Reservoir: I'm one of the top guards here, Can you get me the money
Peter: Not when I'm in here obviously but when I'm out.
Reservoir: Fine, But if you don't get me my money, I'll kill you slowly and make you beg me to finally end you.... Do you understand the Gravity of your situation?
Peter: Yes I do..... Fair Enough
Reservoir: Good.......... Reservoir hits Peter with his Baton You're gonna start a riot in cell block A, I'll take care of the rest from there and just follow me, And the money is just a start for this...........
Cunningham: All this could have been Avoided Mr. Pines but you didn't listen.....
Pine is squirming and the guards keep Water Boarding him
Cunningham: You...Bring in the "Potty Trainer" since this smart ass likes Dick Cheese so much....
Guards keep water boarding Pines
Cunningham: Stop! Guards take towel off and Pines starts coughing
Pines: Ugh..... Bah
Cunningham: Now screw the towel, put the hose in his mouth and fill him up with the shit until I say otherwise, I hate it when the mutts think they're in control..............
Pines is spazing out as he's chocking and being filled up with water
Cunningham: Give me a knife, and hold him down, Keep filling him up too.....
Cunningham lightly cuts Pines Abdomen while the guards are filling him up with water \
Cunningham: That's it He must really be hurting right now....., Guards-
Pines stops moving
Cunningham: Okay, That's enough
Guard: Don't feel a pulse......
Cunningham: Leave the body there, I want some people to see this.....It's a shame Mr. Pines tried to play games with us....
Peterson Hunt (Again)
Peter: Aw, You guys really need to work on Customer Service...............
Guard: Don't get too confy Hunt........
Joseph Blake: What happened to you?
Peter: We can break outta here....... Tommorow a guard is gonna help us
Joseph Blake: Sure it's not a trap?
Peter: Doesn't matter, have to take the risk. We just need to wait for Pines
Joseph: Who's that?
Peter: Another guy helping out, What happened to you? Why are you here?
Joseph: My Parents were killed when I was 16..............
Peter: Sorry to hear that....
Joseph: The guy who did it is named Count Hypnos, I promised myself I would bring him and everyone associated with him to this hellhole....
Peter: So how did you get here?
Joseph: I was obsessed with bringing him down and finding out why he killed my parents all those years ago..... I made a stupid mistake, Thought I had a golden opportunity at grabbing him but instead it was a damn trap and I walked right in it, He framed me with Murder and being a terrorist dealing his "Serum". he's somehow made some shit which can control people and turn them into his bitches.... I'm gonna get out of here, Find him, and Stop him, Then he's gonna have his own Cell in here and I want to watch him rot.....
Peter: Serum? Shit....
Joseph: You know about it?
Peter: Cunningham accused me of stealing some and planning to use it....It all makes sense now...Snake....Hypnos. Jordan,Rambo, Motherfuckers set me up for this shit and murdering friend, Cunningham's just a dog chasing a bone who has no idea that he's putting away the wrong guys....
Cunningham: Ah, Hello boys, Let's have a private chat shall we? Which one of you wants to go first?
Reservoir: Listen to the man when he's talking to you ignorant fucks...... Nods at Peter
Peter: Attack Cunningham and start a Riot OR Stand Down
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 5
Peterson Hunt
Peter: This place secure?
Reservoir: Yes..... But can't be too care… moreful
Peter: How can you help?
Reservoir: I'm one of the top guards here, Can you get me the money
Peter: Not when I'm in here obviously but when I'm out.
Reservoir: Fine, But if you don't get me my money, I'll kill you slowly and make you beg me to finally end you.... Do you understand the Gravity of your situation?
Peter: Yes I do..... Fair Enough
Reservoir: Good.......... Reservoir hits Peter with his Baton You're gonna start a riot in cell block A, I'll take care of the rest from there and just follow me, And the money is just a start for this...........
Guards start Water Boarding Pines
Cunningham: All this could have been Avoided Mr. Pines but you didn't listen.....
Pine is squirming and the guar… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 5
Peterson Hunt
Peter: This place secure?
Reservoir: Yes..... But can't be too care… moreful
Peter: How can you help?
Reservoir: I'm one of the top guards here, Can you get me the money
Peter: Not when I'm in here obviously but when I'm out.
Reservoir: Fine, But if you don't get me my money, I'll kill you slowly and make you beg me to finally end you.... Do you understand the Gravity of your situation?
Peter: Yes I do..... Fair Enough
Reservoir: Good.......... Reservoir hits Peter with his Baton You're gonna start a riot in cell block A, I'll take care of the rest from there and just follow me, And the money is just a start for this...........
Guards start Water Boarding Pines
Cunningham: All this could have been Avoided Mr. Pines but you didn't listen.....
Pine is squirming and the guar… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 5
Peterson Hunt
Peter: This place secure?
Reservoir: Yes..... But can't be too care… moreful
Peter: How can you help?
Reservoir: I'm one of the top guards here, Can you get me the money
Peter: Not when I'm in here obviously but when I'm out.
Reservoir: Fine, But if you don't get me my money, I'll kill you slowly and make you beg me to finally end you.... Do you understand the Gravity of your situation?
Peter: Yes I do..... Fair Enough
Reservoir: Good.......... Reservoir hits Peter with his Baton You're gonna start a riot in cell block A, I'll take care of the rest from there and just follow me, And the money is just a start for this...........
Guards start Water Boarding Pines
Cunningham: All this could have been Avoided Mr. Pines but you didn't listen.....
Pine is squirming and the guar… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 5
Peterson Hunt
Peter: This place secure?
Reservoir: Yes..... But can't be too care… moreful
Peter: How can you help?
Reservoir: I'm one of the top guards here, Can you get me the money
Peter: Not when I'm in here obviously but when I'm out.
Reservoir: Fine, But if you don't get me my money, I'll kill you slowly and make you beg me to finally end you.... Do you understand the Gravity of your situation?
Peter: Yes I do..... Fair Enough
Reservoir: Good.......... Reservoir hits Peter with his Baton You're gonna start a riot in cell block A, I'll take care of the rest from there and just follow me, And the money is just a start for this...........
Guards start Water Boarding Pines
Cunningham: All this could have been Avoided Mr. Pines but you didn't listen.....
Pine is squirming and the guar… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 5
Peterson Hunt
Peter: This place secure?
Reservoir: Yes..... But can't be too care… moreful
Peter: How can you help?
Reservoir: I'm one of the top guards here, Can you get me the money
Peter: Not when I'm in here obviously but when I'm out.
Reservoir: Fine, But if you don't get me my money, I'll kill you slowly and make you beg me to finally end you.... Do you understand the Gravity of your situation?
Peter: Yes I do..... Fair Enough
Reservoir: Good.......... Reservoir hits Peter with his Baton You're gonna start a riot in cell block A, I'll take care of the rest from there and just follow me, And the money is just a start for this...........
Guards start Water Boarding Pines
Cunningham: All this could have been Avoided Mr. Pines but you didn't listen.....
Pine is squirming and the guar… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 5
Peterson Hunt
Peter: This place secure?
Reservoir: Yes..... But can't be too care… moreful
Peter: How can you help?
Reservoir: I'm one of the top guards here, Can you get me the money
Peter: Not when I'm in here obviously but when I'm out.
Reservoir: Fine, But if you don't get me my money, I'll kill you slowly and make you beg me to finally end you.... Do you understand the Gravity of your situation?
Peter: Yes I do..... Fair Enough
Reservoir: Good.......... Reservoir hits Peter with his Baton You're gonna start a riot in cell block A, I'll take care of the rest from there and just follow me, And the money is just a start for this...........
Guards start Water Boarding Pines
Cunningham: All this could have been Avoided Mr. Pines but you didn't listen.....
Pine is squirming and the guar… [view original content]
Cunningham: I have the power so criminals and threats like you belong to me where you serve your punishment for committing crimes against the United States of America, I'm a patriot Dammit! So if you think your're gonna take down innocent civilians in my country then FUCK YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for your information, Pines was the one that went down.
Peter: Son of a bitch...... Punches Cunningham
Cunningham: Bad move Mr. Hunt...... Reservoir, Take Peterson to Max Security for the rest of his time here, Then he can be with his friend "Sparker"
Peter: Good luck with that ......
Reservoir: Phil Cunningham in the words of some shitbird in history "A Gay Ass House with Kewl Toys against Itself will not stand" Or something like that Cocks Pistol
Joseph starts attacking prisoners and a riot starts forming with Prisoners and Guards fighting
Cunningham: Grabs Walkie Talkie: All GUARDS GO TO CELL BLOCK A!!!!
Cunningham falls over
Voice: Thanks for the hydration ASSHOLE
Peter: Pines! What happened!? Did you kill him?
Pines: Dick started shoving fucking water down my throat, I'm a member of an infiltration unit,and I've been trained to do a lot of shit like to pass a polygraph test and to hold my pulse, I was placed here by my agency to make sure this place was secure, Cunningham didn't know about me and thought I was some psychotic terrorist but this place needs a LOT of work. By the way....Cunningham's just knocked out, We could use him later on.
Joseph: Let's go!
More Guards start charging in Cell Block A
Reservoir: Follow me..... Reservoir, Peter, Pines and Joseph start running through all the chaos of Guards and Prisoners fighting
Reservoir: No one should be able to see us from here, Go in the Tunnel
Joseph: We climb the ladder inside the Tunnel?
Reservoir: Yes, Now Go
Joseph: Thanks Creepy Darth Vader like dude......... Starts climbing Ladder
Pines: Thanks Dude, This place HURT like hell..... Starts climbing Ladder
Peter: Thank You Reservoir, I'll have your payment as soon as I get out....
Reservoir points gun at Peter
Peter: What are you doing?
Reservoir: Think I would Let YOU out of here? I don't give a shit about your friends but I've been payed from some "outside parties" to keep you in here
Peter: Then why the hell did you agree to help me!?
Reservoir: It was getting boring in here, On your Knees NOW
Cunningham rushes though the door to see Peter
Cunningham: I knew you bastards were trying to escape from here...... Reservoir, Good work, You lack discipline but you made sure he didn't escape, Now clean up the mess out there...
Reservoir: Long as it gets more money for me.... Reservoir walks out
Cunningham: Thought you could get away.....
Pines yelling from down the ladder: What's the hold up!?
Cunningham: Ah, Mr Pines good to know that you survived...but I'm gonna come up there and get you too!
Peter: The only thing you're gonna get is your ass kicked..... Peter jumps up and headbutts Cunningham
Cunningham: Son of a- Peter punches Cunningham
Cunningham punches Peter and Peter falls to the ground
Cunningham: Not so tough now......... Kicks Peter
Peter: Never let your guard down, That's your weakness Peter jumps up and kicks Cunningham in the face and Cunningham stabs Peter in his side, But Peter is still able to fight
Cunningham charges at Peter but Peter puts him in an Arm Bar
Peter: 123 Train you? Cause he trained me.....
Cunningham: No.... Morrow did...
Peter: That figures Peter lets Cunningham go
Cunningham: You're not goi-
Peter: Aims Gun I'm walking out of here but for your info, I was set up by the Snake, your guard Jordan Smith is a former drug dealer, My last Mission Target Rambo is helping them, and there's some guy named Count Hypnos who is controlling and using this Serum thing to his own good, Find them and Stop them or Else I'll find you and End you......... Sweet Dreams Peter knocks out Cunningham
Joesph: You coming up Peter!?
Peter: Yeah....
Joseph: You won't believe where we are....
Peter: Are we in-
Voice: NORTH KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA! THAT EXPLAINS IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter: Shit, It's that Clown
Pines: There's some Planes over there
Sparker: I hear something Warren.......
Warren: What is it?
HEY HUNT!!!!! Sparker Winks at Peter before Soldiers and Guards charge in
Peter: Go, Go, Go! In the Plane!
Jospeh: What about the Psycho?
Peter: The guards will catch him now Go!
Peter, Pines and Joseph run onto the Plane
Joseph: C'mon baby, Fly They start up the plane and start taking off on the run way
Pines: 7 months in that shithole..........
Peter: 3 for me.....
Joseph: 15 for me so can it
Peter: C'mon! Peter pulling the throttle stick up
Pines: Dammit! Fly!
Joseph: YEAH!!!
Peter: Okay Guys...... Guards shooting at the plane from the ground Ignore them but why the hell is a prison like this in NORTH FUCKING KOREA?
Pines: Does it look like I give a fuck?
Joseph: North Korea..... Is a cover up.....
Pines: The Hell?
Radio Fizzes
Joseph: Pick it up
Peter picks up the Radio
Reservoir Voice: Oh you guys got away congratulations......
Peter: You sold out.....
Reservoir Voice: I bought in.....
Jordan Smith Voice: Hey Partner, Can't wait to patch you through to the mastermind behind this..... Wherever he is....
Peter: The Snake? Rambo? Cunningham......
Jordan Smith Voice: Try Count Hypnos.....
Joseph: Piece of Shit.........
Count Hypnos Voice: Peterson Hunt....... Nice to finally hear your voice, I hope we can meet face to face soon.....
Count Hypnos Voice: Joseph Blake, Seems like you're still Ass-Sore over your parents.......Do you think the truth is worth dying for?
Joseph: Ask me that again when I find you.......
Count Hypnos Voice: That attitude is what got you in Limbo for 15 Months Boy so Shut Up and take note.
Pines: Chill out Joseph.......
Peter: What do you want Hypnos?
Count Hypnos Voice: Order..............................................Even if that means cutting some people lose like you, You're all involved with this thing, Look at the big picture, You just don't know it yet.........
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 6
Peterson Hunt
Peter: You're going down....
Cunningham: I have the power so crimin… moreals and threats like you belong to me where you serve your punishment for committing crimes against the United States of America, I'm a patriot Dammit! So if you think your're gonna take down innocent civilians in my country then FUCK YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for your information, Pines was the one that went down.
Peter: Son of a bitch...... Punches Cunningham
Cunningham: Bad move Mr. Hunt...... Reservoir, Take Peterson to Max Security for the rest of his time here, Then he can be with his friend "Sparker"
Peter: Good luck with that ......
Reservoir: Phil Cunningham in the words of some shitbird in history "A Gay Ass House with Kewl Toys against Itself will not stand" Or something like that Cocks Pistol
Joseph starts attacking prisoners and a riot starts forming with Prisoners and Guards… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 6
Peterson Hunt
Peter: You're going down....
Cunningham: I have the power so crimin… moreals and threats like you belong to me where you serve your punishment for committing crimes against the United States of America, I'm a patriot Dammit! So if you think your're gonna take down innocent civilians in my country then FUCK YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for your information, Pines was the one that went down.
Peter: Son of a bitch...... Punches Cunningham
Cunningham: Bad move Mr. Hunt...... Reservoir, Take Peterson to Max Security for the rest of his time here, Then he can be with his friend "Sparker"
Peter: Good luck with that ......
Reservoir: Phil Cunningham in the words of some shitbird in history "A Gay Ass House with Kewl Toys against Itself will not stand" Or something like that Cocks Pistol
Joseph starts attacking prisoners and a riot starts forming with Prisoners and Guards… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 6
Peterson Hunt
Peter: You're going down....
Cunningham: I have the power so crimin… moreals and threats like you belong to me where you serve your punishment for committing crimes against the United States of America, I'm a patriot Dammit! So if you think your're gonna take down innocent civilians in my country then FUCK YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for your information, Pines was the one that went down.
Peter: Son of a bitch...... Punches Cunningham
Cunningham: Bad move Mr. Hunt...... Reservoir, Take Peterson to Max Security for the rest of his time here, Then he can be with his friend "Sparker"
Peter: Good luck with that ......
Reservoir: Phil Cunningham in the words of some shitbird in history "A Gay Ass House with Kewl Toys against Itself will not stand" Or something like that Cocks Pistol
Joseph starts attacking prisoners and a riot starts forming with Prisoners and Guards… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 6
Peterson Hunt
Peter: You're going down....
Cunningham: I have the power so crimin… moreals and threats like you belong to me where you serve your punishment for committing crimes against the United States of America, I'm a patriot Dammit! So if you think your're gonna take down innocent civilians in my country then FUCK YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for your information, Pines was the one that went down.
Peter: Son of a bitch...... Punches Cunningham
Cunningham: Bad move Mr. Hunt...... Reservoir, Take Peterson to Max Security for the rest of his time here, Then he can be with his friend "Sparker"
Peter: Good luck with that ......
Reservoir: Phil Cunningham in the words of some shitbird in history "A Gay Ass House with Kewl Toys against Itself will not stand" Or something like that Cocks Pistol
Joseph starts attacking prisoners and a riot starts forming with Prisoners and Guards… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 6
Peterson Hunt
Peter: You're going down....
Cunningham: I have the power so crimin… moreals and threats like you belong to me where you serve your punishment for committing crimes against the United States of America, I'm a patriot Dammit! So if you think your're gonna take down innocent civilians in my country then FUCK YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for your information, Pines was the one that went down.
Peter: Son of a bitch...... Punches Cunningham
Cunningham: Bad move Mr. Hunt...... Reservoir, Take Peterson to Max Security for the rest of his time here, Then he can be with his friend "Sparker"
Peter: Good luck with that ......
Reservoir: Phil Cunningham in the words of some shitbird in history "A Gay Ass House with Kewl Toys against Itself will not stand" Or something like that Cocks Pistol
Joseph starts attacking prisoners and a riot starts forming with Prisoners and Guards… [view original content]
Order..............................................Even if that means cutting some people lose like you, You're all involved with this thing, Look at the big picture, You just don't know it yet.........
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Preview
Peter: You're going down....
Count Hypnos Voice: We'll be in touch......... Hangs Up
Pines: So what the hell does this fucker want?
Joseph: I don't care
Peter: Cunningham mentioned something about a serum.
Radio starts fizzing
Pines: Da Fuck?
Sparker Voice: Oh Hey "Friends" thanks for the help and by the way FUCK YOUR OWN FACE EHAHAHAAHAHA Radio Silence
Joseph: That was weird.........
Pines: Yeah...Let's figure out how we're gonna get these guys......
Order..............................................Even if that means cutting some people lose like you, You're all involved with this thing… more, Look at the big picture, You just don't know it yet.........
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Preview
Peter: You're going down....
Count Hypnos Voice: We'll be in touch......... Hangs Up
Pines: So what the hell does this fucker want?
Joseph: I don't care
Peter: Cunningham mentioned something about a serum.
Radio starts fizzing
Pines: Da Fuck?
Sparker Voice: Oh Hey "Friends" thanks for the help and by the way FUCK YOUR OWN FACE EHAHAHAAHAHA Radio Silence
Joseph: That was weird.........
Pines: Yeah...Let's figure out how we're gonna get these guys......
Peter: Here's what we're gonna do
Plane bounces
Pines: Shit!!
Peter: Relax, it's just turbulence
Plane wing catches on fire
Peter: Or not.......
Jospeh: HANG ON EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pines: I hate flying....
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Chapter 1
Pines: We're going down!!!!!
Peter: Hang On.... Joseph,go in the back and tell me h… moreow many parachutes we have!
Jospeh: We have 3!!!!!!!!
Peter: Good, put em on! Peter opens the back of the plane
Pines: Bye Kid! Pines kicks Joseph out of the plane
Peter: What the fuck Pines!? Did he have his parachute on!?
Pines: Relax, he did Pines jumps out of plane
Peter: Ah Type-A....Jumps out of Plane
1 Hour Later
Joseph: Thanks for that push Pines.....
Pines: At least you didn't land on your back kid.
Peter: Think we're in South Korea, Didn't get too far
Joseph: How would you know that 007?
Peter: Says on that sign, 100 Miles till Seoul.
Joseph: Smart Ass
Pines: Any idea who shot us down?
Peter: Not sure, Maybe South Korean Government or Limbo's Security tracked us.....
Soldiers pop up and surround them
Reservoir: Good to see you again.....
Pete… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Chapter 1
Pines: We're going down!!!!!
Peter: Hang On.... Joseph,go in the back and tell me h… moreow many parachutes we have!
Jospeh: We have 3!!!!!!!!
Peter: Good, put em on! Peter opens the back of the plane
Pines: Bye Kid! Pines kicks Joseph out of the plane
Peter: What the fuck Pines!? Did he have his parachute on!?
Pines: Relax, he did Pines jumps out of plane
Peter: Ah Type-A....Jumps out of Plane
1 Hour Later
Joseph: Thanks for that push Pines.....
Pines: At least you didn't land on your back kid.
Peter: Think we're in South Korea, Didn't get too far
Joseph: How would you know that 007?
Peter: Says on that sign, 100 Miles till Seoul.
Joseph: Smart Ass
Pines: Any idea who shot us down?
Peter: Not sure, Maybe South Korean Government or Limbo's Security tracked us.....
Soldiers pop up and surround them
Reservoir: Good to see you again.....
Pete… [view original content]
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Chapter 1
Pines: We're going down!!!!!
Peter: Hang On.... Joseph,go in the back and tell me h… moreow many parachutes we have!
Jospeh: We have 3!!!!!!!!
Peter: Good, put em on! Peter opens the back of the plane
Pines: Bye Kid! Pines kicks Joseph out of the plane
Peter: What the fuck Pines!? Did he have his parachute on!?
Pines: Relax, he did Pines jumps out of plane
Peter: Ah Type-A....Jumps out of Plane
1 Hour Later
Joseph: Thanks for that push Pines.....
Pines: At least you didn't land on your back kid.
Peter: Think we're in South Korea, Didn't get too far
Joseph: How would you know that 007?
Peter: Says on that sign, 100 Miles till Seoul.
Joseph: Smart Ass
Pines: Any idea who shot us down?
Peter: Not sure, Maybe South Korean Government or Limbo's Security tracked us.....
Soldiers pop up and surround them
Reservoir: Good to see you again.....
Pete… [view original content]
Let's bring in your team Audrey - I want back up this time... Last time we could have gotten back up but didn't and it made Hopeless die... But I can't know for sure, or even if your going to kill Pines now... You salty Saltlick >:c
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Chapter 1
Pines: We're going down!!!!!
Peter: Hang On.... Joseph,go in the back and tell me h… moreow many parachutes we have!
Jospeh: We have 3!!!!!!!!
Peter: Good, put em on! Peter opens the back of the plane
Pines: Bye Kid! Pines kicks Joseph out of the plane
Peter: What the fuck Pines!? Did he have his parachute on!?
Pines: Relax, he did Pines jumps out of plane
Peter: Ah Type-A....Jumps out of Plane
1 Hour Later
Joseph: Thanks for that push Pines.....
Pines: At least you didn't land on your back kid.
Peter: Think we're in South Korea, Didn't get too far
Joseph: How would you know that 007?
Peter: Says on that sign, 100 Miles till Seoul.
Joseph: Smart Ass
Pines: Any idea who shot us down?
Peter: Not sure, Maybe South Korean Government or Limbo's Security tracked us.....
Soldiers pop up and surround them
Reservoir: Good to see you again.....
Pete… [view original content]
Let's bring in your team Audrey - I want back up this time... Last time we could have gotten back up but didn't and it made Hopeless die... But I can't know for sure, or even if your going to kill Pines now... You salty Saltlick >:c
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Chapter 1
Pines: We're going down!!!!!
Peter: Hang On.... Joseph,go in the back and tell me h… moreow many parachutes we have!
Jospeh: We have 3!!!!!!!!
Peter: Good, put em on! Peter opens the back of the plane
Pines: Bye Kid! Pines kicks Joseph out of the plane
Peter: What the fuck Pines!? Did he have his parachute on!?
Pines: Relax, he did Pines jumps out of plane
Peter: Ah Type-A....Jumps out of Plane
1 Hour Later
Joseph: Thanks for that push Pines.....
Pines: At least you didn't land on your back kid.
Peter: Think we're in South Korea, Didn't get too far
Joseph: How would you know that 007?
Peter: Says on that sign, 100 Miles till Seoul.
Joseph: Smart Ass
Pines: Any idea who shot us down?
Peter: Not sure, Maybe South Korean Government or Limbo's Security tracked us.....
Soldiers pop up and surround them
Reservoir: Good to see you again.....
Pete… [view original content]
Haven't even thought about that possibility... Damn, I hope my favourites will survive...
Still, danger or not, team cameo in Sons of November is just too awesome not to have.
I'm German... But for some reason I spell like a Brit XD
Well, Elsa is still my favourite, but Lynne and Javier were amazing too in Season 1. And after rereading chapter 5, I would include Jacob on that list. The taser moves convinced me
In the end, I like the whole team. Any loss would be sad
I'm German... But for some reason I spell like a Brit XD
Well, Elsa is still my favourite, but Lynne and Javier were amazing too in Seaso… moren 1. And after rereading chapter 5, I would include Jacob on that list. The taser moves convinced me
In the end, I like the whole team. Any loss would be sad
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 5
Peterson Hunt
Peter: This place secure?
Reservoir: Yes..... But can't be too careful
Peter: How can you help?
Reservoir: I'm one of the top guards here, Can you get me the money
Peter: Not when I'm in here obviously but when I'm out.
Reservoir: Fine, But if you don't get me my money, I'll kill you slowly and make you beg me to finally end you.... Do you understand the Gravity of your situation?
Peter: Yes I do..... Fair Enough
Reservoir: Good.......... Reservoir hits Peter with his Baton You're gonna start a riot in cell block A, I'll take care of the rest from there and just follow me, And the money is just a start for this...........
Guards start Water Boarding Pines
Cunningham: All this could have been Avoided Mr. Pines but you didn't listen.....
Pine is squirming and the guards keep Water Boarding him
Cunningham: You...Bring in the "Potty Trainer" since this smart ass likes Dick Cheese so much....
Guards keep water boarding Pines
Cunningham: Stop! Guards take towel off and Pines starts coughing
Pines: Ugh..... Bah
Cunningham: Now screw the towel, put the hose in his mouth and fill him up with the shit until I say otherwise, I hate it when the mutts think they're in control..............
Pines is spazing out as he's chocking and being filled up with water
Cunningham: Give me a knife, and hold him down, Keep filling him up too.....
Cunningham lightly cuts Pines Abdomen while the guards are filling him up with water \
Cunningham: That's it He must really be hurting right now....., Guards-
Pines stops moving
Cunningham: Okay, That's enough
Guard: Don't feel a pulse......
Cunningham: Leave the body there, I want some people to see this.....It's a shame Mr. Pines tried to play games with us....
Peterson Hunt (Again)
Peter: Aw, You guys really need to work on Customer Service...............
Guard: Don't get too confy Hunt........
Joseph Blake: What happened to you?
Peter: We can break outta here....... Tommorow a guard is gonna help us
Joseph Blake: Sure it's not a trap?
Peter: Doesn't matter, have to take the risk. We just need to wait for Pines
Joseph: Who's that?
Peter: Another guy helping out, What happened to you? Why are you here?
Joseph: My Parents were killed when I was 16..............
Peter: Sorry to hear that....
Joseph: The guy who did it is named Count Hypnos, I promised myself I would bring him and everyone associated with him to this hellhole....
Peter: So how did you get here?
Joseph: I was obsessed with bringing him down and finding out why he killed my parents all those years ago..... I made a stupid mistake, Thought I had a golden opportunity at grabbing him but instead it was a damn trap and I walked right in it, He framed me with Murder and being a terrorist dealing his "Serum". he's somehow made some shit which can control people and turn them into his bitches.... I'm gonna get out of here, Find him, and Stop him, Then he's gonna have his own Cell in here and I want to watch him rot.....
Peter: Serum? Shit....
Joseph: You know about it?
Peter: Cunningham accused me of stealing some and planning to use it....It all makes sense now...Snake....Hypnos. Jordan,Rambo, Motherfuckers set me up for this shit and murdering friend, Cunningham's just a dog chasing a bone who has no idea that he's putting away the wrong guys....
Cunningham: Ah, Hello boys, Let's have a private chat shall we? Which one of you wants to go first?
Reservoir: Listen to the man when he's talking to you ignorant fucks...... Nods at Peter
Peter: Attack Cunningham and start a Riot OR Stand Down
Tell me what you guys think!
Attack Cunningham and start a Riot
Attack Cunningham and start a Riot
Damn it Cunningham, killing Pines was a major dickmove!
I like Pines but Another one bites the Dust
Well it was a good run. Hopefully Cummingham gets some payback from Peter or anyone.
Attack Cunningham and start a Riot
1 Character Left..............
I have plans for stuff...If you submit...Your character will get...Character development! >:D
I love how Hypnos keeps being a HUGE bad guy and he hasent even shown up yet
Riot ( time to party)
Hype, Hype, Hype, And that's Joseph's story So Far
Attack Cunningham and start a Riot I like it so far!
The Shadow of November Part 2: The Tomb Chapter 6
Peterson Hunt
Peter: You're going down....
Cunningham: I have the power so criminals and threats like you belong to me where you serve your punishment for committing crimes against the United States of America, I'm a patriot Dammit! So if you think your're gonna take down innocent civilians in my country then FUCK YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for your information, Pines was the one that went down.
Peter: Son of a bitch...... Punches Cunningham
Cunningham: Bad move Mr. Hunt...... Reservoir, Take Peterson to Max Security for the rest of his time here, Then he can be with his friend "Sparker"
Peter: Good luck with that ......
Reservoir: Phil Cunningham in the words of some shitbird in history "A Gay Ass House with Kewl Toys against Itself will not stand" Or something like that Cocks Pistol
Joseph starts attacking prisoners and a riot starts forming with Prisoners and Guards fighting
Cunningham: Grabs Walkie Talkie: All GUARDS GO TO CELL BLOCK A!!!!
Cunningham falls over
Voice: Thanks for the hydration ASSHOLE
Peter: Pines! What happened!? Did you kill him?
Pines: Dick started shoving fucking water down my throat, I'm a member of an infiltration unit,and I've been trained to do a lot of shit like to pass a polygraph test and to hold my pulse, I was placed here by my agency to make sure this place was secure, Cunningham didn't know about me and thought I was some psychotic terrorist but this place needs a LOT of work. By the way....Cunningham's just knocked out, We could use him later on.
Joseph: Let's go!
More Guards start charging in Cell Block A
Reservoir: Follow me..... Reservoir, Peter, Pines and Joseph start running through all the chaos of Guards and Prisoners fighting
Reservoir: No one should be able to see us from here, Go in the Tunnel
Joseph: We climb the ladder inside the Tunnel?
Reservoir: Yes, Now Go
Joseph: Thanks Creepy Darth Vader like dude......... Starts climbing Ladder
Pines: Thanks Dude, This place HURT like hell..... Starts climbing Ladder
Peter: Thank You Reservoir, I'll have your payment as soon as I get out....
Reservoir points gun at Peter
Peter: What are you doing?
Reservoir: Think I would Let YOU out of here? I don't give a shit about your friends but I've been payed from some "outside parties" to keep you in here
Peter: Then why the hell did you agree to help me!?
Reservoir: It was getting boring in here, On your Knees NOW
Cunningham rushes though the door to see Peter
Cunningham: I knew you bastards were trying to escape from here...... Reservoir, Good work, You lack discipline but you made sure he didn't escape, Now clean up the mess out there...
Reservoir: Long as it gets more money for me.... Reservoir walks out
Cunningham: Thought you could get away.....
Pines yelling from down the ladder: What's the hold up!?
Cunningham: Ah, Mr Pines good to know that you survived...but I'm gonna come up there and get you too!
Peter: The only thing you're gonna get is your ass kicked..... Peter jumps up and headbutts Cunningham
Cunningham: Son of a- Peter punches Cunningham
Cunningham punches Peter and Peter falls to the ground
Cunningham: Not so tough now......... Kicks Peter
Peter: Never let your guard down, That's your weakness Peter jumps up and kicks Cunningham in the face and Cunningham stabs Peter in his side, But Peter is still able to fight
Cunningham charges at Peter but Peter puts him in an Arm Bar
Peter: 123 Train you? Cause he trained me.....
Cunningham: No.... Morrow did...
Peter: That figures Peter lets Cunningham go
Cunningham: You're not goi-
Peter: Aims Gun I'm walking out of here but for your info, I was set up by the Snake, your guard Jordan Smith is a former drug dealer, My last Mission Target Rambo is helping them, and there's some guy named Count Hypnos who is controlling and using this Serum thing to his own good, Find them and Stop them or Else I'll find you and End you......... Sweet Dreams Peter knocks out Cunningham
Joesph: You coming up Peter!?
Peter: Yeah....
Joseph: You won't believe where we are....
Peter: Are we in-
Voice: NORTH KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA! THAT EXPLAINS IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter: Shit, It's that Clown
Pines: There's some Planes over there
Sparker: I hear something Warren.......
Warren: What is it?
HEY HUNT!!!!! Sparker Winks at Peter before Soldiers and Guards charge in
Peter: Go, Go, Go! In the Plane!
Jospeh: What about the Psycho?
Peter: The guards will catch him now Go!
Peter, Pines and Joseph run onto the Plane
Joseph: C'mon baby, Fly They start up the plane and start taking off on the run way
Pines: 7 months in that shithole..........
Peter: 3 for me.....
Joseph: 15 for me so can it
Peter: C'mon! Peter pulling the throttle stick up
Pines: Dammit! Fly!
Joseph: YEAH!!!
Peter: Okay Guys...... Guards shooting at the plane from the ground Ignore them but why the hell is a prison like this in NORTH FUCKING KOREA?
Pines: Does it look like I give a fuck?
Joseph: North Korea..... Is a cover up.....
Pines: The Hell?
Radio Fizzes
Joseph: Pick it up
Peter picks up the Radio
Reservoir Voice: Oh you guys got away congratulations......
Peter: You sold out.....
Reservoir Voice: I bought in.....
Jordan Smith Voice: Hey Partner, Can't wait to patch you through to the mastermind behind this..... Wherever he is....
Peter: The Snake? Rambo? Cunningham......
Jordan Smith Voice: Try Count Hypnos.....
Joseph: Piece of Shit.........
Count Hypnos Voice: Peterson Hunt....... Nice to finally hear your voice, I hope we can meet face to face soon.....
Count Hypnos Voice: Joseph Blake, Seems like you're still Ass-Sore over your parents.......Do you think the truth is worth dying for?
Joseph: Ask me that again when I find you.......
Count Hypnos Voice: That attitude is what got you in Limbo for 15 Months Boy so Shut Up and take note.
Pines: Chill out Joseph.......
Peter: What do you want Hypnos?
Count Hypnos Voice: Order..............................................Even if that means cutting some people lose like you, You're all involved with this thing, Look at the big picture, You just don't know it yet.........
@NoHopeLeft Lucky You.........
Awesome Chapter!!!!!!
So what did you think?
Awesome chapter!
Btw i really hope sparker stays in Limbo i would rather he wouldnt die
Sparkles better stays in the Limbo if he knows whats good for him!
Very great part. I loved that Cunningham got his ass handed. Hopefully that'll make him consider that Peter isn't the bad guy here.
Good to see that Pines survived
Is a new part coming out soon?
Either Today or Tomorrow
Order..............................................Even if that means cutting some people lose like you, You're all involved with this thing, Look at the big picture, You just don't know it yet.........
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Preview
Peter: You're going down....
Count Hypnos Voice: We'll be in touch......... Hangs Up
Pines: So what the hell does this fucker want?
Joseph: I don't care
Peter: Cunningham mentioned something about a serum.
Radio starts fizzing
Pines: Da Fuck?
Sparker Voice: Oh Hey "Friends" thanks for the help and by the way FUCK YOUR OWN FACE EHAHAHAAHAHA Radio Silence
Joseph: That was weird.........
Pines: Yeah...Let's figure out how we're gonna get these guys......
Peter: Here's what we're gonna do
Plane bounces
Pines: Shit!!
Peter: Relax, it's just turbulence
Plane wing catches on fire
Peter: Or not.......
Jospeh: HANG ON EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pines: I hate flying....
Getting back in the feel :P
The Shadow of November Part 3: War Games Chapter 1
Pines: We're going down!!!!!
Peter: Hang On.... Joseph,go in the back and tell me how many parachutes we have!
Jospeh: We have 3!!!!!!!!
Peter: Good, put em on! Peter opens the back of the plane
Pines: Bye Kid! Pines kicks Joseph out of the plane
Peter: What the fuck Pines!? Did he have his parachute on!?
Pines: Relax, he did Pines jumps out of plane
Peter: Ah Type-A....Jumps out of Plane
1 Hour Later
Joseph: Thanks for that push Pines.....
Pines: At least you didn't land on your back kid.
Peter: Think we're in South Korea, Didn't get too far
Joseph: How would you know that 007?
Peter: Says on that sign, 100 Miles till Seoul.
Joseph: Smart Ass
Pines: Any idea who shot us down?
Peter: Not sure, Maybe South Korean Government or Limbo's Security tracked us.....
Soldiers pop up and surround them
Reservoir: Good to see you again.....
Peter: Let me guess, Jordan is near by and is gonna pop up to say some cheesy monologue
Reservoir: Incorrect Adjusts Helmet He's busy but you three are going back.......
Joseph: How did you find us?
Reservoir: Chain em......
Soldier: Yes Sir.
Truck Pulls Up and Opens door
Female Voice: GET IN!!!!!!
Reservoir pulls shotgun out
Female Voice: NOW!!!!!!!! Female shoots Reservoir 3 times in the chest with pistol as the group get is then drives
Pines: Who the fuck are you?
Female Voice: Watch your language Douchebag, Name's Audrey Degaldo and this is my Girl Friend, Charity
Charity: Hey there
Joseph: Did we lose them?
Charity: Think so...
Back at the site Reservoir gets up
Reservoir: This isn't over................
Back to the truck
Peter: Hey my name's Peterson Hunt.
Audrey: Peter? Jordan Wilkerson mentioned you but didn't go into detail.
Peter: We're old friends, He near by?
Audrey: Nah, I was here with Charity in South Korea for Vacation and was gonna sneak into the North to blow up some shit.
Joseph: The north's a cover up....
Charity: What?
Joseph: You heard
Audrey: Where do you wanna go? I have a safe house near by and if you want I can try and contact my team so they could pick us up
Pines: What do you think Peter?
Peter: Let's go to the Safe House OR Let's bring in your team Audrey
Let's bring in your team, Audrey Awesome chapter!
Let's bring in your team Audrey
Awesome Chapter!!!
Let's bring in your team Audrey
Good to see Audrey back! Very great chapter
Let's bring in your team Audrey - I want back up this time... Last time we could have gotten back up but didn't and it made Hopeless die... But I can't know for sure, or even if your going to kill Pines now... You salty Saltlick >:c
Looks like Jordan, Elsa, Lynne, Javier and all the others are gonna be coming in......
awesome no safe options KILL doet
I can't believe you guys would risk getting the team killed, Yeah Dark Angels 2 is Confirmed but that doesn't confirm who will live.
Haven't even thought about that possibility... Damn, I hope my favourites will survive...
Still, danger or not, team cameo in Sons of November is just too awesome not to have.
By that I can tell you're British by the way you spell favorites and who are your favorites again?
I'm German... But for some reason I spell like a Brit XD
Well, Elsa is still my favourite, but Lynne and Javier were amazing too in Season 1. And after rereading chapter 5, I would include Jacob on that list. The taser moves convinced me
In the end, I like the whole team. Any loss would be sad
Saltlick123 will remember that MUAHAHAHAAHA