Don't you guys realize that...
Sarah was a young girl just like Clem. She was helpless. Just like Clem was, but you guys still hated her. Why? I loved Clem in season 1 like all of you guys but I liked Sarah too. It's not her fault. Think about it. What if Lee never saved Clem? She might of became Like Sarah. So that means you guys wouldn't be too fond of What a horrid thought! Clementine was adorable in season 1 though. So is it the looks of Sarah that bothers you, or what? Sarah is young and scared!! Perfect sense! You guys look at her as if she is a 45 year old virgin
Edit: You guys complain about getting people killed. She really didn't actually, but Clem technically got Ben and Lee killed. I'm not hating on Clem because I really do love the character and people still love her too, but I'm just saying that's no excuse to hate on Sarah
Some people dont like sarah because she got people killed, though to be honest most people on here like Sarah
Who did she get killed?
reggie, sarita and carlos to a point. There is also the fact sarah is annoying by her constant questions, doesnt do all that much to help and just causes problems however unintentionally
Clem was 8 and could handle herself
Sarah was 15 and still couldnt handle herself
Put simply, people who hate Sarah are incapable of sympathizing with her. It's always "she caused X's death", "she was annoying", "she refused to grow up", ect. You can't reason with them. Same with the Ben haters. If a character is timid, awkward and has trouble coping with the ZA, they're a prime target for hate on this forum. It's sad, but there's nothing you can do about it.
She didn't get any of them killed!
Those other ones are also just bad examples because if people get mad at Sarah for those they should get mad at every other character.
Clem was a perfectly normal young girl...While Sarah had PTSD and Anxiety...Hmm...
Im just saying why people hate Sarah, I personally dont hate her really but its very easy to dislike sarah to be honest considering all she does in the game. The only reason I really dont is that I felt some sympathy for her in ep 3 though I was on a coin edge and honestly I could have easily winded up hating her
All she does?
You mean exist?
It surprises me how people can love Nate but hate Sarah.
Quite a lot of people like Sarah. I think there is more people that like her rather than hate her. Most of the YouTuber's I've watched didn't like her that much but if you think about the amount of YouTubers there are in proportion to how many Walking Dead fans there are then the fans outway the YouTubers. Anyway, I didn't really care too much about Sarah, I didn't dislike her since she didn't do anything wrong but her character never really interested me. Although, I think people didn't like her because they thought that Sarah would get Clementine killed since she isn't as experienced as her, it would most likely be different if Sarah was around in season 1 since, in season 1 we were playing as Lee and we were trying to redeem ourselves so that Lee wasn't seen as the 'bad guy killer', he was a nice guy that knew how and when to show mercy. However, in season 2 we are playing as Clementine and she never really had anything to prove to anyone - she wasn't perceived as this bad person before all of this so the players are more likely to choose harsher options with Clementine which could mean being a dick to Sarah if they saw her as a 'liability'. I for one tried to play as a more merciful Clementine but I think that quite a lot of others played her as a sassier one.
That's actually a really good point. It's so rare to see people hating on Nick, yet Sarah hate is damn near everywhere. Maybe it's because Nick functioned normally, whereas Sarah's anxiety and naivety got on people's nerves. Of course, they don't care about the reason why she acts this way, she's just a liability to them.
It's so weird, people didn't like her because she wasn't normal...It upsets me.
I know, it's disgusting. I always see the excuse "It's the zombie apocalypse! If you can't pull your own weight, you don't deserve to live." Everyone has to be as brave, capable and mature as Clementine in order to be likable, apparently.
I, for one, think characters like Sarah and Ben are a breath of fresh air. They're not prepared to face such a bleak and violent world. I'd gladly take someone like Sarah over a cliche badass survivor.
It's even worse that she is brave, she stands up for Clem and defies her father multiple times just to help and save her life.
Actually I think there is quite a lot of love for Sarah, there used to be a mixture of hate and love but I think that the majority of people actually like her rather than dislike her, at least from what I've seen. Out of the whole cabin crew I think that Luke receives the most hate.
Omg yes, SO many people forget that without Sarah's help in the first episode, Clementine probably would've been in a tight spot. I actually saw a Let's Player snap "I'm not your friend!" after Sarah tells Carver "Don't hurt my friend" in episode 3. Like, why? What is with people rejecting her kindness?? I can understand being wary about the pinky swear, but come on, you can tell the girl is harmless just by looking at her.
I don't know...When I play I see who stands by me during situations where they can and Sarah almost always stands by you. When I play I try and save who I can because everyone can help, Sarah might not be able to shoot an assault rifle at some walkers but she can provide you the type of innocence needed to keep you sane.
There's just as many people who can't stand her, trust me. Look at the Youtube comments on any playthrough of season 2. Fortunately, the majority of Tumblr users love her.
The only time I saw people hating Luke was after Amid the Ruins because of what he did with Jane. He's easily one of the most liked characters of season 2.
Well said. Clementine needed a friend, and Sarah willingly offered her emotional support. She even knew she depended on everyone too much, and wanted to learn how to use a gun. I'm still annoyed at how TellTale just threw all that out the window.
Telltale wasted so much this season...It was good but...So much was wasted to go such a bad route. If Sarah survived to at least episode 5 then I would be happy or even Luke living to the end but...No, they went with two of my least liked characters.
Think of how many YouTuber's there are in proportion to the amount of fans there are, more of the fans like her rather than dislike her - this thread even shows that since I've only seen one comment that is negative about her.
Luke has received tonnes of hate - on tumblr and on here. Most Kenny fans hated him when it when him vs Kenny, then a lot of people disliked him after having sex with Jane and even now I see quite a few Sarah and Nick fans that hate on Luke because he was 'ableist' towards them, even though he wasn't.
Sounds like this person sees Sarah as an embarrassment and wasn't 'worthy' to be their friend.
I respectfully disagree. I don't think Luke gets nearly as much hate as you claim he does, but I'm not going to argue about it.
Basically, any character that messes up at some point gets hate one way or another.
She was a good kid in a shitty world. No need to hate on someone that acts like a regular person. She helped someone who was hurt, she was scared when bad stuff happened, and freaked out over seeing her father die, all perfectly reasonable reactions. I guess a lot of people including me just thought Sarah was not meant for TWD world and were afraid to get attached to her.
Plenty of people hate nick too or more, people just dont care either way about nick.
But anyway this is why some people find sarah annoying.
**Episode 1 **
Episode 2
After an intense scene you return and immediately tasked with looking after Sarah who promptly appears by startling you with a camera flash in the rest of the scene she still comes across as creepy and over the top and if she shows clementine the gun naive and childish. Already annoying characteristics to be honest.
The Carver shows up and Sarah starts freaking out and offers no information whatsoever just panicking and doing some of the worst hiding ever. Also the fact she forced Clementine to take a picture means that the group is basically forced to leave and that Clementine is now implicated.
By this point Sarah is at best to most players irrelevant and to some creepy and annoying, I know some people liked her but we had next to no interaction by that point
Episode 3 - Sarah focus episode
Now for me I sympathise with Sarah from this point after finding her pretty annoying before that however I was on a knife edge and could have easily found Sarah insufferable from this point also so I'll continue to say why people hate Sarah from this point.
Episode 4 - By this point Sarah was extremely hated by many due to the ep 3 ending
Clementine nearly gets herself killed slapping sarah
Sarah doesnt thank clem for saving her
So that why people could find sarah annoying for me I dont particulalry however when people say they cant fathom why she is hated this is why.
Finally on the subject of her conditon
For me she didnt have one it wasnt brought up in game which basically leads me to assume she was sheltered
If she was its kind of irrelevant she is who she is there is no therapy in the ZA
Alright, I don't want to argue either. At first I just wanted to let you see that there are a lot of Sarah fans out there and sometimes it's best to just ignore the hate since there is nothing you can really do about it since pretty much every character will receive hate (even Lee and Clementine). But I'm sorry if you thought I was commenting to try and stir up an argument or something.
I think those are all ridiculous reasons based purely on "oh no, a weird person!" mentalities. But I digress.
TellTale confirmed that Sarah had PTSD. Add anxiety and being sheltered on top of that, and she's not someone who can just "shape up" and become a badass. It's really sad how so many people don't have the patience to deal with someone like that.
No worries, you don't have to apologize. :]
I said it wasnt confimred in game so I honestly go with that she had anxiety and was sheltered.
I believe in equality and to be honest the point of episode 4 is the world isnt fair the zombies dont care if Sarah has a condition. I also have to admit I've never liked the fact that people cant hate on a character for any reason (unrelated to their condition) purely as they have a condition or their gender or something like that because people say it offensive when the said complaint has nothing to do with that aspect of the character
Again I dont hate her but I understand why people do
The majority of the listed reasons why Sarah deserves to be hated are completely unjustified. It's basically nit-picking and placing the blame on an inexperienced 15 year old girl who's constantly locked out of the loop for many things that the group are themselves responsible for, and expecting her to contribute to the group for things she's not asked to do.
Actually, the main problem contributing the fact that the hate Sarah gets that's unjustified is that most of the players are so enamoured by the hyper competency of Clementine that they expect Sarah to match up to her unrealistically high standards in such little time, especially when she loses her father to the walkers.
Fair enough. For me, Sarah's death and the "at least you tried" option to save her felt like it had already been done with Ben, who is just as hated. I see a lot of parallels between them.
Thats the main problem with Clementine as the PC Sarah is meant to be seen as a child to protect but she is seen by many as annoying as she is meant to be older than the player
Well first off, Sarah hasn't seen another girl her age for fucking ever. When has Clem seen a girl her age? That's right, before the dead walked.
Sarah has mental problems, she isn't a problem, Carlos never said that.
So yes, let's blame Sarah for her groups actions of which she wasn't apart, let me remind you that she gave Clem supplies.
Are you kidding me? She's creepy for trying to act like a friend...Do you have friends?
Carver is at the door, what do you want Sarah to do?...Yes, let's have Sarah give us a complete run down on Carver and what they've been through.
Sarah left a picture on the floor of an upstairs bedroom. She totally knew Carver was coming. Illuminati confirmed!
Sarah is taking a break, they all were, they've been walking for days!
The lodge, the LODGE? It's safe, they were decorating a tree, what do you want Sarah to do? Go take a gun and guard?
No one does anything about the wind turbine except the 11 year old!
Oh yes because Carver is totally going to be like "Well we just caught a small amount of the group we're after at this lodge, must be all of them, let's go." NO, he was going to search it anyway.
It's not out of character for standing up to Carver.
Are you fucking kidding me? Oh no we're being taken back to the place we were captured before with a mad man. Sarah is different than Clem.
Sarah's parent is alive. Clem's aren't, why should Clem worry about her dead parent's safety...Oh wait....She did all season one.
What do you think Sarah is? Psychic? "Yes Clem, that's Reggie he helped us escape, we lost his arm when Mike cut it off when we weren't here."
Sarah doesn't want her friends in trouble. What is everyone else doing? Oh yeah, nothing.
What? Oh no Sarah made noise!
Sarah is a rebel.
Sarah has mental problems, the only person she has left is her father who just hit her.
Sarah didn't know how to do the work...Not her fault.
Reggie was killed and WAS ALWAYS going to be killed. Carver wasn't going to keep him, everyone knew it. Why keep a crippled slave when you have new perfectly good slaves.
You think Sarah could do everything Clem could do?
Yes, what was Sarah going to contribute to the plan? "Hey guys, I walked through a herd before!"
Clem complained about the damn guts in S1.
You're forced to be a lot of people's friends...Why hold that against the character? You never have to be her friend.
Yes it is 100% Sarah's fault for her dad being hit because of a stray bullet from carver's henchmen. They weren't aiming their shots!
Yes because Sarah screaming was 100% the reason Sarita got bit somewhere else! It wasn't Sarah's fault.
Yes, let Sarah stay in the middle of a herd where she can die!
Sarah is found in the trailer having a panic attack, oh no, sue her.
Sarah is having a panic attack!
Yes because it was Sarah's little whimpering that brought all those walkers there and NOT Luke's screaming.
Yes that slap almost broke Clem's little hand.
No one fucking thanks Clem.
P.A.N.I.C A.T.T.A.C.K.
Sarah warned the group of the attack coming!
What the fuck do you want Sarah to do? Grab a gun? Remember no one knows she knows how to shoot and you honestly think Sarah knows how to deliver a baby?
She is stuck under fucking timber and probably has her legs crushed!
These were the dumbest fucking reasons I have ever read for someone thinking a little harmless girl with mental problems should die.
TT confirmed she has PTSD and it's obvious she has Anxiety.
I've given up on trying to understand the people who hated on her a long time ago. I just assume that it is pure blind hate because she is not the type of character that is all strong and powerful. People like Sarah do exist in real life and unfortunately some of them are bullied and hated for something that they have no control over and that makes them suffer everyday. They don't have an easy life in the real world, so it's also the case for virtual characters. Maybe one day our society will change for the better and learn how to respect and love them, but until then I'm afraid we'll have to deal with this type of hate.
Excellent points. But just keep in mind that all of these are not necessarily coming from Firewallcano's mouth.
Why thank you.
I know they aren't just countering them. I never said "Firewallcano is horrible human for saying these".
Just making sure you weren't. You were very passionate about your input.
Because you think that everyone is the same ? We all react to things that happen in a different way. Some children like Clem are very mature for their age and they learn to adapt quickly, they are mentally very strong.But other people like Sarah are not like that and they take more time to overcome the horrors that happen to them.
Yeah, I have Anxiety and Depression and whenever someone says something like "Sarah's not normal she should have died sooner in a slower way BECAUSE she wasn't normal."...It....It gets me...It really makes me think "Wow, if in this situation people think about people like me in this way?"...It's not a good feeling.
Whooo doggy talk about opening up a can of worms. I'm sure Firewallcano didn't mean to look like he was attacking Sarah's character, just writing reasons as to what a regular player of TWD would be thinking.