Quotes from the game, favorites?

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

Someone has to start this. Spoilers obviously. Here are a few of my favorites from a few characters.

Gared:(Britt: I'll have that sword, boy) "Aye, you'll 'have' it."

Ethan: "I may be young, but I'm not so easily fooled. You're trying to rile me, but it won't work."

Mira: "I would marry the king if it would help my family."

Gregor Forrester: "They've never seen a field plowed so well as the day the Kingslayer dragged poor Norren across the battlefield."

Ramsay Snow: "You're quite the brave lord, aren't you? I don't want a brave lord. Far too much trouble."

-- I guess there's not gonna be much early on with just one episode.



  • Love this Scene

    Lord Whitehill: What kind of Fucking House is this?
    Lady Forrester: A House of Honorable Men.
    Lord Whitehill: Uhh, Lady Forrester?
    Lady Forrester: You Bellow like a wounded Boar, Lord Whitehill, Have you forgotten your manners?

  • Tyrion: ''The girl has a remarkable talent for answering questions while in fact saying nothing at all''

  • edited December 2014

    Gared:(Britt: I'll have that sword, boy) "Aye, you'll 'have' it"

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  • You beat me to it. I like that one, too. "Aye, you'll have it". Prety ballsey.

  • "I'm going to kill you."



    I said these exact lines before Gared.

  • edited December 2014

    Britt: "I'll have that sword, boy." Gared: "Aye, you'll 'have' it."


  • "Ah, twins. Like the queen and her brother. Well, hopefully not JUST like the queen and her brother."

  • I actually coughed and choked on my Coke when he said that and had to pause the game for a second xD. Thats why people who have seen the show or read the books will enjoy the story more lmao

    Pipas posted: »

    "Ah, twins. Like the queen and her brother. Well, hopefully not JUST like the queen and her brother."

  • "I'm alive, bitches!" - Rodrik, Episode 2

  • Maybe. On one hand, I like it because she puts him in his place and gets him to accept my word, but I dislike it because he doesn't stop spewing his disbelief at my authority until the Lady of the late lord speaks on my behalf.

    J_Scheff posted: »

    Love this Scene Lord Whitehill: What kind of Fucking House is this? Lady Forrester: A House of Honorable Men. Lord Whitehill: Uhh, Lady Forrester? Lady Forrester: You Bellow like a wounded Boar, Lord Whitehill, Have you forgotten your manners?

  • It's my favorite of my favorites so far.

    You beat me to it. I like that one, too. "Aye, you'll have it". Prety ballsey.

  • lol Rodrik confirmed for Ep2

    Pipas posted: »

    "I'm alive, bitches!" - Rodrik, Episode 2

  • Tyrion is amazing throughout his scene. "She IS a threat to the crown, isn't she? The most dangerous handmaiden in all the Seven Kingdoms."

    But I just love Ramsey's delivery of, "Far too much trouble."

  • That's my favorite quote, and I was so proud of myself when I chose the option that led to that response.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Tyrion: ''The girl has a remarkable talent for answering questions while in fact saying nothing at all''

  • Ryon-'I'll find the people who took Rodrick one day and I'll make sure I have a real sword when I do'

  • Ethan: "Sit. Down!"

    This is one of the few moments that Ethan sounds threatening. You can hear the frustration in his voice.

  • I like Ethan's reaction to the insult when Ryon asks what it means. "I don't know, but I know it's not good!"

    That's right, I read your pre-edit comment. I'm sneaky.

    Gared:(Britt: I'll have that sword, boy) "Aye, you'll 'have' it"

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited December 2014

    Ethan: "Sit. Down.".
    Duncan: sits down

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    Hbh128 posted: »

    I like Ethan's reaction to the insult when Ryon asks what it means. "I don't know, but I know it's not good!" That's right, I read your pre-edit comment. I'm sneaky.

  • edited December 2014

    Ryon- ".. And he called you a milksop"

    Ethan- "I'll have him (Royland) punish for saying that!"

    Ryon- "What does milksop mean?"

    Ethan- "I don't know... but I know it's not good."

  • edited December 2014

    Ramsey Snow: (mocks) "well, aren't you the little Lord! No wonder you can't open the gate. Shall we help you? Now let me in....this is lovely pile of timber, isn't it?"

    Ethan: (mocks) "Why the hurry? Are you cold?"

    Ramsey Snow: (chuckles) "You know, I am a bit. Fortunately there's no shortage of wood to burn around here." looks at the gate saying so

    "A token. For the new Warden of the North."

    Ramsey Snow: Let me guess...Forrester Ironwood?.....Ironwood. Doesn't look like much... don't know what's so special about it."

    Ethan: "Your father will appreciate it, I hope. Out Ironwood is highly sought after."

    Ramsey Snow: "My father is not so easily impressed." quickly puts his dagger into the shield to test it "Not...Bad. Lord Whitehill. Can your lot do this?"

    Lord Whitehill: "Given enough time, we could learn--"

    Ramsey Snow: "Given enough time you could do a great number of things. But not this, apparently."

    Ramsey is just a fantastic villain, as horrible as his lines are he beings a humour to them. I really love his bow at the end of the episode "Lovely meeting all of you. We'll have to do this again some time."

  • Now that you mention it, it is quite foreboding that he implies he'll be visiting again soon...

    Ramsey Snow: (mocks) "well, aren't you the little Lord! No wonder you can't open the gate. Shall we help you? Now let me in....this is lovel

  • edited January 2015

    yes it is 0_0, Iwan Rheon will most likely return for future episodes. I am sure tell-tale make a expensive deal with the people who run the HBO game of thrones tv show.

    I am sure they plan to make good use of the actors that will work with them and recorded their lines. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke will be in future episodes.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Now that you mention it, it is quite foreboding that he implies he'll be visiting again soon...

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited January 2015

    It was pretty much confirmed that the show is deviating a great deal from the books starting next season so I wouldnt be surprised if they promote a character like Ramsay to a frequent role given fan response

    yes it is 0_0, Iwan Rheon will most likely return for future episodes. I am sure tell-tale make a expensive deal with the people who run the

  • "My Mother insisted"

  • Ramsey's joke about incest is one of the more perfect things I've heard.

  • Tyrion: Lady Margery you are look marvolous today

    Margery: Lord Tyrion {SMILES}, Your grace {GLARE}

  • 'Who doesn't love bacon?'

  • Ramsay: "I fucking hate bread and salt".

  • Aside from the protagonists, Lady Forrester is my favourite character.

    J_Scheff posted: »

    Love this Scene Lord Whitehill: What kind of Fucking House is this? Lady Forrester: A House of Honorable Men. Lord Whitehill: Uhh, Lady Forrester? Lady Forrester: You Bellow like a wounded Boar, Lord Whitehill, Have you forgotten your manners?

  • I think it's "I loathe bread and salt."

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Ramsay: "I fucking hate bread and salt".

  • When Gared said "fW*k you"

  • Alot of Ramsay's lines were pure gold he's a great Villian

    Some that people haven't mentioned before

    "Quite the Aramy you have, lord Forrester. Very impressive"

    Eathan- "Lord whitehill lied to you" Ramsay- "Ludd? A liar? He is a whitehill." His face was priceless

    "Do make this visit worthwhile"

    "Do you like hanting?" maniak smile

    Gotta mention that the main reason those lines are so great it cause Iwan Rheon (the actor) is doin amazin job

  • Iwan Rheon (the actor) is doin amazin job

    He's one of the best actors on the show, he does his role really well. Especially his line "If you think this has a happy ending, you're haven't been paying attention." sent chills down my spine.

    KSGoT posted: »

    Alot of Ramsay's lines were pure gold he's a great Villian Some that people haven't mentioned before "Quite the Aramy you have, lord F

  • Exactly! Not many actors are capable of playing this kind of vilian and he is doing an outstanding job. It is well seen in the game, it's the way he delivers the lines that makes a good line to a great one. (And the faces he make, which were taken into the game)

    Iwan Rheon (the actor) is doin amazin job He's one of the best actors on the show, he does his role really well. Especially his line "If you think this has a happy ending, you're haven't been paying attention." sent chills down my spine.

  • edited January 2015

    Ramsey Snow: "Aren't you a bold lord. But I don't WANT a bold lord. Far to much trouble. Even through you did bend the knee. I think we've come to a understanding. I certainly feel better about all this."

  • edited January 2015

    Like these? yeah has the evil smile down..

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    I've recently started to watch Misfits; and I honest didn't recognise him as a good guy, in the role he was really shy. he dose the psychotic mask really well. fantastic actor you can tell he had fun in the Ramsey Snow role.

    KSGoT posted: »

    Exactly! Not many actors are capable of playing this kind of vilian and he is doing an outstanding job. It is well seen in the game, it's th

  • edited January 2015

    Ramesy Snow: "isn't this a lovey pile of timber? Not the place I'd want to be if there was a fire."

    Duncan: "Ironwood is near impervious to flame, my lord."

    Ramesy: "Is it?"

    Lord Whitehill: "May I introduce Lord Ramsey of House Bolton, son of Roose Bolton. Although a bastard (Ramsey looks annoyed), Lord Ramsey has the full authority of the Warden of the--"

    Ramesy: "Thank you, Ludd. That's enough. Who is this boy, is he lost?"

    Ethan: "May I offer you bread and salt, lord Ramesy?

    Ramesy: "I loathe bread and salt. Aren't you the little lord. Lord Whitehill told me you were young, but this...look at you!"

    Ramesy: "Look at that, more Foresters. Come out where I can see you."

    Ethan: "What is it you WANT, Lord Ramsey?"

    Ramesy: "What do I want....? Everything. Nothing. We'll see."

  • edited January 2015

    "Know that you never stand alone, especially now. You're a Forrester !"

    -Lady Fucking Forrester

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