The Last Words Lord Whitehill Will Hear



  • Who is Lord now? Asher?

  • I don't think that the Sentinel can technically be lord, they can just run things in the interim. I think Ryon is now technically the lord. The Sentinel will just rule as regent until a legitimate candidate is presented.

    The sentinel until Asher gets back.

  • K.

    I know little about GoT so I'm just making guesses.

    Duruial posted: »

    I don't think that the Sentinel can technically be lord, they can just run things in the interim. I think Ryon is now technically the lord. The Sentinel will just rule as regent until a legitimate candidate is presented.

  • edited December 2014

    I'm 100% going to kill him if given the chance. Usually I like to give people a chance unless they really pissed me off but...after Ethan (and since Ramsay is off limits) this one's gotta go.

  • With the episode getting closer and closer I want to ask everyone, do you think we will get any sort of revenge in Ep.2?

  • "Oh my, you really thought I would give the precious Ironwood to a fat, little Lord like you?" - Ramsay, moments before he decides to flay Whitehill.

  • edited January 2015

    Send him to the Wall.

    If I had to kill him, last words he would hear from me is : "This IS URBANHILL!" Then I would kick him down a hole. OR "The North Remembers"

    Seriously though Karaj's answer is top notch.

  • Ryon technically is, and I think the Sentinel serves as a regent (like @Duruial said). But if Rodrik returns than he's Lord.

    Who is Lord now? Asher?

  • Sending him to the Wall wouldn't be so smart considering Gared is there...

    Send him to the Wall. If I had to kill him, last words he would hear from me is : "This IS URBANHILL!" Then I would kick him down a hole. OR "The North Remembers" Seriously though Karaj's answer is top notch.

  • Does he know what Gared looks like? :P Or even what his name is? The chances of them finding each other is fairly low.

    Sending him to the Wall wouldn't be so smart considering Gared is there...

  • "I'm just glad I was here to shove a dagger through your throat." Then spit on him.

  • Then spit on him.

    I like your style.

    "I'm just glad I was here to shove a dagger through your throat." Then spit on him.

  • True, but since Gared was a squire Lord Gregor since he was young a lot of people in Ironrath probably know him and how close he is to Lord Gregor's kids.

    Does he know what Gared looks like? :P Or even what his name is? The chances of them finding each other is fairly low.

  • "You brought it on yourself."

  • You brought this on yourself, you ugly pigfucker cuntshitter ballsgurgler hseepshagger whoreson fatass

  • "When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die, and you played it well... Not for long tho."

  • I'm still hoping we get to at least imprison Gryff, I'm getting the vibe that if Ludd trusted him to lead the garrison then he isn't that cool of a guy. And this is all depending on when Rodrik returns to Ironrath. I do not see Ludd dying for a few episodes, but there could be other antagonists to Ironrath besides him, so who knows.

    With the episode getting closer and closer I want to ask everyone, do you think we will get any sort of revenge in Ep.2?

  • I want to get some kind of revenge and I can see use getting a choice to kill or imprison Gryff.

    I'm still hoping we get to at least imprison Gryff, I'm getting the vibe that if Ludd trusted him to lead the garrison then he isn't that co

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