Did you steal from the Stranger?
I wanted to ask this just out of interest: at the end of Episode 2 of Season 1 you can choose whether or not you want to take the supplies from a random car you find in the middle of the forest. I want to know what option other people chose- did you take the stuff or did you refuse to? And did you, at the time, think that the car and its owner would reappear?
I'll be honest- at the time I didn't think the car and supplies were of any significance. I thought it was just TT's way of explaining why the group didn't starve to death following the end of Episode 2. I was really torn but in the end I decided to take the supplies- for some reason, at the time I thought the car might have belonged to the crazy woman with the crossbow or maybe to the bandits. I didn't think much of it till the end of Episode 3, when you hear the stranger on the radio. I had no idea who the person was, but one of my theories was that it could have been the same guy who had the car full of stuff. As it turned out, I was right.
In all honesty, I would probably not take the stuff now, because I felt sort of guilty when the Stranger was talking to me.
I didn't steal because Clementine didn't want me to, simple as that. What Clementine says goes.
I didn't steal, because I had a feeling it would stab us in the back in case the owner came back and sought revenge on us.
i took it once but regretted it in the end so i when i repayed it i didnt take them i agreed with clem it wasnt ours to take and the stranger has less to bitch about in ep 5
Yeah of course its ZA you need supplies. You have to be stupid not to take it.
Of Course. If I left open car with a bunch of supplies in the middle of the forest and was robbed I would not be surprised.
Yes, the car was unlocked in the middle of no where with no signs of life it was basically just scavenging, no different from taking anything else post apocalypse. The stranger should have left some notice it was his.,
The group would have died without it
I did. I also stole from Arvo.
NOpe, i hate thieves.
Didn't steal. Clem was like "no!" and I was all like "okay!".
Yes. In my opinion it wasn't stealing. In those circumstances there's no reason to believe that the car wasn't abandoned. And as Lee can tell Clementine, "we're not like the bandits. We didn't hurt anyone to get this stuff". In a world like that you have to take what you can when you can, within reason. I didn't think the car was of that much significance. I thought of it as, "we're not like the bandits"...just another survival lesson for wee Clem. I didn't connect the dots til you see his car outside the Marsh House. But I wouldn't change that decision. There was no reason for them to believe the car was abandoned and there's not reason for them to believe the car wasn't abandoned. Whoever the car belonged to shouldn't have left the vehicle unattended with all their loot.
I stole from the stranger and Arvo.
Nope, the light being on gave me the impression that they were coming back.
Yes, I "stole" the supplies. As a user mentioned above, I wouldn't consider it stealing to begin with. As far as I knew, the car was abandoned and our group was starving. Clementine may not have liked my decision, but I was certain that decision was going to keep her alive. I didn't want anyone to starve, and Clem got a hoodie out of it. After talking with the Stranger, do I feel guilty? I do, but it was a necessity to survive and I believed it was the right choice to make.
Good point.
I wish stealing/not stealing from the car had had more impact on the storyline than just the Stranger too, to cover up the fact that it might reoccur later. Like maybe if you do steal from the car Clementine is a bit more edgy or awkward around you (those probably aren't the right words but you get what I mean), and if you don't take the food then maybe Kenny is a bit disapproving and the hunger makes Kenny and Lilly argue more. Just a suggestion though, and overall they did the whole thing pretty well.
Good thinking. Would you have taken it though if the light hadn't been on?
Still wouldn't have. 2 reasons why,
I keep my morality in these games. I only killed one person who was Determinant and believe it or not but it was the Stranger.
Because Clem.
I stole from the beginning because I felt our group needed it.
Future playthrough's did not, spoilers aside, I hoped the group and I would find some other means of obtaining supplies and food
I agree. The first time around, I actually didn't steal from the car - I can't quite remember why, either I didn't want to upset Clementine or I wanted to act ethically after killing Larry. I ended up losing my progress and starting the game over some time later, and by the time I got to it the second time around, I thought it through and changed my mind. It seemed important to teach Clementine what the right choice was in that situation - whoever had that car probably wasn't coming back, we needed those supplies to live, and a beacon like that car was going to attract either other survivors or walkers fairly quickly - so there was an 100% chance of them going to use, or a <50% chance. I didn't feel particularly bad about it when we reached the Stranger - he had terrible luck, made a fatal mistake, and paid for it. We were fortunate, and did made the right choice in the situation. We didn't do anything wrong, he did.
Given more choice, I would have left enough for 4 people to survive long enough to find more supplies, but no more, because they probably weren't coming back. If they did come and find us, we could have talked it over and welcomed them into the group and helped them survive.
Clementine is very persuasive.
I stole from the car. Only because honestly I felt if I didn't take it someone else would. I would rather it go to me rather than to some bandits. Also I felt it was whoever's car loss, they had left it out in the middle of the road and didn't even bother locking it. Although if it was locked and the lights were still on I wouldn't have taken anything and went on my way. Were were short on food and after that fiasco I felt we deserved a break.
same choice and reason for me
Nah i didn't take the stuff from the strangers car for one straight up answer.
Clementine didn't want me too.. I based all of my actions out of what Clementine wanted, and then it went to my choice.. She was my first priority to protect and with her maybe disliking me a little bit more because we took some supplies that she didn't wanna take then she might have done something that Lee didn't like for payback or something, personally I don't Clementine would do that but yeah.. I based all of my actions around Clementine and if Clementine wasn't there then it was just my choice.
I didn't think that the stranger was gonna return and didn't even realise until we got to the hotel and I saw the car and I was like "haha lucky I didn't take from the car
I went around your trap Telltale :P" but that didn't matter if I stole it or not he still wanted to kill me and I still choked him to unconsciousness and then left, he can reanimate into a walker, I don't fucking care 
In the end I didn't take from the car because Clementine was there, if Kenny or Carley or whoever lost respect for me then fine I don't care but I wanted as much respect from Clementine as possible, If you're asking if Clementine wasn't there then would I have taken it, then yes the answer would be yes because it would be for Lee's safety and the groups as well but since Clem was there it was a different story. Have a nice day
When Clem says "no" it's NO, got it?!
I stole it and by the end of season 1 I was like "Oh man" because of that. Though, I thought I was doing the right thing but in season 2 I didn't stole from Arvo. I was afraid of the same or similiar outcome like in season 1 and I was right, because later I discovered that like in season 1 it doesn't really matter for the story if you steal it or not. Same thing happens but certain characters have different opinion about you.
Nope, i hate thieves. I would never steal from somebody, its just in my bones not to steal. To be fair it, it really wasn't stealing. It was abandoned, the door wasn't even locked. It was wide open.
I did. The vehicle was abandoned. I had a group to take care of. If it had been real life I'd have left a note if anyone returned with directions to our camp for safety.
Nope. Clementine didn't want me to, plus I would've felt bad regardless.
I had my headphones on during my whole play through nearly full volume. You can clearly hear bushes shaking and someone walking in the forest very near by, which would indicate the owner was close, or at least someone or something. Take it for what you will.
I still stole the supplies though. My job was to keep Clementine alive at all costs, even if she has a good heart and disagrees.
I honestly didn't think the repercussions of that decision were going to go in that direction. IMO, it seemed a little farfetched.. and also didn't change much to the story line either. I knew if I didn't take it, the others would. And they would never allow us to go hungry! (I saved ya sons life Kenny!) (& looted my zombie brother for ya asshole dad Lilly) Lol I just looked at the game in the beginning as I'm taking on responsibility of this little girl who didn't know me at all. I wanna make her trust me as much as possible.. now after we formed our bond, I started making smarter survival decisions.
I didn't steal in my primary playthrough, because to be honest I have a very suspicious mind and having played these types of games before I knew there would be repercussions.
I had my suspicions the car belonged to the stranger when Lee heard him on the radio on the train, so I knew I had made the correct choice.
After completion though, I of course tried stealing the supplies and the stranger was even more angry.
Having played the game numerous times, trying different things and getting different reactions from the stranger, I finally realised it doesn't matter whether you steal the supplies or not. Clementine doesn't think any less of you in the end and the stranger is as loopy as they come. He will blame you regardless of what decisions you make. In the end, you still have to kill him.
Telltale could have made it much more interesting, if they had done this scenario. If you steal the supplies you have to kill the stranger to get Clementine.
Or if you don't steal then you can talk your way out of the situation and have Clementine back that way.
Fair enough.
True, though the lights and engine were running. There was enough to suggest that someone had recently been using the car and was probably near by. I get your point though.
But if you've stolen from them then surely telling someone whose potentially armed and dangerous (and probably annoyed about having their stuff stolen) your location is a bad idea?
Good suggestion. That would've made it a whole lot more interesting. I also think it would've been good if not taking the food could've had more effects on the group- maybe the hunger makes Lilly and Kenny fight more, or Kenny is a bit grouchy with you for not taking the food (and vice versa for Lilly). They could have even turned that decision into something that effects Clem and is another lesson she has to learn- so, just a suggestion, maybe she takes something thinking its okay (it's not a brilliant suggestion I know, but for the sake of making the decision more relevant they could've added in just a little something).
The lights were on, the door was wide open, the keys were in the ignition...this said to me, whoever this car belongED to left in a hurry. This gave credence to the car possibly being abandoned...it's easy to then conclude that the person was probably attacked by walkers...now we find out in episode 5 that the person left in a hurry because their son went missing....they knew that leaving the car unattended was a risk...and for them it turned out to be a a fatal risk/mistake.
Hell yeah!
I really can't believe people make this into such an unnecessarily complicated thing. It's about survival, we needed food and supplies, there was no other food and supplies, so I took them. It's the only logical thing to do. Who cares about all that bullshit the ones who didn't take it are saying? Also what idiot leaves stuff they need out in the open unprotected, they didn't even bother to take the keys out and lock the fucking door, not that it would've mattered but come on. Someone who does that deserves their stuff to be stolen. Anyone who didn't is stupid, period.
Well they don't deserve it, but I agree with you
Nope, the light was on for a reason. I didn't think the stranger would be become part of the plot but I thought somebody owned it.