Best Walking Dead Game Characer: Round 4
The rules of this game is simple! You vote for one character you want out of the Best Walking Dead Game Character competition. The two characters with the most votes will not go on to Round 4! Bonnie and Jane are out of Round 4 because they got the most votes last round!
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Danny (Saint john brother)
We all love Brenda

I vote Arvo
Oh dang man Bonnie and Jane are out, I gotta make sure Ben wins this now >.>
I vote for Nick gone
Troys gotta go
Danny (St. John)
Nate and Becca
Wyatt and Eddie
I vote danny st john to lose this round
Which one? 400 Days Danny or Danny St. John?
danny st john
I'm gonna go with Andy.
Because Omid
Never mind Danny he's going next anyway
Because Omid
Nick will remember you shafted him
Ahh sorry I almost forgot. May the best man win :P
Danny St John
Mich, the person you vote for is the one you want to get rid of.
But why
Because the point if this thread is to vote of characters who aren't your favourite and Nate isn't my favourite?
Yeah but there are way worse Stranger, Carver, Arvo, St. Johns etc.
So who cares why cant I vote Nate off? Are you going to question everyone who tries to vote him off?
Was just curious don't be a problem starter
Im not the one questioning why people voted off certain characters then telling them there were worse people to vote off.
I wasn't questioning anything I was just curious simple as that
Glad to see Lee and especially Clementine out.
anyways I vote for Brie to get eliminated.
Currently Danny st.John leads with the most votes and Troy and Nate are tied for second.
Why are Lee and Clem out already??? Tough crowd.
Because everyone thought they were supposed to vote for their favorites when they were actually voting to eliminate them. Anyway, I'm glad they're out.
Agreed it would be too predictable if they stayed