How did it go with queen Cersei?
Okay, first off I would like to say that I have never watched or read GoT so this is all new to me, and my God, Queen Cersei seems like one hell of a bitch.
I want to know how everyone convo's went with Queen Cersei when Mira was summoned by her? I would also like to know if anyone accepted Tyrion's offer to try and help protect the Ironwood from the other houses?
I am pretty sure my convo with Cersei went pretty badly, as I like to play Telltale games based on how I would react if I was the character in question, and in general I find "feeling one thing, and saying another" very difficult.
Anyway, I bent the knee and I tried my best to keep my calm, I said my house was loyal to the crown and basically told her for a little while what she wanted to hear, but I didn't do that for the whole way through. I didn't want to say anything which could end up making my house make false promises, so when she asked me a question such as "would my house be loyal to Roose Bolton?" I simply replied with short answers such as "He is now warden of the north" and didn't really go into much detail. I stuck up for my house slightly, but didn't push my luck. Eventually she said my loyalty seemed to be intact but it was probably not directed to the crown. When she asked me who I served, I knew she was trying to humiliate Margery, I also felt that as I was her handmaiden I had to answer honestly, so I told her I served Margery. I think I screwed up there, and I deeply regretted it, but in real life, I still would of probably said it, I just would like to know how the conversation went in everyone else's playthroughs?
I also rejected Tyrions offer because I didn't want to irritate Cersei more than I already had.What did you guys do?
My Mira was terrified of queen and stayed quiet.
I didn't bend the knee the first time but reloaded the game when it tould me she wasn't pleased because I know Cersei and I was TERRIFIED for having to talk to her. I said everything to please her and tried to be a smart ass when I could just to annoy her a bit but I don't think she sees me as a threat. Margaery herself told me to please Cersei and lie if needed so if she was really offended by what I said I'll be really pissed (I said that she regrets almost marrying Renly and sided with the king)
I played three times already but I think on the first time I accepted Tyrion's offer.
Also I know how King's Landing works and I'll be as smart as I can while I'm there. I will say anything in order to get what I want just like Cersei said.
It was awful. At first it was going fine, bending the knee and such, but then no matter what I said she seems to just hate the answers to her unwinnable questions. WHY WON"T SHE LOVE ME!?!? Then I just decided to take Tyrion's offer to get something out of this grueling scene.
It was easy just lie, I think I was a little too eager to begin with but I did what margery wanted.
I see little reason at all to deal with Tyrion, the plan puts mira in danger, screws over her family, screws over margery; what is good about it?
Part of the reason I didn't lie and just told her what she wanted to hear, was because I was terrified she would see through the fact I was just agreeing with her for the sake of it :P I know on some peoples playthroughs, she did see through what they were saying stating that the only thing they were doing was basically talking shit. So on that note I think I might of gotten the better end of the stick. I don't think my answer pleased the queen, but when I spoke later to Margery, she seemed a little bit happy that I stuck by her, as I showed that I had respect for Margery, but I hope I didn't unintentionally make things harder for Margery in Kings Landing. It seems like everyone is out to get everyone there.
I didn't see any benefit of accepting Tyrions offer either. It had one benefit and about five consequences :P
The only reason is that most fans like tyrion however listening to the dialogue there was no reason for mira to accept, heck really there was no logical reason for her to be talking to one of the lannisters.
I told her I was loyal to the Crown and didn't swear fealty to Marge to make her happy, but I was a bit of a smartmouth so I don't think she believes me. I also accepted the offer from Tyrion but that was probably a huge mistake. It was just a "at the moment" thing for me.
Sure there was, Cersei wanted to aggravate/humiliate Margery and saw an easy target in her handmaiden. Also she is generally paranoid/irrational though I think that's really the lesser part of her reasoning here (beyond her distrust for Margery herself of course).
As for Tyrion he felt sorry for her, like he feels sorry for many others, and it's not like the offer is a bad deal for him per se.
best reaction
Agreeing with everything she says makes you look unloyal to your former wardens and therefore unloyal to the crown, "which is not very encouraging".
But tyrions deal he even said was something Margery would want either. He himself listed
There is no real positive to that situation apart from really if you want to play Mira as a more selfish character who wants to furhtur her own personal agenda apart from her family and everyone
I treated her like shit.
The deal, if it would work, would secure the Forresters as crown's ironwood manufacturer so it really wouldn't be selfish of Mira. Quite the opposite actually since there is nothing really into it for Mira herself, only risks. Of course the deal can never work, knowing the future of Tyrion.
well i never liked that bitch but i also knew that i had to please her for mira's safety,, so i bent the knee i tried to avoid her questions as possible, and i also accepted tyrions offer
Did you swear loyalty to Margery or the Crown?
Good on you
You probably done the thing that everyone else was too afraid to do.
See, I guess you could say I am more disadvantaged as I have not read or watched GoT, so I have no idea what the future for Tyrion is. I do agree it wouldn't be selfish of Mira if she did accept, but I didn't see any benefits, considering it probably put the house in more shit than it already is.
I guess there's not a way to please Cersei 100%
I tried to be as rude as I could. I hate Cersei
I went in there feeling like I could deal with it pretty well, since I've read the books and am one of the few people who actually love Cersei (not that she isn't a terrible person but heck, who isn't in this series? Other then Ned, and look where that got him.).
And then I actually had the audience and it was just FAIL FAIL FAIL. So I ended up basically going with Tyrion's deal out of desperation because I didn't expect to get anywhere with Cersei.
I was honest... :x
I was kind to begin with, smooth talking out of everything until the last part where she DEMANDED to know where my loyalties are. I told her I stood with the Tyrells. Screw you Cersei, the North NEVER forgets.
I like Cersei too. I see why a lot of people hate her and the Lannisters but I like all of them. A lot of the bad shit she has done was for her family. Also I tend to like characters who are manipulative.
I would love to see her more but I feel like I should be as far away from her as possible for my sake.
i both tried to impress cersei but show respect to margaery at the same time.. i think i achieved that
Okay, well don't worry Tyrion is not going to die
And yes the deal would put the house to more shit but only if it fails badly and Cersei does some shit or something like that. If it would work it would be a jackpot for Forresters, though Mira herself might still get to trouble.
That's not how things work, not in King's Landing
Margaery Tyrell
How did it go?
I incest
She is very displeased with me;so, not well.
Well, the way that it went between me and Cersei was that I started off by bending the knee just to satisfy her. Throughout the conversation, I kept answering neutrally and, as Tyrion put it "Clever girl. The girl has a remarkable talent for answering questions while in fact saying nothing at all". I tried to keep up with that act for the entire conversation, but that completely fell apart when it came to deciding who I'd swear my loyalty to. And I ended up swearing loyalty to Margery, mainly because I hate Joffery's guts.
I even told Tyrion that his offer is a risk I'm willing to take.
All and all, I'd say that it went well. :P
I bent over like a little b!tch, Cersei scares the crap out of me as her agenda only involves her and her children. My conversation choices were exactly as the OP, in the end I couldn't force myself to say I would serve Jeoffrey, so opted Margaery... If looks could kill I'd drop dead on the spot.
Telltale is making an amazing job in copy-cating H.R.R.Martin.
i swore loyalty to the crown, the game told that lady margery. i think that is why she said that the king didnt accept to help my family later
how did it go? did u swear loyalty to lady margery?
Yes I did :P
I used the balanced option for most of the dialogue, not saying one way or another, for the ire of Cersei and the amusement of Tyrion. Only in the last question, if I was loyal to the king, i answered yes.
It went pretty good i think, considering i confirmed my true loyalty to Maergery later on
^^ literally i did exactly the same things you did
high five
I hate her SO MUCH!!!!!!
Well I liked this scene so much that I just had to experiment with the different options!
In my first play through I was evasive, which seemed to amuse Tyrion, I declared my loyaltiy to Joffery (all the while looking very devious as I said it). I also accepted Tyrion's offer.
The only way to please her is kneeling before her....