Did you kill the *******?



  • "I have a family" is always the go-to excuse for "I fucked up, please have mercy."

    BipedalP posted: »

    I killed him without hesitation. "I have a family..." He should have thought about that before he killed mine.

  • Couldn't you have made your point without the insults?

    Not entirely, hence the "#thuglife" and "Bunch of milksops... you would all make great Septas." My point still stands, though.

  • I understand how the game of thrones world works. Doesn't mean I have to like it. These people who have nothing whatsoever to do with all these politics are the ones who are suffering. People can go in your home, rape your family members and if you so much as speak up, kill you, just because your not one of the highborn. The small folk are treated worse than dogs.

    Their land was given to them by the Warden of the North/the Starks. The Starks are dead. That means that Gared's family is indeed unrightful

  • Not wanting to torture people means you're spineless. Got it.

    People with spines. People that don't care about virtual characters.

  • First of all, it's a game. Secondly that soldier may not have been the killer, just there doing as he was told. He probably had no choice, kill or be killed by his superiors. He had to have some job to pay for his family and provide for them.

    It was similar with the thief, he had a family so I let him go. I was not going to kill a guy just because he attacked me. Beat him up a bit sure, but not kill. Besides what does killing him achieve?, it won't bring back your father or sister. So I was the bigger person and showed mercy.

    Everyone that let him live are cowards and wouldn't survive a week in Westeros. Fact. Only the most pathetic type of individual can let s

  • I don't see the distinction as its my personal interpretation of the character.

    Yeah it does but you said that he "didn't seem like the type to kill a man when he's..." which isn't categorizing him as your Gared its categorizing him as a character overall

  • edited December 2014

    Taking this a bit too seriously, don't you think?

    KCohere posted: »

    Not wanting to torture people means you're spineless. Got it.

  • Sorry, it wasn't meant to be complaining, I just hope Telltale doesn't use this too often or it could get a bit stale.

    I dont think you can moan to much about it. I mean there trying to kill you

  • Im repeating what you said, not beating people over the head with how their choices are wrong.

    Taking this a bit too seriously, don't you think?

  • That's one reason it didn't stay my hand.

    "I have a family" is always the go-to excuse for "I fucked up, please have mercy."

  • edited December 2014

    No. I let him go. I kind of guessed that the other guy was going to get away and the Bolton's were not to be trifled with at this point in time in the story. I think the guy gets away no matter what so staying on the Bolton's good side would probably be for the best knowing how... Different Ramsay is. It didn't work out as I had hoped but I don't think it was that important and even if it was, there's less heat on Gared from the Bolton's right now.

    Edit: Oh it was a Whitehill? I thought it was a Bolton myself, but anyway, the same thing applies for the Whitehill's since they seem to be in cahoots with the Bolton's.

  • Uh, nope. First of by law, the Boltons are guilty of treason. They can't be anymore in the right for seizing land under the authority of being top dogs, than someone else would in executing them for treason. Laws are important, being able to act on them is more important.

    More importantly the Forresters aren't bannermen to the Boltons, not at that moment at least. A lordly house has final say over their lands and their smallfolk legally, that's why being a lord is a bigger deal than being say, a knight. This is supported by the fact that when Ethan argues with them about the incident. He says more or less "They were trespassing on our lands, and as lord of these lands I handled the situation."

    No one says "Legally you no longer have a claim to anything, your lands have been seized. Those people had no legal rights, and neither do you." They say "How dare you, I'm friends with the Boltons!/ How dare you kill kill one of ours over some peasant." They don't contest the legality of the Forresters land, only their disdain for what happened. They even lie about what happened, about how they were attacked. If they were in the right, they wouldn't have blatantly lied about it.

    Their land was given to them by the Warden of the North/the Starks. The Starks are dead. That means that Gared's family is indeed unrightful

  • Yes.

    They had just tried to kill you, and prior to your arriving had murdered your family and destroyed your farm. "Sorry about killing your parents and sister and all, but was I just doing my job" doesn't exactly cut it as an excuse. Also had the roles been reversed that soldier would not have shown you any mercy. They didn't show any to your unarmed family, after all. And you had just fought them.

  • I laughed when the guy mentioned his family while begging for his life.

    Um Gared had a family too..until about 5 minutes ago when you killed them. Try again.

    "I have a family" is always the go-to excuse for "I fucked up, please have mercy."

  • Nope. I decided to be merciful, because I didn't want to sink to their level, and thought if I spared him that'd be one less man the Whitehills and Boltons would be angry at me about... but they're still angry at you no matter what for that one guy, so I guess it didn't matter in the end.

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited January 2015

    Yes I killed him too and I'd do it again even with a cliche consequence (oh wait TTG no consequence). One moment hes happily murdering a girl, the next hes begging for his life, you can bet the only reasonable consequence is that for letting him live he will vouch for Britts side if the story, not that it matters now anyway. Glad I killed him cuz if I let him live then finding out later that they murdered your sister would've been soul crushing.

    It wasnt murder, it was justice.

    Of course. What kind of person would even consider letting him live? Not only did they attack you, but they trespassed on your land and kill

  • and what makes your personal intepretation more valid than the open-ended interpretation

    KCohere posted: »

    I don't see the distinction as its my personal interpretation of the character.

  • Actually they were all Whitehill? Of whom by extension are Bolton soldiers

    Echopapa posted: »

    I let him go, I generally kill those I have to kill or who have pissed me off. He was a Whitehill soldier, actually. The Bolton was the g

  • KCohere you dont have a leg to stand on with any of these posts here.

    Maybe your landowner should break your shit, dont complain though because they can 'by right' remember? /logic

    KCohere posted: »

    Im repeating what you said, not beating people over the head with how their choices are wrong.

  • edited January 2015

    Alt text

    K0t0 posted: »

    KCohere you dont have a leg to stand on with any of these posts here. Maybe your landowner should break your shit, dont complain though because they can 'by right' remember? /logic duuuuhuhhhhuuhuhhhuuuuuhhuhyuhuuhhhhuuh

  • The rabbit? Yes.

  • Killing a disarmed opponent is nothing but cowardice in my eyes.

  • played episode 1 three times, 1 let him live 2 killed.

  • No. Why should I stoop down to his level. I let him live just because of his family. If what he said isn't true though. I will kill him.

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