Best Walking Dead Game Characer: Round 8
The rules of this game is simple! You vote for one character you want out of the Best Walking Dead Game Character competition. The two characters with the most votes will not go on to Round 9! Troy and Brenda are out of Round 8 because they got the most votes last round
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Mike. Fuck that guy.
Chuck, because... heck if I know, I'm just randomly selecting people.
Andrew St John.
Wow okay, all these people voting for Luke because they think he will win otherwise over A FRICKIN CANNIBAL?!
Bit selfish voting for someone cause you think they will win, now the people who actually wanted Luke to win will be upset because he's thought to be a 'tough competition for your favourites' why don't you vote out the people you ACTUALLY dislike?!
And yes, I'm aware that no matter who is voted out some people will be upset and I would be fine about Luke leaving it if people really didn't like him but voting him out because he is tough competition? That just makes me feel angry.
Mike let that son of a bitch be digested FUCK HIM
Luke, If he's not gone then he'll win for sure.
Andrew St John. He has to go because Danny and Brenda are already gone.
Everyone vote Matthew and Brie so we can get a bingo
So many votes for Lilly
I vote for Andrew St. John
Andrew st john
Aw, my Bonnie got voted off.
Um, Brie.
Andy St. John
I'm still gonna push for Andy
De los que estan aqui, Vince
Stephanie remember what she did in Shel's chapter? I know minor character but she's up there and I don't think anybody is crazy bout' her anyways
Luke (I love him but I don't want him to win)
Andy St John
@NateTheGreat987 So um whens the next round of this?
Andrew St. John
Next round due
Next round?
Rebecca she was a fucking bitch