What are some things you would've liked to have seen in Season 2?
Personally in regards to Kenny, I would've liked to have seen more of him with a rifle.
Kenny became one hell of a sharpshooter this Season, and I'd have loved to have seen more of that.
His brawling skills had significantly improved this Season, which was cool, but I still would've loved to see more of those new sharpshooter-skills of his at work.
Regarding Luke, I'd have liked to have seen him in a fight.
To me, Luke was kind of a pansy-ass, and it would've been interesting to see him actually fight someone, as it would've been interesting to see if Luke could've actually stepped up and done whatever was needed to protect the group.
Now I'm not saying that a man has to fight to show he is a man, but what I am saying is that a man will do what needs to be done, to protect the people he cares for.
In fact, though I must say even though I did like Luke, I felt his potential as a character was really wasted, even for the short time he was around.
Which was sad, as Luke seemed to be a very colorful character, and it would've been interesting to have had him around longer than what we did.
Another thing I'd have liked to have seen, is Clementine have a flashback of her and Kenny.
To show whatever closeness they had in Season 1.
Even if Lee and Kenny were best friends, as they were in my game, we still didn't get to see much of Clementine and Kenny interacting together.
And I think that would've been nice to see.
And on a side note, I would've liked to have had Kenny have a flashback of him and Lee.
That way, regardless of their relationship, we could've had a chance to play as Lee again, even if it was for a short moment.
More romance.
Pretty much everything you just described.
More fist fight's.
More Pete
More Carver
More 400 days group
Less Kenny
Less Kenny and Jane
More Everyone else
Less Kenny, he had way too much screen time.
Determine Characters not being Brain dead after being saved and then to just die later
Quality writing.
...Sometimes I have to be 'that guy'
Now onto the actual list; More character development, more screentime for determinant characters, less timeskips, less focusing on one character and forgetting all the others exist, (You know who I'm talking about.) and definitely less plot device characters.
Ugh, that's a pandora box opening for me right there. I've mentioned in threads before so I'll save not going more into those, but the thing you mentioned on Luke with wasted potential, I completely agree.
Where you said about a dream on Clem and Kenny, that's a good idea, although I would've prefer something on Clementine's parents or that they got acknowledged a little more in the season maybe that Clementine even dreamed of them before Lee.
This is a beautiful list.
Nate, Eddie, and more Carver.
Nick and Sarah surviving, Even more split paths in the last episode rather than just endings, Alvin getting more developed
It's just not the same.....
if christa was gonna comment or say anything about season 2
"look at this... it's pathetic."
More friggin comedy. A joke here or there wouldn't hurt the season or maybe more of Clem acting like a doofus like from S1.
What the fuck happened to christa and her god-damn baby!
I know that was so annoying! No point in even saving them
Big, long, bushy BEARDS. Zombie apocalypse and far too many beardless men. It doesn't make sense.
Choice, or a lack of. We don't have a choice in this game. Do we go left, or right Either way it doesn't matter, because in the end we end up at the same destination.
I would of rather stayed with Carver TBH, where he could of taught her how to survive for the future.
Education for Clementine, she desperately needs it.
Realistically she can't read/write/ knows maybe basic math.
Teach her how to reload ammunition with a loader/How to repair/Clean Guns
Teach her how to fix Cars, Stitch a wound, what plants are edible, medicinal, poisonous, useful etc.
Christa was probably raped/murdered by the men in the woods.
baby died somehow, they weren't very specific other than "NOT AGAIN."
I think you forgot Lilly.
I'm going to civiling yet violently disagree.
I'm pretty sure Luke was the type of guy to kick ass when pushed to extreme measures.