What Goes Through Your Mind Before Making A Big Decision?
I was wondering what goes through everybody's mind before making a vital decision in the game. Personally, I try to remove all emotions before making decisions in this game. For instance, I made the choice to stay with Kenny to make sure he followed through on his killing of Carver. I knew that Kenny has great respect for Clementine, and he often goes where she goes so I was afraid that if I didn't watch and I left with the group that Kenny could possibly feel that he's being left behind and would quick run to catch up with us (without killing Carver) or, feeling rushed, would quickly beat Carver but not kill him. Maybe it's a stretch of a scenario, but those were the thoughts that entered my mind before making that decision. I wanted to see it through to 100% guarantee that Kenny would finish Carver. Being vengeful or bloodthirsty had nothing to do with this decision; it was just practical to me.
Kind of the same deal with the cannibals. I killed them to ensure they wouldn't come after us and wouldn't prey on anyone else. It had nothing to do with revenge. I always keep the future in mind and understand these people could come back if I don't finish them off.
At times I think the game is unfair because it labels the decisions of killing the cannibals and watching Carver get the shit beat out of him as "revenge", when in fact, there's a lot more to it than that
So I'm curious, am I over-thinking this or do you think it's good that I look at everything from every angle like that? Do you follow this same thought process or do you go about it in another way?
Also, I finished season 2 a couple nights ago and just recently found this forum. I posted this question yesterday on a super-old discussion, not knowing what I was doing, so I apologize if this is the second time you've read this question (not entirely sure how this works yet). Anyways, love this forum, and I enjoy reading other players' thoughts and opinions. Can't wait for season 3!
There were barely any choices where i felt like i had to think lol, a few i did think about were maybe dropping ben, cutting off lee's arm, and uh...thats really it haha, everything else i acted immedietly and have no regrets
This sounds like something I'd do.
Leland : Would you rather have a snake for a tongue or lobster claws for hands?
Chooses Lobster Claws in a heartbeat
If it's best for Clem.. easy!
Well, fuck.
"Oh shit, oh fuck, no, no, no. Shit, shit, shit... uh..."
clicks the wrong thing
Usually the first thing that goes through my head when making a 'big deicison' is, who do I like most out of these characters, or if that isn't an option and it's two of my favorite characters ie. sitting with Luke or Kenny at the table I know it might not seem like a big decision at the time but I knew either Luke or Kenny would bring it up in a later conversation and sure enough Kenny did in episode 5.. The things that run through my mind if it's that sort of situation is if I sit with this person is it gonna make my bond closer with them or will it just stay the same but I'll lose friendship with the other person, or if I sit with him, I'll get more respect from them but no less of respect from the other choice and that's why I sat with Kenny first at the table because he truly does care about Clementine, yes so does Luke but not as much as Kenny IMO
What went through my mind in the 'shoot Lee or leave Lee' situation at the end of episode 5 was "oh shit, either way Clem is going to remember this for a long fucking time, if i get her to shoot Lee she will know that she is helping him in a way by not letting him turn into a walker, but also if Clem leaves Lee she won't have the pain of having to shoot him and completely know he's dead but it's making Lee into a walker." and that's why I chose to shoot Lee, it was basically a matter of, does Clementine want to know she did something good for Lee or does she want to know that she did something semi good for herself but not for Lee? Same goes with leaving Kenny to go to Wellington or staying with him and potentially putting AJs life at risk aswell as yours and aswell as disobeying Kenny's pleads for you to go to Wellington and I really hope that plays a part in season 3 I really do, I want the ending to matter.. I'm going to get a little off of topic here but I love Kenny and Clementine a lot more than other people and you can argue with that but that's my opinion but I chose to stay with Kenny and i want that to play a part in season 3, I don't want them to be normal relationship I semi want Kenny to be angry at Clementine (not Saritas death angry, but maybe in the van on the way to Howes when he is arguing with Carlos kind of temper) and I want their relationship to be strained just like Christa and Clementine's were after Omids death
Going back on track to the whole Leaving or Staying with Kenny situation at Wellington, I chose to stay with him because I like him a lot more than Edith and AJ combined so if AJ get's in danger and it's because I didn't go to Wellington then shame cunt, i really don't care for AJ a lot and i really wish there was a [Leave baby] option when you find him after the incident with Jane and Kenny.. But i feel a lot more protected with Kenny and a lot of people will disagree on that but I don't the way he treats the people that he cares about, the way he treats Clementine is fucking amazing and I want him to take care of Clementine no one else, he is the second father figure in my opinion, yes no one can ever toip Lee especially not Kenny but he is coming close to the relationship level that Clementine and Lee had in season 1.
Sorry for kind of a rant I am seriously tired and my ADD doesn't help when i'm trying to stay on topic, this is a really good thread and I hope it continues growing. I you read all of that I wanna hug you and, Have a great day
I read all of that! Thanks so much for the thoughtful response, it was everything I was looking for
. You're one of my faves in this community, I've realized we share much of the same opinions on the game and where it should go and we both love Clem. She IS the game.
Within the first five seconds I make the choice, there's been no decision at least that I can remember, that really made me think.
jesus, even the shoot Lee/Leave Lee?
Fucken oath she IS the game because it's true! It's 100% true and I'm glad that I'm your one of your favourites in the community that really makes me feel happy inside, it is true that we share a lot of the same things and the reason for that is..... Clem's our profile pic.
You have an amazing day
Yeah how is that possible? Nearly every decision is tough for me lol
Okay, that one made me think real hard about it.
"What would Jesus do?"
In Season 1 I go by what's logically the best for Lee and Clem.
In Season 2 I just click randomly because they didn't put any effort into designing the decisions.
Which decision will ensure the group's survival, and the playable character's survival usually. In ZA situations, I don't take the moral high road as often, because my main goal is to protect my own.
For me for season 1 it was always the logical choice or if failing that it would always involve the safest decision to keep clementine safe. Bearing in mind Clementine was our moral compass for season 1 I always listened to her reactions and watched her facial expressions carefully when I was making decisions.
By the end of season 1 Lee and Clementine were very close (would have happened anyways i guess but I like to think my Clementine and Lee understood each other), so the final decision wasn't all that tough for me, although it was very very sad. I shot Lee for a few reasons really, he was thoughtful about Ben and what his biggest fear was, and as such I do not believe he would have particularly wanted to be attacked by walkers either. Handcuffed to the radiator its not like he could get away if the walkers found a way in. Secondly out of mucho respect for Lee, I felt Clementine would not like to see him turn into a walker, especially after just seeing her Mother and Father as walkers outside. Thirdly, Clementine is extremely brave at that point as it takes a survivors instinct to follow Lee into the masses of walkers outside the March House, she was obviously scared, but was really really handling herself well, and she of course got Lee into the jewellery store safely, despite being surrounded by hundreds of zombies.
And finally I was watching Clementines facial expressions as she was talking to Lee and when she was interacting with the environment around her with the cop zombie, she was very sad, but to me I felt that she wouldn't want to see Lee look like the cop zombie when he turned, so the decision was made for me really, I had to shoot Lee. Yes there are times when I have regretted it throughout the series, like when we discover that people have not turned when they have had limbs cut off and I think TTG did a good job of showing how Clementine was a little upset and sad when she discovers this, I believe it was early in episode 1 of series 2 you find this out.
For season 2 ALL of my decisions were based on Lee's final words and what was best for Clementine, and if that meant being clandestine to get what she needed, then that is what I did. So again most of my decisions were quickly made, even the shooting of Rebecca when she turned, the second I saw her move and her eyes were zombie like, I immediately shot her.
The only hard decision I made, was the very final decision, because again the fight between Kenny and Jane for me, was only ever going to end one way thanks to TTG and their facial expressions and reactions to our group with Clementine. I was with Kenny outside of Wellington when I had a really hard choice to make, but in the end I considered all I had learned from Lee and throughout season 2 learning more about Clementine and her steadfast resolve.
Leading up to being with Kenny, I must explain myself somewhat, as a lot of people root for Jane and I do understand why, but there's more to it for me and on a deeper level I guess. I am a dad myself and my daughter is exactly the same age as Clementine at the end of season 1, so you may guess that this is what I as a father would want for my daughter if this ever happened and I wasn't around for whatever reason, as well as my thoughts on Jane.
So why did I reject Jane you may ask. Well for a few reasons, but one massive massive reason, and that was her jealousy of Clementine being close to AJ. Unfortunately for Jane that just tipped the balance in Kenny's favour. If you watch or replay the part where Rebecca is giving birth to AJ then there's a small cutscene where Clementine holds the baby if you choose to, watch Janes facial expressions and her reaction when Clementine is holding the baby. That right there was jealousy. So one can assume because Jane is jealous of the baby, she is going to be jealous of whoever else is close to Clementine, and you can see where this is going now right?
Kenny is close to Clementine we all know that and so does Jane. Now, another thing that was eating at me and was what initially got me suspicious of Jane's character, was the conversation about her little sister. Jane is a great survivor and teaches Clementine some cool new tricks that will definitely improve her survival chances, but again, her little sister. It was, well you could say it was niggling at me.
Then it occurred to me that Jane's little sister may have looked like Clementine, or was the same age as Clementine, Jane does not divulge this information, but the way Jane is acting towards Clementine, I would hedge my bets on a little bit of both are true. Now, for me, this is now motivation for being with Clementine, further reinforced when Jane leaves the group and then returns saying to Clementine that she is 90% of the reason why she came back.
I understand why Jane was doing what she was, but her reasoning was selfish to me, so in the end that sealed Jane's fate. This was all deduced on my first play through of season 2 guys, I did not do any other endings other than going with Kenny. I could see it coming a mile off, in the car, I believed Jane was losing it and in my head I was saying to myself "this is a ploy, she wants Kenny to attack her so she can kill him", and I had Clementine say so too as there was an option to say both of them were losing it at some point of the conversation. Kenny was just being the usual Kenny. Yes he was being more aggressive because of his losses, and Jane was doing what she was doing because of her loss too, so in the end, I went back to Lee and the part on the RV where Clementine was having the dream after she was shot.
I believe at some point in the RV Lee tells Clementine that family is the most important thing to have, and again that just sealed Jane's fate as well, as Kenny was the only person left who was the closest thing to family.
Now finally I get to the part where I made the hard decision. AJ is family, and so is Kenny, so which do I choose. I can choose both and ignore Kenny, or I listen to Kenny and enter Wellington. At this point whatever happens Kenny is super emotional which makes it all the harder to choose, however, again I go back to Lee's words. Family is the most important thing to have, so the only way I was going to be a full family, is if I went with Kenny and left Wellington.
Sorry it was so long guys and well done if you read it all. Just my thoughts on the game overall I guess and how I came to my decisions, at least the tough ones anyway.
I go a bit overboard and think of every possible outcome I can come up with lol
Ok, good i was thinking that literally you got to that point and you were just like "well this isn't hard" or something
R.I.P Lee Everett we miss you
I love long passionate posts like this! Especially when they are deep and meaningful.
What you just wrote was amazing! and I know i say that to quite a lot of posts and if you read some posts I do say it but I only say it to the best of people and you are certainly one of them.. With you being a father and wanting the best for your daughter is obvious every parent wants the best for their kid and it isn't because of TWD or anything here it is because of relationships and family. Since playing TWD I have become so so so much more thankful for things in life, like my two little sisters and having family that i haven't lost.. I treat my sisters like they're daughters to me especially my youngest because I don't anything bad to happen to her just like I don't want anything bad to happen to Clementine. This is getting a little off topic/deep but I went to the park with my sisters the first day I came over to Australia for the Christmas holidays to see them we (me and my 6 year old sister) walked and my youngest sister rode her bike that she got for her birthday, she was quite scared because getting to the park we had to go up and down hills and I knew she was scared but honestly she didn't act it, and I don't know if that was because I said "don't be afraid you can trust I'm holding onto you just in case you get too far ahead" but I knew that she 100% trusted me with pretty much her life at this point.. We got to the park and of course with her being 4, she is quite small maybe up to my hip and I am 5"10, so with her wanting to play on things like the swing and that she couldn't reach it and asked me for help plenty of times so of course I helped her and by the end of the day when we were leaving she said to me "Kodie (my name obviously) you are the best brother ever
and I love you." She said that and I had a bit of a moment where I got all emotional and I realised.. The connection between Lee and Clementine wasn't just any random connection and i knew that from the start and if anyone played that, that they can realise that, but it was a connection of trust Clementine trusted Lee when walking out of The Marsh House to the overrun streets of Savanna, Clementine trusted Lee when she left her house and went with a random stranger because he said he would take care of you, and a lot of people don't understand the meaning of trust.
The meaning of trust is 'being reliant on someone or somethings strength, ability, truthfulness, etc, and having confidence in that person.'
Clem had trust in Lee for being not only strong, truthful, and their ability in certain things ie. getting their way through the streets of Savanna.
Sorry for getting kind of personal but I still got my point across I guess, Have a nice day
Its interesting to read someone else's view on Clem's situations. I was and still am at a totally different opinion on Jane and Kenny. Through out the season I agreed and had sympathy for Kenny and the choices he was making, for instance taking blame for the radio was brave and a touching moment. Also how he reacted to Clementine when he saw her at the ski lift and the conversations shortly thereafter. But there were also moments after Sarita's death that he was undeniably cruel to Clem, which has no justification. You would think after everything with Katjaa, Duck, and Lee, that no matter how many problems he has or how much that hurts, this little girl has been through more than he has, and he would treat her like a daughter, instead of pushing her around. Besides, he's a full grown man. This brings me to my main point about Kenny. He only really cared for Clementine because she was a beacon for him to remember his past. Kenny even mistakenly calls Clementine Duck at the dinner table in the ski resort. Some of the dialogue he had towards Clementine was outrageous, he didn't love Clem, he cared for her greatly. It was almost as if he was silently mad that Duck had died instead of it being Clem. Despite this, I am still a Kenny fan.
You mentioned Jane being jealous of AJ when Clementine was holding him. I also saw that differently. She kept telling Clem not to be brought down by the flaws of a group and other peoples faults as she had seen that all before. All I saw was Jane being frustrated that Clem was getting attached to a group of people that she knew were not strong enough to survive. It was as if she was pissed that she wasn't getting through to Clem. She felt she had failed with her younger sister, and Clem being smart and tough she didn't want to fail again. Jane even mentioned that Clementine reminds her of herself. I didn't see any jealously, just worry.
In the end, when I found out Jane had hidden AJ in an atempt to manipulate Clem, as if Clem wasn't smart enough to think for herself anyway, I knew there was no way I was leaving with Jane. But, I ended up shooting Kenny. This was for two major reasons. Firstly, I saw Kenny as a loose cannon, a shell of his former self from season one. He was growing into a liability for Clementine's survival and as I mentioned before, I believe he never really loved Clem, he loved the memories she brought back for him. Second reason was because I couldn't let Clem watch a fellow survivor murdered in front of her and have her look away, that to me is one of the most cowardly choices, and my Clem is no coward. So after an emotional end I shot Kenny. And then I left Jane for making Clem, a child, have to shoot Kenny. "You're fucking crazy", was such a brilliant line from Clem in that situation. I was split all the way to end with these two, and I think both were too selfish for Clementine.
I guess Telltale have done a really good job in getting every player split on decision making, because that is what they wanted after all
awesome comments and I can see your point of view scraplust. I don't deny that Kenny has been cruel to Clementine because of Sarita, and I did find that a bit disturbing, but at the same time Kenny was in a real dark place. And again back to Lee's words, good people sometimes do stupid things, and I believe this was one of those moments at the worst time possible.
I felt my feelings were justified when Kenny apologised to Clementine around the campfire. I really enjoyed that scene, as you could just get to enjoy the people around you, we need more of that in season 3 as I don't think there was enough of it for me to truly care much for the new group Clementine ends up joining in the 2nd season.
I find it fascinating how Clementine herself isn't cracking up after all that has happened to her, she is still bright and cheerful, and we are reminded of how she is still just a kid when for instance you are rooting through her backpack to find the lighter, and there's the picture of Lee, and also a drawing she has made of Kenny and his family.
Another reason why I chose to stick with Kenny. Clementine would not have a drawing of Kenny and his family if she didn't think about them every day and care about them. On that note my response in finding Kenny at the cabin was the hug option, which I am really pleased that was an option, because TTG could have just as easily not made that an option. i know Kenny is unstable, and yes Clementine is a beacon to him, but I truly feel that if anyone can help Kenny get over the grief of losing his family and Sarita, it is Clementine.
We spend so much of season 2 trying to calm Kenny down and keep him in line, it is easy to see why people felt the need to kill Kenny, he was definitely becoming a liability and is a liability, but at the same time, I would like to think that he can be saved, and that Clementine could do something for him, that one last time. If you did keep Kenny around, you can see that he does care for Clementine and I personally believe that this is the point where he realises that he has to let go of his past, including Clementine (if you chose that route) to overcome his instability.
Being as stubborn as a mule, I stuck with him, because I believe that Kenny will be a different person if we get to see him or Clementine in season 3. I do hope he is more positive and that we don't spend most of our dialogue just calming him down, I would like to think we are past that now. Lets just say I think he had an epiphany at the gates of Wellington, and he can redeem himself for all of the wrongs he put Clementine through in season 2.
I actually agree with most of those things about Kenny. And I couldn't agree with you more that the campfire scene around the transformers was quite special. Humans being humans. And of course Clementine being the needle and thread who pulls the group together in that moment. Those scenes are rare but so important.
I too believe Clem loved Kenny. She hasn't been alive for long and for her he represents the only memory she has left of the world before all this shit took place, with Lee and searching for her parents, or drawing and playing with Duck. Its the same for Kenny, but Clem just handles it better.
Through out the season I was siding with Kenny. I never trusted Arvo, and finding Wellington was for me, important. Less walkers and it was Clem's chance of finding Christa (who had been there for her for the most part of two years). Watching Kenny slowly fall apart episode after episode definitely got to me but he still spoke sense, more so than anyone else. Jane and Luke being the only other two with rational decisions.
I think people believe that you either love or hate Kenny, and that is what ultimately makes your end decision. This is not the case. I loved Kenny, and even though I had Clem shoot him, I still damn love that SOB. I saw Clem, AJ, Jane, and Kenny as a rather strong band of survivors. Jane is a survivor and fit. Kenny is a protector and has a shoot first attitude. AJ is hope for the future, and Clem is everything a human being should stand for; trust, bravery, wits, kindness, sanity and so on.
So why did I shoot Kenny? Well I hadn't planned to. The car scene with Kenny and Jane I was trying to cool them both, all the way to the fight. Every effort was trying to get them both to see sense, I thought Clem's future had a much better chance if both were there. Ironically, me trying so hard to keep both of them ended with Clementine having neither of them. When Kenny was about to kill Jane, I just wanted to shoot the gun in the air a few times, but that decision wasn't given to me. In those last seconds I just thought, I can't let Kenny take away the last piece of innocence Clem has. I loved Kenny, but I loved Clem more. Like you wrote about what Lee said earlier, sometimes good people do stupid things. I think that may have been mine in that moment.
The only time I can recall in which I had to stop and actually think about making a particular descison was when I was deciding whether or not to take Clem with me to Crawford back in season 1 episode 4. I chose to take her along.
Pretty much all the decisions in both, seasons 1&2 were a no brainer and didn't take me any more than 3 or 5 seconds to decide
yeah i hear you, good people do stupid things all the time.
I just saw part of episode 5 of season 1 again when you come across the couple who have committed suicide in their bedroom after breaking through the wall. And Kenny said that what Katjaa did he forgave her for, but he didn't believe that she should have gave up. I don't remember the exact dialogue, but it was something along the lines of it was worth staying alive and fighting for those around you than giving up hope on the people you care about.
That pretty much sums up what I was thinking about when I was deciding whether to stay with Kenny or leave him and enter Wellington. I just didn't want to give up on Kenny.
P.S. I asked if there was a person called Christa in Wellington, and when Edith replied she didn't think so, I gave up on finding Christa there, which also helped on the Kenny decision.
Yeah, I remember Kenny saying that now. Funny, because I had forgotten about that. I think of my self as a very serious person and I can't ever really forgive people if they've ever mistreated my trust. Which is why I sort of held a grudge for Kenny. The part you mentioned is exactly where Kenny also says to Lee that he should of been a better friend, and "Let's go find that little girl" or something around those lines. Then immediately afterwards he risks it all for Ben, and he never sees Lee again. But in season 2 you found out hes still alive. So in my mind he didn't only betray Lee on his word with finding Clementine, but he also betrays Clem by leaving Lee to find and save her by himself, fully knowing the extent of the situation and this "stranger".
Of course we don't know exactly what happened to Kenny in the alley way or what he did after he escaped. He may well have tried to find and help Lee, after all he knew Lee was heading to the Marsh House to find Clementine. But in my mind, there's no way he did enough to even find out.
Which brings me to a point about Luke. I see a lot of people love Luke and I also think he was a likeable character. But I never really got over the part where he and the rest of the cabin group left an injured and clearly terrified eleven year old girl in a cold shed outside in the woods, with fucking zombies roaming around close by. There's no way I would ever forgive him or any of them for that. Doesn't matter they were worried it was a walker bite, they lost all my trust from that first episode. May be I think into things too much, or may be I cared for Clem slightly too much but I think that's also the reason I couldn't ever truly forgive Kenny. Anyway, I'd be interested to know how you play through season 3. You at least give some interesting points for me to think about!
P.S. Damn that's a shame about Christa. Although she wasn't my favourite character, she clearly rubbed off on Clem in a good way so i'm interested to know what happened to her.
yeah looking forward to how things will play out and again I think that Kenny was just saving Ben from his fear, and he wanted Lee to help Clementine. But yes I get why you would think he abandoned Lee and Clementine, I wouldn't call it betrayed as such, but I get why you would be disappointed. I do believe Kenny was being a typical Kenny and acting in the heat of the moment, he was trying to atone for the way he was acting toward Ben,and like he says in the lodge he got lucky, real lucky.
By that I am guessing that he came face to face with the thousands of zombies and unlike Lee was just trying to survive his situation, and its entirely possible that he lost his bearings on the ground of the city, and couldn't find his way to the hotel. Either way you make some good points, and are duly noted
As for the Luke comment, I never felt I was ever close to him the whole game, although the bit at the bridge was quite endearing I think that's the only time we really get to spend truly with Luke and thus for me I wasn't close to Luke. And I felt exactly the same as you about the group. Especially when the so called doctor couldn't tell if it was a walker bite or a dog bite, from then on I was distrustful of everyone even Alvin bless his cotton socks hehe.
And don't worry as soon as I play season 3 I will definitely be describing my thoughts on the decisions there too. I just hope TTG does a good job and puts together a good story, the last thing I want is a ruined 3rd season. And yes I am a Clementine fan, we can't get enough of her! And I truly believe her story is not over.
To say I'm a Clementine fan is probably an understatement, so I'm definitely with you on that. I agree about the bridge part too, he was beginning to look out for her, just like Pete was trying to a little before that. I preferred Pete a little more than Luke, even though they left Clem in that damn shed I could never forgive them for. At least Pete had some Lee qualities going for him.
I think Molly from season one had many similarities with Jane from season two, although Kenny never really had much to do with Molly, he hated Jane. I suppose it just shows how much poor old Kenny changed during those two years. Or may be Lee really was doing a better job than we thought by keeping Kenny under control and calm.
Somewhere down the line I would love for Clem and who ever she is with to return to Savannah and may be bury Lee. Not so much for Lee's sake, but it would be tremendous closure for Clem if there was ever such a thing. That's probably quite contradictory considering her parents are also dead in that town. Anyway season two was no where near as bad as people make out, in fact season one made me enjoy season two even more because by then I cared for Clem greatly. I too hope for more Clem season 3.
My decision making process: this one looks less likely to get me killed.
I'm really stubborn when it comes to decisions.
So if one character tells me to do something, I'll do the opposite out of spite.
When Danny said to keep him alive or the meat will taint, I killed him. When Andy yelled to finish him off, I walked away.
But then there are decisions I make using common sense.
I really liked Pete but when he got bit I was leaving his ass. Considering that when Nick said that we should get the fuck out of there because it was a bad idea, I agreed with him. Sooooooo...
personal is good, its how we learn in life, and how we learn not to repeat our past mistakes.
I cherish my kids every day, but that's just who I am, for other people, as long as it makes a difference for them to better themselves in some way by realising we take for granted what we all have then all the better.
I know I would struggle myself if a zombie apocalypse ever occurred, I mean can you imagine trying to survive through a winter with no heating in the houses or wherever you are hiding?
Yes there is certainly trust between Clementine and Lee, and that is built up over the episodes, which is why I like the first series so much. Remember at the pharmacy in Macon? After the zombie in the toilet attacks Clementine, saving her in that scene is what first allows her to trust you a lot more. She did have a certain trust of you right at the start when you first meet her, but what choice did she really have? I mean her home had the zombie babysitter, and she certainly wouldn't have lasted too long in the tree house.
Right away she understood that these things weren't people any more, and for me she is brave right from the get go. I think she must have witnessed the baby sitter being attacked, and managed to get to the tree house safely. So in Lee she trusted, and I love how their connection blossomed through the season. The end was just so heartbreaking, whatever you chose to do, and the only other time I have been touched so much by the loss of a character was in Final Fantasy VII, when Aeris is killed by Sephiroth.
which decision is the bigger LOL @ this point in the game.
Well, im fucked every singel time.
I like this thread, as it made me think! I never really dwell on this topic too much, but I think I have all my thoughts in order.
For starters, most of the decisions I make can flip-flop between logic and instinct, so when I replay the game, my decisions differ as I go along. In the first season, I based most of my decisions on what was best for Clementine, and how I could best keep her safe. In season two, I tried to guide Clementine along as I felt Lee would, and I mainly did what I thought was best for Clementine and the rest of the cabin group. Occasionally I may have done something out of personal spite, such as questioning Rebecca about the parentage of her baby in season two episode 1 when she was rude to Clem.
If I’m about to make a major decision, it depends on what the situation is and whom it revolves around. In the very first episode, I chose to try and save Shawn simply because I thought he needed the help more. His foot was trapped under a tractor, and he obviously was not getting out of there without some serious help. I thought Duck was just going to hop of the tractor and go run to Kenny, but no.
I either do one or two things when making a major decision.
(A) Try to remove a lot of emotions from the equations, and try to handle the situation logically
(B) Focus on what my instincts are telling me, and how I can fix the situation.
As I said earlier, I tend to flip-flop between A and B, so I can produce some mixed results. If it’s a decision about a character I don’t really like all that much (i.e. Larry) then I will ATTEMPT to be civil, but no promises. I did try to resuscitate him in the meat locker, which can be an example of B.
In really big decisions, like whether to shoot or leave Lee, I try to focus on what I would want someone to do for me. While I felt terrible that Clem had to go through that trauma, I would rather her feel like she did something good for me, and prevented me from becoming just another walker. Or going back to the very first episode with Irene and the gun, I felt I would be causing her more suffering if I just left her to die and return as a walker. There was no saving her, and I felt terrible, but I tried to do what I thought was right.
Other times, there are the choices that I just can’t deal with. Basically, I might have to pause the game for a few minutes just to think really long and hard about it. I did it with the shooting Lee/leaving Lee, and I did it in my second play-through with Kenny/Jane. Both of their characters did things and had opinions that irritated me a lot, but I chose to shoot Kenny in the heat of the moment. I panicked!
All in all, I try to make my decisions based on what I would do and what Lee would want for Clem, and what’s best for her.
Season 1 - Is Clementine around? I need to make myself as kind, smart, and heroic as possible, her opinion means the world to me lol.
Season 2 - One day Clem is gonna be leader of these idiots, gotta make the wisest/friendliest decision here.
It wasn't hard for me, I knew going into it I was going to shoot Lee. So I let the scene play out for dramatic effect (and also because I was in tears) and chose to shoot him.
Honestly, I just sit there and be like "WELL, THIS option seems to be a more practical option, even if it's a huge dick move, but THIS option seems a lot nicer and maybe I won't get killed by other people if I pick this one."