I don't see any noticeable resemblances, but if I had to pick someone it would be Ygritte.
By the way, ignore the filter and makeup comme… morents some people are making. You had the guts to post a picture in the first place, you deserve to present it however the hell you want.
Goddam you even make a very handsome man maddi XD I say spot on I even notice how you try to copy his stance in the picture you can tell you wanted that comparison I'll allow it yes you do
Goddam you even make a very handsome man maddi XD I say spot on I even notice how you try to copy his stance in the picture you can tell you wanted that comparison I'll allow it yes you do
Commenting on the fact that she's using a filter isn't rude or disrespectful in any shape or form unless you take it as such.
It's merely commenting on the fact she's using a filter.
I'm delighted you did Maddi it's awesome a fantastic idea they look similar even the stance XD and don't mind the haters wtf you look beautiful even with an awesome beard I can't believe some of the comments here are just plain insane and stupid >:(
These comments wtf so mean and unnecessary it's very brave to put up your picture for users to see it takes a lot of trust and courage seeing these comments will definitely put off users in the future to put up their pictures in this thread.
This picture is funny and looks great a very creative and innovative way to post your picture
But especially Aura I know you from the lounge I am disappoint
It just doesn't make sense why someone would say that out of nowhere without implying something.
I wasn't referring to you specifically in my previous comment (I didn't even use a pronoun), I just included in the makeup comment by Aura because I feel that it also applies.
I don't know if you're like the majority of the forum and are itching for an argument, but my original comment was only to reassure her if she interpreted your comments the way I did. That's all.
I have no reason or intention for an argument, it's utterly pointless and achieves absolutely nothing. Therefore, I don't have it in me to explain why I commented on a picture asking what she looked like, that she was using quite a strong filter.
It just doesn't make sense why someone would say that out of nowhere without implying something.
I wasn't referring to you specifically i… moren my previous comment (I didn't even use a pronoun), I just included in the makeup comment by Aura because I feel that it also applies.
I don't know if you're like the majority of the forum and are itching for an argument, but my original comment was only to reassure her if she interpreted your comments the way I did. That's all.
I've actually been told I look a lot like Cersei. We're both tall, have long blonde hair, top notch eyebrow game, the tendency to smirk as opposed to smiling. tbh I'm not really sure how I feel about the similarities. I mean, yes she's gorgeous, but she's sort of a crazy bitch so..
I've actually been told I look a lot like Cersei. We're both tall, have long blonde hair, top notch eyebrow game, the tendency to smirk as o… morepposed to smiling. tbh I'm not really sure how I feel about the similarities. I mean, yes she's gorgeous, but she's sort of a crazy bitch so..
Sorry, you'll just have to take my word for it. I don't post pictures online anymore, I honestly don't think it's safe to have your face on the internet for the whole world to see.:/
Commenting on the fact that she's using a filter isn't rude or disrespectful in any shape or form unless you take it as such.
It's merely commenting on the fact she's using a filter.
Goddam you even make a very handsome man maddi XD I say spot on I even notice how you try to copy his stance in the picture you can tell you wanted that comparison I'll allow it yes you do
Ygritte probably hard one and your picture looks nice
That picture of me was created months before this thread existed, I just posted because of the coincidence
But why comment on her use of a filter and makeup at all?
I dunno, i look like a dutch guy with glasses.
If i kept my beard and used my lenses i might look a bit stark-ish. You decide.
I'm delighted you did Maddi it's awesome a fantastic idea they look similar even the stance XD and don't mind the haters wtf you look beautiful even with an awesome beard I can't believe some of the comments here are just plain insane and stupid >:(
These comments wtf so mean and unnecessary it's very brave to put up your picture for users to see it takes a lot of trust and courage seeing these comments will definitely put off users in the future to put up their pictures in this thread.
This picture is funny and looks great a very creative and innovative way to post your picture
But especially Aura I know you from the lounge I am disappoint
Probably because she's using a filter?
I never mentioned anything about her make up - don't put words into my mouth
Young Robert? You know, when he wasn't "too fat for his armor".
XD a bit of both
Joffmen or Tomrey?
You flatter me
. I think :P
Guess its time to start wielding a warhammer.
^good call i agree...or Renly.
Try not to fall for drinking and whoring
It just doesn't make sense why someone would say that out of nowhere without implying something.
I wasn't referring to you specifically in my previous comment (I didn't even use a pronoun), I just included in the makeup comment by Aura because I feel that it also applies.
I don't know if you're like the majority of the forum and are itching for an argument, but my original comment was only to reassure her if she interpreted your comments the way I did. That's all.
I have no reason or intention for an argument, it's utterly pointless and achieves absolutely nothing. Therefore, I don't have it in me to explain why I commented on a picture asking what she looked like, that she was using quite a strong filter.
I've actually been told I look a lot like Cersei. We're both tall, have long blonde hair, top notch eyebrow game, the tendency to smirk as opposed to smiling. tbh I'm not really sure how I feel about the similarities. I mean, yes she's gorgeous, but she's sort of a crazy bitch so..
Pics or GTFO.
Sorry, you'll just have to take my word for it. I don't post pictures online anymore, I honestly don't think it's safe to have your face on the internet for the whole world to see.:/
Dunno, you tell me.
Edit: Took the picture down, didn't wanna scare anyone with my ugly face.
Jojen Reed?
I already posted my own opinion earlier (which was Gendry or Renly) but you tell your opinion.
Well that's what I thought, bastard of the king I shall be
Yeaa, I guess he's the closest one to me :-P
Oh fuck XD
Oh don't worry, I prefer to eat them instead of...well
Picture doesn't work
Tommen (jk pls don't rape him)
Mark watch GoT first pls xD
XD wat I have no idea what your talking about m8
Watch it
hey that makes me king, so, uh, GUARDS, SEIZE HIM.