Predictions for Episode 2 Deaths...
I haven't watched the actual show but I have heard much of its tendency to kill off characters suddenly, and following what happened in the last episode I can see a few more deaths coming in Episode 2...
I don't know why, but I feel that the girl betrothed to the King (Mira's friend, I can't remember her name) is going to die. I don't know why, it's just a feeling I get.
I'm not too sure how long the Maester will last; again, this is just a feeling and I know too little about Game of Thrones to explain why I feel this, it's just a suspicion.
Anyone agree/disagree/have any other views?
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I really hope it doesn't happen, but I feel something bad is going to happen to Ryon. Another likely one is the Maester.
Well, it is Game Of Thrones, so it's pretty hard to predict XD
Sir Royland Degore, I just don't think he'll survive.
Either one of the Sentinels (Royland or Duncan). Hopefully it depends on the one you picked (not hopefully as in I hope they die but as in hopefully it shows choices have consequences).
Maybe Royland or Duncan, based off of your sentinel choice, I can't really see anyone else dying this early. Although I don't think that Duncan is going to die just yet, because he seems too relevant to the plot, but I can easily see Royland dying in this episode or the next (maybe the sentinel choice only determines if Royland dies).
It's Game of Thrones though, so who knows.
My guess-
One of the Foresters Talia, Ryon or Lady Forester.
Royland could try to rebel against the 20 Whitehill soldiers with a small army but be killed in combat.
Someone at the Wall and Essos.
MAYBE Jofferey if the Purple wedding happens next episode.
Rodrick revealed alive will be the last scene before the credits.
Oh, and Malcolm. He is my most likely death for some reason.
I'm only being partly facetious here, but that brings up a potentially cool way to weave the game into the show. If you remember, during Joffrey's wedding, Pycelle is flirting with (a handmaiden?) off to one side before Cersei breaks it up. It's that scene where the Queen commands Pycelle to ensure the leftovers are fed to the dogs rather than the poor. That young woman never says a word and you can only see her face briefly, but I think it would be cool if it turns out that's Mira in that scene.
It seems episode 2's timeline could fit alongside the wedding, and it would be a cool easter egg of sorts.
Margery, that's her name. I don't think she will die, side she's in the TV show.
I think we will have an episode without deaths of any major characters.
I also think that way, maybe only Royland.
Oh, is she. Okay then, scratch that
From what I've heard about GOT, that's very unlikely to happen!
Maybe Ryon, but I don't think he'd be killed off so soon after his brothers death. He'll probably die at some point, but I can see him surviving the next episode.
I'm not entirely sure about how the Maester will fair. I can't explain why, but I just think he's going to die.
Just a quick question- are Royland and Duncan in the TV Show as well? Do House Forrester exist in the show?
6 Episodes, 5 Protagonists....
Not openly.They were never mentioned because of their small influence but they exist in the story.
From what I've seen in this game, maybe we have to make a decision regarding Sor Royland's impulsive instinct.
Maybe he tries to rebel against the Whitehill garrison and is captured, so later we have to decide to either help him during the Gryff's judgement or stay quiet, each decision would lead to either his death or survival, somethin' like that.
I read that Mira was in Season 4...
But to reiterate, GoT is canon to the TV series.
Yeah I know I'm a huge fan of the books and show
I just think there must sometimes be a little break with the bloodshed (atleast when it comes to major characters).
Mira may have been a handmaiden that shows up in season 4, but it's not confirmed that it's her, not yet.
her only purpose is to give Mira(the player) someone to talk to about the situation, after that she will be killed off for what ever reason
No! Everything is FINE! No one is bitten, its all FINE, we take out these whitehill scum, help me loosen these shackles talia, come on its FINE we go to the wall beyond the wall is a haven its all FINE
I think they modeled Mira after a handmaiden seen in S4, but I don't think Mira herself was mentioned in the show.
Technically, they exist in the show because the game exists in the same universe. It doesn't get a mention, but House Forrester does get a mention in the books as Northern spies for Stannis
i'm going to throw a risky bet and say there won't be any major character death next episode.
obviously someone is going to die, first off you got....someone in king's landing, hello big scary knife in preview. i think the asher storyline will have at least one named character die.
oh, also joffrey, i don't count him as a major character because he's not important to the forresters.
i've got a feeling episode 3 or 4 will be "shit hits the fan", episode 2 will be "shit makes a worrying progression towards the fan"
Well, they have no problems surprising us with deaths out of the blue (Ethan), but I have some predictions.
Joffrey- They're hinting towards the Purple Wedding and I think it would be great to actually have Mira witness it and the chaos that follows.
Sera- I can see her getting killed. She seems to have a big mouth and can tell important information about Margery helping the Forresters, which could get her killed.
Either Royland or Duncan- I think they'll be determinant based on who you picked for Sentinel.
I think Gared, Mira, Asher, and the rest of the Forrester's are safe for now. Sadly Ramsey will not be killed...
I have a prediction for who dies based on the episode titles.
The Lost Lords - Notice lords this is plural. Rodrik could return, and die. Asher could be a false hope, and die. I think Malcolm would die here as well. Maybe no one dies.
The Sword in the Darkness - Gared? This refers to the Wall, were he is. I'm positive he dies here.
Sons of Winter - Sons of House Forrester? Ryon, Asher, Rodrik if alive? I'm not entirely sure who else could be here.
A Nest of Vipers - Mira? Someone else in King's Landing?
Ice Dragon - No clue. Remaining people?
I think one of these episodes will have no protagonists die.
You mean that servant girl? Yea, that's a good call.
Maybe, but I just have a feeling that someone's gonna die, even if it isn't as shocking as Ethan's death
I can't really see Gared dying-he's got a pretty major role as one of the only two people who knows about the thing Lord Forrester told him (that thing about the north grove). Unless the Whitehill's come after him.
Just had a thought: what if you chose Duncan to be your sentinel and then the sentinel (whoever you chose) dies- then the North Grove thing would die with him, and only Gared would know.
Interesting. I don't want Gared to die, he's the only protagonist that hasn't annoyed me, and is most relatable.
Is I just me or does Gared remind anyone of Luke from TWD?
The face does. His personality as well.
I'm pretty sure she's still alive in the books too.
Yeah doubt they'll kill her. She marries Tommen in the book. (pretty sure)
I thought so, too as she was wearing similar clothes to her.
I think maybe who you chose as sentinel will die while the other lives.
usually in the 5-episode ones, episode 3 is when shit hits the fan, right?
I don't trust Talia, when Gared's family died she almost jumped in a bed with him to consolate the boy. X-D