Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • This chapter is the sole reason why the Lion King will always be one of those movies that'll bring people together. ;) So awesome.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    There was a buffet of different takeout trays scattered across Gren's counter. Gren and Emily sat on the couch, surfing through the channels

  • Please do! XD I'd grin so hard if you make her chew the stuff!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I'm sure they do, but I don't know if it was around in Victorian times! Not that it really matters - I'll try to keep it in mind for the future.

  • "Well, Gren. You have me here. What is it you want to talk to me about?"

    Gren sat beside his brother; the entire time they sat in silence, Robert had a death grip on his phone. Every minute or so, Robert found his eyes glaring at the screen. A part of him was hoping Lyla managed to sneak away somewhere and would call or even send a simple text message. Nothing all night. Only messages he recieved were those from Rose.

    "Had a blast gettin' to know you, Robby. Hopefully we can meet up soon and hang! ;)"

    Gren sighed, as he downed another shot glass of Moonshine. Holly had a shipment earlier that day and she was dying to see how the taste and texture of the alcohol was. The taste was indeed strong but there was a hint of Apples and Cinamon at the end. Holly, pouring the Grendel brothers another shot, couldn't help but to overhear Robert's lady problems.

    "Why do you even try with those Folker woman." Holly began washing dishes near the sink. "I mean, you know their little government can't STAND the sight of a Fable."

    Gren pushed Robert. "Yeah, ROBBY-why do yu even TRY with-"

    Holly slaps Gren's hand, causing him to pull it back against his chest.

    "OW! Fuck, Holly-that reallly hurts!"

    "Watch it, Gren. Last time I checked, you were hanging around with Carla. Ain't she a Folker, too?"

    "You don't care! You-"

    "I never HAD a problem with those girls. I just don't want any kind of trouble for myself. I don't need ol' Bigby Wolf coming through those doors and expect ME to fill paper after paper, all just to let YOU two get your rock's soft."

    Robert tried to ignore Holly's remark. Indeed, it was trouble having Lyla around but in the end, it was worth it. He truly loved that girl and had every desire to make her his, no matter the cost. Still rubbing his hand, Gren chuckles.

    "So, Robert-ya' think you'll ever fuckin' see her again?"

    Without hesitation, Robert spoke. "I'll cross Hell's fires myself just to be with her. No Folker, Fable or some stupid ancient rule will keep ME away from her."

    "Whoa, big brother." Gren pats Robert on the back. "Now THAT'S some fucking dedication."

    Robert glares over at his now intoxicated brother. "You mean to tell me, YOU wouldn't do that for Carla?"

    "How many times do I fucking have to explain this to you all-she and I are FUCK buddies. It dosen't MATTER."

    "That's pretty sad, Gren."

    "Oh shutup, Robert. Ain't no one asking you for an opinion."

    Holly grabs the bottle and heads to Robert's cup. She pours him another shot. She could immediatly see the hurt and defeat on his face.

    "You can't just, talk to her father? I've seen John with Bigby a few times...he seems like a reasonable guy and-"

    Robert shakes his head. "It's their stupid fucking rules, Holly." Robert presses his forehead to the counter. "No matter what, they'll ALWAYS find some stupid excuse. And I'd hate for Lyla to be punished all because of me."

    Gren gets up and heads to the jukebox. Digging into his pocket, he pulls out a quarter and inserts the change. Withing seconds, music plays in the bar. Gren, shot in his hand, twirls around, grabs a pool stick and grinds himself against the wood.

    "C'mon, Robert. with me..."

    "No thank you, Gren."

    Holly pats Robert's hand. "Go have fun with your brother, sweetie. Don't sulk..."

    "Yeah...ya' heard the lady..." Gren was finding it difficult to stand. "Fuckin' come dance....with meh..."

    Robert did not feel like fighting his brother, so instead, he stood up and headed to the jukebox.

    "Do you love me? Do you love me? Ah do you love me? Now that I can! Watch me now!"

    Gren grabbed Robert's hand. The pool stick dropped to the floor, as Gren began to twist and shout. While clapping his hands, he elbows Robert's side, nearly causing robert to lose his balance.

    "Show Holly your Mashed Potato." Gren almost falls backwards and into the wall.

    Robert could feel his cheeks turning red from embarassment. "No....that's alright..."

    Holly claps as well. "Oh come on, Robert. Its just us."

    Holly and Gren were focused on Robert's attempts to dance, they didn't see the front door swing open. The girl in the blue jeans, green teeshirt and red high heels couldn't help but laugh at this poor Fable try to dance. He looked like someone trying to put a fire out on his shoe.

    "Yeeeah!" Gren, now sitting on the floor, tried dancing in place. "Shake your groove thing, brother! YEAH!"

    Perhaps it was the alcohol or the sound of the music but Robert soon found himself doing the twist and not giving a care in the world. From the corner of her eye, Holly noticed Lyla, trying to contain her laughter. Holding a finger to her lips, Holly nodded and returned to clapping. Lyla tried to sneak around without either Gren or Robert seeing her.

    "Do you love me? Do you love me? Now that I can dance! Work it out, baby! Work, work!"

    She began dancing beside Robert; Gren noticed her and automatically laughed and spilled his drink all over his pants. Robert turned to see his beauty shimming and twisting beside him. He was lost for words, as she grabbed his hand and tried to do the Monkey.

    "My dad was the KING of the Swing back in the day. Well, at least that's what Malcom said."

    Was this a dream, thought Robert, as he watched Lyla swing her arms and hips in complete circles.

    "Come on, Robert! Don't stop!"

    Taking a leap of faith, he grabbed Lyla by the hips, swung her around and procceded to dance. Lyla carefully placed her hands on Robert's chest, as he placed his on her hips. Her intoxicating smell. Her beautiful lips, eyes and smile. It wasn't a dream.

    " did you-"

    "My sister is a sneaking-around-the-city kind of gal, Robert. Sneaky little thing..."

    "I missed you-"

    Lyla looks down at his arm. "Should you really be dancing like this, though? I saw what they did and-"

    Despite the pain growing around his midsection, he carefully placed his index finger on Lyla's lips.

    "Let's keep dancing...."

    And so, they did. Robert and Lyla enjoyed their moment.

    Both unaware the Council was hard at work preparing for her 'cleansing.'

    Any questions or comments, leave them below. I hope I got the 'cleansing' part right. XD

  • D: Don't leave forever! No!!

    But, if you truly must, goodbye, Tetra :( We'll miss you here, man. Your stories were great and the incorporation of it all was phenominal. Have a good holiday bro!

    Tetra posted: »

    Goodbyes Tetra woke up in his apartment in the woodlands, realizing that today was the day he was leaving and this time not returning....

  • Oh, this is very sad news. :( I've really enjoyed reading your stories and meeting your characters, as well as our conversations. As Dragon says, hopefully it isn't because of something bad. If you are able to visit every now and then that'd be nice. :) If not, though, I wish all the best to you!

    Tetra posted: »

    Goodbyes Tetra woke up in his apartment in the woodlands, realizing that today was the day he was leaving and this time not returning....

  • Hopefully nothing severe has occured but we understand; you must take care of whatever it may be going on in your life. :)

    You do have a place here on the 'create your own fable' thread, no matter what. Like Dragon said, you are always welcome here. Makoto and the gang will surely be missed. :(

    Tetra posted: »

    Goodbyes Tetra woke up in his apartment in the woodlands, realizing that today was the day he was leaving and this time not returning....

  • Yeah :( It's bad but it could be way worse, Whenever I can get everything a-okay and running smoothly I'll be sure to check in though! :)

    You're leaving? I hope it isn't because of any bad real life problems you've got going on... Either way, I hope you'll come to visit from time-to-time in any case. You're always welcome here!

  • Haha! I wish I wasn't but yeah :( Thanks EMMY! :) If I ever do get the time to visit I better see some good stories lined up ;)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Don't leave forever! No!! But, if you truly must, goodbye, Tetra We'll miss you here, man. Your stories were great and the incorporation of it all was phenominal. Have a good holiday bro!

  • It's bad but it could be worse. I've enjoyed our conversations too Lupine. I appreciate your kindness :) I will try to do so down the road and if I do I better see some good mysteries ;) but if luck is not on my side again then I wish you the same :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Oh, this is very sad news. I've really enjoyed reading your stories and meeting your characters, as well as our conversations. As Dragon sa

  • I won't say just yet who is the one killing the Fables and after Halfers. Without giving spoilers, I won't say anything in regards to either Amber OR Tracy.

    Gren came off as a guy with a short temper; it even said in his bio that he's a ticking time bomb but is VERY loyal to those that show him respect and give him space. Emily just happens to be one of those people. :) He loves Emily.

    And yes, its a late night job; I'm exhausted but we need the extra $$$. Although working at an actual graveyard maybe exciting, I agree...they are spooky! XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Hmm, it must be either Amber or Tracey, then. I know you've probably written the reveal below, but I want to see how things get there so I'm

  • How random is Gren in this! XD AND Robert!!! lol

    I'm glad that Lyla came back. and are right about the cleansing. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    "Well, Gren. You have me here. What is it you want to talk to me about?" Gren sat beside his brother; the entire time they sat in silence

  • I hope luck is on your side, Tetra. :) Heh, I'll keep you in mind when I'm writing. ;)

    Tetra posted: »

    It's bad but it could be worse. I've enjoyed our conversations too Lupine. I appreciate your kindness I will try to do so down the road and if I do I better see some good mysteries but if luck is not on my side again then I wish you the same

  • It's nothing too severe and hopefully when it gets sorted I'll be able to say hi :) Thank you pudding I appreciate it :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hopefully nothing severe has occured but we understand; you must take care of whatever it may be going on in your life. You do have a pl

  • Thanks Lupine :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I hope luck is on your side, Tetra. Heh, I'll keep you in mind when I'm writing.

  • edited December 2014

    Nice touch with the picture references, and you may need to edit out the last paragraph in part 1 of chapter 10 since you have it in both parts.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Halloween is finally finished! xD Okay, it ended for everyone else about a month ago, but, you know, I'm a slow writer. And a worn out one -

  • Ahahah! The hug scene in the hospital was classic! And Mr. Weasel, you dapper fellow you! Getting Cindy to easily accept you for training. ;)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Unsure what to say or do, Cindy remains still and holds the gun. There's a deafening roar behind her and a blur above her: the body of Sprin

  • "Nobody panic, nobody panic!" Tim's nervous voice spits out into the air as the room is a frenzy of activity. Harmony is a mixture of surprised, angry, and happy all in one as she's helped of the couch.

    "You got amniotic fluid all over the couch," Charming tsks, crossing his arm. His wife narrows her eyes, telling him to chill it with the rude remarks.

    Harmony, now on her feet, starts walking past the crowd of excited people.

    "What're we gonna do?" Ash asked, tossing aside her gifts and standing to help her mother. She grabs one of Harmony's arms and follows her to the doorway. Suddenly, Harmony bends over in pain, her hands pressing tightly across the lower part of her stomach.

    "Ahh-ah-ah!" She yelped. "A contraction. Lord in heaven above, that hurt!"

    "How many seconds was that one between the last one?" Snow asks. She's on Harmony's other elbow, helping her out of the living room and down the hall.

    "I don't know," She says. "I didn't think I was having contractions until now. My pain tolerance has gone up over the years."

    Bigby grunts a laugh, then says,"Well, there's no way we're makin' it to Swineheart's in time. Plus, it's snowing, again."

    "He's right," Snow says. "We're going to have to put you in a bed somewhere."

    They lead her down the hall, past the front door and the stairs. The spare rooms downstairs branch off in the west wing of the house, six in total. The first one on the right was Ambrose's, but she needed to lie pronto.

    "I'll just...move mine and Lake's stuff, is all," He mutters, shuffling across the room as Harmony painfully sits down on the edge of the bed. He quickly leaves, his face turning a queezy color green.

    "Damn, the kids aren't even popping out yet and he's getting sick. What will happen when he starts having his own?" Snow says, pulling the robe off of Harmony's arms. Harmony lies down as Ash stuffs eight million pillows for support under her back.

    "Okay Mom....I skipped all my health classes, what do we do now?"

    Harmony clentches her teeth, trying to survive another bout of contractions. Her eyes closed tight, she utters the words,"You get Swineheart here. Now."

    "But-..." Ashlyn pauses, watching her mother let out deep breaths. Her hands raise, she shouts a few words, and a bright flash comes from the mirror. Mary's tired head pops through.

    "You called mamajamba?" Mary looks at Harmony, her expression going from tired to completely shocked. "Well, shit. I guess I'm getting the doctor?"

    "Please, and hurry!" Harmony yells at her. She squeezes the sheets under her hands as Snow pulls her pajama bottoms off. Ashlyn looks away, embarrassed to see her mother so exposed. A few minutes pass and Tim finally reaches the room, a bowl with various medical supplies in one hand and his crutch in the other. "Sorry it took so long-"

    "Tim, I need you over here NOW!" Harmony spat the last word out with pain, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. Tim gives the supplies to Snow, who sets them on the end table. He grabs his wife's hand, sitting on the edge of the bed and letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

    Ashlyn tries distracting herself. "Do I have a job, Gramma?"

    Snow nods. "Go get some warm water in another bowl, with a wash rag to put across your mother's forehead. Please."

    Ashlyn scurries out of the room, just as Mary returns.

    "I got him, but he's pissed," She says. "He was passed out in his office with a few lovely nur-"

    Swineheart's voice cuts her off as he climbs through, the wisps of his white hair in a messy tangle as he walks in. His lab coat has a few dark stains on it, but he seems otherwise sober for the moment. In his hand is a medical bag, and he sets it down near the bowl Tim brought a minute earlier.

    "Alright, Harmony," He says. He takes his stethoscope, lifting her shirt across her belly. "Do you want to change into a gown? I brought a few."

    "Thank you," She says inbetween huffs of pain. She gets up, walks into the bathroom, and emerges again with the gown fastened neatly. She gets back into her spot, with the help of Tim and Snow, and leans backward more as Swineheart examines her.

    "Wow," He says. "You've dilated very quickly. These pups want out today, that's for sure."

    "Just make the pain stop," She whines. Harmony feels an IV poke into her arm, though it doesn't faze her in the least bit. She watches as her best friend returns from the mirror, crossing the room nonchalantly and takes a seat on the armchair nearby. She scoots it across the wood floor, crossing her arms smugly and propping her feet up on the edge of the bed.

    "You can do it, Harm. I believe in you!" She jokes.

    "Mary, if you want to survive the next hour, I suggest you keep your jokes to yourself until after I've birthed four cubs."

    Mary snaps her mouth shut, wary of Harmony's threats. She doesn't make them often, and when she does, you should be smart and listen. Mary smiles widely as Swineheart lifts the gown, fixing her legs in a birthing position.

    "Alright, the first baby is already crowning. I can see his or her head....I need you to push in 3, 2,1!"

    Harmony obeys, the memories of her first born litter filling her mind. She remembered how long it took then, and groaned. "Let's get this...over....with!" She said, in between painful grunts.

    "A boy!" Snow says as the baby comes out. His light brown fur is wet and gross, his little wolfy cries filling the air. Doctor Swineheart hands the baby to Snow, who wraps him in a clean towel while Time walks over to cut the cord.

    "My little Jason," Tim says, grabbing hold of the baby's slimy fingers. "Oh my god, Harmony! He looks like me!"

    Harmony ignores his remarks, but willingly accepts the baby as Snow hands him to her. She cradles the boy in her arms, tears streaking her cheeks. The baby calms down a tiny bit, but is otherwise placed back in Snow's arms as she prepares to push again in a few minutes.

    Bigby runs into the room now, his hands grasping an old pack-n-play. With the help of Ashlyn, who'd forgotten the water, he sets it up in the corner of the room.

    "Will it be enough?" He asks.

    "Certainly," Snow replies. "They're very tiny." She has a concerned look on her face. She whispers the last bit into Bigby's ears alone. "Much tinier than they should be."

    Bigby grimaces away from Harm's face and does what he's told, leaving the room to get the diapers and the clothes and anything else you would need to nurture a newborn. Ashlyn, his assistant, follows close behind.

    Another round off pushing produces a little baby girl. "Adeline," Tim says, his face frozen in an eternal smile. She's got no fur, just wisps of dark brown hair. She's about the same size as the first cub, very small. They wrap her in another blanket, cut the cord, while Snow is busy putting a diaper on the first cub. She hurries over when she's done swaddling him, and does the same with the baby girl that was just born. Of course, Harmony got to hold Adeline for a minute, before resting herself for a moment.

    Side by side, the first two born laid in the crib, squirming with their eyes closed shut from the brightness of the bedroom. Small, so very small. After all, Harmony had another month left in her pregnancy. Swineheart continually went back and forth to tending to the babies and to Harmony.

    "Are you ready for number three?" Fifteen minutes had passed, and Harmony was practically falling asleep from the amount of energy loss. She softly nods, her head falling to Mary's side of the bed. Her friend stands, getting a better look at the end of the bed to see the next baby.

    Harmony pushes again. The quickest to come out, little Jessamine wails with blond fur all over her body. She reminds Snow about Therese, who looked similar at birth. She's a slight bit bigger than her first two siblings, and much squirmy than them too. They clean her up as they did the last two, and set her next to her siblings in the cot.

    The last one. Harmony, nearly all her energy spent, sits up as best she can. Tim supports her, his arms around her as she squeezes the last amount of energy in a single push.

    Another little boy comes out. Silent.

    Swineheart's panicked face goes completely straight as he lifts the boy up slowly. Human in appearance, with dark black hair on his head. No, not completely human. Little bits of fur curling down his back and arms, but still has exposed skin on his hands and face and lower legs. Swineheart cuts the cord faster than a samurai in Kill Bill ever could, and begins performing CPR on the unresponsive infant.

    Harmony's heart has completely dropped. Unable to cry out or anything, she faints on top of Tim, whose eyes have begun to well up intensly. The rest of the room is in a suspenseful silence as Swineheart does what he can.

    The baby chokes out a cry, clear liquid releasing from his little mouth. Gabriel squeezes his eyes shut, his arms shaking from the air.

    A deep breath of relief escapes every individual in the room, all except Harmony.

    Snow takes the baby boy as Swineheart checks Harmony out.

    Tim, panicked again, gets out from underneath his wife. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is shallow. Swineheart takes his stethoscope, listening to her lungs and her heart.

    "She's just passed out," He informs them. "Let her rest. As for the babies-" He jerks his head to the play pen, where the four babies move their little legs and arms. Mary is crouched on the floor beside the pen, her eyes staring intently at each child with glee and astonishment.

    "I'm an aunt again!" She says slowly, first at a whisper but with increasing volume. "Look at them all! Goddamnit, I want one of my own again. Hans will never say yes-.....But.....with a little tequila-"

    "Mary, what did I say?" Harmony's slightly slurred voice escapes her breath. "Not until-"

    "But they're all born!" She says. Harmony lifts her head suddenly, as if the last half and hour had not happened.


    "All four of them are here," Tim says proudly. "Two boys, two girls, all of their toes and fingers accounted for. Healthy. Alive. All of them."

    Swineheart cleans things up with the help of Snow, fixing the blankets over top of Harmony who is now holding the last baby in her arms. Gabriel Ambrose. His tiny eyes open, looking up at her face silently as he breaths. In and out. In and out. She runs her finger across his soft cheeks and lets another tear escape the corner of her eye.

    Four bouncing babies on Christmas Morning. Again, what an eventful day.

    I had to. It was a requirement set by my brain to do this. I hope you liked it, if you have any questions go ahead and ask <3

  • Whelp-...I have some INTERESTING plans with that, to say the least. Glad you liked it (And the puns. I love puns.) And don't forget to check out the other chapter's I've written! No one seems to be commenting much lately, but that's okay, I don't mind. Even if no one read them, I would still like writing on here :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Pun-tastic! xD This is a handy remainder of where everyone is. I'm curious to see who Robbie has a crush on, and it's fun reading about them!

  • "Look at them all! Goddamnit, I want one of my own again. Hans will never say yes-.....But.....with a little tequila-"

    I nearly pissed myself reading this part. xD I think the keys on my laptop are sticky as I dropped the soda. Loved it!

    Awww! Babies! <3 Welcome to Fabletown, little Harm and Tim babies!! Harm's first litter will be a wonderful help to their new siblings. What a wonderful gift to receive during Christmas. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Nobody panic, nobody panic!" Tim's nervous voice spits out into the air as the room is a frenzy of activity. Harmony is a mixture of surpri

  • Who does not like a good old fashioned sing-along from 'The Lion King'? :D Even a sour puss like Gren can't help but sing to the oh so familiar tune!

    This chapter is the sole reason why the Lion King will always be one of those movies that'll bring people together. So awesome.

  • Question to my lovely friends of Tale Tell of this thread. Do we get graded on our work and if we don't finish a project in time does that mean it will never be read till soon? Like I'm still working on mine and I fear it won't be finished by Christmas. I'm trying to make her journey epic and stuff. I want her to at least have a christmas adventure before going into the next journey which will probably be valentines day XD.

  • Deer life. My, my, my, the puns are quite windy this year. ;)

    Overall, Reynard as a mock Santa has certainly made me smile! I hope you enjoy reading this City of Bones too, Elora! XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    A Visit from St. Reynard 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a wolf. The

  • edited December 2014

    Oh shit! What an eventful Christmas indeed! I loved that the presents were appropriate for each cub as well, I can just see Ash rocking out to System of a Down or Disturbed or something. XD

    Besides, Sarah Jane is totally bae. Thankfully for Noah he got his Christmas wish. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "GOODMORNING EVERYBODY IT'S CHRISTMAS GUYS!" Elora's voice fills the halls. The sounds of feet running up and down past Harmony's door stirs

  • edited December 2014

    If you don't finish your story by Christmas, don't worry. I normally have my challenges open for everyone to do until the next month starts. So, in other words, you have until the 31st to try and finish it. However, if you don't finish it by the 31st, don't fret - I plan on mentioning every user that has participated in my Christmas challenge for the upcoming Fable Storyteller Award discussion I'm currently making.

    Question to my lovely friends of Tale Tell of this thread. Do we get graded on our work and if we don't finish a project in time does that m

  • Good job Harm, you've done well on this fantastic Christmas day. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Nobody panic, nobody panic!" Tim's nervous voice spits out into the air as the room is a frenzy of activity. Harmony is a mixture of surpri

  • I knew that would make a few laugh XD I laughed myself writing it! I've been itching to have them born for AGES, but I figured I should wait just a little before they're born. Definitely nothing like the first birth, by far! Now we just gotta wait a few months for Scarlett's baby, then everything will be awesome :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "Look at them all! Goddamnit, I want one of my own again. Hans will never say yes-.....But.....with a little tequila-" I nearly piss

  • "Thank you, Tezoth! It's great to see you out and about, by the way! I forgot to tell you, Rose asked if you were around just a little while ago. You can meet her by her Castle, I'm sure."

    Harmony appreciates it XD I'll write more soon, I have some new plans that'll be done as the New Year approaches :)

    Good job Harm, you've done well on this fantastic Christmas day.

  • Alt text

    "Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."

    "Yes, dad. I'm bloody just fine. No, he's not....WOOT!? Oh for fook's sake, dad, really!?"

    Emily, with her feet propped up and a pillow behind her back, tried to find a comfortable spot on the lumpy mess Gren called a couch. While in the kitchen putting the leftover takeout in the fridge, Emily attempted to 'speak' to her father; Georgie was not too pleased that not only did a Folker try to murder his daughter but now she was at a man's apartment that didn't quite manage to join the Porgie fan club.

    Emily sighed deeply, as her father's notorious ranting continued. She held out the phone and playfully mocked her father. Gren, nearly dropping the container of soap, erupted into a rather joyous laughter.

    "The fook is that, Emily? Is he harrasin' ya'? Woot the fook is he doin' ta' ya'-"

    "Nuthin', dad. He's cleanin' up the bloody kitchen. We had dinner and-"

    "Did ya' check the food, in case the muthafucka' put in one of those little pills!?"

    Emily rolled her eyes; half the time her father spoke just to hear his own rather loud voice. Emily KNEW her father would never think such horrible ideas but that seemed to be the road he was traveling on these days. She tried to contain her laughter. Gren, still at the sink, peeked over the nearby Beer bottles and flashed Emily a smile.

    "He being his usual stubborn self?"

    "Ya' have no fookin' idea." Emily covers the mouth piece. "Ta' be honest, think he's more pissed that I'm HERE and not with them."

    "Well, you'll be safer here. What Folker is going to look at Gren's apartment for Emily Porgie?"

    There were times Emily found herself wondering about the man standing in the kitchen. He was mysterious and even being around him for periods at a time, Emily still did not have a firm grip on WHO Gren truly was. He was forever changing and although many would throw their hands up in frustration and leave, Emily and a few others seemed to stay.

    She, despite the words that flew from her lips, adored Gren; even at a young age, Gren was always her favorite and would squeal with delight when she knew he'd make his presence. Knowing what Carla did, however, seem to bring grief into her heart and soul; that was something Gren secretly wanted and it was her own aunt that took it away from him. Blind sided the man with horrible and disgusting lies.

    Still listening to her father's concerning rants, Emily suddenly felt angry. Why would someone drag another human being along just for their simple, sick amusment? Many mundies and Fables did partake in such things like Hookers and one night stands; according to Carla, this is how she and Gren met and became 'fuck buddies.' Now as an adult woman in her late twenties, she couldn't comprehend WHY would someone like her aunt Carla, who was promiscuous from the start, even bother with a relationship?

    "Emily...'ello? Emily, sweetie-"

    Emily, returning to reality, held the phone back up to her ear. She felt the sudden urge to break down.

    "Yeah...I'm still 'ere."

    Georgie sighs heavily. "Ya' sure ya' gunna be alright there, love? 'Cause ya' mutha' and I would love ta'-"

    "I'm fine, dad. Gren's place is safe and ain't no one gunna find me 'ere. Peter and Ethan left to investigate the club and-"

    "I'm so sorry, love. I'm so sorry...."

    Emily could feel the burning sensation to cry. "For woot, dad?"

    "Fa' givin' ya' that fookin' club. Ya' mutha' was right all along. I...I should 'ave sold the bloody thing when I retired....ya' kids neva' should 'ave been the one's ta' take the fall..."

    Emily finally allows a single drop to trail down her cheek. Wiping his hands, Gren notices her sudden change in behavior. Walking over to the couch, Gren sits beside Emily, takes off his jacket and wraps it around her shoulders. He then lays his hand gently on her knee and caresses her cheek with the other. It tore him to bits seeing her this way.

    "It was neva' ya' fault, dad....and I KNOW it ain't just the fookin' club ya' be sayin' ya' sorry for. I don't blame ya'....fa' anything..."

    "I love ya', me Emily. Ya' too much like me, love. Please...stop and look around ya' for a minute. REALLY look around and see all the things that are truly meant fa' ya'. Ya' are a beautiful, smart young lady with so much fookin' potential. That club..."

    "I love ya' too, dad. Tell mum...tell her I love her too fa' me."

    "I will, love. Ya' be safe now. Love ya'."

    Emily allowed her father to hang up first; the eerie beeping sound echoed in her ears, as Emily continued to hold the phone up high. Gren took the item from her hands, placed it on a nearby table and forced Emily to bury her face into his chest. Emily inhaled deeply the smell of Gren's shirt; it was a mixture of laundry detergent and his cologne. Gren carefully stroked Emily's hair.

    "Do you need to talk?"

    "No...just...can't see why this is happenin' now, is all."

    Gren sighs. "Well, you're safe now. Just....fucking relax and-"

    "Why did you really go back, Gren? Ya' didn't have ta' apologies. I could be at the morgue right now, bloody next ta' Felicia and all me other dancers. But ya' came back....why?"

    Gren asked himself the same question as he strolled down the dark streets and back to the strip club. It all vanished, however, when he noticed the puddles of blood, destroyed interior and Emily knocking on Heaven's door. Gren suddenly pictured the antsy little girl in the Bowler hat, begging him to watch 'The Ninja Turtles' and eat Lucky Charms with her. He didn't see Georgie, nor did he have hatred for the little girl. Now a young woman in his arms, Gren couldn't find a single thread of hate.

    No matter how hard he tried to pretend, Gren loved Emily. He sincerely loved Emily Porgie.

    Gren, swallowing back the tears and a knot growing in his throat, he contiued to hold Emily against his chest.

    "I came back because I was sorry. I didn't mean to hurt ya', Ems. Guess I forgot for a fucking second who the fuck I was dealing with. was never you kids' fault for me and your father's feelings towards one another. Guess it was easier to take it out on YOU, than it fucking was on him..."

    Emily understood. She buried her face deeper into his shirt. Gren's jacket was still tightly wrapped around her shoulders. For a moment, it felt as if both were in a cocoon; nothing could come in and harm them, allowing the two to pretend for awhile. Emily felt Gren's lips press against her head.

    "Take the hat off, Ems..."

    Emily looked up. "Woot did you say ta'-"

    "The hat. Your hair....take it all down."

    Emily did so, as she tossed the hat onto the other side of the couch and removed the hair tie holding her long black hair back. Gren watched as the long strands cascade along her shoulders and neck. He took his fingers and ran them through the thick locks. Emily closed her eyes. A rush of pure emotions, something she never experienced before, fell over her body like a sudden change in the wind.

    Vivian, sitting in the far corner, could only twinkle. In her heart, Vivian knew Emily had a much bigger purpose in this world than to be what her father once was. She continued to view Emily, now with her eyes closed, pinning her head against Gren's chest, as he became lost in her world.

    The way his green eyes looked said it all to Vivian.

    Ethan and Peter scanned the Pudding n' Pie. So many memories. This place in itself had become a legend within the walls of Fabletown. Peter, smoking his fifth cigarette in thirty minutes, examined a rather large puddle of blood near the exit. The dressing room had bloody hand prints on both the wood and knob; inside the room, however, was no better. They found three deceased dancers, all with their blood drained and the exact same message in blood, written on the wall.

    "Fuck..." Peter rubbed his eyes. "Just what the fuck is going on, Ethan?"

    Ethan, eyes wide, stood before his father's old chair. Blood stained the fabric, as all he could picture was his sister. If Gren had not returned...

    "I'm not sure, Peter....Did, umm....did aunt Mary say-"

    "She should be here in a few." Peter pauses to sniff. "I smell a faint hint of Kiwi again."

    "I couldn't tell if Amber had-"

    "No." Peter continues to sniff the air. "I didn't smell Kiwi on her."

    "We going to Swineheart's after this to look at the bodies?"


    Not on the top of his list. Peter wanted this to be a terrible nightmare but as he continued walking along the familiar building, he knew all too well this was reality. The heavy smell of copper made it that way. There was a pair of headlights, now slowly scanning over the brick walls of the entrance. Peter took out another cigarette. Number six.

    "Aunt Mary is here..."

    "Did you ever find out WHY she want's to help us-"

    "We need ALL the help we can get, Ethan. Aunt Mary has a lot of useful information, too, as far as Folker laws and shit like that go."

    Wearing a gray suit and her dark brown hair pinned back, Mary enters the club.

    "Hello, boys. Ready to get this party started?"

    Peter lights his cigarette. "Looks like someone beat us to it, aunt Mary..."

    Mary opens her briefcase. "Well....let's get started, than."

    Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before I need to take a shower and to bed. Thank God the school is closed this week due to Christmas. So tired. :( Emily is continuing to kick mommy around but she is growing like a weed and healthy. Can't wait to see her. :) The days I feel like giving up, I see her and think it will all be worth it.

    Speaking of babies, this was indeed fun to draw on my lunch break last night. xD

  • Thanks for pointing it out!

    Nice touch with the picture references, and you may need to edit out the last paragraph in part 1 of chapter 10 since you have it in both parts.

  • Heh, yeah, I'm looking forward to writing the date between those two! Not sure when I'll get it done, though - need to recharge my writing batteries. Anyway, hopefully we'll see some more of Faye soon, which would no doubt help. ;) And thanks for reading, Dragon. :)

    Ahahah! The hug scene in the hospital was classic! And Mr. Weasel, you dapper fellow you! Getting Cindy to easily accept you for training.

  • Hmm, block capitals and italics? Those really must be some plans! Yeah, puns are the best xD. I certainly will check them out! Noticed people aren't commenting much, too - I guess it's busi(y)(?)ness . I don't always comment when I've read something but I think it's fun to talk about what the person's written and how you've read it, so it's a shame. Glad to hear you'll still write though. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Whelp-...I have some INTERESTING plans with that, to say the least. Glad you liked it (And the puns. I love puns.) And don't forget to check

  • There's a deafening roar behind her and a blur above her: the body of Spring-Heeled Jack catapults through the air, impacts on the ceiling with such a force cracks in the stone strike out, and then falls to the floor with a tremendous thud.

    Can I tell you what a wonderful image to picture! THIS right here is why your stories are fun to read. :)

    Mr. Weasel looks straight at her. “Would you, erm, mind teaching me how to properly use one?” There's a weak smile on his face that slowly rises in unison with the corners of Cindy's mouth.

    “Certainly,” she replies coolly, then winks. “It's a date.”

    Damn, Weasel! No hesitation! xD

    Plus, that ending! What a fun way to end a tale. :D Also, Scooby Doo was a fav of mine as a child, so props to that!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Unsure what to say or do, Cindy remains still and holds the gun. There's a deafening roar behind her and a blur above her: the body of Sprin

  • Gren sure is getting about the place in your and Pie's stories at the minute! Anyway, what's Maury? Is it one of those shows that do, shall we see, "family counseling" on television?

    JJwolf posted: »

    "Look at the hair! Look at the nose, the mouth; the ears, the hairline, the everything!" Rose, bowl of popcorn in her lap, sat and watche

  • Glad it was entertaining! xD Yeah, maybe Weasel was still under the effects of some anesthetic when he said that! But I didn't think Cindy would be too keen on someone who just went backwards and forwards while trying to say what they want to say, if you see what I mean?

    There was a mention of trying to fit Scooby Doo into the story, or reference it or something when Dragon wrote about the challenge, so I thought it'd be fun to add. :D Thanks for reading, Pie. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    There's a deafening roar behind her and a blur above her: the body of Spring-Heeled Jack catapults through the air, impacts on the ceiling w

  • We TRY to keep him on the same level; would hate to have Gren one way and he have him in another. Well, guess that wouldn't be TOO bad...xD

    Yes, Maury is a show we have here in America were it does, umm...give 'counseling'. lol Pretty pathetic, actually but entertaining and seems like something Rose would watch. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Gren sure is getting about the place in your and Pie's stories at the minute! Anyway, what's Maury? Is it one of those shows that do, shall we see, "family counseling" on television?

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited December 2014

    After reading entire chapter:

    Alt text

    Emily did so, as she tossed the hat onto the other side of the couch and removed the hair tie holding her long black hair back. Gren watched as the long strands cascade along her shoulders and neck. He took his fingers and ran them through the thick locks. Emily closed her eyes. A rush of pure emotions, something she never experienced before, fell over her body like a sudden change in the wind.

    Alt text

    Alt text

    This is quickly becoming my new addiction and I can't wait to see what happens. There are som many questions but must wait to see if you add it in future chaps! :D The whole Folker thing REALLY has me going down the list. It can't be EITHER of these women! And for fuck's sake, Emily (can I tell you I <3 how Gren call her Ems) STOP BEING STUBBORN!!!!!

    OMG and I LOVE that picture! I see we have Peter and Ethan; love how you made him look so much like John! Why is Gren so sad? And is that Emily this for real gunna happen or are you messing with us!?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." "Yes, dad. I'm bloody just fine. No, he's not....WOOT!? Oh fo

  • "Has she now? Well, I'll take the more scenic route into the castle then. Congrats on another fine batch of babies, daughter of the North Wind!"

    XD That was fun. Glad she did as well!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Thank you, Tezoth! It's great to see you out and about, by the way! I forgot to tell you, Rose asked if you were around just a little while

  • They're both very similar, and your stories take place so far apart that the passage of time could explain any differences. :D

    Ahh, over he we have 'Jeremy Kyle'.

    JJwolf posted: »

    We TRY to keep him on the same level; would hate to have Gren one way and he have him in another. Well, guess that wouldn't be TOO bad...xD

  • I'm going to assume you meant to type Fayde since you had Percival and the gang destroy Faye's spirit in Spring-Heeled Jack's body, right? I can already see this is going to be somewhat confusing in the long-run. XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Heh, yeah, I'm looking forward to writing the date between those two! Not sure when I'll get it done, though - need to recharge my writing b

  • edited December 2014

    What a charming get together they've got going on. ^_^ Really sets a nice Christmas mood reading this.

    Nice to see Ash's musical skills come out; I'm sure her rendition of 'Silent Night' on the guitar would be pretty epic! Also,

    Tim pulls the boy into a 'tough guy' hug.

    Because if we males should hug, we still need to be manly about it. xD

    And enjoy your time off school! XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "We're here, love," Tim says to his wife as they turn onto the Farm's driveway. Harmony opens her eyes, watching as snow surrounds them on e

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