My idea for The Walking Dead Season 2 DLC: "Crossroads"
This is a work in progress and will be updated. It is not a fan fic but a summary of what kind of DLC I would create. It's goal would be to tie up all loose ends, tie the endings together for season 3( this episode would be very different depending on your season 2 ending), and give you a very different group going into Season 3. There would be 5 different openings for the episode depending on the ending you got. You would play as Clementine, Eddie, Christa, and two new characters Katrina and Clarke. Here are the different openings. Note: Kenny/Jane can survive this episode, but they can also die.
If you got the Leave Wellington Ending: 10 Days after leaving Wellington, Kenny, Clementine, and AJ have holed up in a gas station. Kenny and Clementine will start to reminisce about past events. Some season 1 choices will come into play here such as the meat locker situation, how Duck was handled, wether you saved Carley or Doug, what you choose to do with Lilly, etc. Kenny will also talk about how he got out of Savannah. The story will be different deoending on if Ben survived episode 4 or not. He will also further apologize for Sarita. After talking for a bit, AJ begins to cry uncontrollably. They are extremely low on supplies despite getting some a few days earlier. Walkers surround the gas station. They begin to brake through the windows. Clementine and Kenny do their best to hold them off. Clementine is grabbed by a Walker and Kenny and Clementine are both out of ammo. Kenny grabs the walker and struggles with it before being grabbed from behind from another one and being bitten. He tells Clementine to run despite her refusals. He eventually must either push her out if she does not go by herself. Very similar to the alley scene on Season 1, only this time he actually dies. Clementine bangs on the door as he is eaten alive. She runs off with AJ into the snowy woods. Also, in the gas station, on a hat rack, a hat that looks like Nicks will be there.
If you got the Alone Ending: 10 Days after leaving with AJ, Clementine has found herself back at the Lodge. She can walk around and see the corpses of Walter, Johnny, Alvin(Determinant), and a reanimated zombie Nick that she can put down(Determinant). She can find Walters knife and Luke's map as well as her old backpack and some peaches and beans that Carver didn't take. She finds one of Matthews old radios that is out of batteries. She ends up finding some in the back and turns it on. It is relaying a repeating message that is staticy but says "Group...........Citadel............Spotsylvannia....Mall..............Virginia..........Still alive............." Clementine now has four choices. She can go back to the cabin, she can go back the way she came toward Wellington, go to Howes, or go towards the location of this group. Wherever she decides to go, she and AJ set off.
If you got the Stay In Wellington ending: 10 Days after Kenny and Clementine parted ways, Clemenitne has started to adjust to life in Wellington. There is not really any action in this chapter, but it is mainly a hub section. Clemeninte can talk to many people, including some characters from season 1 whose current status's are Unknonw. Danielle, Jolene's Daughter from Season 1 who was never seen except for a photograph and was not confirmed dead and Anna Correa, the woman on the tape in Crawford who is living happily with her baby. Also, Andre Mutchell. The cop from Season 1'will be there and will remember Clemenitne if Lee left at night. If Chet survived, he will be there as well. At the end of the chapter, the head of Wellington, Donovan, wants to meet C,emetine. It is mainly just about the two talking and forming a relationship(good, neutral, or bad). At the end of their conversation, Edith will come in and say that a radio transmission is coming through.
If you got the Jane W/Family Ending: Clemeitne, AJ, Jane, Gil, Patricia, and Randy have fixed up most of Howes. Clementine can walk around and talk to everyone, specifioacally getting to know the family. At the end, a group comes(Led by Steve that was mentioned in 400 Days) consisting of seven people. They want to take over Howes and the two groups have a gunfight. Walkers swarm the store and in the midst of the chaos, a zombie Carlos, a zombie Sarita(Determinant), and a zombie Reggie can be seen. Carlos grabs Patricia and another Walker grabs the arm of Randy. Clementine must choose who to save. Whoever she doesn't will die and the group of AJ, Clemenitne, Jane, Gil, and Patricia/Randy escape into the forest.
Howes W/Jane: Basically the same but without the family. However, instead of choosing who to save, Jane dies no matter what and Clemeint and AJ are alone.
Christa's Story Part 1: Christa is still alone after being separated form Clementine. If you didn't distract the scavengers in "All That Remains", she will have a stab wound covered up by a bandage. If you did distract them, she will have a bullet wound in her arm. Christa is at the trailer park where Sarah was. If a Nick survived until Episode 4, his corpse will be found there. Also, if you left Sarah behind, she will be found reanimated and eating a dog. Christa can put her down if you wish. She is not victorious in finding any supplies at the trailer park, so she decides to continue along the path. If you pay close attention, you'll notice that the RV that many suspected to be Lilly's is no longer there. As she continues to walk, she see's a casket with a man who hung himself who is now reanimated. She finds some water and jerkey. The rest of the chapter focuses on getting past a group of walkers stealthily(reminiscent of getting past the walkers at the motor inn in "A New Day"). Once completing the puzzle, Christa hears voices talking. She can either approach them stealthily or blatantly. Regardless, she will be found. There is a young boy about 13(Later revealed to be Adam, the strangers son who went missing in Season 1), and a familiar face, Lilly.
If You got the alone ending and decided to go back to the Cabin: Clementine has almost made it back to the Cabin. She is at the River from "All That Remains". The man who you could give the water to(Victor) is no longer there. If Pete died in Episode 1, he will be found reanimated and can be out down. Later Clementine will pass the Red and Gold Truck. If Pete died in Episode 2, his decaying corpse will be found there. She eventually gets back to the Cabin. Inside, if Sarah showed you the gun, it will still be under the bed, although it has no ammo, but Clementine has some. If you didn't take the watch in Episode 1, it will be there and Clementine can wear it. Numerous relics from the Cabin Group can be found there. There are still some supplies left. Later that night while Clementine is sleeping, she is awoken by two voices outside. One is Ralph, one of the scavengers who attacked Christa in Episode 1. And the other is Victor. Clementine attempts to sneak out but is caught. Ralph recognizes her and is prepared to kill her. If you gave Victor water in Episode 1, he will kill shoot Ralph before he kills you. If you did not, Clementine pulls out her gun and shoots both Ralph and Victor. If Victor saved you, you have the option of letting him come with you. If you turn him away, he leaves and will never be seen again. Regardless. Clementine, AJ, and Victor(Determinant), head towards the next best option. The group on the radio.
If you got the alone ending and decided to go back to Howes: Clementine has reached Howes to find that Steve has already overtaken it. She turns around to head back. She starts a fire near Parker's Run. She feeds AJ and starts to dose off when a voice from behind her says "Bang! Your dead. Y'know, it ain't safe to be sleeping out here girl. What if I was some crazy mother fucker in a gang or somethin'." The person is Nate. Clementine has a variety of options but ultimately ends up getting a ride from him. They both go towards the location of the group on the radio.
If you got the alone ending and decided to head back towards Wellington: Clementine and AJ are back in the snow. They have set up a camp in the woods. After a puzzle involving getting the fire started, Clementine must go get more wood. She can either take AJ with her or not. She is in the woods when she sees Arvo come out of know here. Mike and Bonnie aren't with him because they abandoned him after he shot Clementine. Arvo pleads for his life, and Clementine can either kill Arvo or let him go. If you let Arvo go, he will be found frozen to death in a later chapter. Clementine than comes across a gas station(This is the same gas station if you got the leave Wellington ending). Inside she finds Kenny, who has committed suicide. This will only happen if you got the alone ending and. Kenny survived. If you got the alone ending and Jane survived, she will be found in the gas station alive. Clementine will join up with Jane on this situation no matter what, but, you can either fully forgive her, reluctantly forgive her, or be flat out passed and give her the cold shoulder for the rest of the episode. Clementine, AJ, and Jane(Determinant) head towards Wellington.
If you got the alone ending and decided to head towards the groups location: Clementine and AJ are near the location. However, they run into some familiar faces. Mike and Bonnie(Determinant). This conversation goes as well as you would expect and the choice is either to forgive them and let them come with you or turn them away. If you turn them away, they will not be seen for the rest of the episode. However, in Season 3 Episode 3, a reanimated Bonnie zombie can be found and in Season 3 Episode 1, a reanimated Mike missing his legs can be found. If you take them with you, you all arrive at the location which is a large mall located in Spotsylavnnia, VA and has been RE-named the Citadel.
There is a chapter in Heavy Rain called Crossroads. The Steve thing would be an interesting thing to see but we got something pretty damn similar with Carver
Wait doesn't Nick get shot in the head at the ski lodge though?
No, if you told Walter Nick is like everyone else, he will not shoot the walker, the walker will bite Nick, and that is how he will die.
Click here
Oh for some reason whenever I think of that scene I think of Walter shooting Nick :x Thanks for the newsflash.
If people don't even expect Jane/Kenny to live then I don't see much hope for future choices to stick by. I mean, we all know it's probably not going to happen, but saying stuff like this in the forum just encourages the crew behind TTG to do it without even feeling bad. It's a hard thing to do and we are most likely not going to see it, but telltale grew a lot since season 1 of the walking dead and I expect a lot more from them for season 3, even if people here think otherwise.
Kenny and Jane can survive though. They can Determinately die.
But I do hope they don't "Omid" them in the first 5 minutes of season 3. Yes, that's basically what happens in some of mine, but that's only if you got a certain ending.
The alone version sounds pretty cool. I often wondered how sad Clem/I would get, if she ever went back to the cabin.
When I played, Nick died sometime during the escape from Carver. You later find Walker Nick when approaching the trailer park where Sarah and Luke are at.
was crossroads comfirmed
He can die in episode 2 as well
No, this is just an idea I came up with. There has been no Season 2 DLC announced as of yet, but Half Life 3's been confirmed!!! Not.....
He wouldn't be a major antagonist and his arc would come to a close before the episode ends.
I don't Clem would walk that far.
I like your idea. Maybe one of the creator will too.
I don't really think that bringing a lot of people from the past seasons is too good of an idea ,but everything else would be okay. Just my opinion though.
Normally I would agree with you, but, since it seems that almost everyone is heading towards Wellington, it would make sense that anyone that went missing would be found around that area. If we were just in the middle of know here that would be one thing.
She already did in the alone ending.
Update 3
The ski lodge is in Virginia....
Plus the alone ending never specified where it was taking place at.
ew nukem
It could be in Virginia.
The more likely scenario is that they see this and they than preceded to kill off all of the characters that I like. Because Telltale is evil. But I still love them.
Sorry, it was the first one I found, I didn't really care who made it.
Update 4- Tomorrow
I hope they make DLCs cause why not...
Great DLC ideas you've got here. I wouldn't mind seeing TellTale doing something akin to what you described here for DLC.
That's a nice way to send off Kenny but quite harsh.
I don't think Telltale really would have time to make a DLC for this series of Wolf Among Us considering the fact that they've had a lot on their plate.
I mean I agree that everyone probably is heading for Wellington, but wouldn't that mean a lot of deaths though? The chance of bandits, dying of hypothermia, fresh walkers which probably would be frozen if they just died.
Thank you, what's your profile picture?
Luckily it's Determinant. If he survives this episode, he can Determinately survive all of Season 3. Same with Jane.
Yeah, I know. But a boy can hope right?
I honestly have no idea. I merely selected it from a list of avatars provided by this website because I thought it was cool.