Nate Defense Thread
I wanted to make a thread inspired by the "Arvo Defense Thread" go check it out. I wanted to defend a character I think has multiple sides to him. I think he gets way too much shit and is even compared to monster like Carver.
Chasing Wyatt and Eddie
Put yourself in his position, you and a friend of yours are hanging around minding your own business and some guy you don't know randomly shoots your pal. Are you going to be a pussy and let it slide? What if they were dangerous? We also don't know how close Nate was to him. Now I know through the dialogue he seems to be having fun with Wyatt and Eddie. He wanted to strike fear into them. Its the apocalypse not a playground, if people think you're a bitch they will walk all over you (seen with Kenny and Ben).
Encounter with Russell & Shooting The Old People
To make something clear I think overall Nate treated Russell pretty well. He saved his life on two occasions and trusted him with his only gun. He even says in unused dialogue that "there is no need for an apology" and that he understands that he was going through some shit. I agree the "Rating Walker" thing was obnoxious but just college type shenanigans he even says that he "acted like a dick". Now the shooting of the old people can be looked at several ways. After all they did shoot first. I can't say shooting the old people was justified however think of it in survival terms. You're in the apocalypse, you're short on food, gas and ammo and the next stop with anything is for 45 miles and thats not even guaranteed. He was cold about it but it was to impress Russell and strike fear in the old people. If you choose to leave you can tell he's upset and valued him as a friend.
At the end of the day he's not your generic psychopath like Carver he's a person who looks after who he cares about and is unforgiving to people who try to harm them or him. He is at least honest and not deluded to the point where he thinks he's doing the right thing and sees himself as the hero like Carver or The Stranger. He's a broken man with flaws thats trying to make connections in the apocalypse
I guess Defence Threads are beginning to trend now.
It's my fault, I was the one who started this plague, defense threads will be popping up everywhere now. .3.
Anyway, I agree with Nate not being a generic sociopath. In my opinion he was an interesting character and there always felt like there was something else deeper going on with Nate, like he can form genuine emotional attachments and seems like a lonely person but he's also unpredictable and thrill-seeking which understandably drives people away. He's got some sociopathic traits though, I think.
Nate letting Russell almost get chomped by a walker over a stupid conversation is absolutely absurd. Yeah, I can't really like or defend him. He killed those old people, you can look at it differently but when he said "Do you want to kill these people and take all their stuff?" yeah, no its pretty much a joke to him.
I think he's just a psychopath.
Then what does that make Kenny or Jane?
What about them? They're not really apart of this.
He's really no worse than either of them. He doesn't believe in darwinism and doesn't beat children almost to death. Who in the ZA is perfect
I really don't think Kenny is any better than Nate.
The dude's bat shit crazy, imo. And I think he should remain that way.
He's a wildcard
a really fucking awesome wildcard
This is my view on Nate to. Him wanting to kill two hippy murderers and two old people trying to commit murder doesn't bother me all that much, unnerves me a a bit but still.
Nate is an awesome character.
Neither is Jane. Nate and Kenny are capable of caring about people to at least some extent.
Jane cared about her sister and Clementine. So they all these characters can care, just I think Nate is a psychopath.
Jane abandoned her sister without even trying to help her. Jane already ditched Clem once. Nate doesn't seem to abandon people. Almost everyone in the ZA could use a therapy session
If Nate had his own theme, this would be it. BATSHIT CRAZY!!!
I know not everyone likes Nickelback, but bare with me.
My theme for Nate is this;
...It mostly applies right before he killed the old people, but whatever.
Her sister was suicidal and refused to budge an inch because she wanted to die and Jane even said she was unable to throw her or carry her to next building, so she tried a new method which was to leave her there and have her way. From the way she tells us this it's most likely that she was hoping Jamie would realise she wanted to live and escape with Jane but of course she made up her mind and let herself die. Jane did try to help her she did everything she could and was forced to try a method she believed would work but ended failing. As for Clem, Jane left her with a capable and strong group it wasn't like she just left her alone in the middle of the wilderness, besides she did return in the end and saved them.
Smiling indeed.
I hate him, idc what people can say in his defense. He's bat shit crazy, a sociopath, and a psychopath IMO
Nate's always trying to kill people in almost every scene he's in. The guy is bad news and clearly mentally off. Also I don't think that his buddies were just sitting there minding their own business when Eddie shot that guy, they were doin some heavy drugs and that played a part.
Even Wyatt didn't know why Eddie shot them. We saw him for 15 minutes. Go shoot someone's friend for no reason and see what happens
I'm not even going to try to explain it to you if you're really this close minded
in short she's not paying attention to the story tho.... xD
Close minded? Just because I don't like Nate doesn't mean I'm close minded lol.
Its pretty ignorant to immediately label him as a monster without knowing his back story or what he's seen. So many people give Kenny and Jane a free pass because "of what they've been through". We don't know what Nate has seen. Walk a mile in someone's shoes before you judge them.
So what if he killed those old people? Its ZA. I would have just beaten them to death. Nate was a bit stupid because he wasted 2 bullets.
Nate could be just as bad as Carver, but I don't think Nate has that leadership quality about him. He's more of a 'Daryl' type..loyal secondhand man. He wanted the companionship of Russell, but didn't go about gaining Russell's trust very effectively. Russell confides in Nate that he left his group b/c the leader just wanted to rob and kill other survivors. What does Nate say to Russell before he kills the old couple..."are we gonna kill 'em and take their stuff or what?" I think Nate would've been loyal to Russell, but that was him showing Russell his true colors as a survivor....or just really insensitive joke
Lets agree to disagree. The difference between Nate and Carver and The Stranger is that they viewed themselves as heroes and saviors for what they were doing where as Nate knew what he is doing is wrong but has to.
If i remember correctly, Eddie affirmed something about Nate and his friend having intentions of killing them to take their stuff, and said in his defense that the shot saved Wyatt´s "chubby ass" in an determinant conversation when Wyatt blames and scolds Eddie for doing such reckless thing.
Even though Eddie was too quick with his judgements, i guess he was right about Nate, because he really is a bandit from what we´ve seen at Russell´s story. So Eddie actually had his reasons, he wasn´t taking any chances, which eventually, after seeing Nate´s nature, seemed like he did the right choice for survival´s sake.
Nate is like Ohio Weather, unpredictable. Personally i believe he went a little crazy when Eddie shot his friend. He has been alone a long time, so he has problems relating with others. I don't believe he is a bad guy in the TWD world, I believe he has done some "bad" things, but doesn't mean i don't like the guy, or can't relate with him.
When he killed the old people, i didn't really care. The old woman was gut shot, she is probably in extreme pain. There was no saving her. Zero Chance. The old guy, was a casualty of war.
According to a proven liar. If she will lie about a baby being dead, what else will she lie about?
Eddie was a junkie scared of his own shadow. Addicts have jumps and react on a dime. He could have said that he saved Wyatt to feel better about killing Nate's friend
And he did shoot first.
Nate was proven to lie when he didn't cover Russel once while they were under attack so it shows he's also a "proven liar" how do you know he wasn't lying about attacking the old couple several times before? how can you prove he didn't steal from them? It's not like we saw what happened, what else will he lie about?
Lets defend a psychopath who has been consecutively robbing a struggling elderly couple, one of whom is on the brink of death, puts a boys life in danger, and disrespects everyone that is not himself.
Makes perfect sense.
Could we defend Carver as well? Or the Saint Johns? Nate was blatantly an evil character.
If that's really how you see it there is no point of explaining it. He is no worse than Kenny. He never ate anyone or was on a delusional ego trip in which he always though himself the hero and killed people over berries
Nate was great they need to bring him back in S3
I'm actually glad that Nate killed that old racist fuck that shot at him FIRST. Fucker deserved it.
I hope he appears in season 3 but I doubt it.
I'm sorry, I don't want to cause trouble, but weren't you the one who said this in the Arvo Defense Thread (the title was changed to Arvo)
That seems a bit like immediately labeling him without knowing his back story or what he's seen. I mean just like Nate we barely know either of these characters.
The most I can say about Arvo's back story is that he's a Russian with a screwed up leg and a pair of glasses who had a sister and was in a group with two other Russians (possibly more, as there was most likely casualties during their time in the apocalypse) and that he was so grief stricken for the loss of his sister that he was willing to risk being capture by Kenny to kill who he presumes to be his sisters murderer.
For Nate's back story all we know is that he was in a group prior to meeting Russell and that one of them was shot and killed by a nervous Eddie, he also likes alcohol and doesn't condone racism. Really, both Nate and Arvo are blank slates when it comes to their pasts.