Walker Stalker Con *SPOILERS*


So I was at Walker Stalker Con, and Clementine's VA shared a secret with her fans...Clementine confirmed for Season 3


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Awesome :)

    I guess you met Gavin and Melissa while you where there, i met Melissa at Walker Stalker Con in Atlanta but at the time she didn't know much about season 3. Out of all the actors i met she was probably my most favourite person to talk to.

  • edited February 2015

    Will she be the main character, or supporting? Come on, don't tease!

  • edited February 2015

    No offence but anyone can say something like that. I'll wait for video with Clementine's VA saying that or someone from Telltale. Or at least something on twitter about that.

  • Damn it I was hoping we'd be rid of Clementine. Hopefully it is only as a side character or deuteragonist.

  • edited February 2015

    THANK YOU!!!!!!! ^_^

  • hell yes, long live Clementine :D

  • I hope it's not true. Season 2 made me really dislike Clementine, hopefully we play as an adult in season 3.

    Tewudin posted: »

    No offence but anyone can say something like that. I'll wait for video with Clementine's VA saying that or someone from Telltale. Or at least something on twitter about that.

  • I'll wait for confirmation too. Like you said anyone can say that.

    Tewudin posted: »

    No offence but anyone can say something like that. I'll wait for video with Clementine's VA saying that or someone from Telltale. Or at least something on twitter about that.

  • I still think we should wait for confirmation, but still, I'm fucking excited to hear this, that's awesome. As Pablo said, long live Clementine.

  • I hope it's true but like I said - without proof I won't believe a word.

    I hope it's not true. Season 2 made me really dislike Clementine, hopefully we play as an adult in season 3.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I am the opposite as season 2 made me like her more, i really hope Clementine is in season 3 but i wouldn't have a problem playing as a different character if she was involved in the story. Hopefully someone uploads the Q&A from Walker Stalker Con for more concrete conformation.

    There where 3 official tweets from the Con but nothing about season 3

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    I hope it's not true. Season 2 made me really dislike Clementine, hopefully we play as an adult in season 3.

  • That's a good news! :D But it still doesn't confirm whether she'll be the playable character or not. She could just be making an appearance as a side character for all we know!

  • HOLY SHIT MUCH HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3 <3

  • Clementine confirmed for Season 3

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    Darn right she better be! T.T

  • I hope it's true! I miss her already.

  • Good to hear some good news!

  • Umm... what if this is a lie? I mean this sounds a little vexing. If this IS TRUE, then I think it's best to hear from Melissa or anyone that works for Telltale themselves. We need raw evidence that she actually said that.



    But if it is true then...

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    YES! YES! YES!

  • You're right. We need proof.

    Umm... what if this is a lie? I mean this sounds a little vexing. If this IS TRUE, then I think it's best to hear from Melissa or anyone tha

  • I feel S3 is gonna go downhill if we play as Clem.....

  • Yes she better be. As I and many others have said time and again. No Clementine = No Buy. Playable protagonist, or there may as well be no Season Three.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clementine confirmed for Season 3 Darn right she better be! T.T

  • Same here, season 2 was already downhill from season 1. Clementine as main character is ruining the series for me honestly.

    AGentlman posted: »

    I feel S3 is gonna go downhill if we play as Clem.....

  • edited February 2015

    Plus, they can't reveal anything, really.
    If they do, they risk losing their jobs.

    I've never been to something like that event, and I honestly don't see myself ever being at an event like that, but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Awesome I guess you met Gavin and Melissa while you where there, i met Melissa at Walker Stalker Con in Atlanta but at the time she didn't know much about season 3. Out of all the actors i met she was probably my most favourite person to talk to.

  • edited February 2015

    I liked Clementine right from the getgo.
    She was just so innocent and sweet.

    Though I can't necessarily say I liked playing as her.
    Honestly, I much preferred playing as Lee.
    Playing as an 11 year old girl, made it hard for me to relate to the character.
    Quite frankly, I found Kenny to be much more relatable, mainly cause he's a guy, and also where he was at, angry and hurt over at how much he had lost over the past 2 years.

    I like Clementine, but I personally just don't think she's a great pc character.
    I prefer her to be a deutragonist again.
    And I prefer to play as a male character for S3.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I am the opposite as season 2 made me like her more, i really hope Clementine is in season 3 but i wouldn't have a problem playing as a diff

  • edited February 2015

    Melissa was cool. She seem more comical than I thought she would be. Also, I ask her: did Clem have a crush on Luke? She said something like that she too young to have a crush at this time. But noted that it depends how you play her.

  • I don't mean to be that guy, but I'm going to wait it out for some real hard evidence.

    BUT... if she IS confirmed I well spam this song all over the forums!


  • Is there a video of the San Francisco Melissa Panel?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I am the opposite as season 2 made me like her more, i really hope Clementine is in season 3 but i wouldn't have a problem playing as a diff

  • Meh, I don't really care if she she doesn't show up at all.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clementine confirmed for Season 3 Darn right she better be! T.T

  • You're not the only one who is waiting for some evidences. :)

    JustinCage posted: »

    I don't mean to be that guy, but I'm going to wait it out for some real hard evidence. BUT... if she IS confirmed I well spam this song all over the forums! CONFIRMED!!!!!

  • Excitement level has increased. Can't wait for the confirmation.

  • If this is true...happy tears flow from eyes
    Long live Clem<333

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited February 2015

    There is not a video yet but apparently a podcast will be uploaded at some point to here https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-walking-dead-cast/id382998388?mt=2 i will check it every few days and if i see the podcast or find a video before anyone else i will post it here.

    There are also some pics from the panel in anyone is interested https://www.flickr.com/photos/walkerstalkerphotos/sets/72157650234130437/

    Is there a video of the San Francisco Melissa Panel?

  • Thank YOU so much! ^^

    OzzyUK posted: »

    There is not a video yet but apparently a podcast will be uploaded at some point to here https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-walking-dea

  • As long as she is a tag along character, instead of the main protagonist. Jesus Christ Season 2.

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