Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Move along, nothing to see here. B^]

  • (!) Saltlick123 will remember that

    Everyone's waiting for season 2 and I'm just over here like... Ayy!

  • We all feel the same friend :(

  • Except one of if THE greatest colaborative fanfics in known history that is of equal size to a modern novel.

    nothing except that HUGE thing

    oh and also mourning it......... R.I.P Forum :,(

    Move along, nothing to see here. B^]

  • Ok now you WANT to make us cry..... :,(

  • i cri evrytim

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok now you WANT to make us cry..... :,(

  • Waiting for the others and I'm like

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Waiting for the others and I'm like

  • Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Got my eye on you punk

  • BONUS PART - The Price You Pay

    Many wondered what happened to SaltLick305's character after he betrayed everyone and left on his own. Many people asked,'s what happened...

    I kept driving down the empty and quiet road, it was nighttime now, and it was beginning to get difficult to see anything in front of me. I decided that I would try and get some rest, so I drove into the woods and found a spot that seemed deserted. I parked the SUV and looked around. "So far so good, I haven't ran into any trouble," I said to myself and then started laughing, remembering about all those fools that I was able to easily manipulate into believing me. They were parasites that weren't worth my time, I always thought I was better off on my own anyway, that people just drag me down, I felt no remorse at all. They never knew that I would backstab them at any moment. "Bunch of morons." I said out loud. I admitted, I was an arrogant son of a bitch, but I really didn't care. I didn't really care for anyone but myself, after Sardines and Joe died, there was nothing left for me. To be honest, I really didn't care about Sardines or Joe either, I was mainly using them so I could be able to survive this thing, the fact that I was willing to go out of my way and try rescuing them, made me question myself at times. The fuck was I thinking? I thought to myself. Maybe it was because they knew me longer, or maybe because I was just really desperate to find a couple of imbeciles that were willing to sacrifice themselves for me. There were too many people in the mansion group, and I wasn't trying to get close to any of them, when I told them I was going out to look for Sardines and Joe, it was because I was trying to stay as far away from them as possible. Once I would be able to rescue the both of them, I was going to tell them both that we need to leave them behind and take everything we could carry with us. I played them all from the start, I planned this whole thing from the very beginning, but the death of both Sardines and Joe led to some complications in my plan, although I was able to get away with it, I still wanted Sardines and Joe to tag along with me just in case things got bad and I had to leave them behind for walkers and save my own ass or something... Now I had to try to survive this on my own, but at least I had plenty of supplies and food with me. I sat in the car and then drifted off to sleep...

    Several months went by and I was still alive... Nothing much really happened, aside from the usual walker encounters, I think I was about a year into this thing now, just doing what I can to survive. I ran out of food and supplies a while back, and I had to scavenge everything now. To my surprise, I still had gas left in the SUV, I was able to siphon a lot of it from all the cars that were left behind when the apocalypse started. I drove around everywhere and followed the road to who knows where. As I was driving down the road, I spotted a town in the distance. I decided to head toward it and see what I could find, I hadn't eaten anything for about two weeks now and I was dying of starvation, I still had some water left, so I tried to keep myself hydrated as much as possible. I entered the town and investigated the area, there were a few roamers but they hadn't spotted me yet. I parked the SUV and then got out with my M4 in hand, I still had a little bit of ammo left for it, and the silencer would come in handy just in case. There was a crowd of them just standing there, waiting for anything or anyone to pass by. "HELP ME!" I suddenly heard a female's voice out of nowhere. The roamers took notice and then started heading toward the screaming woman's direction. "Somebody! Please! My baby! Help!" She shouted.

    "What the fuck?" I said to myself. The roamers started moving forward, I peered ahead and saw a lady with a white tank top, some blue jeans and boots. Her clothes were covered in dirt, and a bit of blood. I couldn't really tell from here, but it seemed like she had a black eye and a few bruises on her arms.

    "Hold on! I'll be there in minute!" I heard a man's voice coming from another direction. I spotted a skinny male coming out of an alley, he was wearing a black sweater with jeans and sneakers on. He looked around and saw me standing next to the SUV. He started waving his hands around and calling me over. "Hey, you! Hey! Help us, please! Someone took our baby, we need your help!" He yelled. A few walkers noticed, and then started heading toward his direction. He spotted them and then started moving back. "Holy shit!" He turned his head to look at me one more time before running back into the alley. "Help us! We'll give you food or supplies, we have plenty of it, if you help us you can have them, just please help us!"

    Food and supplies? Now we're talking... I thought to myself. I usually avoided human contact, but I was starving and this seemed like a golden opportunity, if anything went awry, I still had my M4 ready to shoot them. I looked in front of me and saw the lady running toward the back of an old burger joint, that place just seemed to be taunting me... I looked to my left and then started running toward an alley. I snapped my back on the wall and checked around the corner, I saw the man crouching behind a dumpster container. I ran out and then called out to him. "Hey!" He turned his head and saw me running over. Once I reached him, I crouched down next to him. "What the hell is going on?" I asked.

    "Me and my wife came to this town looking for supplies, we were ambushed by a few people and they took everything we had, they even took our baby! Please help us, our baby isn't even a year old! I'll make a deal with you, If you help us you can have all the food and supplies you want, I promise! I just want my wife and baby to be safe, please! I'm begging you!" He pleaded while placing his hands on my shoulders. "The people are still here in this town, we have to kill them!"

    "Alright, alright! Deal! Get off of me!" I told him and then stood up. "Look, it seems clear now, let's head to the back of that burger joint before those walkers reach us. I saw your wife running to the back of it, we need to get to her before those walkers overrun the place."

    "Right! Okay! Come on, let's go!" He replied, I could tell he was anxious.

    "Don't you have a weapon on you? Anything to fight these walkers if we run into trouble? How many people ambushed you?" I asked him.

    "No, I have nothing. The people that ambushed us took everything we had, it was about five of them," He told me and then looked down. "My baby..."

    "Shit... Okay then. Just stay behind me, we're going to make a run for it. We'll get your wife and baby back, but just remember our deal, once they're rescued and we kill the people who ambushed you, I'm taking all of your food and supplies that you promised me, and if I don't get any of that...then I'm going to have to kill you." I solemnly told him.

    "Yes, understood..." He replied.

    I moved ahead and checked the alley, a few walkers were getting nearer. "Okay, let's go!" I said to the man and we both started running toward the back of the burger joint.

    Most of the walkers were distracted, we were able to reach the back of the burger joint without any problems. I kicked the back door open and then we went inside, we were in the kitchen and we looked around for the man's wife. "Hon, where are you?!" He shouted.

    "Stay quiet!" I told him. "We'll find her, but keep your mouth shut." I said to him.

    We started moving forward, heading to the front of the store, I started hearing someone weeping as we got closer to the back of the counter. I looked down and saw the lady from before, sitting down on the floor. She looked up and a smile formed upon her face."Oh my God!" She said ecstatically. She got up and hugged her husband.

    "I told you I would find you..." He said while holding her in his arms.

    I detected the crowd of walkers nearing the front of the burger joint, but right when I was about to say something, I heard a few people outside laughing and a car's engine running. "Get 'em, get 'em! Yeah!"

    "What the...?" I said while keeping my attention focused on the outside of the store. Suddenly an old, red pickup truck stopped in front of the burger joint, and a couple of guys started shooting the walkers with machine gun rifles and shotguns. BRATATAT! POW! BRATATAT! "Fuck! Get down!" I told the two. We crouched behind the counter, and then I started heading for the back door.

    "What?! Hey! Wait for us!" The man clamored. "Those are the men that ambushed us!"

    "Fuck this, we need to get out of here!" I told the two. I stood up once I reached the kitchen, and then I ran for the back door. I opened it and for a quick second I saw a big guy with a shotgun in his hands, my eyes widened, but before I could do anything, he hit me in the face with the butt of his gun and everything went black...

    I was starting to regain consciousness, I could hear people talking around me, but I couldn't make out what they were saying until a few seconds later. I heard people laughing, I slowly opened my eyes and then started looking around, I was outside in the back of the burger joint, laying on my back on the cold concrete. "Well, well, well...looks like he's finally awake." I heard an unfamiliar voice.

    I saw a group of men around, aiming their guns at me. I saw the two people I tried helping earlier as well with guns in their hands. I gritted my teeth. "What the fuck?!" I was confused, it seemed like they had betrayed me, or I fell for a trap that I wasn't aware of.

    The man I tried helping earlier walked closer to me and then aimed a 9mm handgun at my head. He chuckled. "Thanks for all the help, really, I couldn't have done this without your cooperation." He said with a smile.

    I was still puzzled, I had no idea what was going on. "What are you talking about? What the hell is this?!" I asked indignantly.

    "This whole thing was a set up to capture any unsuspecting victims. You were too stupid to realize it, and now we're going to take you back with us." He retained his smile the whole time.

    "Son of a..." I stared at his "wife," I wasn't even sure if she was really with him. "You knew all along?! Why are you people doing this?!" I yelled at them.

    They all started laughing. The man I helped before looked at them. "Get him to the back of the pickup, and let's get out of here." He told one of the other men.

    "Will do." He replied with a sick smile on his face, he walked closer to me. Before I could do anything, two other guys planted their feet on both of my hands. I let out an agonizing screech, and tried to move away, but to no avail. "Now, now, stay quiet. You won't even feel this, I promise you." He says to me and then laughs, he lifted his shotgun and got ready to hit me.

    "Hold on!" I heard the man from before. I looked over at him and he proceeded to stomp down onto my groin, the pain was excruciating, all I could do was scream in agony. "He'll feel that for sure," He chuckled. "You shouldn't listen to us, we're a bunch of liars, but I do guarantee that there will be a lot more pain coming to you from here on end," He turned to look at the guys around us. " you can knock him out." He told his men. I looked up for a split second and got hit with the shotgun again...

    I woke up dazed and confused. I heard people shouting and crying, I lifted my head and looked around, it seemed like I was inside of a garage. There were a few other people tied up to some wooden chairs with rope around their bodies. I looked down and realized I was in the same position as them. "What the...? What is this?" I said to myself.

    I heard the garage door opening and the sunlight shined through, it took a while for my eyes to adjust to it, but I was able to see who walked in. It was the man I tried helping before, with two other men behind him. "Ah, yes. Seems like most of you are awake now." He says with a smile on his face.

    "Who are you people?! Let us go!" A male shouted at them.

    "Excuse me?" The man replied, he snapped his fingers and then pointed at the man who yelled at them.

    One of his men walked over to him and then took out a hunting knife. "No! No, please! Don't!" The male tied to the chair pleaded. The guy with the hunting knife grabbed him by his hair, put his head back and then sliced his neck open.

    "What the fuck?!"

    "Oh my God! Holy shit!"

    Everyone around was panicking at this point. Blood rushed down the guy's neck and he started choking, his eyes widened and he had his mouth open, trying to speak but then he just died suddenly. His clothes were soaked in blood, it started dripping off of the chair and onto the ground. "Jesus..." I muttered.

    "Good...we won't be hearing anything else from him," Their leader told us. "If you stay quiet, and speak when you're spoken to, then we won't have any problems here," He started moving forward, getting closer to me. He turned around and then started talking to everyone else. "We captured you all because it was easy to trick you. You fell for our trap, and you have no one else to blame but yourselves. I don't know any of you, and you don't know any of us...but I do know one thing...and that's that you guys are really gullible." He told us and then started laughing.

    "Can't wait to sink our teeth into 'em, the more gullible they are, the better tasting they turn out to be." One of his men said with a creepy smile on his face.

    What? What is he talking about? Who are these maniacs? I thought to myself. I wasn't sure what was going on, or what was going to happen, but I knew that I had to somehow escape. I decided to say something. "May I ask you a question?"

    Their leader turned to me, he raised one brow. "You know...I should tell them to kill you, but since you asked politely, I'll let you speak." He says to me.

    "I just want to know what's going on here." I replied.

    He chuckled. "Your question will be answered soon. Don't worry about that." He says with a smug look on his face.

    His men started chuckling as they walked around dragging people out of the garage. One of them came up to me and started dragging me out as well while still being tied to the wooden chair. When we made it outside, I looked around and saw a house with some vehicles parked in the back, the woods was nearby, all you had to do was go up a hill to reach it. I saw someone with a potato sack over their head, using a chainsaw to cut someone into pieces. There were a lot of people standing, and walking around, most of them seemed like hillbillies, I saw a bunch of picnic tables set up with a number of people eating. I looked around some more and saw them having a barbecue, and then it hit me...suddenly I realized what was going on, I thought I had solved the puzzle now, the pieces were coming together, it seemed like I had stumbled onto a group of cannibals. Holy shit, I need to get the fuck out of here... I thought to myself.

    "Get 'em inside, take them down to the basement." I heard their leader say.

    More people came out of the house, two men lifted the chair I was on and started taking me inside with the other people they had captured. It was me, another male, the man whose neck they sliced open, and a female who was quiet the whole time. I wasn't showing it, but I was starting to fear for my life, I didn't know who these sick fucks were going to kill first.The two big men brought us down to the basement, I saw jars filled with human body parts, eyeballs and intestines, some human skin hanging on a wire and a pile of bones on the ground. "What the fuck...?" I said under my breath.

    One of them chuckled. He walked over to a wooden table that had dried blood on it, he picked up a meat cleaver and a butcher knife. "Bring me the female first." He told his partner while smiling like a lunatic.

    I turned my head to look at her, her eyes were widened and she finally said something. ", please..." She said in a low voice.

    The two men just laughed, one of them dragged her over and then pulled her head back, he took out a knife and then sliced her neck open as well. I turned my head to the side and had my eyes closed, I opened them slowly and started looking over at them. They took the rope off of her, and then placed her corpse on the table, the man with the butcher knife and cleaver started cutting off some of her body parts. "Sick fucks..." The man next to me said with a disgusted look on his face.

    I looked over at the two men, and then back at the guy next to me. "We need to get out of here." I whispered.

    "How? We're tied to these chairs, we can't really do anything." He whispered back.

    I looked around the basement but I couldn't find anything useful. I looked down at the floor and shook my head. "Fuck...we're done for..."

    After several minutes went by, they had finally finished. They placed all of the woman's body parts into a trash bag and then dragged the guy whose neck was already sliced open next to the table. They placed him on it and proceeded to do the same thing. The man next to me spoke up. "Looks like after they finish with that guy, one of us is next...shit." He whispered.

    "Never thought it would end this way..." I replied.

    "Were you with a group?" He asked me.

    "Yeah...didn't like them though, I ended up leaving with half of their stuff. I knew I shouldn't have tried helping, now look at where this shit has led me."

    "Why didn't you like them? What made you leave?" He asked.

    I chuckled. "Well, might as well let you know since I'm going to die anyway... I was using all of them. I was just looking for two of my people, my "pets" as I liked to call them, I kept them around just in case I needed a distraction from the walkers, if you know what I mean. They did whatever I said, they followed me and thought I was going to lead us to safety, not knowing that I just wanted them to tag along for my own benefit, although there was a time that I almost sacrificed myself for them, but that was because I knew I would make it out alive. We were trapped in a mall, a large crowd of walkers had surrounded us, I saw two openings and told them to leave before the walkers got any closer. I knew that if they went one way, and I went the other, that we would all make it out alive. We were supposed to meet up outside of the mall, and after seeing that I was ready to risk my life for theirs, I knew that they would be more willing to do the same, but I ran into some unexpected complications...more walkers came out of nowhere, and I thought then and there that I was going to die and that I had screwed myself over, but suddenly these three people and a dog had saved me. I didn't trust them, but I was going to use them to help me find my people, at first I played along, acted like I would do anything to prove my worth, doing anything just to gain their trust, but I was also keeping my distance, I didn't want to get too close to any of them, I just wanted to get to my "pets" and get the hell out of there. We ran into a lot of problems, but when things were settled, I ventured on my own to find the lost dogs that I had cleverly manipulated, I just needed to find them and tell them that we needed to get the hell away from this new group of people. I found out later that one of them had died, the weaker one of the two, always whining and complaining, but I still had one dog left to order around. Unfortunately, they ended up getting bit and died later on...with no one left, I decided I was going to leave the group, but not without taking some of their stuff. We went to war with some crazy fuck that wanted to kill us all, I used that distraction as an advantage, and then went back to take almost everything they had. I lied to everyone in their faces, and the fools fell for it...

  • edited December 2014

    What is that supposed to mean Pro?

    BONUS PART - The Price You Pay Many wondered what happened to SaltLick305's character after he betrayed everyone and left on his own. Man

  • ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him.

    "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someone coming down the stairs, I looked up and it was their leader. "Shit, look who's back..." The man next to me said.

    "Damn we're really dead." I replied. The cannibal leader walked up to us while smiling the whole time. He walked up to the guy that was next to me, and then started cutting the rope off of him. He stood up and then they both smiled at me. I gave them a confused look. "What...?"

    "He's my younger brother," Their leader said to me. He reached for something in his back pocket and then took out a walkie-talkie. "I was listening the whole time, he was gathering information on what type of people you all are. The others had pretty boring back stories, but you...oh boy, you're something else. Now...we could just kill you and eat your corpse, but I think we're going to have some fun with you first..."

    His younger brother walked up to me. "Maybe you should have stayed with that group of yours..." He told me and then chuckled.

    "You son of a bitch!" I shouted. All of them started laughing.

    Their leader looked at the two guys who had butchered the other people. "Bring down the wooden cross, let's tie this guy up." He orders them.

    "You fuckin' assholes! I'm going to kill all of you for this!" I ferociously yelled.

    "Hey, hey, hey! Shut the fuck up!" The leader's brother told me.

    "Fuck you!" I retorted.

    "Looks like this one had too much salt, I'll decide when we kill him, understood?" Their leader asked.

    "You got it, boss." One of the two men replied as they made their way back with the wooden cross, it was in the shape of an "X." They placed it down next to me, and then one of them went behind me to start taking off the rope around my hands and ankles. The leader's brother took out a handgun and aimed it at my head while keeping his distance.

    "I wouldn't try anything stupid if I were you." The cannibal leader told me and then smirked as he took out a handgun of his own.

    Four on one, and two of them had guns on me, I had no other choice but to comply. After my hands and feet were freed, two of them forced me onto the wooden cross, and then tied my hands and feet onto it. "Both of you leave." I heard the cannibal leader's brother tell the two men that tied me to the cross. Now it was just him and his brother, he went over to the table and grabbed the meat cleaver and butcher knife, he handed the knife over to the cannibal leader.

    "Hmm, you know...we could just save him the misery and put a bullet to his head. What do you say, bro?" The cannibal leader asked him.

    "That's fine by me, why don't you ask him?" He replied.

    "Wait, what?! You're just going to shoot me?! Then what was the point of tying me up to this thing?! Tell me!" I demanded an answer.

    They both laughed, and then aimed their handguns at me. "Well, at least it'll be a quick and painless death, no?" The leader told me.

    I gritted my teeth, but then I thought of something. "Why don't...why don't you guys let me join you instead?" I asked. "Let me join you guys, and together we can take over this new world. I wouldn't mind becoming a cannibal, as long as I don't go hungry... What do you say? You need people like me, I can trick people into coming with us as well..." I explained.

    They both looked at each other, and then back at me. They smiled at the same time, and then the leader spoke up. "Hmm, no. I don't think so. I already heard what you did, so letting you into this group would be a horrible idea, I may be dumb, but I'm not THAT stupid." He says to me.

    "Let's just kill him, brother." His younger brother tells him.

    "Yes," He smirked. "Lets..."

    "No, no! Don't!" I couldn't believe it, but I was begging for my life. I didn't want it to end this way. "Don't kill me!" They both aimed for my face, and got ready to shoot. "No!" I yelled out, I closed my eyes and braced myself... Suddenly I felt water hitting my face and I shook my head in confusion. I opened my eyes and stared at the two brothers who were laughing hysterically. "What the fuck...?" I said out loud. I realized that they were using water guns that appeared to look like real weapons.

    They kept laughing at me, they turned to look at each other. "Brother!" The younger one said.

    "Brother!" The leader replied. They hugged each other while continuing to laugh, tears started coming out of their eyes from all that laughter.

    What the hell is wrong with these two? I thought to myself. "Get me out of this thing! Let me go! If you set me free, you won't ever see me again, you won't have to worry about me ever coming back to this place, please, just set me free!" I pleaded.

    They both turned their heads to look at me. "No, no, we can't do that. We're going to keep you here until I say it's time for you to die. That's just how it's going to be from now on, and you're going to have to get used to it," The leader told me. He placed the knife onto my chest and stared directly into my eyes, he started to slowly cut across my chest, cutting through my shirt as well. "I was betrayed someone I thought was a very good friend, by someone I thought I could depend on for anything...betrayers don't get any respect from me. I hate them all, no matter who they are. I'm going to make sure you suffer a very slow, and very painful death, my friend." He said to me.

    After he was done cutting me, I started to feel the pain on my chest, and I felt the blood rushing out. "I'll go get the hammer." I heard his brother say.

    "Bring the salt as well." The leader replied.

    "Just let me go, you don't have to do this..." I told them.

    "If it makes you feel any better, I don't really give a fuck, oh wait, that doesn't make you feel any better now, does it?" He asked and then started laughing. I saw his brother coming back with a hammer and a small bottle of salt. He handed the bottle to the leader and then he smiled as he looked dead into my eyes. "Now, this is going to sting a bit." He says to me. He starts pouring some salt onto his hands, and then rubs them both together. He starts laughing a bit, and then proceeds to place one of his hands on my open chest wound. He slides his hand across it, and I felt it burning.

    "Stop! Stop, please!" I begged him. I kept yelling, but they kept laughing at my discomfort.

    The cannibal leader took the knife and then ripped my shirt. "You can't give up just yet, friend. We're just starting to have fun, this is only the beginning." He tells me. He places the knife on my left hand's fingers. "This little piggy went to the market..." He said, and then cut my index finger off.

    "No! Don't do this!" I shouted, but he continued cutting the rest of my fingers off.

    "This little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had some roast beef..." He kept a sinister smile the whole time.

    "Why?! Just stop!" I yelled at him.

    "This little piggy had none, and this little piggy cried wee wee wee all the way HOME!" He shouted and then cut my last finger off. He left me with no fingers on my left hand, and then he crouched down to pick them up. He stood back up and looked at me. "Open your mouth, or we'll make force you to open it." He said in a stern voice.

    "Just...stop...just stop..." I said while looking down at the floor. I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my shoulder, and I let out a harrowing scream. I realized that he had stabbed me with the knife and left it there.

    He swiftly stuffed my detached fingers into my mouth, and forced them in there. "I warned you...listen to my orders, or suffer the consequences."

    "Fuck this, he thinks we're fucking around," I heard his brother say. I saw him lifting the hammer, and he swung it at one of my knee caps. I kept shaking my head violently, I tried screaming but his brother had his hand over my mouth with my fingers still inside. His brother went for my other kneecap and broke it as well with the hammer. He started to chortle, his brother did the same. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, and I felt an immense pain on my legs every time I tried to move them. "There we go, much better." He says.

    The leader let go of my mouth and I tried spitting my fingers out. They kept taunting me, laughing at my misery. He grabbed the knife and then pulled it out of my shoulder. "Friend, why are you crying? As I stated before, this is only the beginning, you're going to have to get used to this." He snickered after he said that.

    "I'll go get the blowtorch, brother." His younger brother told him.

    I finally managed to spit the fingers out and was able to speak. "Kill me! Just fucking kill me!" I said while crying, the pain was too much to handle, I wanted to just end it all right then and there.

    "That would be too easy, friend. You have to suffer before we decide it's time to kill you," The leader told me. His younger brother came back with the blowtorch and placed it on the floor. He turned the valve and then stared at me with a menacing expression, letting me know that these two were going to torture me until I died. I saw the leader grabbing a wooden bat from underneath a table that was close by. His younger brother started burning the wound on my chest and I started screaming. I heard them laughing again. "Look at him! He's soiled himself!" Before I knew it, the leader swung the bat across my face and knocked me out...

    Months went by, and the torturing continued... I pleaded for my life, but they kept hurting me. I had cuts, bruises and stab wounds all over my body, they even cut one of my arms off one time. They had shaved my head bald, and beat me to a bloody pulp. I watched as they ate human body parts in front of me, they force fed me some of it at times but they mostly kept me starving, I didn't know why they were keeping me alive for so long, but I just wanted to die, I wanted this to be over already. I was still tied to the wooden cross, I cried everyday, I was living a real nightmare, I had nothing left, just constant struggles. It was a dog eat dog world, I knew that this was survival of the fittest, what I had done was horrible, but it was too late for me, there was no way I was fixing the broken mirror, there was nothing I could do about it, this was the price you pay... Even If I somehow managed to escape, there wasn't much I could do with broken legs, one arm with no fingers, and I was too skinny and weak to be able to do anything now. I was looking down at the floor, thinking back about everything, I heard the door opening and looked up, the two brothers had returned to torture me again. "Dog! We've returned!" The younger brother shouted while making his way down.

    "How's our little bitch today?!" The leader asked.

    "Good, sir..." I replied. I had no choice but to do or say what they told me to, or else the torturing would be worse.

    "That's great! We just came back from killing a few walkers, and I've heard that some of my men have spotted two females in a small cabin near the lake. They've told me that one appears to be in her late twenties, while the other appears to be in her late teens," He said to me. "With those two, we don't really have a need for you anymore, so it's your lucky day, bitch! You get to finally fuckin' die! Isn't this great news?!" He asked in a jovial manner.

    I started sobbing, for some strange reason, I still wanted to live, I still wanted to survive this thing until the end. "Fuck is he crying for? Isn't this what he wanted?" His brother asked.

    "Ten months we've been torturing this animal, he's told us many times that he wanted to die, but now he's crying about it? The fuck is wrong with you, dog?!" The leader asked me.

    "So-sorry, sir... I just-I just--" I got interrupted.

    "Shut up. Don't speak, you're snotting and crying all over the place, just shut up." The leader said to me.

    "I say we make it worth his while since it's his last day on earth. Let's really fuck him up." The younger brother told him.

    "No, no, just put a bullet to my head, just end it quickly, no more torturing, please!" I begged.

    They both laughed hysterically. "Funny how you're still able to talk back to us like you're a big man, considering you don't have what makes you a man anymore," The cannibal leader said. "You're our bitch, and we'll do whatever we want, got that? And you better answer correctly, unless you want to feel some real pain."

    "Sorry, sir... I'm sorry...just end my misery, sir, that's all I ask..." I said while trying to hold my tears back.

    "Much better, dog!" The leader replied.

    "We trained our bitch well, brother!" His younger brother told him.

    "Indeed, brother! Go get the chainsaw, let's finish this dog off, shall we?" The leader asked him with a smile.

    "No, sir, no, please! Not that, please, sir!" I pleaded.

    "Shut that goddamn hole in your mouth!" The leader was getting furious. "No, actually, keep it open, dog," He ordered me. I did as he said and opened my mouth. I closed my eyes and tried keeping the tears from flowing out. "That's it...keep it open, and don't you dare close your mouth or help me God I will do unimaginable things..." I felt him grabbing my tongue, and then I opened my eyes to see what he was doing, he had a knife out and then sliced my tongue off.

    I screamed, and then tried talking, but it was difficult to speak clearly. I heard his brother laughing as he made his way back with the chainsaw in hand. "Very good! Now stay quiet, or we're going to punish you even further." He tells me.

    VRINN! VRINN! He started revving up the chainsaw and then walked over to me. "Cut both of his legs off, brother, and then his other arm." The leader ordered him.

    "With pleasure," He replied with a sinister smile. He came up to me and then started cutting my right leg off. They were both laughing maniacally, he then started cutting off the other leg, and after that, he cut off my arm. I fell off of the wooden cross and hit my face on the concrete. I couldn't move, and I was in excruciating pain. I hurt all over, and there was nothing I could do. The leader stabbed me in the back, and then turned me around to stab me in the right eye, now I couldn't see from one eye, and I was starting to feel dizzy and lightheaded, I was losing a lot of blood. They picked me up and then took me up the stairs, they took me into the kitchen and then placed me on top of a table, I looked around for a bit and saw a large commercial meat grinder nearby.

    "Well, dog, it was nice having you around, but your stay here is done. It's time for you to die, but I'll always cherish these wonderful moments we had together. Oh, but don't worry, I'll make sure everyone gets a plate of you in your memory, I'll never forget you, dog, you were the best bitch me and my brother ever had!" The cannibal leader said to me before tossing me into the meat grinder. I felt an agonizing pain as my body was beginning to get grinded up, I looked at the two brothers for one last time, and they were just laughing the whole time. My body was going deeper into the meat grinder, and I kept picturing the mansion group in my head, how I betrayed them, and how I used Sardines and Joe, how I manipulated everyone just to ensure my own survival. I guess I was finally paying the price... Everything went dark.

    Ending theme

    Thanks for reading, everyone. Merry "bloody" Christmas. B]

    BONUS PART - The Price You Pay Many wondered what happened to SaltLick305's character after he betrayed everyone and left on his own. Man

  • And there it is.... Great job and Merry Christmas :D

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • oh sorry it did'nt load for my screen at first

    Amazing part Pro

    BONUS PART - The Price You Pay Many wondered what happened to SaltLick305's character after he betrayed everyone and left on his own. Man

  • We.............that was.....that was........was.........Amazing? that was.........oh thats the word OVERKILL

    Salt got the worst death (well the worst POINTFULL death)

    It felt like i was reading a fanfic to be honest ( Fanfics about Forum that should be a thing)

    But it felt so great to read at least a little more Forum it brought back really good memories and the wring is just amazingly good :)

    Merry chrismas Pro :)

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • Too.Much.Sadistic XD

    Excellent Job!!!!!

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • Well...shit..

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • Merry Christmas!

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • Thanks, man. Merry Christmas to all! Enjoy your day, everyone! B^]

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    We.............that was.....that was........was.........Amazing? that was.........oh thats the word OVERKILL Salt got the wor

  • Exactly...

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Thanks Pro :)

    Thanks, man. Merry Christmas to all! Enjoy your day, everyone! B^]

  • Pro be like

    Alt text

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    What is that supposed to mean Pro?

  • Alt text

    Excellent reads and that ending a great christmas lesson be good or die in a cannibals meat grinder I love it :D

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • edited December 2014

    Hey mark how would your character have delt with the canibals?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Excellent reads and that ending a great christmas lesson be good or die in a cannibals meat grinder I love it

  • This both made me happy and sad that Salt died.

    I guess I'll just do my 'Horrified-Excited dance.

    Alt text

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • Mark would laugh at them while being tortured, why? Because he's a crazy fucknut. B]

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey mark how would your character have delt with the canibals?

  • edited December 2014

    at the last part :D

    great job and hope you had a good christmas

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • Yes, it was excellent! Hope everyone had a great Christmas as well. B^]

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    at the last part great job and hope you had a good christmas

  • Alt text


    And while I am sad that it wasn't me who served justice, I am still very pleased with this.

    Alt text

    good job, pro.

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • You've killed enough SaltBros :)

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED! And while I am sad that it wasn't me who served justice, I am still very pleased with this. good job, pro.

  • Alt text

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    You've killed enough SaltBros

  • Great job Pro, always cool to read. And because Christmas is already in the past, happy New Year! (at some point...) ;>

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • Felt so good to fap to this.Merry Christmas and Happy New Years you Snicker Pit Dick.

    ...Now I'm stuck here in this predicament, and it seems like we're both dead, buddy." I told him. "Damn..." He simply said. I heard someo

  • edited January 2015

    So your Horrified-Exited dance is turning from side to side?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    This both made me happy and sad that Salt died. I guess I'll just do my 'Horrified-Excited dance.

  • Jewfreeus you must be one of the people than most enjoyed this

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    at the last part great job and hope you had a good christmas

  • Whattheduck i havent seen you in months

    Godd to see ( well read) you again :)

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Felt so good to fap to this.Merry Christmas and Happy New Years you Snicker Pit Dick.

  • Guetta i havent seen you in moths either :)

    Great job Pro, always cool to read. And because Christmas is already in the past, happy New Year! (at some point...) ;>

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