The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



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    All them details don't matter there is a perfect girl waiting for you, you just got to find her believe me one day you will :)

    By the way, the thing I've been talking with you about is...Going south


    Eh, It's difficult to date for me. I have low self esteem, I'm not exactly hot or cute, I can be an asshole (Nothing big just a bit rude

  • I'll keep an eye out...Forever. :P


    Get on Steam, Skrub.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    All them details don't matter there is a perfect girl waiting for you, you just got to find her believe me one day you will By the way, the thing I've been talking with you about is...Going south wat

  • XD NAH they are like the terminator that would be pointless even a nuke couldn't beat them :P

    Those Irish girls...Is that why you're taking boxing? To protect yourself from your sisters. :P

  • The terminators can die... ;P

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD NAH they are like the terminator that would be pointless even a nuke couldn't beat them :P

  • edited January 2015

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    Leaves gamers alone :'( just because we found out the corruption in gaming media :'/

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  • Lol.

    Fucking people.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Leaves gamers alone just because we found out the corruption in gaming media :'/

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Leaves gamers alone just because we found out the corruption in gaming media :'/

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    I like Dawn she is so smart plus so angry when she messed with it, always brutally honest reminds me of my older sister and I do not mess with my sister XD This is all

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    pls I didn't do sheet I swear :'O

  • Marky...dear mark I like you but tbh some of the things you say make me want to twist your nipple with iron clamps :/ no homo

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MY sisters are IRISH girls a different breed from the American or Canadan girls you piss them off they could knock you out with one punch or

  • edited January 2015

    twist your nipple with iron clamps

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    XD pls do go on no homo tho ok a little

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Marky...dear mark I like you but tbh some of the things you say make me want to twist your nipple with iron clamps no homo

  • I'm going to kindly ask you not to talk to me please.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    pls I didn't do sheet I swear :'O

  • edited January 2015

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    I kindly accept even tho we never even talked before but ok XD :D

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    I'm going to kindly ask you not to talk to me please.

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    XD rekt4life

  • Do you really think Liam Nesson can fucking beat an Alpha Wolf.

    papai46 posted: »

    The ending is shit.

  • Yeah lol, it's pretty easy. But still fun to play imo!

    I don't play video games all that often, excluding pokemon games. When I do, I'll play pretty much any Legend of Zelda game, Yoshi's Story was another fave of mine as a kid, Star Fox 64, Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bro's(I prefer 64 and melee to the new ones though tbh) Resident Evil games, Left 4 Dead etc. That's all I can think of at the moment.

    AGenesis posted: »

    Yep, Kirby Crystal Shards was always easy. I remember beating that game exactly a day later after getting it from Best Buy. What other types games do you like to play?

  • @allthatremains

    Disney burns for the resident disney expert :)

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  • Ehh, Mark, did you miss my PM, or...?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @allthatremains Disney burns for the resident disney expert

  • Domics

    Asian MySpace. XD

    Plus, why do these always have sad bittersweet endings.

  • If she broke up with you for those reasons, then you're better off without her imo. When you love someone, you love them for their flaws, not despite them. You will get through this, and someone better will come along, I'm sure of it.:)

    I'm not going to write the long post I have in mine but I'll shorten it. My last girlfriend broke up with me because of my mental issues...You know Anxiety and depression.

  • I'll try and hope...Eh...

    Tinni posted: »

    If she broke up with you for those reasons, then you're better off without her imo. When you love someone, you love them for their flaws, not despite them. You will get through this, and someone better will come along, I'm sure of it.:)

  • By the way, the thing I've been talking with you about is...Going south. Secrecy


    Going south. Secrecy


    Going south

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    Eh, It's difficult to date for me. I have low self esteem, I'm not exactly hot or cute, I can be an asshole (Nothing big just a bit rude

  • You know too much!

    By the way, the thing I've been talking with you about is...Going south. Secrecy . Going south. Secrecy . Going south

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    Yes I love you to :3 <3 that one

    Ehh, Mark, did you miss my PM, or...?

  • hmmh

    You know too much!

  • What? What are you...

    Sigh okay fine. I'll PM you again but please actually reply this time.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yes I love you to that one

  • XD this is awesome

    Domics Asian MySpace. XD Plus, why do these always have sad bittersweet endings.

  • edited January 2015

    It's based off of a short story called "The Ghost Walker" by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers, I personally found the movie even more emotionally impacting after reading the book. It's a story of survival, but more often than not the Good just don't prevail in the end.These kinds of stories aren't for everybody, but you've got to admit the last few lines at the end of the movie were pretty damn memorable and thought provoking.

    Once more into the fray...

    Into the last good fight I'll ever know.

    Live and die on this day...

    Live and die on this day...

    papai46 posted: »

    The ending is shit.

  • edited January 2015

    There's gray jedis in star wars actually

    Red + Blue = Purple Mace Windu(Samuel L Jackson) has a purple lightsaber. Grey jedi confirmed.

  • Sometimes love will find you when you aren't even looking for it. You're still young, focus on you, your goals, bettering yourself and overcoming your insecurities, and The One will stumble into your life before you know it.

    I'll try and hope...Eh...

  • What? What are you...

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    ^ THAT

    What? What are you... Sigh okay fine. I'll PM you again but please actually reply this time.

  • ...It's...Just difficult for me to get my head off of it...You know...Mental conditions and peer pressure.

    Tinni posted: »

    Sometimes love will find you when you aren't even looking for it. You're still young, focus on you, your goals, bettering yourself and overcoming your insecurities, and The One will stumble into your life before you know it.

  • Domics

    I love this one!

  • I understand, you're still in high school right? I don't think that's a very enjoyable time for anyone, especially if you are suffering from such conditions.

    ...It's...Just difficult for me to get my head off of it...You know...Mental conditions and peer pressure.

  • edited January 2015

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    The fins are awful, but this is actually a successful bloodswap this time, I suppose. For something made in paint anyway.

  • Yeah...It's stressful, I want to just forget about it but...My brain doesn't.

    Tinni posted: »

    I understand, you're still in high school right? I don't think that's a very enjoyable time for anyone, especially if you are suffering from such conditions.

  • edited January 2015

    Sith code is still my favorite

    Markd4547 posted: »

    cuz star wars Jedi There is no emotion, there is peace There is no ignorance, there is knowledge There is no passion, there

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