Create Your Perfect Season 3

So, if you can have your perfect Season 3 Episode 1, what would it be?


  • In my perfect episode 1, (I got the alone ending) It would start out walking down a creek bed with AJ, and she would come across a small wooden cabin. She'd look inside and find that there's none other than Christa sitting there. She had gone to Wellington, yet been turned away, and had been living there by herself contemplating suicide ever since. Clem explains the whole adventure of season 2, and Christa explains herself further in detail. The two find the family who was with Jane at the end of episode 5, and they start to talk things over, after a while of waiting, going on a few hunts and things, they decide to go back to Wellington and sneak in through the back way. When they get inside, a few of the guards attack them, and they end up killing them. Wellington is holding them prisoner, and they would remain prisoner until maybe the end of episode 2, where Wellington realizes they were just protecting themselves, and based on how Clem acts, they decide kick out the family and keep Christa there. Since Clem was good to them, she's allowed to choose whether to go with the family or to stay with Christa.

    I know it's unlikely they find Christa, but since they were both going to Wellington, both would be in the same area, so I could see it happening. I just really wanted that cabin on the creek scene to happen in the alone ending of episode 5. It would have been so perfect, having her disappear at the beginning and be found at the very end.

    btw, your title is a bit off.

  • You need to fix the title. My perfect one would be, me, Kenny, and AJ, after surviving in the wilderness for a few months, will finally be welcomed into Wellington.

  • Every new character that is introduced lives to the next season (if there will be one). This time:

    Alt text

  • Clementine is protagonist and lives through whole season.

  • edited February 2015

    Clementine getting the amazing power to rewind time and save everybody! But then new threats keep popping up and then she keeps needing to rewind to save them from that. It gets so ridiculous and she gets so used to friends dying repeatedly that Clem just ends up snapping at her dead group at one point when they've got arrows, axes and street signs in their heads "Jesus, can't I leave you people alone for one minute while I go pee? Now I gotta go deal with all this bandit shit on a full bladder!" before rewinding all over again.

    Hey, Square Enix's Life is Strange stole the idea from Telltale's rewind menu >.> steal it back guys, steal it back.

  • Kenny and Jane not being killed and won't be killed. Honestly all I want

  • I wrote my fan fic already! . Basically, its about a dependable relationship that the new main protagonist needs Clementine, as much as she needs him to survive. Clementine's dark emotions are starting to surface, and she doesn't know how to deal with it. The new protagonist has his own issues as well, that Clementine has to keep him from going over the edge. They take care of each other all the way to S4.

  • Clem had been bitten in season 1, and most of season 1, and 2 were in a feverish nightmare. Lee had cut off her hand, and she managed to survive. Season 3 she awakes from her fever. The people she had met in seasons 1, and 2 were mostly alive. Most of the deaths were from her nightmares.

  • Season 3 opening begins with the words "Clementine! Run!".

    The very first thing we see is Clementine running in a forest, where a familiar man chases after her. Soon the camera pans to see Christa taken hostage, but not for long before she manages to free herself and run from the bandits that had separated the two. Upon losing the bandits and where morning rises, she meets up with Victor, one of the bandits responsible for the attack and takes him hostage for info on Clementine's whereabouts.

    Early on Season 3 deals with Christa's desperate search for Clementine until the trail goes cold, leaving Christa with little hope to find Clementine again, leaving the majority of the season with Christa's development and her new group...until a chance meeting in the second half of the season where Christa is reunited with Clementine (possibly with Jane/Kenny serving as her new guardian), but her happiness turns sour upon discovering how much Clementine changed to the point where she callously discards Christa's wellbeing and concern for her.

    Their relationship is affected by how Clementine was played out in Season 2, where she will either reject Kenny/Jane and stand by Christa, or reject Christa and stay with Kenny/Jane, leaving Christa heartbroken.

  • My perfect Season 3...

    Clem is protagonist and Luke resuscitates.

    That's all.

  • Another group at the start and they live there life in Wellington, then it gets overrun and theres a ton of action and death. Then by the end of the 1st episode theres like 4 of them left and right at the end you see Clementine in the distance depending on your choices in episode 5 she can be alone or with aj, kenny or jane.

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    My perfect Season 3... Clem is protagonist and Luke resuscitates. That's all.

  • That would (pun intended)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    My perfect Season 3... Clem is protagonist and Luke resuscitates. That's all.

  • Alt text

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    That would (pun intended)

  • Lee, Luke, Omid, and Nick all reunite with Clem and Kenny and live happily ever after.

  • Now there's a gif you'll never see used for GAME OF THRONES.

    Kateis posted: »

    Every new character that is introduced lives to the next season (if there will be one). This time:

  • Why Georgia? I prefer The North much better.

    Clemenem posted: »

    New protagonist, emotional deaths, fight scenes, way more dialogue, more important and meaningful choices, to be back in Georgia, option to have a group of 5 people survivng (determinant)

  • New protagonist, emotional deaths, fight scenes, way more dialogue, more important and meaningful choices, to be back in Georgia, option to have a group of 5 people survivng (determinant)

  • LAS VEGAS community!!!!!!

  • I'm glad someone asked that. Whoever's retarded idea to move North was pretty ridiculous. So far the characters we've come into contact with up North hasn't been many and I think there was more interesting scenery and characters in Georgia

    Why Georgia? I prefer The North much better.

  • LAS VEGAS community!!!!!!

    Alt text

    HELL YEAH! The idea of Clementine owning a Pip-Boy, using V.A.T.S on zombies ( ghouls in this case), and having a factions mode makes me geek the fuck out.

    Feels...Feels never change

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    LAS VEGAS community!!!!!!

  • If only Telltale would make a Fallout game :(

    JustinCage posted: »

    LAS VEGAS community!!!!!! HELL YEAH! The idea of Clementine owning a Pip-Boy, using V.A.T.S on zombies ( ghouls in this case), and having a factions mode makes me geek the fuck out. Feels...Feels never change

  • Yeah, instead we get a minecraft spin-off. plays sad 80's music No offense to any fans of the game though.

    Clemenem posted: »

    If only Telltale would make a Fallout game

  • I think Clem's pretty much done with her story, so it might be interesting to see what happened with Christa and see if she ran into Nate after all, and maybe get an explanation of what happened to Roman and those that died along the river. Those answers could then build up to meet with Clem at Wellington, which could then break down somehow (personal freedoms versus holding onto the past versus raising kids to survive the new world). Perhaps we'll see a nuclear power plant after all? I'm not sure what major theme will encompass the third season, but I wouldn't mind some closure on those loose threads.

  • Christa and Nate? I like the idea of Lily and Nate more and we've seen all we're going to out of Roman

    Katalept posted: »

    I think Clem's pretty much done with her story, so it might be interesting to see what happened with Christa and see if she ran into Nate af

  • Clem as protagonist, and Jane doesn't die. But TT's idea of fun, is killing everyone.

  • Having it in Vegas would be cool, there could be a large community based in the city and have electricity too so all the lights and shit would be switched on!

    JustinCage posted: »

    LAS VEGAS community!!!!!! HELL YEAH! The idea of Clementine owning a Pip-Boy, using V.A.T.S on zombies ( ghouls in this case), and having a factions mode makes me geek the fuck out. Feels...Feels never change

  • Was that suppose to be cute?

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Clem as protagonist, and Jane doesn't die. But TT's idea of fun, is killing everyone.

  • That would be cool if Christa ran into Nate, would be bad news for her though as Nate is a pervert lol.

    Katalept posted: »

    I think Clem's pretty much done with her story, so it might be interesting to see what happened with Christa and see if she ran into Nate af

  • He just needs to "forget about all this shit for like 10 minutes"

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    That would be cool if Christa ran into Nate, would be bad news for her though as Nate is a pervert lol.

  • Supposed to be? No. If you think it's cute, it's cute, I guess.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Was that suppose to be cute?

  • But TT's idea of fun, is killing everyone.

    Uh thats a rhyme

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Supposed to be? No. If you think it's cute, it's cute, I guess.

  • Yeah, it's from a song(replace TT with my). Had it stuck in my head for the better part of the day.

    Clemenem posted: »

    But TT's idea of fun, is killing everyone. Uh thats a rhyme

  • lol

    Clemenem posted: »

    He just needs to "forget about all this shit for like 10 minutes"

  • Kenny doesn't die.

  • Spoiler

    It should be used in episode 2 haha

    Now there's a gif you'll never see used for GAME OF THRONES.

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