Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac, PS3/4 NA Feb 3 - XBox One/360 PS3/4 EU Feb 4 - iOS Feb 5



  • True but a little communication would go a long way, if they know that the EU store isn't gonna publish it until Thursday then they should let us know as soon as they find that out, and not leave us to go looking through forums for info. They have a facebook and twitter at their disposal.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Telltale only has control on when they release the games on their own store (and they usually get a midnight PST release, or slightly afterw

  • Thanks man.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Steam update ze games om 12 uur, tis geloof ik 7 of 9 uur later hier en et zal dan ook pas rond 7 of 9 te downloaden zijn.

  • European PSN updates on Wednesday, so if the episode isn't released in Europe until Thursday that means Telltale failed to submit it to SCEE on time.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Telltale only has control on when they release the games on their own store (and they usually get a midnight PST release, or slightly afterw

  • Still cannot play it. This sucks.

  • I beg to differ. The main reason for the PS4 delay in Europe is that SCEE seems to take longer for its certification/QA process.

    It's been that way for a long, long time and you can be 100% sure that SCEE received the episode build on the very same day as Sony NA.

    hansen82 posted: »

    European PSN updates on Wednesday, so if the episode isn't released in Europe until Thursday that means Telltale failed to submit it to SCEE on time.

  • If you play on Steam, around 6 PM / 7 PM local German time should be when it's happening. No guarantees! ;)

    Dalek93 posted: »

    Yo know when it's released exactly? I live in Germany and usually they are available around 3:00 AM :O

  • I'm in the UK. I bought season pass directly from TT. I do not have the game - it still says 'coming soon'.
    I'd love to know why.

    Jennifer posted: »

    The people in the UK who have the game are most likely playing on the TTG store version (as it has been released already, since that's the o

  • Does anybody know the exact time? (Europe, TTG Store ver.)

  • You should be all set in another hour or two, at least that's the experience.

    Stay vigilant!

    Tahon posted: »

    Still cannot play it. This sucks.

  • Waiting's killing me. Done all the work asap, made home asap, turned on my Steam asap aaaaaaaaaaaaaand IT'S NOT THERE. >.<

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    You should be all set in another hour or two, at least that's the experience. Stay vigilant!

  • Oh sorry, forgot to mention that I'm playing it on xbox one :D

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    If you play on Steam, around 6 PM / 7 PM local German time should be when it's happening. No guarantees!

  • was 10:00:00 AM for me in europe now is 6:23 PM it was already out

    stitch123 posted: »

    Does anybody know the exact time? (Europe, TTG Store ver.)

  • My timezone is +1, so you're one hour ahead of me. I can't download the new episode. The game let me download some patch, but it still says that the ep2 is "coming soon."

    was 10:00:00 AM for me in europe now is 6:23 PM it was already out

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Other people have reported this problem, this fix helped them

    In the main menu there should be a button that says "episodes" when you click on it you should have the option to download the episode.

    If that doesn't work you might need to uninstall Game of Thrones and remove all the files and then reinstall them, you also might need to temporarily move your save folder out of your save directory (C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\telltale games) restart the game and then download the next episode, once that has finished quit and put your saves back into the folder and hopefully that should work. Make sure you backup before doing this process to avoid losing any save data with choices.

    I'm in the UK. I bought season pass directly from TT. I do not have the game - it still says 'coming soon'. I'd love to know why.

  • If you looked at my response on the previous page you'll see that I've tried all of that. Please see prev page

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Other people have reported this problem, this fix helped them In the main menu there should be a button that says "episodes" when you

  • it's 11:33 am here and I got nothing >:(

  • It's 11:35 AM EST over here and still no episode 2! Gah, this is torture!!! I hope here's in the store by noon.

  • Not my area of expertise, sorry! ;)

    Dalek93 posted: »

    Oh sorry, forgot to mention that I'm playing it on xbox one

  • It's the first time I bought a Telltale game on Steam. So, how does it work? The game will simply update itself once it can or I have to do something?

  • I have the same problem. Let's see what happens when it's 6pm (usually that's when it appears on my Steam account). I refresed and restarted Steam several times now xd in the hope it will download.

    stitch123 posted: »

    My timezone is +1, so you're one hour ahead of me. I can't download the new episode. The game let me download some patch, but it still says that the ep2 is "coming soon."

  • Should update around 7 to 8 PM your local time. You'll probably have that episode played before the Ukraine clock strikes 11. ;)

    Tahon posted: »

    Waiting's killing me. Done all the work asap, made home asap, turned on my Steam asap aaaaaaaaaaaaaand IT'S NOT THERE. >.<

  • it updates like a normal game from steam don't worry check back in 1:18:00

    Tahon posted: »

    It's the first time I bought a Telltale game on Steam. So, how does it work? The game will simply update itself once it can or I have to do something?

  • Spent at least an hour after installing the patch to get Episode 2 to work... after reinstalling several times it still just says 'Coming Soon'

    :( Is it actually coming soon for those who downloaded GoT via Telltale?

  • Liegt an der Vorlaufzeit, es gibt nämlich praktisch keine. Telltale kriegt die Erscheinungsdaten letztendlich von Sony und Microsoft gesagt/diktiert, und das nur wenige Tage vor Release. So ist das mit den Episoden bei Telltale. ;)

    Kn8cK posted: »

    Yay ^^ Ich versteh eh nicht warum manche games im PS Store mit runterzuholenden Timer schon Wochen vor Release da drin sind und andere Spiele, wie Episode 2 hier, erst Viele Stunden NACH release überhaupt erst geführt werden ..

  • Stitch, the TTG Store version is already out. Try to update your game!

    stitch123 posted: »

    Does anybody know the exact time? (Europe, TTG Store ver.)

  • edited February 2015


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Have you tried temporally disabling you firewall to see if it connects as sometimes they block false positives. Also when you put you login info try switching between uning your username and email address as sometimes that can cause issues.

    Why should we have to uninstall/reinstall to get this to work? Answer: we shouldn't. I don't want that hassle. I just want the game on th

  • ps4 still coming soon

  • I really hope european ps3 gamers dont have to wait another 2 weeks like it was with episode 1.. btw to people asking, european PS store ALWAYS updates on wednesdays ..

  • Well it still says "coming soon."

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Stitch, the TTG Store version is already out. Try to update your game!

  • it will first be tommorow then?

    iLLone posted: »

    I really hope european ps3 gamers dont have to wait another 2 weeks like it was with episode 1.. btw to people asking, european PS store ALWAYS updates on wednesdays ..

  • 12:15 and still no episode 2, where the fuck is my episode 2!!

  • edited February 2015

    Yes I tried disabling firewall temporarily etc.. I've heard about special characters in passwords being an issue but I've got nothing like that in mine.

    After more searching I heard people mention a critical patch for pc versions. This has never fired for me. I have checked my settings and internet settings over and over and over. I even reset the reg in the terminal and this also did not force it.

    So I have manually gone to the patch website and I'm about to install it. I will let you know if that makes any difference but perhaps it's worth letting pc users know about the patch because it does not seem to have fired for everyone.

    EDIT: It was because the patch hadn't fired. I am now using the above workaround and it seems to be working. PC users: update your patches manually. If it was something of the very obscure in my system blocking the fire I will keep looking for it and let you know if I find anything.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Have you tried temporally disabling you firewall to see if it connects as sometimes they block false positives. Also when you put you login info try switching between uning your username and email address as sometimes that can cause issues.

  • if you're from europe, then yes.. it has always been like that.. US store updates on tuesdays, EU one day later..

    jakobennis posted: »

    it will first be tommorow then?

  • OK Its Feb 3 and esp 2 is still not ready for down load. Not cool.

  • This company is one of the worst I've ever had to deal with. Their customer service is terrible... you have to email them and it takes days! And their games have a lot of problems. I love the game play the games have to offer.... But I'm seriously reconsidering after all this hassle with each episode!

  • 'Kay. I reinstalled and patched. Looks like it works now, but it's still pretty annoying, tho. I had similiar problems with TWD:S2 bought from here...

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Stitch, the TTG Store version is already out. Try to update your game!

  • edited February 2015

    A lot of you need to calm down, it isn't even noon yet. (which by previous releases is usually the regular time an episode comes out)

  • Yes it's frustrating that mods here didn't mention the patch because mine hadn't fired, for whatever reason, and it too was blocking the update. Worth mentioning to others having issues.

    stitch123 posted: »

    'Kay. I reinstalled and patched. Looks like it works now, but it's still pretty annoying, tho. I had similiar problems with TWD:S2 bought from here...

  • true.. I'm sure you'll get it today people.. imagine waiting more than 2 weeks longer for it like it happened to me and a bunch of other guys with episode 1.. then you really can get mad..

    Green613 posted: »

    A lot of you need to calm down, it isn't even noon yet. (which by previous releases is usually the regular time an episode comes out)

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