what would happen if twd game met twd tv show
id love to see what would happen if the 2 met if theyd get on really well or tear the crap out of each other
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id love to see what would happen if the 2 met if theyd get on really well or tear the crap out of each other
nah they should meet the comic people they are better plus you know canon... the tv show group don't exist in the game world
I smell a sitcom!
As Jewfreeus said, the game is not canon to the show, only the comics, so it would be impossible for characters like Lee, Clementine, Kenny, or others to appear in the show.
Game is canon to comics, so hence it will not happen. They can meet some people in the comics, sort of fit it in the 2 year timeskip in the comics. I would love to see Jesus in the game :P
But we won't see Clem in the comics. Robert Kirkman confirmed he was never gonna to put her or Daryl in them.
If the television show is based on characters from within the comics and the game characters are suppose to be in the same universe as the comics. Couldn't that mean the tv show could introduce some of the video game characters with respective actors to portray them? You have Glenn and Herschel from the comics appear very early on in the game series and they also appear for a good portion in the tv show (even though the show tells the their story in their own remixed fashion than the comics as with much of everything else).
I am sure if the tv show negotiated with Tell-Tale games or possibly R. Kirkman to get the rights to portray their game characters they could possibly do so with relative ease. But then again they don't need to as they have an abundance of comic characters to work with already. Its been said that the game characters might make a cameo appearance in AMC's spin off Walking Dead tv series, (if that is still currently in development) which I believe is planned to be released sometime after season 6 of the show.
That would be so cool if it happend i would really like to see that
I hate the tv show characters (besides Daryl). I'd be mad. Clem don't need to join the ricktatorship.
"plus you know canon... the tv show group don't exist in the game world""
This is not true for this game. Glen from the television show is in the first episode of the game. He was with them until they left the motel in search of his friends or family. I remember because I got excited thinking they would bring in the tv show group.
She asked what would happen not if it can happen or not. I think some of the characters would get along.
They're the same character just with different canons.
That's comic Glenn.
yea and i am saying it shouldn't happen because the comic characters are better
that isn't the glenn from the tv show.....
I agree for the most part, with the exception of Carol, Michonne, and the Governor.
Comic Carl >>>>>>>>>TV Carl
Except Carol, her show counterpart is 100x better than her comic book counterpart. TV show Hershel wasn't that bad either.
The Ricktatorship would be overthrown by a Cleminism.
A weird live action, comic hybrid?
Well that's your opinion but I prefer the TV Show characters over the Comic ones.
Pshhh you wish
It'd be interesting if Clementine and Carl would become buds.