Will S3 be the best yet?
I feel S3 has more potential from the start than S2, the 5 decisions will add a new dimension to the game. I think it will be better than S2 but also that Telltale will have to do really well to match S1 in quality and building relationships with characters.
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It will immediately lose points from me if they just toss all the different endings to the side in the first 15 minutes of the episode.
They would have a lot to do to beat how good season 1 was IMO but if they handle it well then it certainly could
I agree S1 has to be the benchmark, whether they can beat it we will find out.
This question is tough to answer since we don't know much about season 3. I can describe both seasons for you though in two words. Season 1 was "Protect Clemintine". And season 2 was "Just survive". Who knows what season 3 will be about.
I doubt it. I think Season 1 will always be the best.
I think they'd have a lot of work to make it better than Season 1, which was excellent, but they can definitely improve from Season 2 (which to be fair was also very good, though it had some major flaws).
They can take the series in more directions than they could have when Season 1 ended- they're were 5 different endings, so it looks as if the players choice at the end of Season 2 will actually make a difference to the direction of the game, that is if Telltale decide to make five differing story lines. However, I get the feeling that (for the sake of simplicity) Telltale will sort of standardise the story for Season 3- so no matter whether you went to Howe's or not, or whether you went with Kenny or Jane, you will probably end up in the same situations. This isn't necessarily a bad thing if they do it right, but they have to improve the impact your choices have on the game, possibly the biggest complaint about Season 2 (and for the sake of balancing the argument, Season 1 wasn't exactly an abundance of real choices. It just seemed like it was because it was better written).
They also have to avoid becoming repetitive- the last two seasons we've been introduced into two big groups only for them to be killed off one by one till its just two/one character alone by the end. I think they should either bring in another group that lasts this time (which might be unrealistic, as people do die in an apocalypse) or they could make Clementine (and/or the character you ended Season 2 with) more alone, travelling without the safety of a big group. This would limit character interactions, which is what the game is essentially about, but it was also be more realistic (by this time in the apocalypse, there ain't going to be that many people left).
For me, they also HAVE to stick with Clementine, as her story can go in so many directions and her character is still quite unresolved. If they did something stupid like made AJ the main character then not only would the game lose popularity but it'd also be a terrible move in terms of the whole plot of TWD.
Season 3 also needs a long running, major villain. Carver had a lot of potential but now he's gone and there's nothing we can do about it. I trust Telltale can create an equally dangerous character who has more of a part to play.
And finally, perhaps Telltale have to become a bit more brutal this season. Yes, there as plenty of brutality in Season 2 (eg; smashing Carver's face in) but it's an apocalypse- things are only get worse and as they do so will people. The people you come across are a lot likely to be bad rather than good as the population of survivors diminishes. I'm not asking for mindless violence, I'm asking for more reality and less censorship.
Overall then, though I would be cautious to say that Season 3 can be the best season yet (as Season 1 was so good), they can certainly improve on Season 2 and run Season 1 close if they get this right. Which, knowing Telltale, I have full confidence they can do.
Someone on the forums said it would be about "Redemption". That's just what someone said and I don't know what they're source was, but that's what I've heard.
@Carverwasagoodman, he wasn't a good man.
They will probably have to standardise the different stories a bit, otherwise they'd basically be making 5 whole different games and slamming them all together (which is a pretty tough task). The 5 stories then will all share similarities, but I doubt Telltale will immediately disregard your choices.
Now that's just one point of view...
Just joking
It's a sarcastic username
Ah, I was about to say... He slapped the shit out of Clemintine when she was waiting for Sarah to take a piss.
I think the last one will be the best.
If you say ''Sorry'' or something like that, he doesn't slap you :P
Season 1: Masterpiece
Season 2: Crap
There will have to be some drastic changes. Season 2 was pretty bad I hope Telltale realizes it and let it be 3 times a charm. GOT and TFBL give me hope but they're going to better than that to match Season 1.
And Clementine slapped the shit out of Sarah when Luke and Jane were chillin' on the roof. It's about the point of view, all up to discusion.
After episode 2-4 & and 2-5..
No bro...
To be honest, if they learned from there mistakes from S2, then yes.The endings we got could really lead to some great branching and overall replayability. However if they bugger up the with the endings next season, then the whole season would pretty much be ruined.
If TellTale grabs the potential of the 5 endings Season 3 can be amazing, if they dont, then It wont look good
No. I don't see them topping the first season.
The only reassuring thought I have is that Season 2 was not made by the same people who created Season 1 (at least that's what I assume), because I'd be worried if it was.
But nevertheless I'm amazed that this is the same company that had created a game that earned 80 Game of the Year awards, only to suddenly create the sequel that seems to go the complete opposite direction in terms of writing quality, memorable characters, and powerful moments.
Different circumstances. Clem shoots zombies in the face, ergo she's just as evil as the guy who shot Walter in the face.
Anyway, my guess is that we'll be with Clementine. Again. This time, she'll be a teenager - it's amusing to think that Telltale will still be stuck with her being a small, pre-pubescent child (13 at best) by the end of 2015 because they're bound by Kirkman's timeline.
I think it will be. If they improve on some of the criticisms and give Clem a good conclusion.
Season 1 : Unforgettable, memorable Characters, Best Feels experience, more storylines and character development.
i hope i can put lily's head instead of hitler lol
because she's a goddamn Nazi
Season 2 : Writters be like
Season 3 : Not sure.... until it comes out yet... it's gonna be a sore for a while now
Hopefully it will be great. It holds potential. Kind of like how I felt with Season 2 when it first started, it was amazing but.... it didn't turn out amazing in the end.
Season 1 had depth. Season 2 killed that depth, along with all characters that had any potential for Season 3.
So, no. Not a slim chance.
I highly doubt it.
how dare you O.o season 1 wil alwyz be d best

Telltale will make her older, but they can't go to far forward either, otherwise we'd loose the tension of having to look after a little baby. I think Clem will probably be about 12-13.
potential? yes. unfortunately, i don't think it will be much better than s2. i'm still salty about what they did to sarah. hopefully they will get back to what made s1 so great
I'm sure Telltale won't want to be that predictable.
I've got a feeling that Telltale will surpass the barrier.
Okay- we get it. Season 2 has it's flaws.
It's not that shit.
Actually, 6 endings. And their "potential" is highly dubious because both Kenny and Jane are determinant. Meaning, both will die at the start of season 3 in those endings that they didn't die yet.
Nah. Look at Season 2...
Because they can't improve? Hell- they made a masterpiece of Season 1. They can definitely do that again.
I don't even get the hate on Season 2. Sure, it had its flaws, but it's not entirely shit. If they tied up loose ends and didn't make Kenny overshadow the cabin group to the point where they actually develop, then the season would have been great. But because of this, it doesn't make it entirely shit. It just makes it good.
If they don't have Eric Stirpe and J.T. Petty (the guys who wrote Episode 4) write episodes again, then Season 3 will already be better than Season 2.
Actually 7 endings
And considering they have over a year to create Season 3, they have plenty of time to create a role for either Kenny or Jane for at least a couple of episodes aand then kill them off. I don't see them killing them off Omid style, I have faith in Telltale.
They never keep determinant characters too long. Specialy in this case they have no reason to do it considering that all choices around Kenny and Jane happened previous season and we cannot go revert to choices from previous seasons in current season. That would mean they would have to make too much material that would only be played by players who made specific choices previous season.
I would kind of like that to happen but Im doubtfull Taletale would stray from their usual pattern that much. No, they would just kill of both Kenny and Jane in like first 30 seconds of Season 3. Like they did so many times.
Like I said, since aa lot are still pissed off about how Omid was handled, I doubt they will kill them off immediately. But we can't judge what they are going to do in Season 3 when we don't know anything about it. Maybe you're right that they will kill them off early, maybe they'll keep them alive for a while like they did with Carley or Doug. Until there are more details, we shouldn't make a judgement yet.
There is also one other moment that you must be aware of: different choice is not only different characters but different locations. That would mean Taletale, just to keep Kenny and Jane alive, should invest recources to create at least two totally different storylines, one regarding Wellington and other out of it.
They would waste their time and resource make two storylines even if they are awere like 80% players would ever play just one. Because choice to switch between two version is in previous game.
Something like that never happened so far.