What happened during the 16 months period?

The first time I played Episode 1, I was so intrigued by this "16 months later" transition. What happened during those period? How did Clem and Christa end up at North Carolina? How did Clem got her new outfit? Where the heck was Christa's baby? So much questions boggling in my mind right now.


  • How did Clem and Christa end up at North Carolina?

    They walked

    How did Clem got her new outfit?

    She got new clothes

    Where the heck was Christa's baby?


    To be honest I hate timejumps and the only reason for it seems to make clementine older for some reason as shes still a kid anyway.

  • Well, at least they can explain the titbit along the Season, seriously, Christa's baby is still a mystery to me. The way I see, Clem was a natural when handling a baby is because she had done it before (to my believe at least).

    How did Clem and Christa end up at North Carolina? They walked How did Clem got her new outfit? She got new clothes

  • edited December 2014


  • im curious about the "9 days later" too

  • We will never know...

  • I think the 16 month timeskip period would make a great DLC. I know that i want to know what happened.

    I mean, im positive that the baby died, but i would like to know the circumstances. Thought for sure they would tie in some memories of clems when rebecca was giving birth but they didnt.

  • There was walking, and eating, and taking a shit, and more walking. And sleeping. And something with Christa's baby.

  • what happened in the 20 years of TLOU to joel and tommy and tess and shit??? this may never be answered but we just need to wait... hopefully

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