Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • Oh, man, sorry for doing that! Yes, Fayde all the way! Faye is done with, she wasn't Irish or particularly charming towards the end, so the confusion should go soon. XD

    I'm going to assume you meant to type Fayde since you had Percival and the gang destroy Faye's spirit in Spring-Heeled Jack's body, right? I can already see this is going to be somewhat confusing in the long-run. XD

  • I try to follow his pattern; I'd hate to mess up because I did something that NEVER happened and people go 'uh, what...' The fact that he let me collaborate with him was HUGE for me, so I'm glad it shows. :D

    Ah yes. I've heard of Jeremy Kyle and I bet it's a walk in the park compared to the crap we have on our screen. XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    They're both very similar, and your stories take place so far apart that the passage of time could explain any differences. Ahh, over he we have 'Jeremy Kyle'.

  • Even more babies? Gee! A superb read though, could say more for this one but JJ's comments are always thoroughly descriptive when it concerns your chapters. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." "Yes, dad. I'm bloody just fine. No, he's not....WOOT!? Oh fo

  • Awesome sauce, dude!!

    Alt text

    I had to keep up with how random YOU made him over the months! I still want to thank you for allowing me on the Porgie Train and collaborate with you. :3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    How random is Gren in this! XD AND Robert!!! lol I'm glad that Lyla came back. and are right about the cleansing.

  • This is truly a heart-warming moment. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Awesome sauce, dude!! I had to keep up with how random YOU made him over the months! I still want to thank you for allowing me on the Porgie Train and collaborate with you.

  • Four bouncing babies on Christmas Morning. Again, what an eventful day.

    BABIES! :D So many freakin frackin' cute babies!!! Sweetness overload!!!

    Alt text

    Swear you and Pie with your babies and these cute little family moments like the one I read above! :3

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Nobody panic, nobody panic!" Tim's nervous voice spits out into the air as the room is a frenzy of activity. Harmony is a mixture of surpri

  • You're attentiveness and care to what Pie's written and how you're interpreting it is admirable. :)

    I imagine all shows like that around the world are a bit, erm, "interesting", so to speak. xD

    JJwolf posted: »

    I try to follow his pattern; I'd hate to mess up because I did something that NEVER happened and people go 'uh, what...' The fact that he le

  • Even more babies? Gee!

    Well, you HAVE TO give each of the Porgie kids a chance of a family of their own, silly. xD Ems turn!!

    Even more babies? Gee! A superb read though, could say more for this one but JJ's comments are always thoroughly descriptive when it concerns your chapters.

  • And to know one of their sons Gren Junior?! My estimation of Carla has gone down somewhat after reading this. :/ An affair is one thing, but to have three kids and pass them off as your husbands', to your husband?

    Here's to hoping Emily and Gren kiss by the end of the year. xD Thanks for the best wishes - likewise to you and your family. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    There was a buffet of different takeout trays scattered across Gren's counter. Gren and Emily sat on the couch, surfing through the channels

  • Point, you got me by the dragon tail, Grendel. Your most-treasured valuables totally won't get stolen by me tonight. No siree! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Even more babies? Gee! Well, you HAVE TO give each of the Porgie kids a chance of a family of their own, silly. xD Ems turn!!

  • I was debating for the longest time and decided to go with it; Carla lied and passed the kids off as Gren's own but sadly, neither of them are his own. They belong to a mysterious man. :( Go for fiancee can not stand her.

    Here's to hoping Emily and Gren kiss by the end of the year. xD

    And so another sees what Pie is trying to do! xD I have a plan with this and will explain more. Thank you, Noir. :) I hope your day is full of happiness and good memories. Wish we had some of that snow from the picture you posted on DA. :3

    LupineNoir posted: »

    And to know one of their sons Gren Junior?! My estimation of Carla has gone down somewhat after reading this. An affair is one thing, but t

  • I.....I can't...

    WHAT am I looking at?!? XD OKAY....1st off, loving your shirt.

    2nd, Robert and Lyla in the back. 3rd, me with that Georgie plushie. WHERE can I get one and HOW much!? XD

    And again, no problem about the collaboration. :3 It's been a blast. A Dynamic Duo like Rose and Robert. Well, when they USED to be...

    JJwolf posted: »

    Awesome sauce, dude!! I had to keep up with how random YOU made him over the months! I still want to thank you for allowing me on the Porgie Train and collaborate with you.

  • Well, Emily was one of the Porgie kids that, believe it or not, had her story all over the place. Peter and Ethan were easy, Junior's came with the territory of dating BM, Penelope was always going to be the Black Knight but HOW would come later and Katie was always destined to take her grandfather's place in the Council.

    I didn't want to give Ems babies or anything like that; she always danced to her own beat and did what SHE wanted. But I have her story figured out now and I hope you and the others are pleased. :)

    This being my last entry for the Porgie Clan, I want to go out with a BANG! :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Even more babies? Gee! Well, you HAVE TO give each of the Porgie kids a chance of a family of their own, silly. xD Ems turn!!

  • Thanks guys and It will probably be the first chapter I'll be submitting :). It's not perfect, but hey I tried lol.

    If you don't finish your story by Christmas, don't worry. I normally have my challenges open for everyone to do until the next month starts.

  • edited December 2014

    Weeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

    Did NOT with a capital N O T see THAT shit coming.

    Like, at all. I haven't been caught up recently to your stories, but damn.

    Part of me, deep, deep, DEEP down inside of me, figured ONE day, ONE SINGLE DAY IN SOME UNUSUAL WAY, Emily would have a baby. I know she's stated numerous times "NOT A SINGLE DAY IN HELL WILL I CARRY A CHILD IN MY VAGINA" or something like that, but damn.

    So wait wait wait wait wait.... I know I haven't been reading lately....What happened to Gren and Carla? Are they still together? And Felicia? I'm sorry for not keeping up, but damn!

    Basically, PM me the basic knowledge I should know, and I'll go back and reread what I need to over this break when I get the time XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." "Yes, dad. I'm bloody just fine. No, he's not....WOOT!? Oh fo

  • New Years. A time of celebration. A time of reflection. A time to get shitfaced drunk.

    All of these things were what Ashlyn and her nefarious siblings wanted to do instead of sit in the boring old living room at their house.

    "It's just a party, Mom," Ash had said. "It's going to be fine."

    "There is no way in HELL you're going to a party tonight. Even if you told me you weren't going to do ANYTHING-"

    "Mom! Please!" She begged. "I'm bringing Uber-Sports-Fan and Nerd-Face and Prima-Donna with me!"

    "If there is alcohol, which there will certainly be, than no. No way in Hell."

    Stomping upstairs to her room, she made sure to slam the door extra hard on the way there. She didn't care if it woke her four new baby siblings, or if it disturbed Robbie's meditations, or Noah's sports games, or Elora's nail painting. She wanted to get the point across that she was pissed.

    "Just a stupid party," She muttered to herself. "Not even going to do much shit anyway. I don't see what her problem is-"

    A soft knock raps the door. Sighing exasperatedly, she stands from her desk and waltzes over, swinging the door open quickly and fiercly.

    "What do you want, snot-nose?"

    Robert chuckled softly,"You haven't called me that in ages."

    "Well-" Ashlyn couldn't even think of a retort to spit back at him. "Well it's true. Go away." She began closing the door, but it was caught in Robbie's high-tops.

    "Ouch." He said. His hand pushed the door open again and he looked down at his older sister. It was at that moment that Ash realized how short she was, much like her mother was compared to her father. She inwardly shrank back and let out another mad huff of breath as she walked across the room and plopped on her bean-bag chair.

    "What? What do you need?"

    "Well," Robbie said, stepping in to the room. His gaze looked all over the posters on her wall. He must have never seen the inside of her room before, because he looked more shocked than anything. "I didn't know you liked Circa Survive."

    "I do. Can you leave now? I'm trying to be angry and you're really killing it."

    "Sorry. Anyway, I was going to ask you something."

    Ash stared at him a moment, and realized he was expecting a response on that. "What?"

    "I need help. Sending a message."

    "To? Your imaginary crush?"

    "She's not imaginary," He says, his smile vanishing to slight embarrassment. "She's very real."

    "Your hand doesn't count," She jokes, tossing some magazines aside. "Sit, here." She pats the desk chair with her hands.

    Grumpily, he walks over, sitting down across his sister. His embarrassment gone, he crosses his arms and waits for more smart remarks. When none come, he begins again.

    "She's...You're going to think it's stupid, actually. I shouldn't have even-"

    Ash jolts from her chair, running to her door and shuts it as quick as lightning. Her finger twists the lock and she waits silently with her ear against it, to hear if there are any eavesdroppers. After a moment of waiting, she walks back and sits on the edge of her bed now, knocking her Xbox controllers out of the way.

    "Tell me tell me tell me tell me. By the way, I thought you were gay."

    "What?" His face twists into confusion. "What gave you that thought?"

    She shrugs lazily. "I dunno. You never seemed interested in chicks. Plus, you're terribly awkward with Carter and Noah around."

    "Well, it's because I'm not like them!" He says, a bit of anger in his voice.

    "Well, I know that for a fact," She says. Her hand stuffs into her pants pocket and she pulls a pack of gum out. "Want some?"

    "No thanks. I hate strawberry."

    "Suit yourself. So who is she?"

    Robert's cheeks go red as he utters her name. "Beauty."

    Ash's face goes white. Then, she begins to laugh uncontrollably. "" She utters in between gasps of air and laughter.

    "I should have never told you," He mutters, standing. "Really."

    "No, wait!" She tugs his arm as he stands to leave, holding him back with all her strength. "No, I'm sorry little bro. Seriously."

    He rips his arm from her grasp, but doesn't budge. "So will you help me?"

    "Help you? Do what?"

    He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "She's leaving for Haven with her daughter soon."

    "Why don't you like Bliss? She's a lot younger, and a little more...I don't know...Cooler?"

    He shakes his head. "No, no. She may be closer to our age, but she's a lot more different than her mother. Beauty....she's calmer. Nicer. Bliss has a part of her, and even if she didn't have the curse passed down from her father, she's still a bit of a firecracker. I fear that she's do more harm than good if I were her boyfriend."

    "I just have to say one thing. Why Beauty, of all people? I mean, I know we've grown up to call her 'Aunt' even though she's not really our Aunt and we barely see her anyway. Have you always liked her?"

    "No, no. Not always. Not until recently. I don't know. I think....after the funeral-"

    "That's messed up," She says. "Her husband dies and you suddenly form a crush on a widow?"

    Robert gets mad again. This time, he walks all the way to the door with out a word.

    "Stop! I'm sorry, again! You know how I am!"

    Robert regrettably pauses. He takes a deep breath, his chest constricting widely. "What should I do? It's been several years since then. Do you think?"

    "What do I think? I think you're seventeen and crazy. But....I can't completely judge you. It's not fair. Listen, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you who I have a crush on-"

    "You have a crush? What?" He seems genuinely surprised, and turns to face her.

    "Franklin," She says in a half whisper. "I know he's a boy now, and I don't intend on pursuing ANYTHING....but c'mon. The kid isn't going to be a kid forever, and we're going to live for a long ass time. I can wait. And certainly he has a crush on me. You can see it in his little beady eyes whenever I ask him if he wants to play video-games. I think, if Beauty really likes you back, than maybe you can have something special with her. I just....I don't want to see you get hurt. And she may not like you back. All I can say is be careful, bro. Now, what did you want to send her, anyway?"

    "I wanted to invite her out," He said. "I saved the money I made over the summer, and I want to use it to get her a gift. Something small, like a necklace. I don't know, is that weird?"

    "No," She says, with a completely serious face. "No, a necklace is good. Did you already get it?"

    "Yeah, it's in my room."

    "Oh, Lord. If you can find it by sunset, I will send it. Deal? And, don't write a sappy letter with it. Chicks likes sappy things, but not one the first date. Plus, she might not even conceive this as a 'date' at first, so play it low. Like, seriously. I'll sneak mom's book from her room and send it via spell enchantment."

    "Thank you, Ash. You're the best."

    "Ha. Thank you. And, despite your inability to create your own magic, I still love you. Sometimes. Now, get out of my room, snot-nose."

    Robert just laughs, twisting the door knob and exits the room. Ashlyn waits until the door shuts, stands up, and looks in her mirror at herself. She digs through a small giftbox she'd received from Franklin a few days before Christmas. He made her a macaroni necklace in art during school, with sparkles and glitter. She cherished it, placing it carefully back in the box and turned around to play some Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto or something cool on her Xbox.

    New story :) Hope you liked it, I tried! It's pretty long, but I wrote as I thought and I thought a lot into this. Any questions, I'll answer them with out problems <3

  • I know :) Babies are always an exciting thing! I love little RJ and all of Pie's OC babies and shit. If I could, I would hold them all in my arms and kiss their little foreheads and cry because they're so damn cute and I can't stop looking at them.

    XD I went to far. Anyway, thanks for reading my story :) I try!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Four bouncing babies on Christmas Morning. Again, what an eventful day. BABIES! So many freakin frackin' cute babies!!! Sweetness o

  • No problem. I too just recently caught up to your latest posting; been so busy myself and when I have the time, that's usually what I'll do and try to catch up. :3

    I was seriously debating on Emily and if she should have a child; you are right with the sentence because Ems swore up and down she'd never have a child. But her story was all over the place; nothing was set in stone but as this is the last story to the Porgie saga, I wanted to go out with a bang. :3

    Carla and Gren are not together and I'll explain in the PM. Felicia is dead and there is a killer on the streets of Fabletown.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Weeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  • I knew by previous posts that there was a killer, I figured the way Emily was talking that Felicia was dead. Thanks, BTW, and if you ever need ME to explain anything in detail, I won't mind sending a PM if you need it :) I love he pic, by the way. Very, VERY good!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No problem. I too just recently caught up to your latest posting; been so busy myself and when I have the time, that's usually what I'll do

  • I've pretty much caught up to your story; a few times I had to go back and read because either I forgot or was confused for a few mere seconds. xD If I ever get too stuck and start pulling out my hair, I'll PM you.

    And thank you. TRIED giving that FABLES feel to it. :3

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I knew by previous posts that there was a killer, I figured the way Emily was talking that Felicia was dead. Thanks, BTW, and if you ever ne

  • Well, that's what me and EMMY have become VERY well known for. :3 How can you not love all those cute wittle babies? :D Especially Harm's recent litter of cubs! <3 And the Porgie Clan, even though are my OC's, make me melt like butter.

    GAH! Babies!! AAAAAAUGGGHH!!! :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Four bouncing babies on Christmas Morning. Again, what an eventful day. BABIES! So many freakin frackin' cute babies!!! Sweetness o

  • Well thank you. :) RJ and he Porgie kids are pretty damn sweet. I've rather enjoyed reading about Harmony and Tim's growing family. So precious.

    I try to catch up on the stories. You've done we'll and love them to bits. Very sweet.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I know Babies are always an exciting thing! I love little RJ and all of Pie's OC babies and shit. If I could, I would hold them all in my a

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited December 2014

    Very well, Dragon. This Grendel shan't go forth in search of the clever creature you are. IF you should, however, you leave me no choice but to use my secret weapon...

    Point, you got me by the dragon tail, Grendel. Your most-treasured valuables totally won't get stolen by me tonight. No siree! XD

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited December 2014

    Bring on the very cute Grendel and Porgie babies!!

    Gah!! Diabetes!! Cuteness!! Pie and his need to make me feel!!

    I look forward to this tale and where it leads the 3 remaining Porgie children.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Well, Emily was one of the Porgie kids that, believe it or not, had her story all over the place. Peter and Ethan were easy, Junior's came w

  • I loved reading this. XD Very entertaining, especially with all the little asides and comical touches, and the 'deer' pun. :) 'A Christmas Carol' is one of the first Christmas stories I can remember, and Tim reading it is slightly emotional. May all your books be as compelling as 'City of Bones' sounds! And enjoy the sweaters - I'm hoping for some socks. ^.^

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    A Visit from St. Reynard 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a wolf. The

  • And what secret weapon is that?

    JJwolf posted: »

    Very well, Dragon. This Grendel shan't go forth in search of the clever creature you are. IF you should, however, you leave me no choice but to use my secret weapon...

  • Wow, all of these side crushes going on behind the scenes - I love it! Robert has a good eye for Beauty too, if ya know what I mean...

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    New Years. A time of celebration. A time of reflection. A time to get shitfaced drunk. All of these things were what Ashlyn and her nefar

  • Alt text

    "A good destiny is when two people find each other without even looking."

    Peter sat across from Mary. Ethan was on the edge, drinking a cup of very dark coffee. His foot began to shake; his nerves were all over the place that evening and both Peter and Mary noticed this in his eyes.

    "You alright, Ethan?" Mary grabs his hand. "You're, uh, moving the table..."

    "What? No...I'm fine. Just thinking about all this. Why now? Why Emily's club and the Tailor?"

    "Has there been any other murders in the past several hours?"

    Peter took out yet another cigarette. This was a nasty habit he wished never became imprinted into his DNA; the first time he smoked a cigarette was like Nirvana and he never went back. He used to blame Bigby Wolf for his inability to pass a delicious wrapped stick of Tobbacco. Now, Peter would shrug off the thought and light away.

    "No. The Tailor and Emily's club were the only ones to be attacked by the unknown Folker."

    "How many were killed so far?"

    Peter takes a moment to count in his head. "There was about six; the Tailor and five of Emily's dancers."

    Mary scribbles the information down. "How is Emily?"

    Peter exhales a cloud of smoke. "She's fine. With Gren at his apartment."

    Mary looks up from her files. "She's with the Grendel? How odd. They've, uh, never gotten along."

    Ethan sips from his coffee and shakes his head. "Well, Emily says that but her and Gren were always so close, even when she was a kid. I could recall those two tighter than a bandaid on a scratch."

    "Hmm. Indeed. Emily was always a very, uh, 'different' child than the rest of you kids."

    Peter continues to smoke his cigarette. His eyes are all over the room, as he faintly hears the pen scratching along the paper. The brick walls of the Business Office brought back memories of his childhood. He remembered visiting the place with his mother; the Sheriff would be there, in his usual dark corner, as she spoke to Snow and Cole. He thought of the times his father would take trips to the park and spend an hour with Bigby. He was always so awkward. So silent.

    "So, are the bodies at the Morgue?"

    Peter looks up. "Yes. Ethan and I were going to head over there when we finished this paperwork."

    "Find anything useful at the club?"

    Ethan grabs a single baggy containing a single content. Inside was a charm braclet. Along the edges of silver, lined several different charms; there was a four leaf clover, paw print, hearts and a smile face. Mary took the bag and examined the item.

    "One of the dancers?"

    Ethan finishes off his coffee. "Peter and I think it may belong to her. Until than, we are sending this in for analysis."

    Peter puts out the burning butt and stands up. He buttons up his trench coat.

    "Ready to go?"

    All three leave the office and head out to the front. Outside, the rain continues to trickle down. Several mundies run in groups, their Umbrellas open and sheilding themselves from the cold. They bounce off and splash on the sidewalk. Waving down a cab, Mary digs into her pockets and pulls out a set of keys. She jingles them between her fingers.

    "I'll drive, boys. We'll get their faster in my car."

    Ethan smiles. "Perfect. This weather is NOT making the situation better."

    Peter takes a seat in the front. As he buckles himself in, Mary turns the radio on to a Blues channel. The Saxaphone plays softly in the back, as he leans back into the seat and closes his eyes. Peter sighs, as they pull away into the streets and head to Swineheart's place.

    Both Peter and Ethan tried to focus on something else for the moment but the unknown Folker managed to sneak past the gates and into their minds.

    Swineheart stood over the body of the deceased dancer. He took a moist sponge to her forehead. As he cleaned the wounds, Swineheart noticed some bruising and a fracture that was in the process of healing. With a gloved finger, he pulled back the strand of red hair.

    Swineheart sighed. This poor girl was in a heap of trouble before she met her end in the lonely clutches of the Pudding n' Pie. He was sure Emily was aware of the situation and took care of the assailant; Emily was always looking out for the girls and any wiff of trouble, she sent her hound dog of a cousin out to 'take' care of the issue. Hans Junior and Emily were a team no one dared to challenge.

    "You poor creature." Swineheart continued to clean her wounds. "I'm so sorry, dearie. So sorry..."

    Within seconds, the glamour vanished. The usual green glow surrounded the body. A pair of pointy ears stuck out of the long strands of red. A pink jewel poked through the skin on her forehead; Ivy plants returned to her arms and legs, wrapping tightly around the flesh.

    It was a young Wood Elf. "Wonder what you were before you had no choice to join the many before you."

    Swineheart spoke to the corpse as if she'd respond; often times like this, Swineheart found himself wondering about the past lives of the creatures brought to him. Ethan and Peter too did the same thing. When he completed the cleansing, Swineheart covered the body with a heavywhite sheet. Giving her hand a pat, Swineheart trailed to the sink.

    As he did so, the Sheriff, Deputy Mayor and Folker Lawyer walked inside.

    "Well, hello Sheriff. Deputy. Miss Smith. Pleasure to see you all again."

    Ethan shakes Swineheart's hand. "Hello, doctor. So, anything yet?"

    "I just cleaned up the last dancer. All had the same end. Blunt force trauma to the back of the skull and a single stabbing to the heart."

    Peter shakes his head. "God fucking damnit..."

    "I searched the girls for finger prints but who ever did these horrific crimes, made sure we wouldn't find out right away."

    "Yeah. Ethan and I returned to the club and didnt find TOO much, either. Just a charm braclet...."

    Swineheart takes the bag from Ethan. He observes the item.

    "Hmm. I can dust this for finger prints. Maybe the killer left something. Blood, cells could be on here."

    "Thanks Swineheart." Peter leans against the wall. "I'm just confused and unsure at this moment..."

    "You two will catch this killer, Peter. You're a great team and Fabletown has the up most faith in that. How is Emily..."

    Ethan sighs. "She's with Gren right now. She's a lot safer there. Who ever this killer is, was TRYING to murder our sister, too."

    Mary smiles. "Well, glad to know she's in the hands of someone willing to protect her."

    Peter agrees. "Yeah. Gren won't let anything harm her. The others are safe, my father is on patrol and with the council on Katie's side, I doubt anything will happen to the rest."

    Swineheart smiles. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully we'll catch this crook soon."

    Peter nods, looking over at the covered corpse. If only the dead could talk.

    Emily, sitting on the couch, continued watching Disney movies. Gren, his arm around her neck, pressed Emily against his chest. 'Tangled' played on the television; it was not one of Emily's most treasured movies from Disney but it was better than half the shit Gren loved to watch. He didn't seem to mind, as he remaind silent and ate his popcorn.

    "I hate this movie."

    Emily rolls her eyes. "Ya' hate ANYTHING that don't have boobs, blood or violence."

    Gren chuckles. "You fucking know me so well, Emily."

    "Ya' used to LET me watch those shows when I was a bloody little girl! 'Member ya' let me watch those cheesy horror flicks? Scream? ANYTHING like that?"

    "Yeah...your mom almost killed me..."

    The movie continued to play, as they both sat in silence. Gren felt the sudden need to lean over and collect Emily in his arms. She was here; something he began to wish and hope for the last several years of his life. He too had no idea why she insisted on becoming the female version of Georgie. Perhaps so many told her this at a young age, that she felt the need to make it happen.

    "Leave your hair down, Emily."

    Emily looks over. "The fook? I am-"

    "No. Leave it down, even after tonight. And the hat. Remove it."

    Emily laughs. "The fook is wrong with ya', Grendel? Emily Porgie NEVA' leaves her 'air down and me hat STAYS on the head."

    "You look beautiful like this..."

    Emily was thrown off by his comment. Usually, Emily had a smart ass remark to come back with. Emily, however, could not find what she needed. Gren's hand reached up and gently touched her cheek. Gasping, Emily closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. His smell. Why was it so marvelous to her senses all of the sudden? His touch. It was warm and genuine along her flesh.

    "I...I bloody do?"

    "Yes. I like your hair like this...the Bowler hat is nice and all but...I want to see EMILY. Not Georgie...."

    Gren, for as long as Emily could remember, said the same thing to her. Even as a child, he adored when the brown eyed child had her hair down and flowing in the wind. Now, as an adult woman, it continued. Had she truly become so lost in her father's once world?

    The scene with the paper latterns on 'Tangled' echoed in the tiny studio apartment; Gren faced Emily and held her hands. The glow of the television was warm and bright, as it danced along their faces. Somehow, all at one, everything was different.

    "You were always a beautiful person, Emily." Gren continues to stroke her cheeck. "Always...."

    "And at last I see the light, and its like the fog has lisfted. And at last I see the light and its like the sky is new. And its warm and real and bright and the world has somehow shifted. All at once, everything is different, now that I see you."

    Emily was in a blur; her mind was boggled, her emotions unsure and she could only blankly stare at Gren, now leaning forward. Emily panicked. She stood up, looked around the room and walked away from Gren.

    "Emily!" Gren stood up and immediatly followed Emily. "Ems, wait! What did I-"

    Emily closes the bathroom door behind her; all those days, the moments she felt with Gren, were not lies. Not her imagination. Not her mind playing tricks. It frightened her, as Emily pressed her forehead to the door. The thuds of Gren's fists met with the door as he tried to enter the bathroom.

    "Emily! Emily!"

    Emily turned and noticed Vivian, sitting on the edge of the bathtub. She ignored the blonde woman, as Emily crumbled to the ground and covered her ears. Nothing was the same. So many emotions rushed and flooded her mind. Nothing was worth the hurt and trouble. But who the hell was she kidding, as Gren continued to call her name. She thought her heart and mind learned to remove such silly feelings. Perhaps she was chance. No way.

    Emily Caitylnn Porgie was in love.

    Any questions, you know the drill. Off tonight, so I plan on catching up on some MUCH needed drawings. HAD to draw this during my lunch break. :3

  • Rose Red! And-errr, ummm....damn....she has a thing for Te-

    Never mind. xD

    And what secret weapon is that?

  • Oh, I know you what you mean. There's nothing like tending to the rose petals once in a while... if you know what I mean...

    Alt text

    JJwolf posted: »

    Rose Red! And-errr, ummm....damn....she has a thing for Te- Never mind. xD

  • First off, love that picture, especially the one were Ems is on Gren's back. <3 So kawaii! :3

    Second, I felt very troubled for the Porgie brothers. They seem to be dealing with a crisis that is a lot worse than what they are dealing with at the moment. I don't think it was an attack just for the Porgies but like mentioned in prior chaps, more of a message. A warning. This Folker is trying to scare everyone back into the dark ages. How it once was. Or, so I THINK

    That scene with Swineheart and the deceased Fable. :( I felt so bad; it broke my heart, knowing she was abused prior to her murder and she left this world the way she did. How they all diea. awful. :( I hope we find out soon WHO is doing this; I'm curious HOW these are tied to the Tailor AND Jumbo. I still think he knows more than he's telling.....

    And that scene with Gren and Emily. <3 I love Tangled, Emily! :0

    "Leave your hair down, Emily."

    Emily looks over. "The fook? I am-"

    "No. Leave it down, even after tonight. And the hat. Remove it."

    Emily laughs. "The fook is wrong with ya', Grendel? Emily Porgie NEVA' leaves her 'air down and me hat STAYS on the head."

    "You look beautiful like this..."

    Alt text

    GAH! I swear to God! I hope he just tells Emily the truth! I ship them! They are TOTAL opposites and I love it! I now SEE what you meant when you told me you had HUGE plans for Gren. :)

    But who the hell was she kidding, as Gren continued to call her name. She thought her heart and mind learned to remove such silly feelings. Perhaps she was chance. No way.

    Emily Caitylnn Porgie was in love.

    Alt text

    STOP DENYING yourself, EMILY!! I can't wait for more!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "A good destiny is when two people find each other without even looking." Peter sat across from Mary. Ethan was on the edge, drinking a

  • I like how Harmony reserves 'Timothy' for the occasions when it really matters; and, crikey, does this occasion matter! As Dragon mentioned, it#s nice all the cubs got exactly the right presents, and four more siblings!

    Also, given your countdown to Christmas at the end of your posts, I can only imagine just how excited you must be right now. It is exciting though! xD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "GOODMORNING EVERYBODY IT'S CHRISTMAS GUYS!" Elora's voice fills the halls. The sounds of feet running up and down past Harmony's door stirs

  • Alt text

    Oh, I know you what you mean. There's nothing like tending to the rose petals once in a while... if you know what I mean...

  • It's quite sad more than anything, but it does add more drama. Though, I wouldn't say your stories are lacking drama. ;) Still, Emily and Gren are going to make a really great pair to read about! And as for the snow, you and me both. :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I was debating for the longest time and decided to go with it; Carla lied and passed the kids off as Gren's own but sadly, neither of them a

  • Very noir, this chapter! Which I obviously approve of. The way you described the fallen Folker community really springs to mind the phrase 'wrong side of the tracks'. Maybe Amber's double-bluffing, but I wonder: if Peter sniffed around the Pudding 'N' Pie enough, would he be able to get the scent of the attacker? Which would help if he and Ethan then came across the person!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Peter and Ethan drove to a different section of the Folker community. So many people called this part of town the 'the forgotten' for many r

  • Gren drunk is just so fun. xD Nice to see him having a good time with his brother, too: they often have their share of falling outs.

    Cleansing?!? Top marks for ending on a sinister note, JJ. :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    "Well, Gren. You have me here. What is it you want to talk to me about?" Gren sat beside his brother; the entire time they sat in silence

  • I'm glad that has pleased you. :) I TRIED to showcase how terrible the Folker community has become. AND I did think about that but the Folker who is doing this, has a little 'help' with Peter's sense of smell. There is almost like an invisible box around the scent of the person who did this; they allowed Peter to sniff around and what not but they are two steps ahead of Ethan and Peter.

    I'll explain more in future chaps, for Ethan brings it up and Peter is not too sure what to make of it.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Very noir, this chapter! Which I obviously approve of. The way you described the fallen Folker community really springs to mind the phrase '

  • Well, I'm glad you like the picture. I had to explain it to the guy sitting beside me. xD

    They are dealing with a Folker that is indeed trying to warn them, sending a message and hope they see this is serious; there was a war between the folkers and Fables for hundreds of years BECAUSE Folkers refused to combine with the Fables and become one. A lot STILL remain in the 'dark ages' and refuse to acknowledge the new rules.

    Peter and Ethan will begin to see clues. The murder of the Tailor and the girls will be explained further into the chapter. I'm going to go all out, as this is the last section to the Porgie Clan.

    Emily is indeed in love with Gren. I'll explain more in future chapters. She refuses to think this way for some reason and does not want to be in the same category as her sisters: in love, having families and being happy. She felt the club was all she needed in life. Nope. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    First off, love that picture, especially the one were Ems is on Gren's back. So kawaii! Second, I felt very troubled for the Porgie bro

  • Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  • Merry Christmas, StoneMaster!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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