Most foolish/dangerous Kenny Idea ??

Which of these two were the better of the two? Which one was more risky and life threatening to actually carry out? Also, consider how safe, or lack thereof, the group would have been had they pulled it off

The Boat or Wellington?


  • edited January 2015

    I thought both were great plans that could have worked had people not gotten in the way with their stupid bullshit. But if I had to answer, Wellington. That place had walls and was a fortified community that could, unlike Howe's, survive if a herd ever went through.

  • I think the Wellington plan was more dangerous. Travelling with a new born baby as it gets colder an colder, trying to find a place that might not even exist. Still, the plan eventually paid off, in my game atleast.

  • Both plans would have worked fine if other people trusted him or didnt steal his boat.

  • this is bait

  • Alt text

    colgato posted: »

    this is bait

  • Wellinton might not even be safe as you think it is? Howe's had fallen to the undead because Kenny, Clem and the rest left a entrance for the undead to get in, plus they did not know their leader was dead .

    I thought Carver or Luke mentioned that they have survived hordes before at howe's?

    Other than walls and Edith We do not know anything about Wellington.

    I thought both were great plans that could have worked had people not gotten in the way with their stupid bullshit. But if I had to answer,

  • Wellington. Plan the boat was very good, could sail to the island and live there. Wellington sooner or later collapse, as well as any other place.

  • edited January 2015

    (Boat plan) This plan was poorly planned Kenny, originally wanted to take his wife and duck to a overun city just to find a boat?Risking your family lives just for a boat was a bad idea.

    (Wellinton) Kenny did not know wellington was safe, He heard rumors about it being safe. I was surprised that it did not fall to the undead already however we do not know anything about Wellinton for me to say if Kenny's( Wellinton) idea is good or bad, They could be nice people or they could be pretending to be nice.

  • heh both, kinda.
    [BOAT] with no plan where actually to go. what about storms and other things on the lone boat in the middle of the ocean? I've never really agreed on that
    [WELLINGTON] you have no idea where the place is located except "somewhere near Michigan". it's freezing out there and to be worse there's a newborn and the woman who just gave birth, wow amazing. there was a big chance it was a load of crap, there was no actual proof for wellington. if it was in warmer place then okay but this.

  • Both. Going to (the already dangerous) Crawford to find supplies for a boat was unwise, and as it turns out Crawford was overrun by Walkers so it became more dangerous at that point. Also where were they going to go with that boat, an island? One day they would end up running out of food. I can guarantee it, the plan was not thought out.

    And Wellington, when Christa first mentioned it I thought it was a State (I live in the UK so I don't know US States). When Kenny said it was a camp, I thought 'Oh no, lets not go there, that's a bad idea'. Plus the cold weather is a big disadvantage, if you live somewhere cold, you know that when winter comes you have huge winter coats and jumpers to keep you warm. Of course they whole group had none of that, so I knew it was a bad idea from the start and was only going to get people killed, which it did! Therefore both were foolish and dangerous.

  • The boat was better cause it had more of a chance of existing. Wellington was more risky because it was only rumored and was surrounded by harsh weather.

  • Both I'd say.

    One was ill thought out and the other relied on hope and pure luck.

  • I would assume any plan in TWD universe is dangerous since you know zombies everywhere, bandits creepin, and your own group's stupidity can all get you killed/hurt. Without Kenny's plan fixing up that RV in S1 we would be stuck at a Motor Inn overrun by zombies or the remaining bandits.

    With the boat plan Kenny thought what came naturally to him since y'know he is a fisherman. Try out Savannah where a boat could be found since it's an area with water which is the city the train was heading to no matter what after being stranded next to a train station. He came up with a plan that he felt most comfortable with, since no one was coming up with anything and it worked until some assholes fucked it up.

    The Wellington plan was something Kenny was planning on before he met Clem. He had a group of people that were smart and followed his instructions, but them some assholes fucked it up... again. More than likely, Kenny or one of his people knew where Wellington was in relation to the Ski Lodge since that's where groups of people were heading to everyday.

    Kenny clings on to the plans he knows. As I said, any plan is dangerous and a gamble, but he had something which is more than the other characters in the game had. I may not agree with some of the things Kenny does or says, but hey I can't blame him for trying.

  • They weren't foolish, there was just a lot of uncertainties.

  • Helping Christa was way more foolish Kenny obviously had a higher value in character than Christa. (Im not a die hard Kenny fan) but seriously take the yelling later but dont risk your life!

  • Telltale be to predictable Wellington is going to be the next Howes!

    Order 66 posted: »

    (Boat plan) This plan was poorly planned Kenny, originally wanted to take his wife and duck to a overun city just to find a boat?Risking you

  • edited January 2015

    Both plans have their pros and cons. The boat was a great idea, until you realize that there's no where you can go that the dead wont be either. Kenny's boat would've been great considering he was a commercial fisherman so it would've been a rather large boat. But given the circumstances, I don't see how Kenny believe that his boat would still be there or even usable.

    After some contemplation...I'm going to say the commercial fishing boat is the better choice. Places like Wellington are just targets for bandits and Wellington could very well end up like Crawford-being destroyed from the inside by the same rules that were in place to protect everyone. Wellington is a worse idea considering they had Aj with them. Trying to bring a newborn up to Michigan(where Wellington is located for those who don't know) is very foolish b/c of how cold it gets there

    Maybe they should've just stayed at the train with Chuck before heading to Savannah. Chuck did say that he hadn't found anything better for keeping the 'creepy-crawlies' out.

  • The boat plan because it was obvious that people would take all boats in the start of ZA.

  • You say this like Kenny only ever had 2 bad ideas...

  • Both really, the boat idea was trash because everyone would already have taken them, the only reason why the group even got theirs was cause of Luck.

    Same thing with Wellington, its foolish to treat such a place as paradise even though it may not even be real, and its found by luck.

  • Both, but I'd say Wellington was a bit more foolish. His evidence for it existing was based off of a rumor that turned out to be true. But going up north looking for a place that may or may not exist when they had barely any supplies for themselves or the baby is just ridiculous. And we don't even know how good Wellington is, really. It could be run by a despot like Carver, they could be filled with disease (Edith did mention overcrowding) which is just no good for a baby, etc.

  • edited January 2015

    I think the dumbest idea Kenny had, was the one he cooked up in the delivery truck.
    I can see where he was coming from, but at that moment, the best thing to do would've been to just sit still and wait for a better opportunity to escape.

    Though Kenny did have some good ideas too.
    I think the plan about finding a boat and getting out on open water, was in itself a good idea.
    If it had been a dialogue option, I would've had Lee suggest sailing down to Florida, and keeping anchoring a respectable distance off-shore, perhaps even trying to take refuge on one the small islands off the coast.

    Also, I think the the idea of heading north to find Wellington was in itself a good idea, as it gives a sense of hope.
    Though I think it was the wrong time of year.
    Personally, if I had to make a trip like that and do so mostly on foot, I'd have hold up at the lodge for the winter, and then strike out for Wellington sometime during summer, as up north, it tends to snow 6 months out of the year.

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