Season 3 Intros Prediction
With Jane and AJ and the family at Howe's - it has been 2 years since the events of season 2 and Randy is the leader of a large community of 40 to 50 people that live in Howe's much like what Rick did with the prison in the TV show and clementine has had time to relax and is in good athletic shape getting taught by allot of strong survivors And took the responsibility of Raising AJ and became a motherly figure to him. Clementine is scouter that finds and recruits people to there community along with several other people. One day your hanging out with Gill (Your best Friend) And playing with AJ And all of a sudden the speakers that clementine used to lure the herd of walker at Howe's in season 2 turn on and someone is luring a nearby herd over to Howe's the herd starts attacking causing havoc and you see Patricia get eating alive by walkers as your running to the office to shut the speakers off and you open the door and Jane is there at the desk and she is the one that lured the herd to Howe's with the speakers cause she never liked the idea of letting people in the first place and she was trying to get rid of them so clementine raises her gun and has the option to shoot Jane and she begs Clementine to let her go and saying to her that she would have been better off if they just kept Howe's to themselves.
If you choose to shoot Jane she will get shot straight through the fore head and fall down to the ground with her lifeless body.
if you choose not to shoot Jane clementine will lower her gun and run off and Jane will never be seen again.
You find Randy standing over Patricia's half eatin corpse and he is in despair and tells clementine to leave him then you have the option to leave him of convince him come with you.
if you leave Randy he will get eatin by walkers and are able to save Gill struggling with a walker.
If you convince Randey to come with you you will not be able to save Gill and Gill Becomes Walker food. So you are able to escape Howe's and you are either with Gill or Randy And your able to find AJ and you all both have to rub walker guts over yourselves and walk through the herd and there is some confusion walking mid way through the herd and Clementine and Randy/Gill get split up but you see them making it out of the herd alive and clementine takes off running the other direction into the woods Carrying AJ with many walkers chasing her but clementine is able to out run them.Then it skips ahead to 3 months later.
If you are with Jane at Howe's with AJ without the family - It has been 2 years since the events of season 2 and you and Jane are best friends and having a great time and are the only ones living in Howe's and clementine has become a really strong survivor from being taught by Jane And took the responsibility raising AJ And became a Motherly figure to him. and one day a stranger approaches the gate and we tell him to leave but refuses and threatening and claiming that he has a group of 30 people that will kill you painfully if you don't leave Howe's. You can either comply or not.
If you are nice and comply Then Jane comes out of no where and shoot the stranger in the head then a group of about 30 people start charging the gate with blunt weapons and guns shooting the place but you and Jane are both able to run off.
If you are not nice and tell him to leave Then you get shot in the shoulder And Jane comes out of nowhere and shoots the stranger in the head and you and Jane run off
You tell Jane you have to get AJ but she tells you to leave him cause you will get yourself killed But you run off finding AJ and Jane follows you so you don't get hurt Jane is able to cover you while you go in his room and get him and you all run off through thee back exit you are now in the back parking lot of Howe's But then you get shot in the leg and collapse you ask Jane to help you But then she abandons you and you notice the person who shot you is about to shoot Jane and it is your choice to either let him shoot her or shoot him before he shoots her and if you wait for him to shoot her he shoots jane in the back of the head then bandit grabs hold of you and AJ and tries to capture you but you are able to shoot him in the process. The you limp your way into the woods and hide behind a rock with AJ. Then it skips ahead to 3 months Later.
If you with Kenny and AJ - It has Been about 2 years since the events of season 2 and you Kenny and AJ are held up in a secure Storage facility. Kenny is fully Mentally healed and only has 1 hand and is still rocking the kenny beard and Bandage Eye patch and his hair is whiter. Kenny has become a Fatherly like figure to Clementine and AJ and Clementine has became a motherly like figure to AJ most of the Episode will be nice and relaxed like the camp fire scene from season 2 episode 5 and you all have plenty of food and water cause the storage facility storage is filed up with loads of canned food and clean bottled water. then the next day they go out and drive to wellington and ask if they would let them in this time since the last time they asked was about 6 months ago. once they get to wellington it is completely destroyed and burning on fire with many dead people there and the gates ripped open and they go inside and everyone there is dead and allot of walkers are there and all there supplies where stolen. when they get back to the storage facility about 5 army trucks filed with bandits come out of nowhere and it appears they had followed them Kenny holding AJ and clementine run off being chased by about 15 bandits while about 15 others searched the storage facility. clementine are in the woods being chased and Kenny realizes that they cant out run them so he shoots one bandit and takes there assault rifle and tells clementine to take AJ and run off while he hold the bandits back as a sacraficeand they say a tearfully goodbye that intends to make the player cry then you can either run off with AJ and not see Kenny die or hide behind a rock and see Kenny get shot and die. Then it skips to 3 months later.
With AJ at wellington - (Still writing it)
Alone with AJ - (Still Writing it)
Nah telltale would never be able to do that. Too many branches.
The thing is that he made Jane look like she is the devil and Kenny like an angel
Come on guys, he made the effort to type all of this up. Don't just post such short responses.
well in season 2 they made kenny look like he is the devil and jane like an angel.
Nop , they didn´t
yes they did.
I´m not going to discuss this with someone who has the profile name of the character we are discussing
well lets see you write 3 intros of the walking dead season 3 and use 6037 characters.
well she says im glad you didnt let them in if you turn them away. so no.
You think Jane disapproves of letting people in?
If you let her make the decision by letting the timer run out she chooses to let them in., So yeah. No.
Really? I don't even think I've seen a KGB member making THAT argument..
Your post is absolutely not 6037 words.
what arguement
yes it is i copy and pasted it to a character counter.
As someone who frequently writes essays with a maximum of 4000 words allowed, it very much is not 6037 words, trust me.
I have just run a calculator, and you wrote 1197 words.
The argument that Telltale was more biased to Jane than to Kenny.
i dont believe you write essays i believe that you are a butt hurt eleven year old and are being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole and i copy and pasted my 3 paragraphs in this charecter counter website so why dont you do the same and tell me what you get
Because she can easily regress back to the state she was in when she first met Clem. But Clem showed her she can do better., hence why she lets them in.
and you cant run a calculator you would literally need to count every single charecter in my pragraphs
I copied it and pout in Word and it got that there are 1201 words
no she likes clem cause she sees clem as a replacement for her sister and she isnt friendly with others she left the group and only came back cause of clem.
Then why did they make kenny crazy and have a temper and made him kill jane and almost kill arvo and beat carver to death with a crowbar.
I can't believe you guys are fighting over the amount of words in the original post.
Things must really be getting boring around here if people are starting to argue over that.
Are you guys done discussing JaneVSKenny ??
Im just trying to make predictions and people are being assholes
I'm sorry to hear that.
I always imagined that Howes would be taken over by the 400 days group.The appearance of Negan would be cool Negan did said he had other smaller communities. Perhaps before the he was centrally located at the Saviors, he picked out Wellington dry and just didnt need them any more, so he moved on, or some other person like Negan. It would be even cooler if Wellington falls because of the Flu because the place is "overcapacity"
Firstly, you edited your post to say characters not words, which is rather lame.
Secondly, I'm not 11. I'm married.
Thirdly, you're the one being deliberately antagonistic saying 'I bet you couldn't write this much'.
'Why did they make Jane want to leave Sarah behind and pretend to have lost the baby'?
Both have balanced presentation.
Also what on earth do you mean they made Kenny have a temper? He' ALWAYS had a temper. That's part of who he was.
Oh, and Kenny murdering Jane is determinant.
Kenny sees Clem as a replacement for Duck too. He even accidentally calls her Duck, far more evidence than there is for Jane,
That's why its interesting to see how the two characters are similar.
firstly i ment to say charecters in the first place i didnt mean to say words.
Secondly there is no way to prove that your not eleven and married if im talking to you over the internet.
thirdly no im not im defending my opinion cause i worked hard on these predictions and did it for fun and all your being is an asshole.
Yah but Kenny gave up his left eye for clem and would proudly give his life for clem and AJ and he actually cared for his son and his sons death broke him.
on the other hand Jane left her sister to die and abondon the group once and only came back cause she sees clementine as a replacement for her sister.
Well of course I can't prove it but why would I lie?
And I could easily prove I have knowledge an 11 year old wouldn't have. I can PM you one of my essays from University if you like.
You can defend, and are defending your opinions in an antagonistic way. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Jane risked her life for Clem by carrying her, running, over a frozen lake which was breaking up.
Jane cared for her sister and it clearly broke her. If she didn;t care about her her story doesn't make any sense at all. She became less trusting of people and less willing to get emotionally attached because she'd been hurt by that attachment ages ago and struggles to let herself be herself again. Clem rescues that.
Jane left her sister to die after making her get up EVERY SINGLE DAY when she didnt want to and even CARRYING HER AROUND. That is not a lack of care: that is an extreme amount of care.
How do you know that Jane only comes back for clem because she reminds her of her sister? Isn't it just as arguable that Kenny only puts his life at risk for Clem because she reminds him of duck, considering they had little to no interaction in season 1 and hes known her now for like two days?
It's also worth noting that Kenny FORCES clem to take the walkie talkie. He put her at risk in the first place, so I'm not sure how much credit we can give him for taking responsibility.
Determinant. I never fell in my first playthrough.
Because you let Luke drown and magically killed Bonnie
Not my fault Luke cant hold his breath for 10 seconds. Anyhow i remember i stopped at the last hit, it takes 5 hits i think? Thank god i didnt fall in.
Perky season 3 cast doomed to die within 5 episodes: "Hey rainbowchild with baby how are you!"
Clem: "Cool I was with someone but they dead now"
Perky season 3 cast doomed to die within 5 episodes: "Oh noes!"
Clem: "Its cool"
"This game series adapts to the choices you make, the game is tailored by how you play"