Will Asher lead house forrester?

Do you guys think that Asher will make it home and lead house forrester?


  • If I've learned anything, he'll be the dude we're rooting for to rise up, lead House Forrester to glory, and avenge everything that went wrong. He'll be our guy. We'll all be cheering for him.

    Except then he'll die horribly.

  • In true Telltale fashion.

    If I've learned anything, he'll be the dude we're rooting for to rise up, lead House Forrester to glory, and avenge everything that went wrong. He'll be our guy. We'll all be cheering for him. Except then he'll die horribly.

  • We'll all be cheering for him.

    Not all of us. From what I've seen, I'm almost 100% sure I won't like Asher The Badass Guy.

    If I've learned anything, he'll be the dude we're rooting for to rise up, lead House Forrester to glory, and avenge everything that went wrong. He'll be our guy. We'll all be cheering for him. Except then he'll die horribly.

  • I'm also with you.

    fallandir posted: »

    We'll all be cheering for him. Not all of us. From what I've seen, I'm almost 100% sure I won't like Asher The Badass Guy.

  • Asher will flip the tables for house forrester.

  • I agree with that statement

    fallandir posted: »

    We'll all be cheering for him. Not all of us. From what I've seen, I'm almost 100% sure I won't like Asher The Badass Guy.

  • I can feel a conflict rising between Asher and Rodrik. I don't believe Rodrik is dead, simply because they emphasized so much on how awesome he was with a blade and how he was going to lead House Forrester as the heir. He seems to good to have him die already, and without a single voiceacted line. Another thing i spotted was that one of the members of the Telltale staff had him as his profile logo on this site. That hints at Rodrik being alive and maybe just taken prisoner by the Freys, or Lannisters. He is a valuable hostage after all.

  • Lady Forrester said he didn't care to lead house forrester so I don't think he will. But I bet he'll (we'll) change his mind.

  • edited February 2015

    If Rodrick is alive, well and ruling then no.

  • I wasn't really thinking over who will lead. More like 2 brothers mad at each other for different reasons. I'm kinda thinking that will be one of the bigger choices the player have to make. Whether to go with Asher or Rodrik. But that's just a theory... A GAME THEORY! thanks for watching.

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    Lady Forrester said he didn't care to lead house forrester so I don't think he will. But I bet he'll (we'll) change his mind.

  • If Rodrick is alive then no, it won't be his by rights and I also don't think he would want to rule. Also, I have a feeling that Asher won't make it back to Ironrath till very late in the season.

  • Song of Ice and Fire Spoilers.

    Well, in the books the Forresters are fighting for Stannis around the beginning of winter. But, seeing as how Stannis is still quite a ways away from marching South from the wall in the show, and the writers seem to have scrapped the Greyjoy's storylines for the most part, the future of house Forrester is looking quite grim to me. Also it seems like Asher is going to be swallowed into the abyss that is Dany, from which very few characters ever return. So IF Asher makes it back to Ironrath AND there's anything left of his house... sure, why not?

  • I believe Dany is shown for episode 5's slide/picture, so I reckon she'll play an important part in that episode. So, my guess is Asher won't be leaving Essos until episode 5 or 6, if at all.

    If Rodrick is alive then no, it won't be his by rights and I also don't think he would want to rule. Also, I have a feeling that Asher won't make it back to Ironrath till very late in the season.

  • Yea, for some reason I have a strong feeling that Asher won't leave Essos at all this season.

    Rob_K posted: »

    I believe Dany is shown for episode 5's slide/picture, so I reckon she'll play an important part in that episode. So, my guess is Asher won't be leaving Essos until episode 5 or 6, if at all.

  • edited February 2015

    I think thats why Rodrik's return makes sense... he leads Ironrath against the Whitehills and saves his house (as much as he can) while Asher is caught up in Essos and until Stannis leaves the Wall.

  • Which is pretty lame, but we'll see how they handle his character.

    Yea, for some reason I have a strong feeling that Asher won't leave Essos at all this season.

  • edited February 2015

    Why is that lame, exactly? Because you don't think his story/actions will affect what's happening in Westeros and vice versa?

    I guess we'll have to see regarding that. But as Malcolm will have arrived there between episode 1 and 2 . . .

    Which is pretty lame, but we'll see how they handle his character.

  • Because I was hoping Asher would make it back to Westeros in an episode or two, but Dany being in the game gave away that he won't be returning to Westeros for a while.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Why is that lame, exactly? Because you don't think his story/actions will affect what's happening in Westeros and vice versa? I guess we'll have to see regarding that. But as Malcolm will have arrived there between episode 1 and 2 . . .

  • I agree. Unless a new badass character is introduced, Rodrik is about their only chance of survival. Horses weigh a lot, though.

    I think thats why Rodrik's return makes sense... he leads Ironrath against the Whitehills and saves his house (as much as he can) while Asher is caught up in Essos and until Stannis leaves the Wall.

  • I'll probably like him unless he ends up being Daenerys' lacky for the entire game.

    fallandir posted: »

    We'll all be cheering for him. Not all of us. From what I've seen, I'm almost 100% sure I won't like Asher The Badass Guy.

  • Meeting Daenerys... I hope we'll get the option to spill the wine on her dress or at least tie her shoelaces together. It'd be fun.

    I'll probably like him unless he ends up being Daenerys' lacky for the entire game.

  • edited February 2015

    Ep 2 will probably be Asher going to House Forrester then ep 3 Asher at house forester

  • i hope asher rodrick choice for lead cause theyre both white men with face hair and ther arent enough of dem

  • ???

    grenty1 posted: »

    i hope asher rodrick choice for lead cause theyre both white men with face hair and ther arent enough of dem

  • jus saying lots of white men with facial hair in positions of power/ playable character in recent gaming years lol


  • No, a certain bearded wonder (no, not Kenny) will take over.

    Also, (off topic) anyone see blood on the Maester's hands while holding a wine cup in the trailer. What was that about? I assume he rushes to Ethan's aid but why wouldn't he wash them.

  • Must be the ol' shock factor kickin in

    No, a certain bearded wonder (no, not Kenny) will take over. Also, (off topic) anyone see blood on the Maester's hands while holding a wine cup in the trailer. What was that about? I assume he rushes to Ethan's aid but why wouldn't he wash them.

  • Oh..I was just replying to the original post (about whether Asher will lead or not). But I can see the confusion.

    I like your opinion btw but I didn't reply to your comment

    Hede92 posted: »

    I wasn't really thinking over who will lead. More like 2 brothers mad at each other for different reasons. I'm kinda thinking that will be o

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