Thank you for reading. You make an interesting note about Luke's position when he reacts to general tragedy is his inability, or his refusal, to grieve.
From what I understand with how players negatively react to his lack of reaction, it's probably because they were expecting a stronger reaction out of Luke, and were disappointed that he didn't grieve enough. Luke may have actually been the kind of person to hold himself together well during traumatic events, but considering that he's already has a controversial reputation at the time due to his inconsistent writing, most players are not going to consider his lack of reaction as a positive characterisation and assume he just doesn't care enough as we thought he did.
You bring up some interesting points, some of which I agree with more than others. Either way it was an enjoyable read!
Regarding Luke's … morebrief and minimal display of grief, though (which is a common thing I see brought up,) the situation being what it was, he didn't really have the chance to grieve what with the trailer quickly being swarmed and Sarah in danger. Esp. as a leader you can't just stop and let your own problems consume you to the point where you're paralyzed and lose sight of what's happening in the present. Now one might say, well, he could have shed a few tears and moved on.
But Luke isn't really that kind of guy, from what we've seen. Nick admires Luke's ability to 'keep moving all the time', and it seems that way because Luke's just a big vat of pent-up, tamped down emotions and trying to focus on/keep busy with other things and deflect concern with a bit of humour of 'I'm fine' is his way of coping. Some peop… [view original content]
[busy fishing at a frozen lake] Meh! Can your G'night sweet prince business. Get over here and help me fish out a Southern merman with swooshy Aladdin hair! >.<
Yeah same, he's a really great guy and I really don't understand how people could hate him, I can understand not liking but hate? I just don't think he has done anything worthy of hate in my opinion :P
Pretty much. And also Nick had such a crappy off-screen death that I'm sure many people wanted to see the characters acknowledge that and feel as badly about Nick as they did.
In the end -- yeah, it feels like all the different writers taking on episodes really should have met up more and discussed how things would come together because it feels a bit all over the place.
Thank you for reading. You make an interesting note about Luke's position when he reacts to general tragedy is his inability, or his refusal… more, to grieve.
From what I understand with how players negatively react to his lack of reaction, it's probably because they were expecting a stronger reaction out of Luke, and were disappointed that he didn't grieve enough. Luke may have actually been the kind of person to hold himself together well during traumatic events, but considering that he's already has a controversial reputation at the time due to his inconsistent writing, most players are not going to consider his lack of reaction as a positive characterisation and assume he just doesn't care enough as we thought he did.
Could we really have trusted Luke? We've traveled with that guy for around 2 weeks now and he still hasn't grown out his mustache and beard combo to the fullest...something fishy is goin on around here and it aint Luke's bloated dead corpse.
Take my like, everything you said is pretty much true. As much as it pains me to say it, Luke really did become a wasted character, nothing but meaningless eye candy that became less important as episodes went on. The early episodes, they did so much with him and I really loved the subtle hints they were throwing in [intentional or not, at this point, I really don't know anymore] like these little things he'd say or reactions to certain stuff that had me wondering if maybe it hinted to something bad that happened in Luke's past. It wasn't much, but yeah, I was very looking forward to learning more about this guy...and then, it went nowhere.
We don't learn anything vital about him or his family that died. Instead, Jane is sort of wedged into the plot and played like she and Clem been bonding with this entire season instead, only for her to die herself or be fated to be...okay o_o so let's this straight, instead of taking some more time to develop the guy who has been present since the first episode of this season, knows all about Clem's past and the events so far, all of that development instead gets shifted over to a character that didn't properly speak to Clem until Episode 4, sparing no development for the farm boy [or anybody else whom's name doesn't start with a K or a J] who then gets killed off without getting fully developed, and then only to eventually kill Jane off too...
I wasn't against Luke dying [even though hell, I'd of loved for him to have been in Season 3] but if they had kept on developing him and not blended him into the back for some pretty sunset scenery, maybe I wouldn't have felt so disappointed when he kicked the bucket or had even become determinant. That is why I don't like Luke death at that lake, because he presence amounted to nothing, as did a handful other characters. He was never a Lee, he was never anybody special and never got that needed developed, not like Nick [who I still think is the most developed of the cabin group] Luke and the rest of his group won't leave that big of an impact on Clem's life, because the game didn't allow enough time with them in order for that to happen, and that's probably the gut punch of it all. 'Remember me' it sings in the credits? No you won't Clem, no you won't.
A few things important to point out though is nobody grieves Nick if he dies in Episode 2. Walter and Alvin get a mention on their deaths, but poor Nick? Nothing, so that issue can't be tied to Luke alone about grieving his dead friend, even at a later date. I found it bad they didn't give mention of Nick, and then if he is with the group in Episode 3, he says very little. Even at times when the group was speaking about Luke, Nick doesn't say a thing. It's like "dude, it's your friend of 20 years, speak up man!" It same with Luke in Episode 5, Arvo gets beaten up by Kenny and Luke is as silent as a mute goat, and these incidents were really out of character for them both.
The sleeping with Jane thing though, I think it's more a sign Luke was cracking, and struggling to cope [present in what he says in Episode 5 about losing so many people] and just took up the offer in a moment of weakness. Although I think if the scenes prior had shown that a little more with him being stressed or not coping well before the thing with him and Jane happened, it might've helped it in not being so out of the blue [despite there being a couple hints, although they more of a "come on, seriously, you're worried about what she thinks of you? You've said like 5 lines of dialogue to her, and you will only vaguely speak to her after the porkchops, think about this man!"]. Although Luke didn't exactly get Sarah killed, him and Clem both did in moving the cannon causing the deck to collapse. Even so, the group were all going to end up there in that place regardless and the walkers could smell Rebecca, so that's just how it was.
Beware, long post ahead.
I tried to appreciate Luke as a character, and I kept playing in the hopes that he'll step out of his role and b… moreecome more active in his contribution to Clementine's story, but in the end I found him two-dimensional and underwhelming to the point where I'm disappointed that Telltale just wasted his character throughout the entire season and hastily killed him off in order to cut out all ties with the Cabin Group.
The more the episodes went on the more clear to me that the writers just doesn't know what to do with Luke and how to make him an interesting character in his own right. So instead they crossed their fingers and hoped that his good looks and puppy-dog eyes charms, friendly and level-headed nature (except in Episode 4 that is), and brother-sister dynamic he has with Clementine (which ended up getting less and less focus as time went on) would appeal to the audience.
Instead he ends up inconsistently w… [view original content]
I liked Luke. He may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but his heart was in the right place. I gave Luke the benefit of the doubt as much as I did Kenny. Luke was generally a nice guy. He never got mad at Clem for stupid shit like Kenny would. Kenny gives Clementine shit for making a mistake on doing what she thought was right. Luke probably would have wanted to be left alone, but he wouldn't have lashed out at Clem. He had died an honorable death in my story. Protecting Clementine from death. He may not have voluntarily sacrificed himself, but he still sacrificed his life to save Clem. Kenny would have done the same, which is why I like both him and Luke. Rest in peace Luke.
It's best just not to think about it. It hurts my brain trying to figure out the reasoning behind a group of adults walking across a frozen … morelake just because the Russian kid said so. Somebody said maybe it might be one of those rivers that just have one area of it that's really wide, well then if that's the case then why not just walk to the narrowest point and cross from there? It's not like they were in a hurry and no walkers were there. Seriously, what the hell!? WHY ARE YOU ON THE ICE!?
How come Luke doesn't have the common sense to spread his weight out?
How come Bonnie has no common sense that walking on thin ice will make it break?
How come that hole in the ice acted like a vacuum when they would've just right back up doing the doggy paddle?
How come when Arvo falls through the ice, Kenny doesn't fallen in trying to get him out?
How come Jane stresses about not going over to help Luke saying it's too late, but is A-ok fi… [view original content]
He did, I mean he saved Clementine's life when we first met him and after defending her in the house meeting and being nice to her when quite a few of them (Rebecca and Nick) where harsh to her it definitely made it easier to forgive him. Also, throughout the other episodes he is nice to Clementine and tries his best to protect the group, it may not work in the end but he tries and that is more than I can say for some.
Like you I really don't understand why people can hate him, I can understand dislike since not everyone will like every character but hate? I know some people don't like him because they think he was an 'abelist' to Sarah and Nick (Luke wasn't abelist to them; with Nick he just wanted to keep him moving and was hard on him like Pete because he felt that way was the best way to deal with it I mean, it's the apocalypse, Luke can't molly coddle Nick he is a grown man, he needs to deal with these things himself so he can grow as a person, Luke may not be with him forever so he needs to be able to handle grief in preparation for that. With Sarah, Luke was nice to her in episode 2, he told Carlos to calm down because he was scaring Sarah and he reassured her that Carlos wouldn't hurt anyone also, in episode 4 he ran after her to try and save her life. He may have shouted at her but what can you expect? There were walkers surrounding the trailer and she wasn't moving, Luke didn't want to leave her and he was getting frustrated, just be glad he didn't leave her behind which he could have).
Also people may say he is boring. Fair enough, that is your opinion. If Luke doesn't necessarily spark your interest then fine I can't argue with that! But I do get annoyed when people say 'he is too perfect and unrealistic since he has no flaws' yet, he does have flaws,he made that mistake with Jane that shows him as human - he can be selfish at times which makes him human, also he want's to take control and be a 'superhero' yet that is an unrealistically big goal, he tried to be the hero in episode 3 and save them all from Carver but he get's caught, crushing that goal. (When Luke stands next to the cardboard cut out of the superhero it shows how much they contrast each other, the hero looks powerful, strong and tall whereas Luke is weak from sleep deprivation, he looks pale and is smaller than the cardboard cut out which shows that the hero on the cardboard cut out is what he aspires to be, yet the reality of it is that he can't be the hero especially not in the apocalypse.) A good song for that would be Five For Fighting - Superman.
Sorry for the really long reply even though I am agreeing with you! Haha, I'm just very passionate about this topic :P
He did, I mean he saved Clementine's life when we first met him and after defending her in the house meeting and being nice to her when quit… moree a few of them (Rebecca and Nick) where harsh to her it definitely made it easier to forgive him. Also, throughout the other episodes he is nice to Clementine and tries his best to protect the group, it may not work in the end but he tries and that is more than I can say for some.
Like you I really don't understand why people can hate him, I can understand dislike since not everyone will like every character but hate? I know some people don't like him because they think he was an 'abelist' to Sarah and Nick (Luke wasn't abelist to them; with Nick he just wanted to keep him moving and was hard on him like Pete because he felt that way was the best way to deal with it I mean, it's the apocalypse, Luke can't molly coddle Nick he is a grown man, he needs to deal with these things himself so he can grow as… [view original content]
Oh yeah it's all coming back to me, kind of ironic in a way. Luke will always be a hero in his own way, he may not have single-handidly defeated Carver but he was a hero in his own way, heroes like Luke always believe in doing the right thing and will always look to keep their humanity, wouldn't you agree man?
I never had any harsh feelings towards Luke and his gang for locking Clem up in the shed. That's what I would've done in their situation. I don't think you can really blame them for doing that. I never got as close to Luke as I would have liked though because I really took Carver's "If they can't trust you what make you think you can trust them" quote to heart. Let's be honest, that's great advice, even if it's coming from a guy like Carver. And I partially believed him when he said "You have no idea who these people are, do you?" So I was always half-expecting a twist or for there to be some strings attacked to Luke and the others but it never happened. They were genuinely good people.
He did, I mean he saved Clementine's life when we first met him and after defending her in the house meeting and being nice to her when quit… moree a few of them (Rebecca and Nick) where harsh to her it definitely made it easier to forgive him. Also, throughout the other episodes he is nice to Clementine and tries his best to protect the group, it may not work in the end but he tries and that is more than I can say for some.
Like you I really don't understand why people can hate him, I can understand dislike since not everyone will like every character but hate? I know some people don't like him because they think he was an 'abelist' to Sarah and Nick (Luke wasn't abelist to them; with Nick he just wanted to keep him moving and was hard on him like Pete because he felt that way was the best way to deal with it I mean, it's the apocalypse, Luke can't molly coddle Nick he is a grown man, he needs to deal with these things himself so he can grow as… [view original content]
Ofcourse! I'm not saying he's a failure, I just mean that he tried so hard to be this hero and sometimes it fell flat in his face like with Carver ect... He tried to be the hero when he came back in episode 3 and got caught then in episode 5 he was the hero and saved Clementine then he died so atleast he died a hero!
Oh yeah it's all coming back to me, kind of ironic in a way. Luke will always be a hero in his own way, he may not have single-handidly defe… moreated Carver but he was a hero in his own way, heroes like Luke always believe in doing the right thing and will always look to keep their humanity, wouldn't you agree man?
Yeah of course, but Carver was just trying to play with Clemtines mind and put doubts in their but I guess it was intended to be for the player as well! I was worried Telltale were gonna make Luke the bad guy at first but he is a nice guy.
I never had any harsh feelings towards Luke and his gang for locking Clem up in the shed. That's what I would've done in their situation. … moreI don't think you can really blame them for doing that. I never got as close to Luke as I would have liked though because I really took Carver's "If they can't trust you what make you think you can trust them" quote to heart. Let's be honest, that's great advice, even if it's coming from a guy like Carver. And I partially believed him when he said "You have no idea who these people are, do you?" So I was always half-expecting a twist or for there to be some strings attacked to Luke and the others but it never happened. They were genuinely good people.
Ofcourse! I'm not saying he's a failure, I just mean that he tried so hard to be this hero and sometimes it fell flat in his face like with … moreCarver ect... He tried to be the hero when he came back in episode 3 and got caught then in episode 5 he was the hero and saved Clementine then he died so atleast he died a hero!
Lol yeah maybe a little bit better handled than that. I just think it would add a new level of insanity to a new group. We've already had rapists, cannibals, and murderers. Necrophiliacs would be something original.
It'd be interesting to see how that would be portrayed without getting too graphic.
Maybe the protagonists walk past an establishment run by some crazy dude offering walker prostitutes in exchange for food and weapons.
But he's really coy about it and the player/reader basically connects the dots as to what this asshole is really up to.
Lol yeah maybe a little bit better handled than that. I just think it would add a new level of insanity to a new group. We've already had rapists, cannibals, and murderers. Necrophiliacs would be something original.
I liked Luke, him and Kenny were my two favorite characters in season 2 (excluding Clem) but.. Since i am such a Kenny fan whenever it was a toss up of 'agree with Kenny, or agree with Luke' I always chose Kenny, I think the only time I said no to Kenny was when he suggested that we leave straight away and I just sided with Luke for the lols, if it was 'side with Luke, or side with .....' then i would side with Luke because he is my second favorite character in the game, when he told me not to come to him and to cover him instead I covered him on my first play through because at least if he died then he died with me doing what he wanted, then I found out you could kill Bonny in that situation so that was a plus, I followed Lukes instructions and I killed Bonny call me evil I'm fine with Bonny drowning fuck you Bonny, ya bitch.
In the end I liked Luke a lot more than the other characters in the game, I liked him a lot more than Jane, Mike, and Bonny put together. but no one can out rank Kenny in my favorite list :P. Have a nice day
Kenny and Luke were also my two favourite characters after Clem, although Luke was my favourite. Kenny started losing it towards the end of the season, but what it boils down to is that in the end he did the right thing for Clem and AJ. I liked Mike until he decided to leave Clem, Kenny, Jane and baby AJ with nothing, I mean how much more selfish could he and Bonnie be? To leave a baby with nothing, just so they could feed themselves.
I liked Luke, him and Kenny were my two favorite characters in season 2 (excluding Clem) but.. Since i am such a Kenny fan whenever it was a… more toss up of 'agree with Kenny, or agree with Luke' I always chose Kenny, I think the only time I said no to Kenny was when he suggested that we leave straight away and I just sided with Luke for the lols, if it was 'side with Luke, or side with .....' then i would side with Luke because he is my second favorite character in the game, when he told me not to come to him and to cover him instead I covered him on my first play through because at least if he died then he died with me doing what he wanted, then I found out you could kill Bonny in that situation so that was a plus, I followed Lukes instructions and I killed Bonny call me evil I'm fine with Bonny drowning fuck you Bonny, ya bitch.
In the end I liked Luke a lot more than the other characters in the game, I liked him a lot more than Jane, Mike,… [view original content]
Yeah of course, but Carver was just trying to play with Clemtines mind and put doubts in their but I guess it was intended to be for the player as well! I was worried Telltale were gonna make Luke the bad guy at first but he is a nice guy.
Thank you for reading. You make an interesting note about Luke's position when he reacts to general tragedy is his inability, or his refusal, to grieve.
From what I understand with how players negatively react to his lack of reaction, it's probably because they were expecting a stronger reaction out of Luke, and were disappointed that he didn't grieve enough. Luke may have actually been the kind of person to hold himself together well during traumatic events, but considering that he's already has a controversial reputation at the time due to his inconsistent writing, most players are not going to consider his lack of reaction as a positive characterisation and assume he just doesn't care enough as we thought he did.
[busy fishing at a frozen lake] Meh! Can your G'night sweet prince business. Get over here and help me fish out a Southern merman with swooshy Aladdin hair! >.<
Haters need to take a page from Luke's book and chill.
Pretty much. And also Nick had such a crappy off-screen death that I'm sure many people wanted to see the characters acknowledge that and feel as badly about Nick as they did.
In the end -- yeah, it feels like all the different writers taking on episodes really should have met up more and discussed how things would come together because it feels a bit all over the place.
Could we really have trusted Luke? We've traveled with that guy for around 2 weeks now and he still hasn't grown out his mustache and beard combo to the fullest...something fishy is goin on around here and it aint Luke's bloated dead corpse.
jk around!
Take my like, everything you said is pretty much true. As much as it pains me to say it, Luke really did become a wasted character, nothing but meaningless eye candy that became less important as episodes went on. The early episodes, they did so much with him and I really loved the subtle hints they were throwing in [intentional or not, at this point, I really don't know anymore] like these little things he'd say or reactions to certain stuff that had me wondering if maybe it hinted to something bad that happened in Luke's past. It wasn't much, but yeah, I was very looking forward to learning more about this guy...and then, it went nowhere.
We don't learn anything vital about him or his family that died. Instead, Jane is sort of wedged into the plot and played like she and Clem been bonding with this entire season instead, only for her to die herself or be fated to be...okay o_o so let's this straight, instead of taking some more time to develop the guy who has been present since the first episode of this season, knows all about Clem's past and the events so far, all of that development instead gets shifted over to a character that didn't properly speak to Clem until Episode 4, sparing no development for the farm boy [or anybody else whom's name doesn't start with a K or a J] who then gets killed off without getting fully developed, and then only to eventually kill Jane off too...
I wasn't against Luke dying [even though hell, I'd of loved for him to have been in Season 3] but if they had kept on developing him and not blended him into the back for some pretty sunset scenery, maybe I wouldn't have felt so disappointed when he kicked the bucket or had even become determinant. That is why I don't like Luke death at that lake, because he presence amounted to nothing, as did a handful other characters. He was never a Lee, he was never anybody special and never got that needed developed, not like Nick [who I still think is the most developed of the cabin group] Luke and the rest of his group won't leave that big of an impact on Clem's life, because the game didn't allow enough time with them in order for that to happen, and that's probably the gut punch of it all. 'Remember me' it sings in the credits? No you won't Clem, no you won't.
A few things important to point out though is nobody grieves Nick if he dies in Episode 2. Walter and Alvin get a mention on their deaths, but poor Nick? Nothing, so that issue can't be tied to Luke alone about grieving his dead friend, even at a later date. I found it bad they didn't give mention of Nick, and then if he is with the group in Episode 3, he says very little. Even at times when the group was speaking about Luke, Nick doesn't say a thing. It's like "dude, it's your friend of 20 years, speak up man!" It same with Luke in Episode 5, Arvo gets beaten up by Kenny and Luke is as silent as a mute goat, and these incidents were really out of character for them both.
The sleeping with Jane thing though, I think it's more a sign Luke was cracking, and struggling to cope [present in what he says in Episode 5 about losing so many people] and just took up the offer in a moment of weakness. Although I think if the scenes prior had shown that a little more with him being stressed or not coping well before the thing with him and Jane happened, it might've helped it in not being so out of the blue [despite there being a couple hints, although they more of a "come on, seriously, you're worried about what she thinks of you? You've said like 5 lines of dialogue to her, and you will only vaguely speak to her after the porkchops, think about this man!"]. Although Luke didn't exactly get Sarah killed, him and Clem both did in moving the cannon causing the deck to collapse. Even so, the group were all going to end up there in that place regardless and the walkers could smell Rebecca, so that's just how it was.
;_; still too soon... Too soon:(
It's his college photo
get it rit3 man
I liked Luke. He may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but his heart was in the right place. I gave Luke the benefit of the doubt as much as I did Kenny. Luke was generally a nice guy. He never got mad at Clem for stupid shit like Kenny would. Kenny gives Clementine shit for making a mistake on doing what she thought was right. Luke probably would have wanted to be left alone, but he wouldn't have lashed out at Clem. He had died an honorable death in my story. Protecting Clementine from death. He may not have voluntarily sacrificed himself, but he still sacrificed his life to save Clem. Kenny would have done the same, which is why I like both him and Luke. Rest in peace Luke.
Sorry brother, the pain does get easier.
You mean sister?:P
Haha that's alright I was just playing with you:P
Looks like I'm the only one who actually didn't like Luke...
Nah, there's never just one person out there. :P Pretty sure I've seen at least a good handful here, and tumblr has plenty.
I don't really know why people dislike Luke?
You know how is it that they mangaed to run across the ice without slipping let alone falling through?
Why couldn't Bonnie die instead of Luke.
Made a bad first impression...I guess (technically the first thing he did was save Clem's life, but people are fickle and have a short memory).
Yh but he more than made up for dropping Clem over S2.
He did, I mean he saved Clementine's life when we first met him and after defending her in the house meeting and being nice to her when quite a few of them (Rebecca and Nick) where harsh to her it definitely made it easier to forgive him. Also, throughout the other episodes he is nice to Clementine and tries his best to protect the group, it may not work in the end but he tries and that is more than I can say for some.
Like you I really don't understand why people can hate him, I can understand dislike since not everyone will like every character but hate? I know some people don't like him because they think he was an 'abelist' to Sarah and Nick (Luke wasn't abelist to them; with Nick he just wanted to keep him moving and was hard on him like Pete because he felt that way was the best way to deal with it I mean, it's the apocalypse, Luke can't molly coddle Nick he is a grown man, he needs to deal with these things himself so he can grow as a person, Luke may not be with him forever so he needs to be able to handle grief in preparation for that. With Sarah, Luke was nice to her in episode 2, he told Carlos to calm down because he was scaring Sarah and he reassured her that Carlos wouldn't hurt anyone also, in episode 4 he ran after her to try and save her life. He may have shouted at her but what can you expect? There were walkers surrounding the trailer and she wasn't moving, Luke didn't want to leave her and he was getting frustrated, just be glad he didn't leave her behind which he could have).
Also people may say he is boring. Fair enough, that is your opinion. If Luke doesn't necessarily spark your interest then fine I can't argue with that! But I do get annoyed when people say 'he is too perfect and unrealistic since he has no flaws' yet, he does have flaws,he made that mistake with Jane that shows him as human - he can be selfish at times which makes him human, also he want's to take control and be a 'superhero' yet that is an unrealistically big goal, he tried to be the hero in episode 3 and save them all from Carver but he get's caught, crushing that goal. (When Luke stands next to the cardboard cut out of the superhero it shows how much they contrast each other, the hero looks powerful, strong and tall whereas Luke is weak from sleep deprivation, he looks pale and is smaller than the cardboard cut out which shows that the hero on the cardboard cut out is what he aspires to be, yet the reality of it is that he can't be the hero especially not in the apocalypse.) A good song for that would be Five For Fighting - Superman.
Sorry for the really long reply even though I am agreeing with you! Haha, I'm just very passionate about this topic :P
I don't remember a cardboard cut out.
That would actually be an interesting plot point for the comics to explore. can't see it happening in the game though.
In episode 3, when we meet Luke again in the comic store, there is a cardboard cut out of a superhero.
Oh yeah it's all coming back to me, kind of ironic in a way. Luke will always be a hero in his own way, he may not have single-handidly defeated Carver but he was a hero in his own way, heroes like Luke always believe in doing the right thing and will always look to keep their humanity, wouldn't you agree man?
I never had any harsh feelings towards Luke and his gang for locking Clem up in the shed. That's what I would've done in their situation. I don't think you can really blame them for doing that. I never got as close to Luke as I would have liked though because I really took Carver's "If they can't trust you what make you think you can trust them" quote to heart. Let's be honest, that's great advice, even if it's coming from a guy like Carver. And I partially believed him when he said "You have no idea who these people are, do you?" So I was always half-expecting a twist or for there to be some strings attacked to Luke and the others but it never happened. They were genuinely good people.
Ofcourse! I'm not saying he's a failure, I just mean that he tried so hard to be this hero and sometimes it fell flat in his face like with Carver ect... He tried to be the hero when he came back in episode 3 and got caught then in episode 5 he was the hero and saved Clementine then he died so atleast he died a hero!
Yeah of course, but Carver was just trying to play with Clemtines mind and put doubts in their but I guess it was intended to be for the player as well! I was worried Telltale were gonna make Luke the bad guy at first but he is a nice guy.
Don't worry I knew you didn't think he was a failure and I do agree he did try very hard and got knocked back by Carver.
I wanted to jump into the lake to save him...Luke is bae
fap fap fap
"What the fuck is that?"
Lol yeah maybe a little bit better handled than that. I just think it would add a new level of insanity to a new group. We've already had rapists, cannibals, and murderers. Necrophiliacs would be something original.
I know right, when I saw that I was like let me go, must save Luke lol.
Luke = Awesome
It'd be interesting to see how that would be portrayed without getting too graphic.
Maybe the protagonists walk past an establishment run by some crazy dude offering walker prostitutes in exchange for food and weapons.
But he's really coy about it and the player/reader basically connects the dots as to what this asshole is really up to.
I would have traded Bonnie for Luke any day of the week.
I liked Luke, him and Kenny were my two favorite characters in season 2 (excluding Clem) but.. Since i am such a Kenny fan whenever it was a toss up of 'agree with Kenny, or agree with Luke' I always chose Kenny, I think the only time I said no to Kenny was when he suggested that we leave straight away and I just sided with Luke for the lols, if it was 'side with Luke, or side with .....' then i would side with Luke because he is my second favorite character in the game, when he told me not to come to him and to cover him instead I covered him on my first play through because at least if he died then he died with me doing what he wanted, then I found out you could kill Bonny in that situation so that was a plus, I followed Lukes instructions and I killed Bonny
call me evil I'm fine with Bonny drowning fuck you Bonny, ya bitch.
In the end I liked Luke a lot more than the other characters in the game, I liked him a lot more than Jane, Mike, and Bonny put together. but no one can out rank Kenny in my favorite list :P. Have a nice day
Kenny and Luke were also my two favourite characters after Clem, although Luke was my favourite. Kenny started losing it towards the end of the season, but what it boils down to is that in the end he did the right thing for Clem and AJ. I liked Mike until he decided to leave Clem, Kenny, Jane and baby AJ with nothing, I mean how much more selfish could he and Bonnie be? To leave a baby with nothing, just so they could feed themselves.
Luke is one of the rare ones.
there an I Hate Luke thread? I'm gonna have to find it
Lilac, not everyone will be tempted by chocolate
Why not offer sweets for once?
No, no you don't.
Join us Aerie88, we have chocolate.