The Purple Wedding (TV SPOILERS)

Do you guys think we'll get to see the "wedding" in this game? I sure hope we do...


  • I think so since Mira is in Kings Landing, and this is around the time it happens.

  • Hmm... I don't know about that , could be more trouble than it's worth. Think about it , episode one starts off with the events that occur outside the towers in the Red Wedding which was not elaborated on in the TV series which gives the writers a blank slate to introduce the Forresters. If the Purple Wedding is included in later episodes then i imagine it will be refrenced as a backdrop only.

  • We might or at the very least hear mentions of it.

  • edited January 2015

    We should. For one thing, it would make sense since Mira is in KL during that time. Also, that was a war-changing event, just like the Red Wedding. Not witnessing it would be stupid if Telltale really wants this game to tie in with the show.

  • I hope we do too, it might just be something along the lines of, Mira shows up before the wedding and has a scene helping to dress Margery. Then we cut to Asher, or Gared. Then we cut back to Mira just as shit is starting to hit the fans, or maybe right after the death when everyone starts to leave.

    Im just not sure Telltale wants to recreate a 77 course meal, along with dancing bears and jousting dwarfs. Its a pretty tall order for a 10 minute scene. But i'd love to see it through Mira's eyes.

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  • Well, it'd be pretty hard to pull it off but yeah, I'm fairly sure they'll show it or at least commotion from it. There is the girl who looks and dresses pretty much exactly like Mira in the wedding scenes, which can't be a coincidence.

  • Ya, i haven't seen season 4 yet. But i heard about the Mira look-alike, it would be cool if they tied the game in with that.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Well, it'd be pretty hard to pull it off but yeah, I'm fairly sure they'll show it or at least commotion from it. There is the girl who looks and dresses pretty much exactly like Mira in the wedding scenes, which can't be a coincidence.

  • Maybe Mira would be the one who spike the drink.

  • I think we will see it. Not only because there was this Mira look-alike but also there was clearly build up for it in first episode, especially the conversation with Sera and messing around with the seating plans.

  • It was Olenna ffs! :D

    Herodriver posted: »

    Maybe Mira would be the one who spike the drink.

  • At least maybe she'll take part in the plot. :p

    It was Olenna ffs!

  • Yeah, who knows, Mira kinda is on team Tyrell. Though even Margy didn't know of her grandmother's plot before the wedding so it's hard to see that her handmaiden would know and be part of it. But it's possible.

    Herodriver posted: »

    At least maybe she'll take part in the plot.

  • Why do you think Margery didn't know about the plot at the purple wedding? Im pretty sure that Margary and Olenna Tyrell are like 2 peas in a pod, and Olenna is teaching her everything she knows. At least that was the impression that i got when reading.

    I have always assumed that, if Margary didn't poison the wine herself, she was aware of the plan so she wouldn't accidentally mess it up. Or drink from the poisoned chalice herself. (Both her and Joff share the same cup at the wedding.)

    Yeah, who knows, Mira kinda is on team Tyrell. Though even Margy didn't know of her grandmother's plot before the wedding so it's hard to see that her handmaiden would know and be part of it. But it's possible.

  • Margaery wasn't aware of the poison. When Olenna all but told her she was the one that had Joffrey killed, Margaery was shocked.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Why do you think Margery didn't know about the plot at the purple wedding? Im pretty sure that Margary and Olenna Tyrell are like 2 peas in

  • Oh, did this happen in the show? I have not seen season 4 yet, my mistake.

    Thanks for the info shellturtleguy

    Margaery wasn't aware of the poison. When Olenna all but told her she was the one that had Joffrey killed, Margaery was shocked.

  • edited January 2015

    We probably will, and Mira will be a suspect of helping in Joffrey's murder because her house is at risk and she may have wanted "revenge". Plus she can be a suspect of helping Sansa to escape KL.

  • Nah, I doubt she will be a suspect or that would have been something we heard of in the show.

    We probably will, and Mira will be a suspect of helping in Joffrey's murder because her house is at risk and she may have wanted "revenge". Plus she can be a suspect of helping Sansa to escape KL.

  • I would love to see it in the game

  • A lot of people were interrogated at the book, Mira could be one of 'em. Come on, she's very untrustworthy at everyone's eyes.

    Nah, I doubt she will be a suspect or that would have been something we heard of in the show.

  • True, she is. That would be an interesting scene, Cersei offering to not harm us or whatever if we promise to testify against Tyrion.

    A lot of people were interrogated at the book, Mira could be one of 'em. Come on, she's very untrustworthy at everyone's eyes.

  • And just because Cersei is convinced that Tyrion was responsible, that doesn't mean the rest of them are convinced. Mira could be questioned by the kingsguard, or the high septon, or maybe the Tyrells choose to use her as a scapegoat.

    It's not really a stretch to think that a northern girl would help her Liege Lord's daughter escape the city in the aftermath.
    Obviously im not saying that Mira helps Sansa escape, but the rest of Kings Landing may be quick to jump to conclusions where the northern girls are concerned.

    A lot of people were interrogated at the book, Mira could be one of 'em. Come on, she's very untrustworthy at everyone's eyes.

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