From the books - Sansa Stark - I mean, what she has been through and to still live even though R.R. Martin holds the pen, that is simply unbelievable. I think she'll outlive them all. Oh, and I'm also kind of interested in Aegon VI Targaryen showing up on the coast of Westeros.
From the TV show - I love him in the books, but the way the managed to present this character in the show is amazing. I think he is the most accurate character in the show.
From the game - It's still too early to tell, but I'd have to say Mira. She is smart, calculating, a real player. She kind of reminds me a little of Tyrion and Sansa, like a mixture of those two with a dash of Cersei. I believe she will play a huge role in this game series.
Sorry, you'll just have to take my word for it. I don't post pictures online anymore, I honestly don't think it's safe to have your face on the internet for the whole world to see.:/
Sorry, you'll just have to take my word for it. I don't post pictures online anymore, I honestly don't think it's safe to have your face on the internet for the whole world to see.:/
How is it mean if it's true? No offense, but I don't get why people are so sensitive these days. I agree with the person who said that it looks much more like a woman cosplaying as Omid than Robb Stark. She looks nothing like Robb Stark.
These comments wtf so mean and unnecessary it's very brave to put up your picture for users to see it takes a lot of trust and courage seein… moreg these comments will definitely put off users in the future to put up their pictures in this thread.
This picture is funny and looks great a very creative and innovative way to post your picture
But especially Aura I know you from the lounge I am disappoint
Cool painting. I really wish that they would do a prequel book or show. I want to see/read all the details of the war. Personally, I think it would make for a better story. I love GoT and ASOIAF, but I really want to see Ned and Robert in action and the Targaryens in a position of power. I think it would be fascinating. I guess we always want what we don't have though. I'll settle for the aftermath, but I do with that GRRM and HBO would consider it.
No confusion here. Just thought it would be funny to put it side by side to a bearded GOT character
And fuck, comparing me to a hobbit? You must be real popular with girls where you're from.
You tell me, I have no clue. Some said that I kinda looked like that Bioshock gall
You tell me, I have no clue. Some said that I kinda looked like that Bioshock gall
Why is courage or trust required to post pictures? We aren't posting naked pictures of ourselves. People see us every day.
If you are a little confident about yourself, you wont really care about what others think of you.
But i suppose its a bit different for teens and their whole body image, guess im too old and too married to care :P
God i sound old... turning 30 this week... holy bleep, i am old.
These comments wtf so mean and unnecessary it's very brave to put up your picture for users to see it takes a lot of trust and courage seein… moreg these comments will definitely put off users in the future to put up their pictures in this thread.
This picture is funny and looks great a very creative and innovative way to post your picture
But especially Aura I know you from the lounge I am disappoint
Cool painting. I really wish that they would do a prequel book or show. I want to see/read all the details of the war. Personally, I think i… moret would make for a better story. I love GoT and ASOIAF, but I really want to see Ned and Robert in action and the Targaryens in a position of power. I think it would be fascinating. I guess we always want what we don't have though. I'll settle for the aftermath, but I do with that GRRM and HBO would consider it.
Nah, nah, nah. I think it/him/her/whatever confused this for a Hobbit lookalike thread, not a GoT one.
Looking like Thorin Oakenshield and shit. Really, it's uncanny.
From the books - Sansa Stark - I mean, what she has been through and to still live even though R.R. Martin holds the pen, that is simply unbelievable. I think she'll outlive them all. Oh, and I'm also kind of interested in Aegon VI Targaryen showing up on the coast of Westeros.
From the TV show - I love him in the books, but the way the managed to present this character in the show is amazing. I think he is the most accurate character in the show.
From the game - It's still too early to tell, but I'd have to say Mira. She is smart, calculating, a real player. She kind of reminds me a little of Tyrion and Sansa, like a mixture of those two with a dash of Cersei. I believe she will play a huge role in this game series.
... what?
I think you're in the wrong thread buddy
watch out for that hacker known as 4chan
Fuck is that Larry from Orange is the New Black
What do you think?
LOL, I read What Game Of Thrones Character do you LIKE the most? Skipped the LOOK part xD
P.S. Guess I look like, at least I hope I do like a younger version of Drogo.
Walder Frey
Looks like I'm related to Jason Biggs XD
what'd ya think? i think ethan
That's one of the few intelligent things I've read today. Color me impressed.
Tywin Lannister being shot by crossbow while he s(h)its on the loo.
Wow, this is just...Beautiful.
I am the grown up version of Coal Guy from Episode one.
I know im a little big but i think i look like Asher

Yeah, but you gotta have that look on your face like some kid just punched your kid in the gut like Asher has.
How is it mean if it's true? No offense, but I don't get why people are so sensitive these days. I agree with the person who said that it looks much more like a woman cosplaying as Omid than Robb Stark. She looks nothing like Robb Stark.
Cool painting. I really wish that they would do a prequel book or show. I want to see/read all the details of the war. Personally, I think it would make for a better story. I love GoT and ASOIAF, but I really want to see Ned and Robert in action and the Targaryens in a position of power. I think it would be fascinating. I guess we always want what we don't have though. I'll settle for the aftermath, but I do with that GRRM and HBO would consider it.
Hobbit's are awesome, he actually made you a compliment.
Sorry, slightly off topic, but you look like Officer Ryan from Crash ^^
I haven't seen the movie but I checked out the guy
thanks, I guess 
You tell me, I have no clue. Some said that I kinda looked like that Bioshock gall
You look exactly like someone from my class in the second picture, only you're a little whiter. I have no idea who from GoT though
Hmmm....Osha (if she would take a bath)?
I dunno
come on, dan, dont be shy.
you look liek grey worm, just longer hair
Why is courage or trust required to post pictures? We aren't posting naked pictures of ourselves. People see us every day.
If you are a little confident about yourself, you wont really care about what others think of you.
But i suppose its a bit different for teens and their whole body image, guess im too old and too married to care :P
God i sound old... turning 30 this week... holy bleep, i am old.
Thats a great idea. GoT wont last forever, it would be amazing to have a spin-off, especially from those days.
Probably look like one of those token black guys that keeps occurring in the slavors bay.
Gendry I guess:
Thorin is a Dwarf though..
Nah you look like Azor Ahai... Because ur damn hot
lmao I posted it but no one was here so I just took it down, I'll put it back.
I dunno mayn. Gared?
Neither is Grey Worm though. Why do you think his name has "Grey" in it :P
lol he's black though xD