The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Awww nooo. ;-; I'm so sorry. v_v

    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • They'll be orphans.

    All their kids too?

  • I'm so sorry Rachelle v.v it won't affect the good memories you have there. The best you can do is cherish them :3

    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • That house was a paradise wow.

    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • edited January 2015

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  • Damn, that's horrible. I can just imagine how you felt. Especially with all those memories. Just... gut wrenching. I don't blame you for being upset(You know, I think if someone told them about your pets' grave, they would've be more careful). I hate change sometimes. Sometimes when things change it just turns out worse than better. Like... my schools have changed. Not for the better. They're no longer the same. Junior High now is merging with the general school, and they got rid of the nice baseball field they had along with the porch. Now it's.... And I found out my high school is a lot worse too. It seems like when we leave something behind, when it was good, it just ends up turning worse when you're gone. Two very different things but none the less met a horrible fate through our eyes.

    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • I'm sorry for the lost of your Nana's house, Childhood memories are always the best ;__;

    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • I knew you would love that vid.

    AWESOMEO posted: » 3:55

  • Oh, I'm so sorry, dear :(

    It happens always. We have a favorite place, and then it can take away from us. This happened to me. As a child I loved to play with my friend in a small creek in the summer, near the house of my grandmother. It was a beautiful place. Around the growing green grass, the sun was shining, flowing, clear, fresh and tasty water I could drink, when he wanted to. I often played there with a friend, and sometimes went there - in this quiet place to be alone. Sometimes there came a cute cats. And then, a few years later, came the people who had to diged deep ditch to the water flowed to other people. This was necessary for the entire village. At first I was sad, very sad. This place is just taken away, though it was not officially mine, but it was my with a friend (girl) area and I really missed it. But when I grew up, I understood that it was necessary. Yes, it happened, but almost everything that happens to us - it's for the better. I think that this has led to new developments in your life.
    And with a cute cat and hamster you will meet again in a better world, if you believe in it :)

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    I hope that you will ever be able to buy out a place for yourself and your family, if not always know what I know - even though it took place and you, but it will ALWAYS be in YOUR heart ;)

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    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • edited January 2015

    Today is my one year anniversary since I've joined. I don't know why but when I look at it, it went kinda fast. A lot has happened here. It definitely had an impact on my life. Something I didn't expect-- I thought I was just going to be here for the sake of getting news and discussing topics on threads, but it went a whole different way than I expected. So many thoughts are on my mind right now. I made myself a new Gravatar, it represents my current life. On my right represents two things, the one person who's the closest to me is the one with horns, and a user named Poked represents my old friends and the fanbase of my comic. And on my left is the members of the Lounge, a group I want to protect just as much. And in the middle is me, watching their backs, following them. Here's a close up if you want a better look. It took 3 hours.

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    I had a simple beginning here like the majority of users, and now I look at where I am now. I've met a lot of people here, both good and bad. Ones I just want to be with forever. Ones I just want to give a whack at. And many big things happened. It all started when @Markd4547 started his fan fic thread, and I announced there I was going to make a comic thread. That next day, is when my journey began. Turned out that it was a huge hit and gotten a huge fan base. My biggest success yet. And during that time is when I started to make some friends there, friends like @OhYouPokedMe. And it was because of that comic thread I met someone, the most important person in my life. (I won't say her name, as I want to protect her as much as possible.) It was at that point, we began bonding to the point we call each other siblings. All I used to think about was my work but now I also think about her, dreams about physically being around each other, living as lost siblings who finally found each other. She's the greatest thing that happened in my life. If anyone hurts her, you will know what a real angry bull is like when I find out. One of my other accomplishments was when my fan base grew, and it even caught the eye of a staff member of Telltale. My idea for the Walking Dead S2 in that one thread I made was also noticed. I even got to meet my very first celebrity, Gavin Hammon. I was even able to make a cameo for him in my comic. And now, there's the Lounge. Yeah, yeah, you don't like the group. We know. But that group has also made an impact on me, this is the first group I actually felt like I belonged. Truly belonged to. All the others didn't work out or we ended up getting separated. But this one, this is one group I don't want to lose. You can think they're all bad people, but let me tell you something, they're not as bad when you personally get to know instead of only fighting them all the time (vice versa to the Lounge as well). Like one of the members said to me, it's a dysfunctional family. I have my own irl, my blood family. It's dysfunctional too and they also got a temper like several members of the group. I got my Grandpa's temper, his was worse than Dad's. Anyway the group I'm in... We see each other as family so that counts for something. It's a diverse group of personalities. Some can be real jerks when they're pissed off (well one just wants to "rekt" people 24/7), yeah I get that, we're all jerks when we lose our temper, but as a whole it's a good group. Alright maybe they're a bit chaotic and wild but I know of a group similar to them, in a manga called Fairy Tail, with a guild called Fairy Tail. I might not always agree with their actions, and lecture them for it sometimes, but I love the group and most of its members.

    I know some doesn't believe that online life influences personal life, but it does. You just haven't experienced it yet. I'm a different from what I was a year ago, and that is because of my life here. I feel a little more braver and stronger than I've ever been, and much more determined. I learned a lot about people, I got a better, realistic understanding about people. I have new focuses on my life, an example is that person very close to me. And now I feel much more too, I'm not as numb as I used to be. For once, I'm able to cry now. Before I couldn't and now I can. I have much thanks to this forum and Skype, and much for Telltale and Walking Dead. I wouldn't have been here and experienced all this if it wasn't for the game and company. Thank you to Telltale, Walking Dead, the forums and my friends. This chapter of my life isn't done yet though, there's still more to go. I still got this feud between the old and new lounge to worry about that needs fixing. And I'm going to try and do something about it. Hopefully, other people will start doing the same. It's time we make things right, turns things back for the better, and end this mess. It's time to break this endless cycle.

  • Do i see a new gravatar but no new comic? Tobi my friend, do you want your ass whooped?

    Today is my one year anniversary since I've joined. I don't know why but when I look at it, it went kinda fast. A lot has happened here. It

    edited January 2015

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury There's a new Windows destruction vid :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  • I expected someone would be pissed off. I managed to spare a few hours on this while doing the comic. The chapter is still coming. I was also writing up the final scripts for Episode 3's Parts 1 and 2. And I'm going to be making Zed's gravatar today. Don't worry I've been keeping busy.

    papai46 posted: »

    Do i see a new gravatar but no new comic? Tobi my friend, do you want your ass whooped?

  • I got a C in PE even though the teacher told me I failed because I ditched all the classes -_-

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    That was awesome Tobi! You joined a day before me. xD

    Today is my one year anniversary since I've joined. I don't know why but when I look at it, it went kinda fast. A lot has happened here. It

  • A day before? LMAO! XD

    That was awesome Tobi! You joined a day before me. xD

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    Thanks for the mention bro and congrats

    I shared that journey from the start with Tobi and I can tell you there is not a more honest, caring,loyal, talented and awesome person then Tobi here the guy is a legend his record flawless everyone thinks his awesome and he never gets angry or upsets anyone a really unique person and I'm delighted you learned so much and made so many great friends :'D

    I still got this feud between the old and new lounge to worry about that needs fixing.

    There is no feud were in a situation where everyone thinks their is so pretends to hold grudges just in case a stand off with a wall a fragment of imagination fueled by corrupt and biased memories to confirm any suspicion held

    Everyone is awesome this will end naturally I think everyone behind this whole thing people care, miss and respect each other a lot don't worry bro :)

    Today is my one year anniversary since I've joined. I don't know why but when I look at it, it went kinda fast. A lot has happened here. It


    I just bought this game I never heard of it before I looked at the back of the case it looked good hopefully it is :'/

  • edited January 2015

    Well, I actually do have a temper but it rarely shows here. I try to control it as much as possible. But when I'm mad, I can be one of the biggest assholes around here. ahahaha But thanks anyway. I've always valued your friendship, Mark.

    Well actually there is. We've been through this before, Mark. It's behind the scenes but I can tell. I know Golden and others still thinks there was some kind of revenge plot, but I can assure them all it wasn't. They can believe me or not, when I say it was all based on reflex. You know one of things I've noticed is that when things goes south with someone, all you (not you, it's a metaphor) think of them is that issue and other issues, and because of that you can't look past that and see what kind of person they really are deep down. It goes that way for EVERYONE. Like a lot of people hates Papai, but Konni was able to look past that and now they're friends. I no longer hate Papai, I was playing Naruto Storm Revolution and the mecha-naruto story made me see his perspective for some reason. He's mecha-naruto, I'm naruto. And it's because of what I saw I felt bad for treating him like shit. Even if he annoys me often, I don't want to fight with him anymore. So... I'm done fighting with Papai. And I trust in Konni's words in what she told me about him. This whole thread has a lot of gray in it. It's not as black and white as everyone thinks it. Hopefully one day everyone will see that. If we want to go somewhere, we need to learn how to forgive each other. It's the only way we can bring things back to the way they used to be.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thanks for the mention bro and congrats I shared that journey from the start with Tobi and I can tell you there is not a more honest, car


    I'd like to introduce everyone to Hugh G. Rection

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    I'm not getting involved in that 2deep4me I can only speak for myself and I don't hold any grudges or hate against anyone that issue doesn't even exist for me anymore and I hope whoever is involved just take a step back stop over analyzing everything and be friends it's much more fun :P

    I never hated papai ever his an awesome people and a great friend his randomness is great and Konni is the best sistah in the world of course she would

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    Anyway this is about your one year anniversary CONGRATS :D

    Well, I actually do have a temper but it rarely shows here. I try to control it as much as possible. But when I'm mad, I can be one of the b


    Those words that you once told me

    Are suddenly knocking at the door of my heart

    Now your voice is making me remember

    The scenery I’d forgotten

    When I was being chased by something with no time to look back

    It’s fine, so let’s begin

    It's the right time

    Let's step forward

    It's the right time

    Don't be afraid

    Look, it's waiting for us

    At the place where we crossed that hill.

    Look, we'll be together through thick and thin

    Towards the place where we crossed that hill.

  • Yes, and as you can see here:

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    Shu comes around a full circle, the same frame (the one above) is used when he wakes up from his "fantasy" and after he gets devoured by his own fantasy.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I believe this video is about how this guy had a girlfriend, but then started watching anime and such. He had an image of the perfect girlfr

  • I love me Vinesauce in the tea time sips tea

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury There's a new Windows destruction vid :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    edited January 2015

    proceeds to shoot at the audience

    zeke10 posted: »

  • Wow...awesome, amazing speech that I didn't read :')

    But I'm reaply glad that you stuck around all this time, Tobi. You're a really awesome dude. :)

    Today is my one year anniversary since I've joined. I don't know why but when I look at it, it went kinda fast. A lot has happened here. It

  • Another Uncharted for PS Vita was nixed by Naughty Dog

    "It was going to be another Uncharted game but naughty dog was worried about franchise burnout with so many games coming out so close together, so they nixed it.

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  • This walker has a mildly amusing face.

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    edited January 2015

    No dude listen:

    They sent me a letter that I failed PE... Then he gives me a C?! WTF I DON'T EVEN GO TO HIS CLASS

  • What they meant - "Who the fuck bought a vita anyway"

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Another Uncharted for PS Vita was nixed by Naughty Dog "It was going to be another Uncharted game but naughty dog was worried about fr

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