Another villain

this episode gave us Ramsay to hate

what would you like as another character to hate ?


  • Maybe his father? And don't we forget about Lord Whitehill è_é

  • I doubt Ramsay is really gonna be classified as a "villain" of this game series. It hits too close to canon especially with the story direction the show will be taking the next two seasons. Lord Whitehill's son and Lord Whitehill himself seem like likely options for the main villain.

  • They could easily add Joffery in as a villain to hate.

  • There may be an antagonist for every seperate storyline.

    Ramsay Snow and the Whitehills for Ironrath storyline
    Cersei, Joff and the Kingsguard for the King's Landing storyline

    For the Wall storyline i think a good possibility is Alliser Thorne or Janos Slynt (along with the threat of the Others). Now, admittedly, i have not seen season 4 of the show, so im unsure what D&D have done with the Thorne/Slynt of it all. But perhaps Gared does become a ranger and Jon sends him out beyond the wall ranging with Thorne?

    As for the Yunkish/Mereen storyline, who knows. Maybe we will have to flee our sellsword company to get home.

  • Thorne has not been sent to ranging yet in the show. Janos' and Alliser's roles in s4 were pretty much first both being dick to Jon and when the wildlings attacked Thorne acted like a badass and Slynt acted like a pussy. And the coming election of LC was mentioned by Slynt once so clearly there was already some build up for "Edd, fetch me a block." :)

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    There may be an antagonist for every seperate storyline. Ramsay Snow and the Whitehills for Ironrath storyline Cersei, Joff and the King

  • Maybe we could have a wildling group as the antagonists for Gared's storyline? It'd make sense, especially if he does become a ranger.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    There may be an antagonist for every seperate storyline. Ramsay Snow and the Whitehills for Ironrath storyline Cersei, Joff and the King

  • Thanks for the update wildlingking.
    Sounds like it doesn't differ much from the books, maybe the timing of it all. Anyways, there's a ton of shit going on at the Wall in this timeframe, lots of things changing. So im sure just about anything could happen.

    Thorne has not been sent to ranging yet in the show. Janos' and Alliser's roles in s4 were pretty much first both being dick to Jon and when

  • That sounds like a good option that1guy.
    Another that could be interesting is that, after meeting jon at Castle Black, Gared could be sent to Eastwatch (or the Shadow Tower) and then we could get the inside scoop on Selyse Baratheon and what Cotter Pyke Really thinks of her. Id be okay with that.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Maybe we could have a wildling group as the antagonists for Gared's storyline? It'd make sense, especially if he does become a ranger.

  • The main antagonists will probably be the Withehills. I don't think we'll see Ramsay Snow again after this. Lord Withehill and his son Gryff will be probably Asher's and Gared's main antagonists, with Cersei being the main obstacle on Mira's way. Also the coal boy seems shifty. I know he seems on our side, i even got to think he's got connection with the Faceless. But i don't know. He may be a Cersei's spy

  • I expect Petyr Baelish in Mira's tale soon enough. And of course, there is a good chance of Stannis turning up as well.

    Roose Bolton is another possibility.

  • And of course, there is a good chance of Stannis turning up as well

    Doubt that Stannis is gonna be a villain. The Forresters are Northern spies for him in the books during his march on Winterfell and Roose Bolton.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    I expect Petyr Baelish in Mira's tale soon enough. And of course, there is a good chance of Stannis turning up as well. Roose Bolton is another possibility.

  • Just working off of timelines - Baelish is on his boat in Blackwater Bay waiting for Sansa and Dontos to show up, so I doubt we'll see him. I wouldn't have thought Stannis would appear back in Westeros until the very end, if at all, and he's not really a villain. Roose is a reasonable bet, although I doubt he'd turn up at Ironrath specifically. I daresay Joffrey will be dead before the end of episode 3, so he's probably out as well. Given the Forresters are sworn to House Glover of Deepwood Motte in the books, I'd hope they might go there at some point, which could link in with the Greyjoys as possible antagonists. Although Yara isn't there at the moment either, so that wouldn't necessarily work.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    I expect Petyr Baelish in Mira's tale soon enough. And of course, there is a good chance of Stannis turning up as well. Roose Bolton is another possibility.

  • Stannis is already a villain since ACOK, the first book where he actually appeared.

    It just turns out that circunstances make him useful for warding off the Others and the Boltons. He is no less a villain for that.

  • Totally agree with you LuisDantas, i have felt this way about Stannis and his entourage since the first.

    I feel like so many people either forget, choose not to see, or just don't understand the things that he has done. They get caught up in, 'oh, he saved the North!! He saved the North!! Our hero!' When really, Jon and his brothers saved the North. If it werent for Jon's early warning, Stannis would have been too late to do anything but mourn.

    I also see alot of 'he was the only King who cared about the watch', and i will give him credit for being the only one to Show Up. But Stannis couldn't give 2 fucks about the watch, then or now, in fact, as soon as he shows up he proceeds to interfere, and demand where he has no right. It was Davos who cared, Davos who convinced.

    Davos for King!

    LuisDantas posted: »

    Stannis is already a villain since ACOK, the first book where he actually appeared. It just turns out that circunstances make him useful for warding off the Others and the Boltons. He is no less a villain for that.

  • I think for gared main villian is britt the man that killed his family.

  • Fucktards....

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Totally agree with you LuisDantas, i have felt this way about Stannis and his entourage since the first. I feel like so many people eithe

  • Wow. Okay.


  • Lord Whitehill is going to be the main villain for whoever the POV is at Ironrath from now on. He might be an idiot, but he's got more power behind him that the Forresters at the moment, so he's a formidable foe.

    That said, Gryff Whitehill, Lord Whitehill's son might be even worse considering he'll be leading the Whitehill Garrison in Ironrath for the time being. He's gonna be a real pain, especially if Lord Whitehill trusts him that much.

  • Was there something you'd like to try and refute?

    Or shall i just call you Fuckface and move on?


  • How is Stannis a villian?

    LuisDantas posted: »

    Stannis is already a villain since ACOK, the first book where he actually appeared. It just turns out that circunstances make him useful for warding off the Others and the Boltons. He is no less a villain for that.

  • Do however you wish. You don't really have good arguments against Stannis, you are just haters. Maybe you liked Renly and didn't notice he's an idiot. All Stannis has done is enforce the law. And oh how bad it is to kill with shadows, well that fucking saved lifes that would have been lost because idiotism of Renly. He burns people? Only for treason, and treason is punishable by death. Also Stannis does have mercy, ask your Davos about that.

    Stannis wanted to take the throne so he could bring peace to realm and fight against the others. Then with Davos' help he realizes that doesn't work but he must go to north and save the kingdom before worrying about the throne. He understands that it is his duty as the one true king. Still people find ways to hate him, that is exactly like in the books, you don't like his personality and think that makes him a bad king or a bad person.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Was there something you'd like to try and refute? Or shall i just call you Fuckface and move on?

  • I couldn't give a shit about Stannis's personality. It's his Actions i have a problem with.

    With regards to saving the realm from the Others, maybe he should've stayed at the Wall then, instead of marching his army South!

    Do however you wish. You don't really have good arguments against Stannis, you are just haters. Maybe you liked Renly and didn't notice he's

  • And do nothing about Boltons? He has a chance to unite the North, you think that would help against the others, right?

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I couldn't give a shit about Stannis's personality. It's his Actions i have a problem with. With regards to saving the realm from the Others, maybe he should've stayed at the Wall then, instead of marching his army South!

  • Speaking of Thorne and The Wall, in Season 4 when the Wildlings attacked he fought Tormund and got owned

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Thanks for the update wildlingking. Sounds like it doesn't differ much from the books, maybe the timing of it all. Anyways, there's a ton o

  • Oh yaay, something to look forward to! I frikkin love Tormund Thunderfist

    Speaking of Thorne and The Wall, in Season 4 when the Wildlings attacked he fought Tormund and got owned

  • He is a beast in battle, he was cutting through Night's Watchmen like butter

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Oh yaay, something to look forward to! I frikkin love Tormund Thunderfist

  • Plus, they won't be protected by canon. Which is nice.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Lord Whitehill is going to be the main villain for whoever the POV is at Ironrath from now on. He might be an idiot, but he's got more power

  • I would assume we won't be seeing any ex-cast members reprise their roll to return to the game alone.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    There may be an antagonist for every seperate storyline. Ramsay Snow and the Whitehills for Ironrath storyline Cersei, Joff and the King

  • No probably not.

    StrawHuman posted: »

    I would assume we won't be seeing any ex-cast members reprise their roll to return to the game alone.

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