Any News, at all? Please, Telltale, anything?
I loved Season 2. It's been basically 5 months since the finale was released... I know you're busy with GoT and BL, but I beg you, can you please for the love of the 'Stache, please release at least a teaser pic of TWD Season 3?
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5 months is basically nothing, we're probably not gonna get any news till the end of 2015, sooo....
5 months is nothing like green said the gap between season 1 and 2 was 13 months not including the 400 days release and the first piece of season 2 news we got was 11 months after no time left released and that was when telltale was only really working on that and wolf now they have loads more projects
I know, I know, this is just basically extremely wishful thinking on my behalf... but hey, we can still hope, right folks?
Telltale: Daw, here you go child
tuck in.
Telltale: And here is the main protagonist.
Telltale: His name is Mr. Tie, and his hobbies are 'killing walkers while wearing a tie,' before going off to collect more ties for his massive tie collection :P
They're swamped right now, don't expect news till Comic Con 2015. Sorry bud
Still waiting for wolf season 2 news....
cries in corner
How do you get a custom avatar? Is it that gravatar option? I tried that and it never changed/updated. I want a better pic of Clem as my avatar but can't get it
Also, they most likely wouldn't have anything worthwhile to share at the moment, besides random ideas and concepts hastily scribbled on post-it notes or whatever
They're still most likely in the process of brainstorming ideas for S3, and would have nothing concrete at this point to share.
News won't be coming for some time, sadly. At least we got other games to look forward to.
5 months is like 2 days in video game company time. You're not gonna be seeing news for quite some time.
I really wish they would show us something of TWD season 3 aswell, but i'm afraid that they're just not going too until the end of this year or half way through this year maybe July, or somewhere close to that but it's not going to be any closer than that sorry man, i'm sad about it too
i'm with you there bro... I'm with you there...
Dude, I know right! i've been wondering for so long but have always been too embarrassed to ask xD
If someone would be so kind to lead the two Clementine avatared people into the 'custom avatar' section that would be great
Thank you
It legit drives me crazy haha. I just can't figure it out lol
Make that three Clementine avatar people who need knoww. And. actually related to this post, I need at least SOME SORT OF NEWS. Even if it's not even that big, just something would make me happy
I don't think they even started the story for season 3, but I would die for a teaser. The season 2 episode 5 Clementine snow teaser slayed me (In a good way).
The concept art is incredible xD
When's season 3?
Damn, that's legendary.
Some news is coming very soon, my friend.
Ah, sorry, only saw your comment just now... Yeah, gravatar. Worked for me first try
Late this year first info probably and release 2016 probably i hate waiting news but its the only way
Yeah, I guess you're right... Maybe a wee little teaser in August?....