Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac, PS3/4 NA Feb 3 - XBox One/360 PS3/4 EU Feb 4 - iOS Feb 5



  • And that would be..? Thursday evening like usual? -_-

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I see from your other post that you are waiting on the PS4 release, the game should become available when Playstation Europe update their store.

  • Keine Ahnung. Frag mal Sony oder Telltale. :3

    Kn8cK posted: »

    Yay ^^ Ich versteh eh nicht warum manche games im PS Store mit runterzuholenden Timer schon Wochen vor Release da drin sind und andere Spiele, wie Episode 2 hier, erst Viele Stunden NACH release überhaupt erst geführt werden ..

  • Yay ^^
    Ich versteh eh nicht warum manche games im PS Store mit runterzuholenden Timer schon Wochen vor Release da drin sind und andere Spiele, wie Episode 2 hier, erst Viele Stunden NACH release überhaupt erst geführt werden .

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Hey Kn8ck die Episode sollte um 18 bzw. 19 Uhr rauskommen. Also noch ungefähr 7 oder 8 Stunden. EDIT: Das sind die Steam Zeiten. Bei PS4 müsste es beim Update kommen wie OzzyUK schon sagte.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I see @WalkerHH93 answered your question. I am not Telltale staff and i don't own a Playstation so i don't know the exact time that they normally update, hopefully there are no delays for Playstation customers.

    Kn8cK posted: »

    And that would be..? Thursday evening like usual? -_-

  • edited February 2015


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  • I'll give it a chance I guess..

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Gamespot gave it a 8 http://www.gamespot.com/reviews/game-of-thrones-episode-two-the-lost-lords-review/1900-6416020/ I would recommend playing it yourself before becoming too obsessed with reviewers score numbers.

  • So I live in a different timezone, can someone tell me how many hours I have to wait before I can play Ep.2?

  • Yay ! Downloading episode 2 ! Telltale version (non-Steam)

  • I guess it's like most of the games released on Steam around 6PM GMT.

    Tahon posted: »

    When is it going to be avaliable for Steam users?

  • edited February 2015

    When is it going to be avaliable for Steam users?

    Snozy posted: »

    Yay ! Downloading episode 2 ! Telltale version (non-Steam)

  • Are you downloading it from the Game itself? It still says 'Coming Soon' for Episode 2.

    Snozy posted: »

    Yay ! Downloading episode 2 ! Telltale version (non-Steam)

  • edited February 2015

    Likely around 6pm UK time. I purchased Unrest myself to pass the time till then. Only £2.49 if anyone's looking for something to do while waiting. I've not played it yet though, but it seems different than the norm and a playthrough only lasts around . . . 3 - 5 hours, apparently, though it's replayable due to choices.

    Tahon posted: »

    When is it going to be avaliable for Steam users?

  • Yes, but first it downloaded a patch needed for the 2nd episode, it was 2 hours ago or so.

    Are you downloading it from the Game itself? It still says 'Coming Soon' for Episode 2.

  • I feel your pain. Hence why I bought a cheap RPG/interactive story to pass the time. :) Whatever you do, don't open let's plays. I'm having to fight the urge to watch the episode and I have zero self-restraint. (Already watched the first minute, but stopped myself)

    But... but it's 11am here, how can I wait another 7 hours? =*(

  • But... but it's 11am here, how can I wait another 7 hours? =*(

    Rob_K posted: »

    Likely around 6pm UK time. I purchased Unrest myself to pass the time till then. Only £2.49 if anyone's looking for something to do while wa

  • Yeah I downloaded that patch, it was 174 MB.

    I see from my Games page that it says both Episodes are available, at the filesize of 1.72 GB. But Episode 2 is not showing up.

    Snozy posted: »

    Yes, but first it downloaded a patch needed for the 2nd episode, it was 2 hours ago or so.

  • edited February 2015

    So, where are you from and what platform are you playing it on? I'm in The Netherlands myself and I'm still hoping I'll be able to download it shortly on my PS4.

    Snozy posted: »

    Yay ! Downloading episode 2 ! Telltale version (non-Steam)

  • I'm in France on PC.

    Rogarth posted: »

    So, where are you from and what platform are you playing it on? I'm in The Netherlands myself and I'm still hoping I'll be able to download it shortly on my PS4.

  • edited February 2015

    Thought I replied . . . did my post go walkies? Unless I'm losing it in my old age.

    Anyhow, I feel your pain. :( Hence why I bought a small indie game to tide me over. Just . . . try not to watch any let's plays. ;) I have zero self-restraint, though I managed to stop myself after watching the 1st minute of the new episode.

    But... but it's 11am here, how can I wait another 7 hours? =*(

  • Your reply showed up in my feed, but not in the thread, strange. But yeah I have already demonstrated my lack of restraint by breaking my rule of "No TTG community browsing until after I have finished episode 2". But I shall not give in to the letsplays, I want my choices to be determined only by me

    Rob_K posted: »

    Thought I replied . . . did my post go walkies? Unless I'm losing it in my old age. Anyhow, I feel your pain. Hence why I bought a small

  • German news sites say it will be released on 05.02.2014, wich is 2 days from now. On PS4 that is. :(

  • edited February 2015

    Odd indeed about the post disappearing. I shall endeavour to solve this mystery with my detective's cap on.

    Don't blame you for not wanting to give in for obvious reasons. But yeah, it can influence the choices you make with having prior knowledge of what's about to happen.

    Your reply showed up in my feed, but not in the thread, strange. But yeah I have already demonstrated my lack of restraint by breaking my ru

  • I installed the game on my other PC. I am able to download ep2 now, only difference is that I had to log in.

    How do I log out of GoT? I want to try logging out and logging back in, to possibly unlock the option to download Ep.2 on my newer PC

  • I am also in a different time zone and have no idea when will it be. It's 1pm where i live.

  • Here is the gameinformer review, they gave it an 8 so pretty good.


    All I know is you know who better be pretty f**ked up for be fine with them being around still.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2015

    You shouldn't have to log out. I know Telltale Games allows multiple computers to run the game with the same account (it was 7 or 8 different computers with 2 computers logged in at the same time in 2006, I'm not sure if that number has changed since then). If you do ever go over the amount though, Telltale's pretty good with raising the limit if you do so (for instance from getting new computers or making fresh installs) by e-mailing support.

    I installed the game on my other PC. I am able to download ep2 now, only difference is that I had to log in. How do I log out of GoT? I want to try logging out and logging back in, to possibly unlock the option to download Ep.2 on my newer PC

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2015

    The stores usually update in the evening in the timezone they are based in, unless it's Steam you're talking about, in which case it usually updates around 10AM-2PM PST. If you don't know how that relates to your timezone, you can use the Time Zone Converter.

    Majda posted: »

    I am also in a different time zone and have no idea when will it be. It's 1pm where i live.

  • He is pretty broken now. He won't be able to fight anymore. He will be diplomatic. Asher is our fighting man now. ;)

    Here is the gameinformer review, they gave it an 8 so pretty good. http://www.gameinformer.com/games/game_of_thrones_episode_2_the_lost_l

  • Really? In that case I might actually be fine with it.....hmm my excitement for the episode is coming back a little :3

  • oh yeah baby the hype is real !! too bad we have to wait more 2-3 mounths for episode 3 :(

  • Here in Italy it's still not available on Steam. Goddamn time zones

    Snozy posted: »

    I'm in France on PC.

  • Personally I will be fine with it. I will have TFTB and Life Is Strange to keep me busy.

    GCardoso posted: »

    oh yeah baby the hype is real !! too bad we have to wait more 2-3 mounths for episode 3

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It should be available from around 7 PM on Steam in Italy.

    Endrik posted: »

    Here in Italy it's still not available on Steam. Goddamn time zones

  • I'm so jealous for all people who will be aple to play today :( My timezone sucks.

  • Alt text

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It should be available from around 7 PM on Steam in Italy.

  • edited February 2015

    I live in Holland, it's 13:40 PM now. Does anyone have a clue when i might play this game?

    Inb4 i get toplay at 11 PM or some shit.

  • That's only 4 hours in a 2 month's wait.

    Personally I will be fine with it. I will have TFTB and Life Is Strange to keep me busy.

  • Plus replays :P

    Tahon posted: »

    That's only 4 hours in a 2 month's wait.

  • I'm quite new here and i have downloaded the season pass for pc/mac. I already have downloaded the patch but again, episode 2 is still coming soon !! How long does it take for episode 2 from now on? and how do i know if episode 2 is here? does it download automatically or do we have to download it manually? episode 2 does appear in my games though, but there's nothing I can do with it.

  • Good episode can't belive what they do and demn feels ;-;

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