Some incoming hate I know...


I thought Bonnie deserved a worse death... Much worse. She's caused so much pain and fucked so many things up to have anything honorable whatsoever. It just seems biased that Telltale held back on this one she deserved so much worse. I was even hoping for an undead shark to swallow her whole. Also how does trying to save Luke help Bonnie? Seemed plot oriented.


  • edited February 2015

    Give it a rest about the Bonnie hate. You've made your point in the past, why bring it up again?

    We get it, you hate Bonnie.

  • If you dont break the ice


    Bonnie drowns

  • Yeah but the ice was over Luke

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If you dont break the ice ... Bonnie drowns

  • I'm just unsatisfied about her death

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Give it a rest about the Bonnie hate. You've made your point in the past, why bring it up again? We get it, you hate Bonnie.

  • Perhaps, if she is still alive in your game, you may get the chance to kill her if she, Mike, and Arvo come back in Season 3. That's still a possibility, and I would enjoy every second of it if given the choice.

  • Even though I'm begging it doesn't happen, they're deaths would be the only real purpose they serve

    Perhaps, if she is still alive in your game, you may get the chance to kill her if she, Mike, and Arvo come back in Season 3. That's still a possibility, and I would enjoy every second of it if given the choice.

  • edited February 2015

    Bonnie's character did her job;
    We want retribution for what bonnie has done, but that's why she lives...because she's a sniveling weasel...and people like her don't always get the justice they deserve

  • I like the feeling of characters you hate getting underwhelming deaths

    It completes their role: it means you literally hate everything about them, even their death

  • I'm sure drowning in freezing cold water is no picnic.

  • Its not paradise but considering how Sarah, Carlos, Pete, Ben and Mark died she deserved worse

    Belan posted: »

    I'm sure drowning in freezing cold water is no picnic.

  • Bonnie is dead in my game, and I think it was a pretty good death for such a piece of shit. Drowning is awful, and I have closure in knowing she's a walker in the bottom of an ice lake. Though, I admit, if we get a better means of killing her in Season 3, I'll rewind and take that. It all depends!

  • Drowning is one of the worst ways to go. Plus she was in freezing water. I'm sure her death was very painful.

  • Lol thats a good point. Reminds me of Joffrey's death from Game of Thrones xD

    Deltino posted: »

    I like the feeling of characters you hate getting underwhelming deaths It completes their role: it means you literally hate everything about them, even their death

  • edited February 2015

    I tried to save Luke so I was really burnt up about Bonnie's betrayal afterwards, but on the plus side it does flesh out her character: she's not one of the 'good guys' and is by all definitions pretty much an antagonist, she can be nice and seemingly remorseful for her actions but ultimately she's fearful and selfish, which despite being negative does humanize her overall, which I like about Telltale because their characters in the Walking Dead are a lot more believable and more well written than their TV counterparts.

    Still, I do quite strongly dislike Bonnie now, though I doubt we'll see her again in Season 3 because of her determinant death in the Season 2 finale, even if yo go with the route where she survives I doubt S3 will devote any exclusive scene for her.
    On the other hand I really do want to see Arvo again as payback for shooting Clem (and for ambushing the group).

  • I would honestly rather get devoured than have to drown. I know there's no blood, but just the amount of fear you would feel... If you got devoured at least it would be over quick.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Its not paradise but considering how Sarah, Carlos, Pete, Ben and Mark died she deserved worse

  • edited February 2015

    Ehh being ripped apart and still alive is pretty painful

    I would honestly rather get devoured than have to drown. I know there's no blood, but just the amount of fear you would feel... If you got devoured at least it would be over quick.

  • edited February 2015

    You want Bonnie to get Glenn's treatment?;-; Alt text

    Alt text

  • I don't think anyone we've seen deserves to die, but that's just me.

  • If there were a character so deserving she would be it

  • The Stranger? Carver? Danny St.Johns? The Save-Lots Bandits?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I don't think anyone we've seen deserves to die, but that's just me.

  • edited February 2015

    She's an opportunist. I would describe her as a more neutral evil character

    I just really dislike how Bonnie blames you for Luke's demise if you did what he asked...and she just offers you up on a silver platter to be the one to risk your life to save him because you're 'light'...

    Harian96 posted: »

    I tried to save Luke so I was really burnt up about Bonnie's betrayal afterwards, but on the plus side it does flesh out her character: she'

  • No, I don't believe they deserved death.

    supersagig posted: »

    The Stranger? Carver? Danny St.Johns? The Save-Lots Bandits?

  • Disgusting....

    Lol thats a good point. Reminds me of Joffrey's death from Game of Thrones xD

  • This coming from the person who wants Bonnie, who hasn't done half the shit Joff did, to suffer a death WORSE than drowning in ice cold water.

    Clemenem posted: »


  • Oh definitely, but Id take it over drowning.

    Ehh being ripped apart and still alive is pretty painful

  • Joffrey was the way he was because of his parents and pushed into a position that puts the fate of seven kingdoms on his shoulders at an age way too young to have that power. It clearly should have been Tywin who claimed the throne. Bonnie chose to be a junkie and put everyone she knew at constant risk.

    This coming from the person who wants Bonnie, who hasn't done half the shit Joff did, to suffer a death WORSE than drowning in ice cold water.

  • edited February 2015

    I was content with her death. By my logic, "Anyone who harms Clem shall be dead the next time I get a chance." This includes every death as long as they are dead I no longer see them as a threat.

  • Spoiler

    i didn't like Bonnie either. i wish there had been a way to save Luke though. i didn't want to save Bonnie but did so on accident.

  • Does that include Arvo?

    noblue22 posted: »

    I was content with her death. By my logic, "Anyone who harms Clem shall be dead the next time I get a chance." This includes every death as long as they are dead I no longer see them as a threat.

  • She lied about having a family but she showed genuine thankfulness towards Walter for the supplies she was given.

    She led Carver's group to the Ski Lodge, although I doubt they wouldn't have gone there anyway, she thought she was doing the right thing, she didn't kill people, that was all Carver, she could've stopped him but that would create the risk of Carver's death leading to her death and then possibly the death of everyone in the Ski Lodge. Not saying she didn't do anything wrong, I'm just saying that her hands didn't get dirty.

    She helped get everyone out of Howe's Hardware Store, also helping everyone within the community get slaughtered... but it was good for the group and therefore a good deed to most players since allot of people only care about the characters in the playable character's group.

    She asked Clementine to crawl through the ticket booth, which Clementine can choose whether or not she goes through, so you can't blame Bonnie for Clementine's decision.

    She tries to save Luke or convinces Clementine to try and save Luke, trying to save someone only to play a role in their death isn't exactly unheard of in the apocalypse, at least she tried to help, risking her own life to try and save Luke's or risking Clementine's life. Really it's bad regardless but in this scene who exactly isn't bad apart from Luke? Arvo ran across the ice, alerting the group and causing Kenny and Mike while holding AJ to chase after him. Kenny running across the ice after a scared Arvo who he physically and verbally abused. Mike running across the ice with AJ, a baby might I add, in hand. Bonnie trying to convince Clementine into risking her life to save Luke causing her to fall into ice cold water and kill Luke, otherwise Bonnie risking her own life to save Luke and falling into ice cold water and kill Luke and determinantly herself. Clementine choosing to go save Luke, risking her own life, falling through the ice and killing Luke. No one actually trying to stop Bonnie or Clementine from going up to Luke.

    Honestly I feel like Bonnie gets more hate than she deserves.

  • Yeah, he was too young to have that power and he abused it because of the sociopath he was. A lot of young rulers wouldn't do what he did because they wouldn't be little monsters like him.

    Bonnie wasn't 100% innocent but she doesn't deserve the kind of one Joff deserves imo

    Clemenem posted: »

    Joffrey was the way he was because of his parents and pushed into a position that puts the fate of seven kingdoms on his shoulders at an age

  • Ethan wasn't like that and he was just as young.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Joffrey was the way he was because of his parents and pushed into a position that puts the fate of seven kingdoms on his shoulders at an age

  • edited February 2015

    I know I'll be attacked and targeted by trolls but I already expect it. The thing is Joffrey had several factors that directly contributed to how awful he turned out that in reality were way out of his control like the incest and his up bringing and negative influence Cersei had on him. Bonnie never had those circumstances and was allowed to be her own person with no negative influence or any problems yet she is still a low life junkie who takes advantage of people and uses them for what their worth which is the same thing Carver pretty much did. Yes compared side by side Joffrey is worse he has reasons beyond his control for being that way where Bonnie does not

    Yeah, he was too young to have that power and he abused it because of the sociopath he was. A lot of young rulers wouldn't do what he did be

  • Cersei having an influence on him did play a factor but you can't keep using the incest card. Lots of kids in Westeros are born due to incest and not all of them are like him.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I know I'll be attacked and targeted by trolls but I already expect it. The thing is Joffrey had several factors that directly contributed t

  • yeah, at least you can still breathe while being eaten alive

    Oh definitely, but Id take it over drowning.

  • Even back then it had it's effects. It effects each child in different ways but it effects all of them. Don't be surprised if not everyone is similar they just have other deformities and Cersei is responsible for his viciousness and elitism

    Cersei having an influence on him did play a factor but you can't keep using the incest card. Lots of kids in Westeros are born due to incest and not all of them are like him.

  • Ethan and Joffrey didn't have the same circumstances growing up

    Ethan wasn't like that and he was just as young.

  • OK, whatever, its just a matter of opinion but I still don't understand how anyone can think Bonnie deserves it worse than Joff.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Even back then it had it's effects. It effects each child in different ways but it effects all of them. Don't be surprised if not everyone is similar they just have other deformities and Cersei is responsible for his viciousness and elitism

  • maybe if she survives into next season she will get a better one? Clem lets her get eaten by Walkers or something

    Clemenem posted: »

    I'm just unsatisfied about her death

  • Yup, in season three if I get a chance he better watch himself.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Does that include Arvo?

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