how do you like the game?
hey guys, i thought that the guys at tell tale could use some feed back on what you think of the game,
i think it's awesome, keep the great work coming. i'll be looking forward to more games in the future.
any other thoughts guys?
i think it's awesome, keep the great work coming. i'll be looking forward to more games in the future.
any other thoughts guys?
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and an adventure game coming in just weeks!!!!!!!!
I guess these characters will be in the first adventure game? If so I like where this is going.
I'm pretty sure they're just announcing what the game will be. Nothing more. B-)
Personally, I can't stand that Dudebrough guy. Too bad I cannot team with Boris to tell him to shut up! :-L
Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy that you tossed us a bone. We were all quite hungry.
The characters look cool, and they respond in alot of nice ways in correspondence to what is happening in the game, so that it doesn't get repetitive too quickly, (well, I've only played it a couple of times, but still.. I haven't gotten too many of the same lines yet.) And I love how you allready seem to have gotten down a sense of "Telltale spirit" in the game. That's quite an accomplishment actually. I had a great time just reading the rules, and even the credits. Kudos to the whole creative team. The whole team actually, even though the game itself isn't anything "major", presentation is everything, and the game pages/shop/game itself looks very polished and stylized.
The comic is off to a promising start too. Maybe it's just because i'm even "slower" than usual today after a hard day at work, but it took a minute for the "punchline" to sink in. But that's a good thing. Yay for new cool content!
And yeah, $15 is two beers in Norway. Which means most $15 I've spent resulted in far more repetitive ordeals, and gave me much less excitement. And I actually like beer alot.
Well, I'm back to some poker action. I always win against my friends. I guess Dudebrough ain't my friend. And what's with Grandma? She folds quicker than.. Oh I forgot we have to keep it clean.
I'll shut up now.
I'd probably still buy it though. Because the subliminal messages in this game tell me to... @-)
I still wonder why Boris hasn't killed him... And Telltale: please, do not make him the main character of your future great adventure game.
I am amazed at the huge number of dialogue lines. I played several times, and I still hear new comments every time. I still don't know what happened to Grandma's fourth husband by the way...
As I said earlier, the characters are cool. Hopefully they'll be incorporated into other games too. Yay.
Personally, I'm keeping Win98 on this one until DOSBox is perfected. XD Plus XP is too powerful and big for my smaller, much less capable computer.
It's funny, technically advanced, easy-to-pick and classy.
Of course I'm waiting for the adventure game, but this is perfect for my spare time ( I have spare time?
P.S.: I have nothing against Ted, but Harry is my favorite.
Anyways, nice work guys! Don't worry about trying to buy intellectual property. Create your own. Imagination is something that is missing anymore, and I think a new startup game company like this can pave new roads into the gaming community.
Actually, there is an option to make it full screen. It's in the "OPTIONS" menu.
Aint that some sh.... I can't believe I missed that. :-/ Too much Budwieser last night...
*The Captain kicks himself in the arse*
(The two hands that busted people involved the computer calling all-in bets with T3o against ATs on a T87 board and with A7s against K5s on a KQ87 board.)
Also, for a no-limit poker simulation, most of the CPU players do not seem to understand the concept of betting more than a tiny percentage of their stack/the pot, which means that the correct strategy as the player has very little resemblance to actual poker.
- Mike
The music is first rate too. More jazz/swing/big band music for games please!
Yeah, I know, I'm a few months behind, gimmie a break. Fortunately, I'm highly impressed by what little I've played (I'm procrastinating on an essay and I can't afford to get too drawn in, you see), and there's a good chance I'll be purchasing this after a little more time with it. I've just gotta give it a real thorough testing first is all.
I like the character interaction, it's really great finding out little by little the stories behind the players.
Tonight however, they ate of my hand like it was fine dining. They even seemed to jump at the chance to do so. I would just laugh and laugh whenever one of them would go all in when I had 3 of a kind. That was the first game I won...I REALLY enjoyed it...probably too much.
Sometimes it gets repetitive. I mean, I hear a lot of the same lines over again, but ocassionally I hear a new one. I've also let the game sit on the title screen for far too long so the song has gotten kind of old. For someone who gets annoyed of repetition quickly, it doesn't bother me too much. I think I would miss their banter if it wasn't there.
I like the music. I like Piano Jazz. I wouldn't mind hearing piano jazz in Bone, but I don't think I would mind hearing piano jazz anywhere...well, as long as it's not stricly the soft or smooth jazz. It has it's place, but that stuff gets old pretty quickly. Another form of Jazz that is nice is the kind of stuff that's in "The Incredibles". All the instruments were recorded in the same room at the same time on tapes...the old school way...none of that mixing track and digital music stuff. Don't hear that much anymore.
Despite this, it is chewing up a great deal of my time - probably more than it should. In the nicest possible way.
"In the afterlife
You could be headed for the serious strife
Now you make the scene all day
But tomorrow there'll be Hell to pay"
Yeah, I like them too!
I like the game.
Best of it is the interaction of the virtual characters with each other.
It would be cool if the player could interact as well.