I know it's GOT but I hope that *SPOILER* kicks Whitehill's ass

I hope to God now that Rodrik is back and Asher is on his way back to Ironrath that between the two of them they can conquer Lord Whitehill. He is a despicable, hypocritical, treacherous, and cowardly excuse of a Lord and he should be put down immediately. I know it's GRRM and GOT but come on. Let's get on the hype train that they wipe Whitehill off the map!


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I also hope we can kick his ass, it will be fun to get revenge on him :)

  • I bet you guys know what I told my Sentinel after Whitehill left ;)

  • Agreed. I know this is Game of Thrones, but I hope someone skewers that wounded boar of a man.

    ... Sorry, shouldn't call him a boar. The boars would be offended.

  • 'I'm going to kill that man'.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    I bet you guys know what I told my Sentinel after Whitehill left

  • I hope there will be an option to torture him because I plan to go all out Ramsay Snow on that Whitehill bastard,

  • I really hope that if nothing else, we can at least rat out the Whitehills for breaking the terms of the agreement - not that that would make the Boltons care much, but still.

  • Death to Whitehills!

  • I want to kill him so badly.

  • Fuck that guy. He's the fucking definition of people I hate.



  • edited February 2015


    bloop posted: »

    Fuck that guy. He's the fucking definition of people I hate. EndTheWhitehills AvengeEthan

  • "I'm going to kill that man."

  • edited February 2015


    ninoobz posted: »

    It's sad that Ryon didn't attend the funeral because of my actions, but damn talking back to that SOB was sooo worth it. Bring on Gryff! >:}

  • It's sad that Ryon didn't attend the funeral because of my actions, but damn talking back to that SOB was sooo worth it. Bring on Gryff! >:}

  • I hope the game breaks from canon and let's you murder Bolton :)

  • I can see Asher killing him

  • I will make him kiss my boot after I'm done kicking his fat arse.

  • Yeah but Rodrick is fucked up

    ninoobz posted: »

    Nu uh. After Rodrik saying it, I won't accept anyone else killing him!

  • I'm going to take his stupid ring and shove it up his ass.

  • Nu uh. After Rodrik saying it, I won't accept anyone else killing him!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I can see Asher killing him

  • I want Rodrick and Asher to both take their time with him, kill him slow, and ensure that he is awake until they decide to put him out of his misery

    ninoobz posted: »

    Nu uh. After Rodrik saying it, I won't accept anyone else killing him!

  • How about Asher kills his son, and then Rodrik kills Whitehill?

    ninoobz posted: »

    Nu uh. After Rodrik saying it, I won't accept anyone else killing him!

  • edited February 2015

    Rodrik would have to recover fully for that, probably.

    Though, it'd be pretty awesome to have a still half-crippled Rodrik kick his arse.

  • I hope that fat pig dies in the most gruesome way possible!

  • Looking at the state Rodrick was in when he arrived to when he first attended the meeting it seems clear to me that he'll recover quickly. The Lannisters feared Rodrick, now it's time for his scarred face to haunt the dreams of the Whitehill men.

    Rodrik would have to recover fully for that, probably. Though, it'd be pretty awesome to have a still half-crippled Rodrik kick his arse.

  • I'd like to see the stats on that particular dialogue option. I'm betting it's around 80%.

    'I'm going to kill that man'.

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