Jolene from Season 1...
I'm wondering if someone can clear up for me a question that I haven't really been able to answer.
In Season 1 Episode 2 we come across a woman named Jolene. She obviously knows that the St. Johns are cannibals, and apparently she had a daughter who the bandits took (I think). She says however that she isn't a bandit, and when we watch the video tape Lee found there were bandits surveying the groups HQ when she came from behind and, I assume, killed them (again, I don't really understand what happened).
My question is, who is she: she had Save Lots clothing (which the bandits used to work for I think), lives at a bandit camp (since it has loads of Save Lot boxes and some from the St. Johns) and knows who the St. Johns are. Was she a former employee of the St. Johns who got away and joined the bandits (explaining why she knows where they hide out) but then they took her kid? And how in the hell did she get Clementine's hat?? Did she just sneak in one night and take it? I'd really appreciate if someone could clear things up for me.
Some of that stuff I didn't get but she worked at the Save Lots with the Bandits but later they took her daughter (or the Saint Johns did) and she went on her own, Or at least that's what I think.
When she finds the bandits with the camera looking at the motor inn she calls them "rapists", so I can only assume that they took her daughter and in her dialogue with Lee I do believe that she says that the bandits took her daughter. It doesn't really explain her connection with the St. Johns though, unless she went there as a guest (but neither her or her daughter died, so she must have been with others as well to know that they killed and ate people).
Probably she was with the Bandits when they had a deal and eventually she found out it was Human Meat somehow.
Actually, Jolene was the one surveying the motor inn, which is why the camera zoomed in on Clementine. Presumably, this is after her daughter was taken and she desired to protect another little girl, kind of like the Stranger. The cut to Jolene screaming at the bandits that they're rapists isn't Jolene catching them, it's an edit in the video to a different time wherein the bandits are attacking her, probably back at her camp. You can see the main masked bandit approaching her while she backs up and then steps on or knocks over the camera. Since the guy is still alive in episode 3, we can rule that out as the time Jolene mentioned she killed the men who took her daughter.
As for who she was, like Saltlick said, she was one of the employees who presumably brought her daughter to the shelter of Save Lots during the first few days. Eventually, the rest of the employees went nuts and she either left them to hide out with her daughter back at that little camp, or her daughter was taken first, and she set up a place for her daughter still hoping she'd return.
As for how she knew about the St. Johns, it seems likely that the bandits knew exactly what they were getting from them in the food shipments they demanded, and Jolene probably heard talk of that at some point. Either that, or she may have been watching them at some point and saw them drag a person into their slaughterhouse or something. As for Clementine's hat, yes, she just snuck in at one point while everyone was preoccupied with their work. It's left up to us to imagine.
Her daughter was probably killed and she was most likely scouting the motor inn to "replace" her with Clem.
That took place in Season 1, not Season 2.
I think that the bandits gave Jolene's daughter to the St. John's in return for food. That could explain the clothes in the trough in the barn.
She was most likely never part of the bandits officially. She was probably a save-lots employee who got her daughter taken from her by the bandits, some of which were people she knew that worked there as well, which can explain her "Jake, Bart, Linda and all y'all fucking sickos from the save-lots" and "the people I used to call friends" lines.
After this, she was driven to insanity, and similar to the stranger, set out to get revenge on them. She most likely stalked the bandits, eventually catching wind of their deal with the St. Johns, and managed to 'intercept' some of the dairy packages (aka killed them and took it for herself, which explains why she'd have so many other boxes). From there, she figured out the St Johns were cannibals, and subsequently targeted them as well, hence her "then I'm gonna head down to that dairy and shoot every goddamn person I see" and "it's a lot safer up here than it is down there" lines.
She set out for the bandits initially, then decided to target the St Johns too, because they were just as fucked up as the bandits in her eyes.
But in the footage the first part of the tape has no sound, but after she seems to attack them and she gets the tape recorder she starts talking to herself as she observes Clementine (and her language indicates that she hasn't seen her before). I think it was split maybe into two tapes- one were the bandits were observing the place and she attacked, and then it skipped to her observing Clem. Also, she going towards the camera when she was attacking the (I assume) bandits, so they must have had the camera to capture that- otherwise it would mean that she was observing the motor inn (silently), then somehow the people she attacked had it and were in the same area, and then she took it back. It defiantly wasn't Jolene watching the motor inn the first time.
But the rest I suppose makes sense, though if she only knew about the St. Johns then how did she know that Danny was one of them unless she'd seen them? I'm only speculating, but my guess is she must have known the St. Johns already to recognise them. But I agree with a lot of the stuff your saying, and thanks for explaining the whole hat situation.
Oh sorry, I'm just so use to posting about season 2! XD I'll change that now. Thanks for pointing that out.
Good suggestion. There were loads of clothes, so her daughters could've been amongst the clothes of all the other victims of the St. Johns.
I forgot about that "Jake, Bart, etc." line. Thanks, that explains a lot.
It's a good suggestion- I just have trouble with the fact that she recognises Danny. That must mean that she must've met with the St. Johns before (though then again, Danny doesn't seem to recognise her at all, which rules out the suggestion that she was a victim of theirs or a former employee who escapes).
The Clem hat situation is the trickiest part. In season 1 its constantly falling off of her head or appearing in random tents. Where as in season 2 its been surgically mounted on her head.
The mystery's of Clem's hat....
I know. In Season 2 even falling into a fast flowing river doesn't take that hat off her head.
What i undrstand is that she worked at the Save Lots supermarket (Or whatever it was) and she might have initially been with the bandits but then she realized what they did to survive and tried to get out, possibly they raped her and her daughter (maybe even killed her) and then she started living on his own in that camp we see in the game and went crazy)
The way i took it was, Jolene was a worker at the Save Lots, friends with the bandits. The bandits traded Jolene's daughter to the Saint John's for food. The Saint John's probably killed her and probably ate her. Jolene went crazy and started killing bandits for revenge. They probably ate a lot of people. In the Barn there is a bunch of license plates hanging up on the wall. Like from different states, to me that shows how many targets they probably ate.
That was a big clue to me that they were up to no good. How do you just get a out of state license plate, and for what reason? To me, it was a memento of the crime, its a sign from Serial Killers to take a memento from their victims, plus the clothes inside the barn, everything started piecing together.
Good point. Never considered that the number plates had any significance. Well observed!
If I'm honest about the St. Johns, I thought Andy was okay and Brenda would've been an okay person too, but the apocalypse meant they had to adapt to survive. Danny was a real creep though, probably the only real psychopath out of the three.
Actually, it does have sound. You can hear heavy breathing while the person observes the motor inn, and it sounds like Jolene to me, or at least a woman. I don't think her dialogue necessarily suggests she never saw Clem before, although it can certainly be read that way.
No, we see the back of her legs before she steps back into the camera. We directly see the main masked bandit from episode 3 (and earlier in 2) advancing on her, not being attacked. I think that shot is in the tent at Jolene's camp, since I'm pretty sure there are pillows in the frame from the sleeping bags, and the way it's shot and her dialogue implies that she was raped. It's definitely not right outside the motor inn or during an attack from Jolene, but rather an attack from the bandits, most likely at her camp.
It's not impossible for it to have been the bandits who were watching the motor inn at first, I suppose, but it would be strange considering they didn't care about the motor inn at the time. Like Jolene said, "Bandits got their eye on that dairy. As long as they keep getting food from them, you'll be safe." I guess they could have been scoping it out, but if Jolene did attack them and steal the camera, it wouldn't have been right then and there, because presumably the group would have heard something going on, and plus, the first footage and later footage are either on two different days or hours apart in the same day. Again, not impossible, but everything else seems to bear out the idea that it was Jolene the whole time.
I thought Jolene was a pretty interesting character. Makes me shake my head when some players are so quick to shoot her.
Agreed. I'm the sort of player who will shoot if things start to go too far, but why would anyone just shoot her? She obviously has useful information and something on the St. Johns that they don't want you to know.
Do we? I'll have to rewatch that scene again, I've obviously forgotten what happened.
Maybe it is then
If you stay silent during the 2nd dialogue with Jolene she will mention something about Meat to what will Danny will say ''shut up'', after he kills her you can kill him out on what he said about meat.
Pretty much gives away that they are cannibals but since no one picks silence.
Here's what I think...
She worked at the Save-Lots with the bandits before the outbreak and later she was with the bandits. The bandits raped people and then gave them to the St.Johns for food. Her daughter was given to them and at the point where we see the bandits coming at her that's where they were going to take her to the St.Johns or rape her again. However she probably over powered them or they left and she got a weapon.
I am pretty sure they raped her daughter given what she said ''They were not nice to her, not at all!'' ''They took her to the woods, wouldnt tell me where, SO i killed them and i will wait here until she comes back, one way or another she will come back''
Doubt they gave her to the St johns. I guess she is dead somewhere in the woods.
You just now bring this up with me. :P
Someone had to.
Look at all the comments and I'm the first person you tell this to?
Well to their defense, it would be my natural instinct to take a shot if someone drew on me. I wouldn't even think about it.
Oh yeah well since you are the most recent person here why not tell you ? :P
Its interesting how many little details twdg has.
Fair enough. :P
Telltale does a lot of hard work.
Still, if you pay attention to her dialog you can tell she knows that the St. Johns are demented, even before the option to shoot her comes up. ("I know what you are, and I know what you do.") These players don't stop to think, they just act, which is what annoys me.
I personally never shot Jolene, i never really thought about it. What annoys was like i had no control over things, i wanted to tell Larry that i was Sorry in the Meat Locker, and that he needed to clam down, because I generally liked him, even though he tried to kill me.
Oh obscure question maybe you might know. What happens if you side with Larry on throwing duck out. Does Kenny punch you in the face, and Larry pick you up?
He says something like "Finally someone gets it," and then when Katjaa reveals that there isn't a bite, he actually apologizes to Kenny. He still punches you and Kenny still saves you, but instead of saying "especially a good friend" he says "even if he is an asshole."