what do you want to see in upcoming episodes

MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

What would you like to see in upcoming episodes ? Characters , locations , events etc



  • I trust them, they know what they're doing.

  • A dragon. And since Episode 6 is called 'Ice Dragon' I think I'll be satisfied.

  • There will be Dragons before that if I'm not gravely mistaken...

    No spoilers I hope.

    A dragon. And since Episode 6 is called 'Ice Dragon' I think I'll be satisfied.

  • I don't know how, but I want to see the One True King and the Onion Knight at some point.

  • The Onion Knight is the One True King

    Echopapa posted: »

    I don't know how, but I want to see the One True King and the Onion Knight at some point.

  • It would make sense wouldnt it? And I'd imagine that would be a glimmer of light for House Forrester; they were loyal to the Starks, Stannis goes North because wall stuff and picks up all the Northern Houses who were loyal to the very House that vouched the Iron Throne to Stannis leaving the Boltons to go "oh ****"

    Echopapa posted: »

    I don't know how, but I want to see the One True King and the Onion Knight at some point.

  • the one true ruler and king hodor

  • Yup, there is one on the Episode 3 thumbnail.

    There will be Dragons before that if I'm not gravely mistaken... No spoilers I hope.

  • Sex. It seems confirmed for Episode 2 by the ratings board. So more sex.

  • No, it would be better for the plot if, with Ethan dying, they had no choice but to submit themselves to the Boltons. That'd make Stannis believe they are disloyal to the Starks and then, with, for example, Asher going to look for Stannis, the King's army would enprison him, for he's the only force House Forrester has and then the whole house's men at arms would be without lead. Asher(us) would have to deal with it.

    Of course, with King Stannis being a just leader, Asher wouldn't have his end right there. And that unknown survival of Asher would be used against Whitehill, who would try to take advantage on the absense of the Sentinel (Asher) and fuck up everything for us, until Asher and some northen clan men avenge themselves...

    Of course that's only a draft (and too far-fetchedly clichée to happen), but you follow my point.

    K0t0 posted: »

    It would make sense wouldnt it? And I'd imagine that would be a glimmer of light for House Forrester; they were loyal to the Starks, Stannis

  • I haven't seen the thumbnails in a playthrough yet. I'm waiting to get GoT. You got a video with the thumbnails in it?

    Yup, there is one on the Episode 3 thumbnail.

  • I didn't think of that... and in the books, the actual legit Forresters join up with Stannis - though it's only mentioned in one line, but that's where the name "Forrester" comes from.

    K0t0 posted: »

    It would make sense wouldnt it? And I'd imagine that would be a glimmer of light for House Forrester; they were loyal to the Starks, Stannis

  • Be interesting to see if we are going to meet characters from the books who did not feature in the show. Like Belwas for example. I doubt it though

  • edited December 2014

    Here's said thumbnail of Episode 3:

    Alt text

    You can see all thumbnails by clicking through here:


    I haven't seen the thumbnails in a playthrough yet. I'm waiting to get GoT. You got a video with the thumbnails in it?

  • It would be cool to see Oberyn Martell.

  • How plot critical is Ramsay? I have Larry-levels of hate for this guy, and I hope he dies slowly and painfully.

    Of course if I'm asking that, I probably shouldn't be playing this, huh?

  • Alt text

    The Onion Knight is the One True King

  • A good explanation for how Rodrik survived certain death.

  • The choice between Stannis or Tommen. Hard choice, something that fits this game.

  • Best Graphics more

    1. Asher exacting a roaring rampage of revenge on Lord Whitehill and the Boltons
    2. Erik making a positive difference since Ethan showed mercy
    3. Interactions with GoT characters like Varrys, Theon, and the Hound/Arya.
  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited December 2014

    I think in the ratings board that was only referring to sexual references not actual sex.

    Also , I think the ratings board said there be no nudity in the game . :)

    Sex. It seems confirmed for Episode 2 by the ratings board. So more sex.

  • Yeah that would be cool . What would be even cooler though I think would be the seeing the mountain at some point. And you have to fight him or something.

    It would be cool to see Oberyn Martell.

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited December 2014

    I do not think it was Roderick . I think it was someone else.

    Flog61 posted: »

    A good explanation for how Rodrik survived certain death.

  • edited December 2014

    That makes sense, considering in A Dance with Dragons it says that Forresters are Northern spies for Stannis during his march against the Boltons.

    Echopapa posted: »

    I don't know how, but I want to see the One True King and the Onion Knight at some point.

  • Honestly, he's probably not gonna have a lot to do with the plot. The game is canon so I highly doubt we will see Ramsey again.

  • Have to fight him = have to die :D

    MadManLee posted: »

    Yeah that would be cool . What would be even cooler though I think would be the seeing the mountain at some point. And you have to fight him or something.

  • You see, people criticize TTG but everyone knows that HBO "ruins" things as often as TTG. They can certainly make a drastic change in regards of House Forrester's role in the North uprising. And perhaps House Whitehill could be in charge of Ironrath for even as long as until Stannis comes down south. I really think Gryff is the type of character who serves as an spy for his house. He is a treacherous, lying and unreliable dude with a skinny look that seems to be a sort of Littlefinger (who, instead of pretending he's just horny, pretends he's just hell stupid).

    Perhaps that's where HBO would want to put the spy scenario in. They would help TTG build a more intriguing arc for their story and connect it with the show, enriching both medias.

    Echopapa posted: »

    I didn't think of that... and in the books, the actual legit Forresters join up with Stannis - though it's only mentioned in one line, but that's where the name "Forrester" comes from.

  • I want to go to the North Grove. I want to play as Ryon.

  • death by talking, i want a certain dialouge choice to lead to our death, or any other sort of game over, like "Put the gun down, bitch" in TWD(just don't make it obvious as that one)

    can definitely see it with asher, him being at the mercy of someone, and a certain option leads said someone to kill him, with another option making him spare asher.

  • You mean that would be canon? Cause if it were it wouldn't be that cool.

    Choombi posted: »

    death by talking, i want a certain dialouge choice to lead to our death, or any other sort of game over, like "Put the gun down, bitch" in T

  • obviously not, i meant a non-canon death.

    also, nice avatar :P

    You mean that would be canon? Cause if it were it wouldn't be that cool.

  • The plot to advance more. Episode 1, as much as I loved it, was very introductory hence the "Your Story Begins" in the end. I want the plot to really start to advance in the upcoming episodes. I wanna see the story advancement of one 10-episode season of the show to be seen in a 6-episode season of the game.

  • I don't think Ep.1 was bad. Certainly, I would love to see the story advance better, but just flat out saying "get better" is a bit unfair, don't you think?

  • Baaaaah I utterly despise plot twists that are generated solely through misconceptions and I'd hope both GoT and TTG have more tact than that.

    Besides, if Asher converted to Rhlorithingy then Stannis would grant special treatment (atleast his Book version would)

    No, it would be better for the plot if, with Ethan dying, they had no choice but to submit themselves to the Boltons. That'd make Stannis be

  • Most of the scenes HBO have done independent of the book have been atrocious, not just bad but atrocious.

    Pod? Lol sexual deviant that makes sense lolol

    You see, people criticize TTG but everyone knows that HBO "ruins" things as often as TTG. They can certainly make a drastic change in regard

  • yeah I wouldnt be surprised if episode 1 ends up being Ramsey's only appearence, with the Whitehills taking centre stage as antagonists in the anorth

  • dude

    MadManLee posted: »

    I do not think it was Roderick . I think it was someone else.

  • Royland attempting to free himself from his service to Ramsay Snow (it is obvious to me that he is in the pay of House Bolton) and becoming a conflicted, doomed POV character.

    Jon Snow mentoring Gared, who is then ordered South in order to seek some help against the Others.

    Mira dealing with the fallout from Joffrey's wedding. And, of course, learning who the coal boy is working with and for which reasons. There is probably at least one level of deception present. I wish Mira gave a sign that she understands how deep intrigue in King's Landing is for coal boys to offer help against the King.

    Malcolm seeking Asher and finding out that he is not the perfect help one would hope.

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