How Carver and 400 Days Characters. BEWARE LONG POST

There is a thread similar to this but I wanted to go into further detail. Carver's death scene could have been taking out of episode 3 and had Troy be a more serious antagonist than a punk pussy boy. He could have been the one who killed Reggie as well. Kenny sees that that he can not get to Carver and brutally beats Troy to send a message to Carver. At the end of Episode 3 Carver emerges with a sniper at the roof with the other 400 Days Characters. He manages to shoot Sarita, Carlos and Nick (Determinant).

Alt text

400 Days Cast: Russell and Becca could be the ones that get held up by Clem and Jane. Having known her slightly they want to kill/capture her. Jane snags Russ' gun wher Clem has a struggle/fight QTE with Becca. The rob choice is still in effect. Vince, Shel,Vince, Tavia,Wyatt, Hank (determinant) as well as Carver leading the group to kill Kenny and Bonnie. In Episode 5 the shootout begins. Clem has to kill an undead Shel which infuriates Becca. Kenny beats and bullies Russell the whole episode. It makes Bonnie's sympathy more understandable. Becca and Russ run away with Mike and Bonnie with Becca shooting Clem for revenge. I always thought Becca was reverse Clementine so their interactions would be interesting


  • Maybe they will be in season 3, the problem with them was is that they had determinant fates at the end of the DLC. To be honest I am glad our choices had a long lasting effect from a DLC (in theory). I dont know where shel and becca ended up in my game.

  • Part of me really wouldn't wanna see Becca do that because I feel it would just be feeding into this very popular fan view that Clem and Becca would have to come to blows if they met. On top of that, I'm not overly fond of the idea of fighting the 400 Days cast, but I can't deny it'd be very interesting and make way more sense than the stupid random Russian gang and Arvo shooting Clementine, since the 400 Days group would actually have a very valid reason to hate us, considering we just fucked over the safest place they'd found and condemned possibly lots of innocent people to death purely because we had beef with the shitty leader. Seeing Shel die would then simply be the tipping point for Becca rather than the one and only issue between the two.

    But as was said, the problem lies in the determinant fates of 400 Days. There wasn't much hope for plot relevancy for anyone other than Bonnie after that.

  • Thank you. Clem shioting Becca's sister would unveil a new side of her and we know both of them. We hardly knew anything of Arvo and his sister. Becca fits better

    damkylan posted: »

    Part of me really wouldn't wanna see Becca do that because I feel it would just be feeding into this very popular fan view that Clem and Bec

  • The only thing is, I was never scared of Troy, I just thought he was some asshole, unlike Carver, who felt and looked like he was a leader

  • Idk maybe in his final hours he could have cried and begged for his life and Kenny could have battered him anyway. It would push on some more Kenny hate

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The only thing is, I was never scared of Troy, I just thought he was some asshole, unlike Carver, who felt and looked like he was a leader

  • Well that story is a better use of the 400 Days characters than how TT chose to utilize them

  • edited January 2015

    Replacing Becca with Arvo is interesting, but I think that people shouldn't assume that Becca and Clem wouldn't get along. If you think about it, Becca doesn't seem to like people who are liabilities and can't take care of themselves. Clementine is neither of those things. Becca never directly insults Clem in In Harm's Way, just asks 'Who's this?'

    Sure, there might be some teasing but Becca could potentially come to admire Clem's survival skills and they could potentially become friends.

    And what else does Becca do in 400 Days that could've been utilised in In Harm's Way? She snuck out of Roman's Camp. No doubt she'd probably be able to get away with the same in Carver's camp. I always imagined that the 400 days group would help Clem's if they remained in-character; Vince was a prisoner and didn't like it one bit, Russell didn't like working under a tyrant before (Steve) so he wouldn't do the same again with Carver, Becca possesses the skills necessary to help the group escape...

    So many what ifs, but we're stuck with what we got and the 400 days group will probably never show their faces again. Which is why I wrote Into The Fray which details their escape from Carver's Camp during the herd attack during the end of In Harm's Way.

    Sorry 'bout that shameless plug. Feels kinda scumbaggy but I had to do it given the topic.

  • I always enjoy any AU/'what ifs' that try to involve the 400 days characters more, so I think idea this is pretty interesting.

  • edited January 2015

    Not long post but ok, also If you wanna have a story with 400 days guys, I HEAVILY recommend the fanfic Into The Fray by Thunderslate.

  • edited January 2015

    That'd be me (Thunderslate is my account), thanks for the plug :D

    Posted a link in my earlier comment - even though it feels kind of a douchebag move for me to plug myself XD

    I'll show myself out and prevent any more derail-ment :S

    AGentlman posted: »

    Not long post but ok, also If you wanna have a story with 400 days guys, I HEAVILY recommend the fanfic Into The Fray by Thunderslate.

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