good point. Man, I don't know what to believe anymore...

    That1Guy posted: »

    I dunno, I can't help but think she might have done it herself... Like, when you leave her room, she seems a bit conflicted and, considering how she manipulates Sansa in her time of need, there is a chance that she tricked Mira...

  • Haha

    Butt-head posted: »

    She was turning back into reptile alien and tore the dress. Don't blame king Joffrey.

  • Thanks. Saw it the second time I played, and I can't believe I missed that.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    On the front of her right shoulder i believe

  • No problem, its kinda easy to miss

    Batomys2731 posted: »

    Thanks. Saw it the second time I played, and I can't believe I missed that.

  • Remind me please, what did Margaery do to Sansa? I don't remember much interaction with them besides that time in the royal gardens where Margaery and her grandmother asked Sansa what Joffrey was like. Was there something else?

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Im not sure yet. In my canon playthrough i didnt ask for help, and im ok with that. I dont really trust margery, look what she did to sansa,

  • edited December 2014

    In the books, she was really kind to Sansas face, wanted her to be part of the family and such. And maybe she did really like her, but her and her grandmother were using sansa.
    At first they planned to marry her off to one of margerys brothers who was a cripple (not loras, but they allowed her to believe it would be for a bit), then after the lannisters got wind of the tyrells secret plot to marry her off and use her to get the north, the lannisters married her to tyrion, to do the same. Then the tyrells got in bed with Littlefinger, and used Sansa, first to carry the poison to the purple wedding, and then as a scapegoat with tyrion as the murderers of the king. Olenna was the one to take the poison out of sansas hairnet.

    Obviously littlefinger and the lannisters had alot to to with the latter plots, but the tyrells were very involved as well. Some of it isnt really spelled out, but you cant get hints of all these things on re reads.

    Hope that helps a bit bluebirdo

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Remind me please, what did Margaery do to Sansa? I don't remember much interaction with them besides that time in the royal gardens where Margaery and her grandmother asked Sansa what Joffrey was like. Was there something else?

  • Yeah, except when he said it, he actually believed it. He was not attempting to be manipulative.

  • Well I'm not sure if it was made clear in the show but Cersei wanted/asked Joff to act like that to make Sansa trust Lannisters when there would come a conflict between Ned and Cersei (and Sansa did betray Ned when it happened.) So Cersei was the "mastermind" but Joffrey knew how to play Sansa. Of course Joffrey is not a master of manipulating but still good enough for naive Sansa who wanted to believe that Joff is a perfect prince.

    bluebart posted: »

    Yeah, except when he said it, he actually believed it. He was not attempting to be manipulative.

  • Does all of this happen with Margaery's explicit knowledge? The TV portrays the whole affair as Margaery being genuine while her grandmother was the one scheming, and leaving the arrangements and loose ends up to Petyr.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    In the books, she was really kind to Sansas face, wanted her to be part of the family and such. And maybe she did really like her, but her a

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