I admit, my eyes got a little wet at the end of Ep 2.

This funeral, man. This fucking funeral. I could barely keep my emotions when honoring them and when they started burning the bodies and Talia sung that song...I just couldn't.

Bravo, Telltale. It was so very emotional. You do know how to make these things work.

Alt text

What about you? What did you feel when Talia was singing?



  • edited February 2015

    Same here. Damn, it's painful to wait for more Game of Thrones.

  • I agree, that scene was surprisingly poignant for it only having been the second episode. Usually, the more emotional moments in a Telltale game come on later in the Season when the plot is more developed/headed towards the climax and you have more attachment to the characters, but Telltale managed to pull it off pretty early this time around.

  • Yeah, Telltale usually managed to pull off very emotional scenes around the end of the seasons, yet now they did this in Episode 2.

    I sincerely don't want to know what happens in Episode 6...

    I agree, that scene was surprisingly poignant for it only having been the second episode. Usually, the more emotional moments in a Telltale

  • I have to admit, I'm a sucker for endings that show all the important characters with determination while badass music's playing in the background. So yeah, I considered it a great scene! Though I was kind of bothered by how much attention was given to Ethan in comparison to Gregor in the song...

  • Ethan and Talia had a pretty close connection - not only as twins, but also in their personality. I think it fits for Talia to give a strong focus on Ethan for her song.

    That1Guy posted: »

    I have to admit, I'm a sucker for endings that show all the important characters with determination while badass music's playing in the back

  • Not to mention that he kinda died for her, at least in my playtrough.

    Ethan and Talia had a pretty close connection - not only as twins, but also in their personality. I think it fits for Talia to give a strong focus on Ethan for her song.

  • True.

    Not to mention that he kinda died for her, at least in my playtrough.

  • Yeah, I also was touched by this scene at the funeral. I don't know. Ethan's death didn't hit me that hard. I think that the death of his father was a little more depressing. If he was alive they wouldn't be in all this mess but I believe that the rest of the family will get this sort it out sooner or later.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2015

    This is an interesting point. When I was working on the lyrics, I considered having more Gregor in there but decided Talia's connection with her twin (and by extension, the player in episode 1) was more relevant. There are a couple mentions of her father, but she doesn't dwell on it since the wound is less fresh. Since the song conditionally branches based on Ethan's decisions, I really wanted to focus on how the player's actions shaped Talia and Ironrath.

    FYI there are 4 different versions of the song.

    That1Guy posted: »

    I have to admit, I'm a sucker for endings that show all the important characters with determination while badass music's playing in the back

  • Oooh, interesting :D

    Can't wait 'til someone posts that song on YouTube. It was damn awesome! And good job on working with the lyrics, the words and the melody kinda made me fight further for Forresters ;)

    ArthurV posted: »

    This is an interesting point. When I was working on the lyrics, I considered having more Gregor in there but decided Talia's connection with

  • Yeah, sorry if I came off a bit critical, I understand that there was more reason to make Ethan the main focus of the song, I just got slightly distracted by it.

    ArthurV posted: »

    This is an interesting point. When I was working on the lyrics, I considered having more Gregor in there but decided Talia's connection with

  • You are one talented songwriter (I remember you also doing the song in the very beginning of the game)

    ArthurV posted: »

    This is an interesting point. When I was working on the lyrics, I considered having more Gregor in there but decided Talia's connection with

  • That song was the best part of this episode for me!

    You are one talented songwriter (I remember you also doing the song in the very beginning of the game)

  • Ah! The song is already posted on YT. Dem feels.


  • Thank you, sir. I was about to look for it. Just finished the episode.

    Crips posted: »

    Ah! The song is already posted on YT. Dem feels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC8nFOS0xMo&spfreload=10

  • At first I was like, "Ah not a fkn musical number..." But then she starting singing about Ethan and I got gut punched for a second there.

  • edited February 2015

    The lyrics, the music, all fine... but the accent? There have been some noticeable lapses where it's quite clear a non-Brit is struggling badly, but that song couldn't have stuck out more. For example, we Brits never say 'anoo' we say it like 'a-knew' (like 'sinew'). Wam bam American, after all that effort.

    Like I said, if you take out the accent it was still making me cringe a bit but it was... OK. But that completely burst my disbelief bubble. Perhaps non-Brits won't hear it, though. I'm not sure that's reason enough.

    What I definitely liked was the fact that this episode seemed longer than the first one.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's interesting hearing some of the creative process from Telltale staff, you did a good job with the song :)

    FYI there are 4 different versions of the song.

    Now i need to hear the other versions :D

    ArthurV posted: »

    This is an interesting point. When I was working on the lyrics, I considered having more Gregor in there but decided Talia's connection with

  • It was beautiful. Still upset Ethan had to go. He was my favourite.

  • I don't care about the accents much since my native language is not English.

  • I'm English and I didn't notice it. Never even noticed American said 'anoo'.

  • It really makes me sad how the world of GoT is. Pretty much everything sucks. lol

  • While I didn't love Ethan's death, they handled it very, very well. This whole episode was great in terms of characters(though I guess Asher could use a bit more).

  • Great scene. Ethan the Brave shall be avenged.

    Well, I hope. This is Game of Thrones after all.

  • Great job really!! Any chance in sharing the lyrics?

    ArthurV posted: »

    This is an interesting point. When I was working on the lyrics, I considered having more Gregor in there but decided Talia's connection with

  • Not to mention Elaena was hawwwt

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2015

    Oh, not critical at all! I thought the same thing you did. In a "traditional" song, I'd totally devote a verse to Gregor. But this is a weird new world of conditional songwriting that's pretty exciting. Felt we had to focus hard on the player choices. Strange (and fun) balancing act. :-)

    That1Guy posted: »

    Yeah, sorry if I came off a bit critical, I understand that there was more reason to make Ethan the main focus of the song, I just got slightly distracted by it.

  • I loved the song, certainly wasn't expecting it. I loved how it paid respect to our choices in the past episode and it felt like the choices made people think differently about it.

    I can tell a lot of hard work was put into this episode and I just want to say thanks for it.

    ArthurV posted: »

    This is an interesting point. When I was working on the lyrics, I considered having more Gregor in there but decided Talia's connection with

  • edited February 2015

    I cried my eyes out it was just so sad and when they focused on Ethan and his Father and that song Ahhh the feels THEY MUST BE AVENGED
    Oh and did anyone notice Roderick's Reaction in the end SCARY

    Alt text

  • I have to admit, it broke me when Ser Royland broke down. Out of all the people...

  • It was a musical number, but it worked, because she had planned it beforehand. Most musical numbers in movies and stuff suck because they just break out singing out of nowhere, but Talia had been building up to it the entire episode.

    At first I was like, "Ah not a fkn musical number..." But then she starting singing about Ethan and I got gut punched for a second there.

  • I cried too. Talia's song is so beautiful.

  • Don't listen to the accents, listen to the words they're saying. That's the important part. And anyway, Talia's voice was pretty good.

  • edited February 2015

    Pssshhhhhhhhhhhhh.....You guys are such babies......OKAY I FUCKING CRIED!

  • I have a feeling Asher's gonna play a bigger part in the next episode, with the cover photo showing something from Essos.

    XtremeOne1 posted: »

    While I didn't love Ethan's death, they handled it very, very well. This whole episode was great in terms of characters(though I guess Asher could use a bit more).

  • Well, it does balance it out that Rodrik's speech was longer for Gregor than it was for Ethan.

    That1Guy posted: »

    I have to admit, I'm a sucker for endings that show all the important characters with determination while badass music's playing in the back

  • Holy shit, dude you've been honored by the Telltale Staff!

    That1Guy posted: »

    Yeah, sorry if I came off a bit critical, I understand that there was more reason to make Ethan the main focus of the song, I just got slightly distracted by it.

  • Are you...Jared Emerson-Johnson?

    ArthurV posted: »

    Oh, not critical at all! I thought the same thing you did. In a "traditional" song, I'd totally devote a verse to Gregor. But this is a weir

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    No, I'm Arthur von Nagel. I wrote the lyrics then worked with Jared on the song structure. He wrote the melody. Fun fact: the theme for this song can be heard instrumentally in episode 1 of the game as well, notably in the Ironwood Grove scene.

    Are you...Jared Emerson-Johnson?

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