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  • I do get a little upset sometimes that most of my 6th Form friends have either moved away or have gone to University...

    But they all come back eventually :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah okay good I thought I caused sadness so I felt bad XD

  • Wow, all sorts of emotions with this one. The bonding moment of Lyra and Nick were very good. The argument with Nick and Mary was good, it felt like an argument that really could happen between two parents that were killers that want their kids to not be them (kind of reminds me of Dexter) Very good character development with Lyra when she realized she didn't have to become a killer but showed that acknowledgement that it was easy to do. It's good to see Mary having a nicer non psychopathic mindset too XD the final scene was especially interesting to me because how deaths scythe worked, I do not like Galen though he took the girl! one thing that I really like is the detail of everything you put in the story (which I should do more of) all in all this was really good, I've never played bioshock infinite because I wasn't a huge fan of the series but I heard that one was really good.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I finally wrote more for this story; I'm not entirely satisfied with this chapter but I can't figure out why... Also I've decided to name

  • I need to finish Dexter you just reminded me!!! I'm halfway through Season 2 atm :)

    I based Death's scythe's appearance on the one from Dante's Inferno (ok game, but the scythe was badass!)

    I am a very descriptive writer cuz I want to paint a picture for the reader and leave as little as possible to the imagination.

    I imagine Galen as looking like Mr Dark from the comics, except he's bigger and has reversed colours :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Wow, all sorts of emotions with this one. The bonding moment of Lyra and Nick were very good. The argument with Nick and Mary was good, it f

  • It's very good! Haven't played that one either XD I wish I was that way. Ah okay.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I need to finish Dexter you just reminded me!!! I'm halfway through Season 2 atm I based Death's scythe's appearance on the one from Dan

  • Dante's Inferno was kinda like God of War with it's combat and stuff; it threw you into the 7 Circles of Hell quite quickly and without explanation though and overall the game was just 'meh' :P

    Tetra posted: »

    It's very good! Haven't played that one either XD I wish I was that way. Ah okay.

  • I'm sure there is one, since there are tons of government conspiracies being plotted as we speak right now. XD

    I know about the Cybermen from DW, but I thought the Daleks were the ones who said that particular quote?

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Yeah, I don't think they're at all global. Appreciate the recommendation, but we don't have AT&T over here. Give it long enough and ther

  • Sweet! (although college has its way of tricking people into thinking it might be easy) XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Thanks Dragon this semester (from what I've seen so far) will be a lot easier than last semester so I have hopes!

  • Yeah lol that happened to me XD

    Sweet! (although college has its way of tricking people into thinking it might be easy) XD

  • Bella confirmed to deliver a royal butt-whoopin' to Charles - along with the others, of course. ;)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Jian-min?" Ava's voice came out to a soft whisper. She nearly buckled at the knees when she realized that she could have just possibly kill

  • Same here, believe it or not. XP

    Tetra posted: »

    Yeah lol that happened to me XD

  • Dang, it's getting everybody!

    Same here, believe it or not. XP

  • I imagined Bella as a bubbly yet responsible (And interestingly beautiful, in her own unworldly way) character who seemed 'dumb' at first, but in reality was behind something much bigger and more important than originally thought. She's not the typical 'I only serve the one who summoned me' type of demon, and is particularly strong with leadership and battle tactics. She might even be able to do more than she even knows. The purple hair adds a tone of liveliness :)

    Charles is powerful, but with out the necklace he will be easier to capture. He's not at full strength like in the past, and seeing that his eldest daughter Mary failed to take his spot, he decided he would fix it once and for all. He will certainly regret his decision to crawl back up from the depths of Hell.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Bella's determination and resourcefulness - and her clear skills at shanking people - are rather brilliant, and I particularly like her deep royal purple coloured hair. Charles certainly has a rude awakening coming for him!

  • edited January 2015

    Oh certainly >:) She will at least do some epic sudden decapitations on surrounding demons to let the others get to Charles with out a problem.

    Bella confirmed to deliver a royal butt-whoopin' to Charles - along with the others, of course.

  • Hello everyone, just like with Tetra - I'll be going to one of my first college classes in about half an hour. So, I hope ya'll wish me luck, as I'll be driving during rush-hour again. I'm kind of excited to go back there, to see what my new teachers are like and whatnot. :P

    (starting my second semester as well XD)

  • Good luck Dragon! XD

    Hello everyone, just like with Tetra - I'll be going to one of my first college classes in about half an hour. So, I hope ya'll wish me luck

  • Why, tanks a lot! :) :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Good luck Dragon! XD

  • LOL I just got back from mine like thirty minutes ago, too. XD Good ol' College. :P Have fun and watch out for that rush-hour traffic. Good luck.

    Hello everyone, just like with Tetra - I'll be going to one of my first college classes in about half an hour. So, I hope ya'll wish me luck

  • Goodluck Dragon! I recently started my second year at my university.

    Hello everyone, just like with Tetra - I'll be going to one of my first college classes in about half an hour. So, I hope ya'll wish me luck

  • Good luck! College can be fun and hard, but as long as you stick to it and stay confident, you can do great things!

    Tetra posted: »

    Hey everyone just wanted to let you know that I will not be posting any new parts this week due to me starting classes to make sure I am on

  • Good luck man! It must be exciting, I'm sure. Just be careful, and make smart choices ^-^

    Hello everyone, just like with Tetra - I'll be going to one of my first college classes in about half an hour. So, I hope ya'll wish me luck

  • Thanks EMMY! :D I'll keep those words in mind!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Good luck! College can be fun and hard, but as long as you stick to it and stay confident, you can do great things!

  • edited January 2015

    That's pretty bizarre, seems that fate has intertwined our destinies somehow. XD

    And thank you, moderately modest pie!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LOL I just got back from mine like thirty minutes ago, too. XD Good ol' College. :P Have fun and watch out for that rush-hour traffic. Good luck.

  • That's cool, Stone! Good luck to you as well!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Goodluck Dragon! I recently started my second year at my university.

  • edited January 2015

    Thanks Emz! And going off the end of your comment, you sounded like an inspirational speaker for a second!

    Emmy P. for 2015's inspirational speaking sessions, obviously. :P

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Good luck man! It must be exciting, I'm sure. Just be careful, and make smart choices ^-^

  • Good luck Dragon! Let's both do our best and make the most of it!

    Hello everyone, just like with Tetra - I'll be going to one of my first college classes in about half an hour. So, I hope ya'll wish me luck

  • Hell yeah! Words of wisdom right there, my friend!

    Tetra posted: »

    Good luck Dragon! Let's both do our best and make the most of it!

  • edited January 2015

    Haha! I have my moments. ;)

    Hell yeah! Words of wisdom right there, my friend!

  • Have fun, Dragon! Seeing as almost everyone else has emphasised safety, I'm tempted to just say let loose, throw caution to the wind and drive like a madman. Then, when you arrive at college, greet your new teachers with a boisterous 'hello!' and proceed to give them a decent pat on the back while extolling the virtues of wearing trousers instead of shorts in the winter. Trust me, it's a real ice breaker.

    That, however, would no doubt be highly irresponsible of me to recommend, so instead I'll just say go get 'em, tiger.

    Hello everyone, just like with Tetra - I'll be going to one of my first college classes in about half an hour. So, I hope ya'll wish me luck

  • It was more that it reminded me of an episode with the Cybermen in, but it does sound more of a Dalek thing!

    I'm sure there is one, since there are tons of government conspiracies being plotted as we speak right now. XD I know about the Cybermen from DW, but I thought the Daleks were the ones who said that particular quote?

  • I gotcha, I gotcha!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    It was more that it reminded me of an episode with the Cybermen in, but it does sound more of a Dalek thing!

  • edited January 2015

    Haha, how I wish I could just run through traffic lights and speed past cars without having to deal with major consequences like in Grand Theft Auto.

    I don't think I'll be that friendly, but thanks for the suggestion and the positivity! XD I think I'll just be the good student who actually shows up nearly every day to class and does whatever work that gets thrown my way instead. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Have fun, Dragon! Seeing as almost everyone else has emphasised safety, I'm tempted to just say let loose, throw caution to the wind and dri

  • Overall, there's quite a good balance in this chapter between quiet domesticity at the beginning, and much disturbance at the end. Lyra weighing up both her parents' arguments is a real sign of how independent she is; while the prospect of future killing would be far better avoided, with family like Nick's she needs to be capable of defending herself to the death, if necessary. How Nick will get on without his true form should prove a test - and I imagine he'll be a bit grumpy about it. :P Interesting mix of accents going on - which I like - and you're clearly a Bioshock Infinite fan - which I also like. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I finally wrote more for this story; I'm not entirely satisfied with this chapter but I can't figure out why... Also I've decided to name

  • It would certainly make inter-city driving much more exciting! At least for you - everyone else's insurance would probably sky-rocket. :P

    I apologize for how random this comment is, but your comment somehow made me think that GTA would be even more interesting if you could have jet-packs. How having jet-packs in GTA is anything but a good idea I cannot see.

    Your teachers will no doubt appreciate that attitude, and you'll certainly get the best out of it all that way. :)

    Haha, how I wish I could just run through traffic lights and speed past cars without having to deal with major consequences like in Grand Th

  • They got the girls back, which is good, but Yony getting away does not bode well at all! Daren seems even more grateful for his family now though, which is nice. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Darens Bad Juju, Finale This Fable, this Witch Doctor Yony proved to be a challenge for the fierce werecat Daren. The reanimated corpses

  • Bioshock Infinite was the first one I played and I loved it! The DLC episodes for Elizabeth were interesting too... Bioshock 1 was also great; but Bioshock 2 was a waste of time imo :P

    Nick has a very deep and gravelly voice with a thick Scottish accent; I was going to make Aleesha either Welsh or French, but a smooth Scottish accent sounded good for her in my head.

    Taking away Nick's powers is so that he isn't overpowered throughout the story; I did the same thing with Bigby in Act 2 of my other story The Devil Among Us XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Overall, there's quite a good balance in this chapter between quiet domesticity at the beginning, and much disturbance at the end. Lyra weig

  • GTA San Andreas had a jetpack...

    Fun times XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    It would certainly make inter-city driving much more exciting! At least for you - everyone else's insurance would probably sky-rocket. :P

  • The scene, with Georgie and Gren sipping beers against the backdrop of the city, discussing things that years ago would have seemed unimaginable, has to go down as one of my favourites. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "It's nice seeing your hair down, Emily." Emily and Lyla sat across from each other; she was finishing the last few bits from her hamburg

  • Yeah, Infinite is a great game! I started with the first a few years ago and was hooked quickly. Bioshock 2 adds to Rapture, but it wasn't done by Irrational Games which is why they probably didn't push the story that links the first game with Infinite anywhere, though I still liked it.

    Nick's Scottish accent makes sense with him being inspired by the Nukelavee; I'm guessing he'll get his powers back at the end, but maybe it won't be Nick who does! I don't know!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Bioshock Infinite was the first one I played and I loved it! The DLC episodes for Elizabeth were interesting too... Bioshock 1 was also grea

  • Ah, I've never played it. All the more reason that there should be one in GTA V, though! XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    GTA San Andreas had a jetpack... Fun times XD

  • edited January 2015

    I wonder how they'll do a Bioshock 4? Infinite brought the story full circle...

    Nick getting his powers back will be like a hero in a video game :P

    He has some additional powers thanks to being Death's creation, Death himself will be appearing next chapter as well, and he is pissed!!!

    Also I haven't told pudding_pie yet, but Lyla Smith will be in the next chapter as well and... well she... let's just hope Nick doesn't do anything too extreme to her when they fight :/

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Yeah, Infinite is a great game! I started with the first a few years ago and was hooked quickly. Bioshock 2 adds to Rapture, but it wasn't d

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