You can appoint me as how you want
Right, left arm, a top aide or other things
I created the logo of our community. And named it in … morehonor of its founder
And we all can advertise our community still except that
I hope you enjoy it!
This is the only way for people to love the word "SOON". I know another one, and you'll find it in the coming days
Children, I updated the Laws in the OP, you must obey the laws ;3
Liking eachother's posts is Law, for emotional support and support of the Law!
xD Yes, yes yes. We must follow the laws of thread and forum. Post the
, then like the comment. It is law.
We need to ask @OurPresident forum.
But I am for you!
And I take job to create the logo of our community and all the cool stuff to it. Also, I will advertise it around the forum
That legendary. I am president, and I declare you Vice President.
@karnedg2013 what did you want to be on here?
Celebrate!!! :'D
Lmao, Giraffehat didn't compliment me on my gifs for nothing.
@Dont_Look_Back hAS FOUND A GOOD GIF
It is a law gif therefore it is law and it is amazing
Uhh...what? The distorted it is law gif is amazing, duh
Now all you need is what is above and you will be good
You can appoint me as how you want
Right, left arm, a top aide or other things
I created the logo of our community. And named it in honor of its founder
And we all can advertise our community still except that
I hope you enjoy it!
This is the only way for people to love the word "SOON". I know another one, and you'll find it in the coming days
Wow. there are....quite a bit of those O.o
xD but anyways, those are awesome man, i will add to the OP
Thank YOU, good sir ^^
Has science gone too far?!
666 - EVIL!
Dark variant OUR logo
And for advertising! ;D
it is law it is illuminati
science can not go too far