Fav TWD Villans

What villan/antagonist is your favorite. Mine was Andy St. John. I liked his character and the slight feeling of uneasiness and uncertainty I had on the farm. IMO both Carver and the Stranger were damn near superhuman


  • The Stranger.

  • edited January 2015

    Carver is definitely my favorite villain and one of my favorite characters in all of The Walking Dead. I enjoyed his character and his mentality, but also because Michael Madsen did a phenomenal job voicing him.

    In the T.V. show, got to give it to The Governor. I thought he was a great character, his comic counterpart was more sadistic, but this guy was, even though they showed a softer side to him in Season 4, purely evil.

    And the comics, Negan. Does this even need an explanation.

  • Carverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Michelle because she killed Omid

  • She is your favourite villain?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Michelle because she killed Omid

  • edited January 2015

    Yup. If you kill Omid that puts you in the top 10 best villains for how villainy you are!

    supersagig posted: »

    She is your favourite villain?

  • stranger was the only good villain in the entire FRANCHISE

  • edited January 2015

    The St. Johns for sure. They made the atmosphere of one of the best episodes in the franchise.

    I honestly was never that big of a fan of Carver.

  • The St. John's from and Carver

  • edited January 2015

    It's a toss up between Carver and The Stranger. Where I just couldn't help but be impressed with Carver's charismatic power over his followers, and was morbidly intrigued by his near delusional desire for despotism..The Stranger just flat out gave me the creeps every time he spoke, especially during his scene with his wife. Which is pretty impressive because it's quite difficult to draw that reaction from me when it comes to psychotic characters, which I am admittedly usually fascinated by. It's a tie for now.

  • Carver is first at the finishing line, with Nate a close second.

  • edited January 2015

    -takes a deep breath-

    The Save Lots Bandits. In many ways, the most fucked up of all the villains thus far (in the games). The St. Johns had loyalty to each other, and while their actions were deplorable, it was clear that they had some humanity left in them, especially as it pertained to family. The Stranger was a broken, sad man trying to repair what was left of his life in the worst of ways. Carver was a cruel presence and an asshole, but still tried to justify what he did through survivalist bullshit logic. In essence, all of these people at least tried to make order out of the chaos in some way.

    The bandits, on the other hand, gave in to the chaos. They had no loyalty, no love, no sense of order, no morals, nothing that made them human. They raped and killed people and had no issue stabbing each other in the back whenever it suited them. What little logic there was in their actions was used to subjugate people into giving them what they wanted. I loved how their presence was always felt throughout episode 2 and part of 3 despite not being seen too often. The St. Johns feared them and made deals with them to stay alive, Jolene was driven crazy by their horrific actions against her and her daughter, they had our group pinned down and heavily damaged the motor inn the longer we held out, their actions brought about paranoia and fear within our group, and in the end, they destroyed our home and inadvertently caused the group much heartache down the line spanning the death of Kenny's family, Kenny's downward spiral, Ben's overwhelming guilt, the deaths of either Doug or Carley, and the banishment or departure of Lilly. For a pack of "meth-riddled forest people", these fuckers caused extensive damage.

    And in the end, what they represented was a dark reflection of what our group could have become without proper leadership, and possibly, without the influence of innocents like Clementine, who even Larry, the problematic element of the group, showed concern over. In episodes 2 and 3, our group and the bandits desired the exact same things, food and medicine, but they used violence and cruelty to get what they wanted to show how far gone they were in comparison to survivors like our group.

    And, as I've said before, I also can't deny my enjoyment of the fact that nobody will ever try to defend them or see any kind of good in them, or at least some kind of advantage to survival. Many assholes in this series get some sympathy every now and again for the tough positions they find themselves in. But nobody is ever going to defend the honor of these disgusting freaks, and I find that refreshing in some way, lol.

    -takes much needed breath-

  • Carver, hands down

  • The Save Lots Bandits are Chaotic Evil so they're definitely the worst.

    damkylan posted: »

    -takes a deep breath- The Save Lots Bandits. In many ways, the most fucked up of all the villains thus far (in the games). The St. Johns

  • You think the bandits whom Carver slaughtered were just as bad?

    damkylan posted: »

    -takes a deep breath- The Save Lots Bandits. In many ways, the most fucked up of all the villains thus far (in the games). The St. Johns

  • I forgot about the SLB. They're on my list too

  • edited January 2015

    This guy <3

    Alt text

  • Carver, a shit talker to the bitter end.

  • edited January 2015

    In the games? Carver, for sure.

    In the comics? Negan, definitely.

    In the show? The Governor.

  • hohohoohohohhoho wait a sec NATE NATE ALLL THE WAY

  • Nate is such a cool and funny villain!

  • Damn bro, great analysis. Now you just made me think, its safe to say the bandits' actions could serve as a large reason as to why EVERYTHING happened. Had they not been in dealings with the St. Johns, things wouldn't have ended up the way the did with Mark and the group, ben wouldn't have made the deal, motor inn would've never gotten attacked, and so forth

    damkylan posted: »

    -takes a deep breath- The Save Lots Bandits. In many ways, the most fucked up of all the villains thus far (in the games). The St. Johns

  • Alt text

    Negan ( ͡° ͜ ͡°)

  • Killed way too soon. RIP Carver, you will be missed <3

  • I agree, tbh.

    colgato posted: »

    stranger was the only good villain in the entire FRANCHISE

  • edited January 2015

    The Stranger.

    Oh, and Negan from the comics. I don't like that guy.

  • Negan is my favorite comic book villain!

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Negan ( ͡° ͜ ͡°)

  • high five

    TWDxKenny1 posted: »

    Negan is my favorite comic book villain!

  • brofist

    ComingSoon posted: »

    high five

  • It's possible, since as far as the Walking Dead is concerned, it always seems like the relatively smaller and less organized groups are the most messed up. The Hunters, these bandits, the Marauders, etc.

    I assume, since Victor was among them, that the three scavengers were a part of it, and while we can't ascertain too much about the group from just them, I have to say I always thought Victor, Winston, and Ralph sounded more worried than villainous about a larger group potentially being in the area. Given that they're later killed, I have to wonder if they had had bad dealings with Carver already, hence their fear. Had it been someone who was just as bad as the Save Lots bandits finding Christa, I imagine they would have been chuckling and arguing over who gets to have her first. But these guys seemed like getting information on her group was of far greater importance to actually robbing anyone, even though that also may have been their ultimate intention.

    All speculation, of course, and it's probably undone by the fact that Winston is perfectly willing to aim a gun at a child and shoot, although that tends to lead to arguments over what's canon and what's not. I'll just say that from what little we saw of them, and it wasn't much, I never had them pegged for being capable of the kind of depravity of the Save Lots guys, probably because at the time, they were being pitted against this mysterious and fearsome sounding "Carver" fellow.

    Bokor posted: »

    You think the bandits whom Carver slaughtered were just as bad?

  • I personally feel like Carver himself had bad experiences with "bandits", leading him to indiscriminately slaughter people out in the wild. The scene in which Clem finds the bodies of Victor's group is called "The Killing Fields."

    damkylan posted: »

    It's possible, since as far as the Walking Dead is concerned, it always seems like the relatively smaller and less organized groups are the

  • Clementine or Lee are excellent villains. Cold as ice.

  • Well, The Stranger for me.

    Carver was also pretty good villain and held season 2 together for me so long he lasted. But he resembled David from The Last of Us for, like, a lot.

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